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Realistic or Modern Brandenburg Academy (realistic.mature. rp)


mega nerd

Brandenburg Academy

  • About Brandenburg

    a work of art is a unique result of a unique temperament

    -oscar wilde

    { about brandenburg }

    “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. Although heard so often, it is quite true. Brandenburg academy was founded within the ruins of a crumbling castle, its majestic arches and grand galleries withering away. It was tragically beautiful, if you must. Brandenburg rose in the midst of a national crisis, motivating and inspiring so many to continue onwards into building one of the best economies ever. But, Brandenburg isn’t the only thing awakening from garbage. Art was emerging again, into the cracks and crevices of every building, household, family, and person. The rise of Brandenburg was the rise of art, giving the academy the name of the most powerful art school in the history of the world.

    With five buildings and hundreds of classes, you would think that Brandenburg would be an easy school to get into. And if you were one to think this, you are dead wrong. Its power and prosperity has made the school quite large, specifically in the head. But although its high and almightiness, it is not biased. Brandenburg is a school that gives everyone a chance to succeed, no matter what. The only parameter that need be met is your love for art. Your passion for the arts, no matter what type of art, matters greatly to this prestige school. That is the only thing they look for, the only thing that is worth judging at this school.

    Art is a beautiful thing that has been with us since the beginning of type. The art of nature, the art of music, the art of travel, the art of art. Anything can be a piece of art, a piece of your passion if you put enough belief, effort, and all of your strength, emotionally and physically. Inside everyone is a piece of art, and Brandenburg helps expose it. Brandenburg Academy is situated in Oxford, England

    { the stratum }

    What is school without a social hierarchy? Boring, I must admit. Though, this isn’t your type of cat-fight, dramatic social strata ( although it will, occasionally, get feisty ). The stratum is a way of organization. Based on your talents, you are selected into a group that will be your classmates and hopefully friends. You are randomly selected into the houses, and you may change as time passes. Each student can have up to three other roommates as housing and spacing are limited.

    { the talents }

    [ picassos | painters, sculptors ]

    [ da vincis | architects, engineers, inventors ]

    [ poe’s | authors, poets ]

    [ tchaikovsky’s | composers ]

    [ avedons | photographers ]

    [ scorseses | film & production ]

    [ bachs | musicians ]

    [ shakesphere’s | play writers, actors, theatrical performers ]

    [ lennons | singers, vocalists ]

    [ ulanovas | dancers, ballerinas ]

    [ bourdains | chefs, bakers ]

    If you have any more ideas for the groups, please comment in the OOC chat

    { the houses }

    [ lotus ]

    [ allium ]

    [ garlands ]

    [ orchids ]

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Time: 8:00am

Event: Orientation / The School's Annual Meet & Greet

Where: The main ballroom

This is it, your big break. You have just been accepted in Brandenburg Academy, one of the finest and most exclusive art school in the world. You have just arrived through the school's grand gate and find yourself in the main courtyard. Students who have been enrolled in Brandenburg before have already settled in, while new arrivals have, well, just arrived.


?Camilla Powell?

{Location-Ballroom} {Interacting With-Anybody}

Arriving at the school, Camilla was exhausted. The plane ride was long, and sense she was still on Canada time, it felt like 2am, rather than 8. But, donned in a large comfortable sweater, and baggy sweatpants to match the part, she made her way to the gates of the school.

As she arrived, the sheer beauty of the school struck her by surprise, and the reality of where she really was hit her like a ton of bricks, melting away her sleep deprivation. Of course, after being trapped in her town for her whole life, of course she was going to be happy to get out, but that was different. Never had she been to a place where there were plenty of people who would share the same interests of her.

She bit her lip, to stop herself from grinning like an idiot as she walked to the enormous building.

Entering, she leaned against one of the walls, and suddenly realized she still had her backpack full of everything she had brought with her, albeit, not much, but enough to remind her of home. She set it on the ground, and replaced her back on the wall, waiting for some official person to speak, at least she thought that was what was supposed to happen.

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[ Carter Masumi Hayashi | da Vinci/Bach | Lotus | 17 ]

The castle-like school rolled into view as Carter's cab pulled up into the school's main gates. She was in utter awe and disbelief--she was finally here. This was the first step into her life, she was basically going away to university. There was a subtle, deep down feeling of fear and nervousness, but it was common, how could she not feel those things after leaving her home and doing something so big and drastic? As these feelings crossed her mind, she pushed them aside knowing that it could easily ruin her day to think about what she left at home.

In a thick French accent and in broken English, Carter's cab driver announced their arrival. She stepped out the car, followed by her driver who rushed to the trunk to hand her her luggage. She thanked the man, handed him his payment, and made her way towards the meet and greet, her luggage slung around her chest and welcoming papers in hand. Upon entering the building, she noticed she was a bit earlier. She gave a polite smile to a girl leaning against the wall, a bag at her feet.

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A long, nervous sigh escaped the brunette as she stared up at the school itself. 'This whole building's gotta be at least the size of my entire village.' She thought, biting her fingernail as she tryied to shake off all of her anxiety. Soon, Aster was going to enter a building filled with other kids as talented- or possibly even more talented- than her, which worried her sick. Not to mention she had to somehow make friends that she wouldn't scare away, as well as avoid becoming the outcast of the school. And she wasn't going to accomplish any of that if she continued to stand in the front of the school like an awestruck moron.

So, Aster began to force her legs to carry her through the gates of the school, with her bags behind her. Her ukulele was strapped casually in it's case on her back, quickly giving away what instrument she played. The whole school was beautiful and mesmerizing, and even though she had no ability to produce any visual artwork, the scenery and architecture was breathtaking. As her introverted nature prevailed, instead of going to talk to any of her fellow new arrivals in the courtyard, she casually walked around, looking at anything and everything that caught her eye. She had been distracted so much by the complete beauty of the place (as well as her attempt to avoid speaking to anyone) that she didn't even notice the fact that she was quickly accelerating in the direction of-- Aster was taken aback as she collided into something, more like someone, immediately dropping her bags.

Tags: Anyone



17 | poe/scorsese | i forgot lmao

Aleksander's belongings were already in his room. He had stayed over the summer, enrolling the year previous. He loved the meet and greet upon his arrival, and decided to help out this year with the new students.

Standing with his back turned away from the entrance, Aleksander was struck by someone much smaller than he. "Hey, be a little careful," he said as he turned around to see the girl he has run into. His tone was not menacing at all, and hoped that he did not come off as that. He picked up her fallen bags before handing it to her. "Make sure not to run into the other artwork," he joked. He was unable to keep himself from a small giggle at his own lame joke.

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Chance stepped out of the cab, scrounging up a wrinkled twenty dollar bill from his pocket and offering it to a less than satisfied cab driver who grumbled at him in a language foreign to his ears before popping the trunk, not bothering to help him with his luggage. Chance sighed, grabbing a backpack full of smaller items and things that would need his immediate attention, slinging it over his shoulder before pulling out a small suitcase that was black with a white lightning streak crudely spray painted on one of the zipper pouches. He breathed in a bit of the fresh, morning air, smelling the faintest scent of rain and wondering if it had passed or was on its way, and grabbed his guitar case before closing the trunk to the cab and walking towards the gates of Brandenburg.

He just stood in the entrance for a long moment, staring in awe at the beautiful sight laid out before him. A low whistle fell out of his mouth and he took slow, meaningless steps forward, looking around at all the scenery as if he had never seen anything like it before, especially not in the tarnished streets of San Francisco, where he had spent more time on a fire escape than even dreaming of sights such as what he saw in that moment. He soon found himself closer to the main doors, looking around all the people, wondering if it was safe to say hello to anyone, or if perhaps he should just find his dorm and start unpacking. After all he had a busy schedule and he needed to keep it fulfilled.

Aster immediately came to her senses, and backed away from the guy that she had rammed into, mainly to get a better look at the incredibly tall stranger. "Oh my God, I'm sorry, I..-" She cut herself short when he gave her back her bags, as well as adding in a small joke. At first, she thought he was being serious and that he had an ego, but as he laughed slightly, a grin crossed Aster's lips. "Oh please, I only run into the finest of art. It would be a disgrace if I fell into any of that other rubbish." Her tone was obviously joking as well, being filled with sarcasm, although it was clear she didn't know how to properly format her joke due to her awkward nature.

"But jokes aside, I really am sorry. I should have been paying attention. I wouldn't want to damage such fine artwork." She couldn't help but bring up his joke again, which was very lame of her. The way she worded her jokes could have come out as flirting, but the girl didn't know this.

Tags: @thea cat


M .


da Vinci/Bach | 17 | lotus

More and more people began filling into the ballroom. Carter had already an amount of respect for the people around her. They were all talented, and extremely hard workers for being able to get into Brandenburg. She had always thought herself a little above her peers, but now she felt for sure that she had competition. She watched as a boy with blonde or white hair (Chance) entered, she couldn't tell. She also smiled at him. She was still a little iffy about conversing with people and it took her a few moments before she interacted with him with a, "I could easily tell you're from California as well". That was a lie. She just wanted to have an ice breaker. But maybe he was. He didn't act like the people she had seen so far. He had that Californian vibe that she hoped she was correct about.

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17 | poe/scorsese | i forgot lmao

Aleksander only laughed at the girl. Not in a mocking way, but in response to her jokes. "It's alright. But it may not be so with the others around here. They're kinda...scary." He made sure he sounded serious. He leaned in towards the girl, nodding his head towards a random boy to his right. "You see that lad? That's Jeremy Kazura. I heard he once punched a kid in the face for helping him pick up his pencil he dropped in class. You wouldn't want to run into him." Alex was, of course, joking. He didn't know that kid at all, and his scrawny limbs made it so he
would need help picking up his pencil. He wondered if she'd catch his joking. Alex remembered watching a senior student play tricks on the new kids upon his arrival the year prior, and seemed to find himself finding amusement to the tradition.

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Chance chuckled at the girl's deduction, nodding his head at her. "Yes ma'am," he grinned despite his slight desire to break away from the crowd and submerge himself into his work. He knew he had to be sociable of course, he just wasn't expecting someone to talk to him so soon. "What gave it away?" He asked, glancing down at himself. He had black skinny jeans and a plain wife-beater on so it couldn't have been his outfit, though he guessed his tan skin might have put some indication towards sunny California. He looked back over at her. "And you must be from Cali, too. Takes one to know one after all," he added with a friendly smile, though he was truly glancing just over her head for a place to escape to. He had four songs to write, two to finish, and seven to record. By next Friday.

@thea cat


M .


da Vinci/Bach | 17 | lotus

"It was just a wild guess," Carter responded, admitting to her lack of evidence. "Though, after hearing you speak it's a dead give away. I bet these people would be laughing at us if they were in hearing vicinity. Cali girl accent is probably the most mocked accent I can think of outside the States," she said. It was only subtle, but Carter noticed that he was thinking of something else. She noticed that his eyes weren't really looking at hers, a good indication of interest in a conversation. She made light of it though. "Know anyone?" she asked, wondering if he was looking at someone in the crowd he was friends with.

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?Camilla Powell?

{Location-Ballroom} {Interacting With- @McMajestic @thea cat }

Standing against the wall, Camilla watched people file into the large ballroom. She found herself in a situation she had never been in before, she had never been in before, it seemed like everyone had someone to talk to, and here she was standing against the wall like a total loner. She bit the side of her lip and frowned as the room slowly got more and more crowded, she snapped out of her gaze, as she realized someone was smiling at her, she gave a quick wave and watched as the girl went and talked to another man. The way they were talking made it seem like they knew each other beforehand, thinking this was her chance, she approached the two people.

"I don't mean to interrupt," she began "but do either of you know your way around this place? I have a feeling I'm gonna need some help later on" She snickered. While she was only half using it as a way to talk to people, she also hoped they really did know their way around here, this place was gigantic, after all.

When the stranger began talking about how scary the other students were, Aster actually believed him. The story about the scrawny looking boy punching a kid in the face seemed rather intimidating, however, it only brought a laugh from the girls lips. Punching was child's play compared to the kind of damage she's inflicted. "Don't worry, I can handle myself. I may be a klutz, but I can handle a fight or two. When I was twelve, I broke my older brother's ankle because he stole the TV remote." This next comment came out as serious as serious could be. She was by no means lying or joking. Aster had once sent her brother to the emergency room just because he wanted to watch Nickelodeon when she wanted to watch Disney Channel. By the time she said this, she prayed that he would think she was joking, worrying that if he took her seriously, he would be freaked out and run away.

"If anything, you should be looking out for yourself, pretty boy." This time, she was just teasing him. Aster had no doubt that he could stand up for himself.

Tags: @thea cat
Jeonghan was nervous. The school was huge. A lot bigger than the public school he went to back home. He definitely didn't think he fit in here. He had taken a cab to get here, seeing as walking from the airport didn't seem like a good idea. He managed to find his way to the ballroom after a returning student pointed him in the right direction. The ballroom took his breath away. He knew he should introduce himself to people, try to make friends, but he also knew it would be hard.

Jeonghan looked around, hoping to find someone to talk to. Everyone seemed to be talking to other people though. So he stood off to the side, by himself. He was sure his siblings would make fun of him so bad if they could see him now, but he didn't care. He'd make friends eventually, right?



17 | poe/scorsese | i forgot lmao

"Oh wow, really?" he asked, his face in astonishment. He was genuinely surprised. The girls in Greece were pretty tough, but he couldn't imagine his classmates breaking another's limbs for a television show. He laughed at her comment. "Pretty boy?" he had the most Greek accent when he said this, but he didn't mind. He would continue laughing until he laid eyes on an Asian boy (Jeonghan) standing by the wall. He realized with this batch of new years that many of them were rather shy. He decided to converse with the boy. "Hey, let's go socialize," he suggested to the girl, nodding his head towards the boys direction.

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@RedLikeRoses @Tinker Bell

"Well, yeah.. I mean.. It was an accident... Sorta." She trailed off, putting a hand on the back of her neck as she looked down at her boots awkwardly. When he repeated her 'Pretty Boy' comment, she laughed slightly. His accent was cute, plus, the boy didn't seem to eager to run away from her, so things were looking up. "Well I don't know what else to call you, considering I don't know you're name..?" She trailed off, just before he mentioned socializing. 'Well okay, I thought I was doing a pretty good job talking to just you, but the more the merrier, yeah?' Aster thought to herself, socialization was never her strong suit. But still, in hopes to remain on this strangers good side, she nodded, and began to walk towards the stranger. She figured that she would let the two do all of the talking as she sat in the background, giving the occasional sarcastic remark. That was what she was used to at her old school.

Tags: @thea cat @Tinker Bell


M .


da Vinci/Bach | 17 | lotus

Before the boy could respond, they were interrupted by a pretty brunette girl asking for directions. It was the girl Carter smiled to earlier. "I'm clueless," Carter responded to her with a light laugh, putting her hands up and shaking her head. "This is my first year here. I just came in from Cali, along with this guy." She looked towards her fellow Californian. She had already grown some sort of attachment to him, small as it may be, but she felt a little more secure knowing that there was someone similar to her around in this new country.

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@McMajestic @SimpleReading​




17 | poe/scorsese | i forgot lmao

"I'm Aleksander," he responded quickly to her as she mentioned not knowing his name. Aleksander was surprised with himself, he was never one to initiate conversations. But he felt a little more confident today. In a room full of newcomers, he was experienced. He knew things these people didn't. It would be unlikely that they would judge him, so that didn't stop him from socializing. Everyone seemed friendly enough anyways, there was no harm that could be done. "Judging by your bags and lack of communication, I'm assuming you're new here?" Alex said to the boy, his classic, radiating smile sprouting on his face. "I'm Aleksander, and this is..." he trailed off, turning to the girl whose name he had not learned yet.

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@RedLikeRoses @Tinker Bell

'Aleksander, fancy.' Aster thought to herself, before Aleksander began talking to the Asian boy in front of them. She set her things down on the ground, but still held her ukulele and it's case firmly in her hands. Eventually, Aleksander introduced both him and her, which resulted in them both wanting to know her name, "Aster." Her subtle French-Canadian accent slipped through her usually steady American one when she said her name, one of the few words in which her accent would reveal itself. Aster's accent always bothered her, which resulted in the girl finding a sudden interest in a random spot on the ground while she listened to the boy's speak to one another.

Tags: @thea cat @Tinker Bell
As Jeonghan looked around, he realized people were coming towards him. Crap. What do I do? What do I say? 'Hi...'? No. That sounds stupid...'Hi, I'm Jeonghan?' No, my full name sounds weird... Then they were in front of him and the other boy was speaking. Had he really made it that obvious he was new here? Or was it always that obvious to returning students? He nodded a bit, confirming he was in fact new. Name, he had to give his name now. "I, um, I'm Jeonghan." He said. He looked to the other person, a girl. Maybe he could make friends after all. He just had to try really hard.

Tags: @RedLikeRoses @thea cat

?Camilla Powell?

{Location-Ballroom} {Interacting With- @thea cat @McMajestic }

"I guess we all get to be lost together then" She snickered. She didn't know exactly where California was, she used to know all the American states, but she had long sense forgotten them.

"I just got off a plane from Ontario, so I guess were all in the same boat of not knowing at all what were doing." She continued, laughing at her own joke.




17 | poe/scorsese | i forgot lmao

"Jeonghan.." he repeated to himself. With his accent the name sounded funny, a little harsh and awkward. He was unfamiliar with Asian words, or any words really that wasn't Greek or Turkish. "Did I say that correctly? Jee-ong-han?" He pronounced each syllable slowly. It was heavy and thick the way he said it, unlike the boy's introduction. Aleksander laughed a little at himself. "You must forgive me, I've only been speaking English for a year, let alone..." he paused, thinking of the language, "...Korean...?" he hesitated, hoping he did not get it wrong.

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@RedLikeRoses @Tinker Bell

Chance shook his head, catching eyes with the girl. He wasn't one to pay much attention to people but he took a moment to memorize this girl. Another California resident, maybe somebody he could look towards for help in the future. When the new girl popped up he blinked at her, trying hard to keep paying attention to the situation at hand. He didn't want to look like he was dying to run away even though he kind of was. "Hey. I'm Chance, singer slash songwriter by day, stressed out coffee drinker by night," he offered his pathetic attempt at a joke. He smiled at both of them, trying to remind himself that people were actually cool as long as they didn't get in his way, and she didn't seem like the type that would. Or at least, he hoped she wasn't.

@thea cat @SimpleReading
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M .


da Vinci/Bach | 17 | lotus

Carter actually laughed. Despite the status quo, she loved cheesy and lame jokes. She loved them in an ironic sense, but loved them either way. "Carter," she said simply, shaking his hand. She decided that she actually liked this boy, that she would consider--eventually--opening up to him. She couldn't make any assumptions yet, but she could say that he made a good first impression on her. "This whole house system thing...Do you guys know what that's about? I got into Lotus. I heard on these forums about the school that it's one of the most popular, but that's only because it's on the top floor or something like that."

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@McMajestic @SimpleReading​

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