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Fantasy Born to be Free (OOC)


New Member
Hello, everybody. Thanks so much for showing interest in Born to be Free. I'm very new at this, so thank you for staying with me.

Here's the link to the interest thread.
Here's the link to information about society and the land.
Here's the link to the character sheets.

Just a reminder of the rules, which I'll post here so they are easy to find:

No god-modding.
No overpowered characters.
Please try to post at least once a week. If you post every day, that might be too fast and the rest of us won't be able to keep up (such as myself). Use your best judgment.
Please keep your posts at least 2-3 paragraphs in length.

Also, if you want to create a new nation/race, please PM me so I can approve it.
And I will also have to approve characters before they are put into play. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or ask them here.
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animegirl20 animegirl20 , it is a different world, so history and technology have progressed somewhat differently. The whole world outside of Soli is pre-industrial. In the country of Soli, we're just starting to discover what will pave the way for the industrial revolution. We have wooden ships with masts, oil lamps, and very simple machines like the cotton gin. Just now, a Palarian inventor has discovered how to harness steam power to create a steam engine and has envisioned a new way of transportation: the railroad.

Also there is no electricity and like I said, no guns or explosive technology yet. The Palarians certainly have not heard about it.

Basically, envision the Roman or Persian empire if they had figured out how to harness the power of steam and had a few simple machines to help up its production a little. However, society is very segmented, there is a huge social divide, and everyone still lives a fairly ancient way of life. People and animals are still basically how you do your labor. And like I said, the world outside of Soli is entirely stuck in ancient times and is pre-industrial.
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animegirl20 animegirl20 , it is a different world, so history and technology have progressed somewhat differently. The whole world outside of Soli is pre-industrial. In the country of Soli, we're just starting to discover what will pave the way for the industrial revolution. We have wooden ships with masts, oil lamps, and very simple machines like the cotton gin. Just now, a Palarian inventor has discovered how to harness steam power to create a steam engine and has envisioned a new way of transportation: the railroad.

Also there is no electricity and like I said, no guns or explosive technology yet. The Palarians certainly have not heard about it.

Basically, envision the Roman empire if the Roman empire figured out how to harness the power of steam and had a few simple machines to help up its production a little. However, society is very segmented, there is a huge social divide, and everyone still lives a fairly ancient way of life. People and animals are still basically how you do your labor. And like I said, the world outside of Soli is entirely stuck in ancient times and is pre-industrial.
ok gotcha thanks!
When you're trying to find a picture for your old-man-with-a-staff character that actually matches what you have in your head and all you can find are pictures of Gandalf...
Haha, I thought I'd try and find pictures for my characters, but it feels hard since I have a clear idea of them in my mind and nothing seems to match up. And I can't draw. Like, I can't even draw stick figures without messing it up somehow.
My sister actually is this amazing artist. Somehow she got all the talent in that regard. I got left with nothing. I actually think I might have something like aphantasia - not really having "mental imagery" like other people.
My sister actually is this amazing artist. Somehow she got all the talent in that regard. I got left with nothing. I actually think I might have something like aphantasia - not really having "mental imagery" like other people.
I can sort of draw....but after high school that sort of talent I was starting to build went completely down the drain. Do you want to learn how to draw or not really?
I can sort of draw....but after high school that sort of talent I was starting to build went completely down the drain. Do you want to learn how to draw or not really?

I'm okay without being able to. I think it's a wonderful skill. I would be interested in taking art classes someday to help me with that manner of expression, but it would have to be like... remedial art.
I'm okay without being able to. I think it's a wonderful skill. I would be interested in taking art classes someday to help me with that manner of expression, but it would have to be like... remedial art.
Well I asked because there's actually this pretty cool site called skill share that like has people on there that teach drawing of course there other stuff you can learn on the site but its pretty cool I did a free trial of it a month ago and there were a lot of cool classes.
Well I asked because there's actually this pretty cool site called skill share that like has people on there that teach drawing of course there other stuff you can learn on the site but its pretty cool I did a free trial of it a month ago and there were a lot of cool classes.

Whoa. That actually sounds really neat. Maybe I'll give it a try. Thanks! ^_^

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