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Breaking the Band...


~Always Confused~
Breaking the Band.

(MxM rp)


A Roleplay with @Gigi and @JustSmile



A band is meant to stick together no matter what! For the fans and for themselves.

But what happens when tensions rise when a band member falls for another band members brother?!?
" Go on tour with you?" Jamal questioned, eyes narrowed as Andre pulled the cancer stick from his mouth and blew the smoke away from his face. The band had just recorded a hit single and was working on an album. Andre had just finished a performance at a local bar and stepped out to smoke. " Yeah. We'll be in the states for like a month then Europe and stuff." He muttered. Jamie eyebrows furrowed together. He couldn't believe Andre would ask him to come with him. He loved his brother but he was douche sometimes. Jamie had priorities anyway, school, work. Then again Jamie had no idea what the fuck he wanted to do. He had a Bachelor's in Business but he hadn't even gotten a serious job. He was filing mail at a law firm. " You hate your job anyway."

Jamal sighed. "Yeah. I'll go with you." He needed a little change of pace. Andre dropped his cigarette before crushing it under his foot. "Great." Andre muttered. He slung a arm around Jamal neck. "Let's tell the rest of the band." He opened the door and back stepped inside the pub.
The bar was almost empty. It was almost closing time, and they just finished up the show. Tony was almost completely wasted, and Gwen was resting her head on the table. Aaron thought she was asleep, or maybe dead. Aaron was putting his stuff away. That's when Andre, and his little brother walked in. Aaron had a little crush on his Jamie. It was nothing to serious, he just thought he was attractive. He looked up, as he walked in "finally I think the rest of the band wants to leave, it is 12." He said in his monotone voice.

Tony laughed and poked Jamie in the side. "What's he doing here?" He slurred. Aaron snickered a bit, "he has been here, dude I don't think you should drink after shows. Cause now we have to drive you home." He sighed, "I'm not found it, Andre you can." They always had acted like family, Aaron loved that about them.
" Came to see you guys but I'm late. To my surprise Andre is actually a little sober." Jamal chuckled. Andre scoffed. "Gwenny time to wakey wakey. " He muttered as he shook the female as he removed his hand from her shoulders. Octavian laughed. He had vanished after performance and magically reappeared. " Since most of you are drunk. Jamie and I are driving. Any objections? " He asked as he motioned them out the bar. "Wait! I have an announcement we have new member to band. Jamie will be our mascot." Andre informed the band members.

Jamie flushed. "Here I thought he wasn't drunk. He calls me a mascot."
Gwen woke up slightly, "Mascot? What does that mean? Are you saying he is touring with us?" She yawn, and stretched. She was completely sober, but didn't want to drive so she kept her mouth shut. Tony smiled brightly "Im perfectly okay with him coming! but what should we make him dress up as?maybe a seagull, or a donkey!" he then looked at Octavian confused, "where have you been? You disappeared, and puff your back! Are you magic!?!?"

Aaron stood up, and walked up to Jamie and laughed, "what do you want to dress up as? You are are mascot, you should have a costume."

Gwen stood up, and walked over to the door, "he isn't a mascot, because we don't have one...now stop picking on him. You guys are way to drunk." She laughed a bit.
" My afro is really a portal into Narnia. I allow people to use it with a fee." Octavian proclaimed his face in all seriousness before cracking a smile. Jamie frowned. " Yeah. I'm going on tour. Wait who's coming with me beside Andre and who's going with Octavian?" He questioned before nudging Andre to move. "Why are any you up? Aren't you going to start touring today." He moved towards the doors.
"How much!" Tony said completely shocked. Aaron laughed "why are you frowning you should be happy, not many people get to travel with a famous band!"

Tony poke at Octavians Afro, "I'm going with Mr.Octopus!" Tony smiled. Gwen "I'm with ether car..." Aaron yawned "ill go with you guys." He looked at Andre and Jamie.
Octavian slung his arms around Gwen's and Tony's neck. " Let's go Gwenny ." he said as he pushed the do0r open.Jamie had pushed the at Andre to get him moving. The singer grunted before moving "Let's go Aaron. " he muttered as made his way past bar door. He yawned. It be nice to at least have someone mature for a change in his car. Andre could such terrible company sometimes. Especially drunk, he'd stick his head out the window. Shout obscure things sometimes even grab the wheel while he was driving. " Aaron gets shotgun. " He muttered. Andre feigned a pained expression. "You like him better then me?" He questioned. Jamie rolled his eyes before unlocking the doors and Andre climbed into the backseat reluctantly.
Gwen smiled, and waved goodbye, then followed the boys out. Aaron laughed watching the two brothers bicker "of course he likes me better!" He got into the front seat the leaned over Jamie getting extremely close. He did that to lock the back to windows. He has heard many stories of Andre drunk, and didn't want to experience it himself. "Okay I'm ready, lets get going." He turned up the car radio a bit since it was silent. Just to break the awkwardness.

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