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One x One Bonds Beyond Reality


Three Thousand Club
Hey there AntiMatter.

I'm working on a character sheet for you.


Okay, so here's the sheet I'd like you to fill out and put in the "Character Sign-Up" Page for me.

[b]Name:[/b] (Any name so long as it's somewhat original)
[b]Picture:[/b] (Any kind of pic is fine)

[b]Description:[/b] (One paragraph with a total of five sentences describing 
your character's physical appearance from the color of eyes, hair, skin, etc, 
to the body shape, weight, muscularity, clothing, etc)

[b]Age:[/b] (18+ as the contest will require it)
[b]DOB:[/b] (It's modern, so use the modern calendar to figure a birthday)
[b]Height:[/b] (Obvious)
[b]Weight:[/b] (Obvious)
[b]Voice Type:[/b] (Women from low to high, Alto, Contralto, Mezzo-Soprano,
[b]Body Type:[/b] (Mesomorph, ectomorph, endomorph)

[b]Personality:[/b] (One paragraph with five sentences describing basic personality

[b]Bio:[/b] (At least two paragraphs with five sentences each describing your
character's life story)

That's it!

Take your time and work on it when you can. When it's finished let me know and I'll take a look. In the meantime I'll be working on my character as well.
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Alright. Sorry if the ultra late response was an inconvenience. Had to run to school. My CS will be done by tonight. If you have any problems with my CS please tell me. I would love constructive criticism
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AntiMatter said:
Alright. Sorry if the ultra late response was an inconvenience. Had to run to school. My CS will be done by tonight. If you have any problems with my CS please tell me. I would love constructive criticism
I have no serious criticisms to give. Nice work. I took the liberty of spacing the first paragraph in the bio into three sections for you, as the chunk of text was a bit hard to read.

I think we're just about ready to begin given what you have. The only question I have is what will Celia name her new AI?
AntiMatter said:
Thank you. Sorry about that.
Alright. Celia will name her new AI Sparkle.

Let us start. :3
We will.

I have to go to work in about 20 minutes, so I'll let you post first if you have time right now.

The scenario is that she doesn't have her AI yet. She can be on her way home from her job or on her way to her job when she sees a man at a booth doing a drawing from a box. Inside are pieces of paper which say "LOSER!", but one of them says "WINNER!" She'll decide to play just for fun and she'll win, receiving a small cartridge which houses her AI.

She can either activate it on the way or do so on the job once she gets to the library. Once she does activate it, she'll be prompted to either scan an image of her AI's desired appearance, or input her desired features and let the AI create a draft of it which she can approve or disapprove of. Once she approves of its appearance, she will be prompted to name it. Once she inputs its name, it will give her a loading bar.

That's where I'll take over when I get home in my first post as I bring her AI to life and begin their first conversation.
AntiMatter said:
Done. It was the opening, so I felt it needed to be a bit detailed.
Not a problem.

Remember for me to be able to post anything though she has to activate it and design his appearance and tell it what it's name will be.
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AntiMatter said:
So I can activate and de active the AI at any time, right? Or can it follow me around? :3
You can call on him at any time or tell him to "sleep" at which time he'll remain inactive until/unless called upon.
Any ideas on how they fall in love?

I'm thinking something horrible happens to Celia like a car accident, or she found out she's adopted. Then Theo comforts her, then they fall in love. Have any other suggestions? Does my proposal seem a bit unrealistic? Lmao.
AntiMatter said:
Any ideas on how they fall in love?
I'm thinking something horrible happens to Celia like a car accident, or she found out she's adopted. Then Theo comforts her, then they fall in love. Have any other suggestions? Does my proposal seem a bit unrealistic? Lmao.
We don't need to rush things. We can drag it out. Remember Theo needs to actually learn how to be human. He's still quite mechanical right now so once he matures a bit we can talk about it a bit more in detail.

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