Bria (Brainiac 10)

The Suspicious Eye

Your Darling Devil


Name: Bria Braniac 10

Parents: Braniac, because we are all one.

Age: 15 days from last reboot

Costume: No costume but other forms include


But without green skin


Cyber beast


Look at this outfit, this chick is badass

Flaws: Hates illogical things, annoying things, humans. She is cold and uncaring, she does not joke or care for anything. She is too prideful in her abilities and family. She hates tacos....

Strengths: She is very adaptive to her surrounding. She has a profound data bank of information and power. She can regenerate and communicate... nay dominate technology.

Personality: Bria is a standoffish girl who doesn't care for the petty dribble of humans. She believes she is above all things and is the next god.

Brief bio: Crated by her "grandmother and great-grandfather" Bria 10 is the newest Braniacs. Bria has both Braniac intellect and human emotion, however unlike the others she is fully aware of her emotions and doesn't give a rats ass. After proving herself to the cause to destroy and avenge all heroes and humans she was beamed down to earth. Sadly she was beamed into a glacier and has been inactive for a long time. Luckily due to global warming she is now free and ready to kill....I mean assimilate with the others until they are deemed useless. For the time being she works as the right wing of Silhouette.

Powers: Lucy (pretty goof foreign film with Scarlet Johanson) like powers. Flight, intelligence, technological dominance, plasma/dark matter blasts, Matter alteration and dark metal (organic and durable, gonna take a lot of heat to cut that shiz)

Other: Nooooooooopppppppppeeeeeeeee

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