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Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire

"Sucks for you" that's a bit too rude considering some of us had no idea we were able to make our characters and have more important things going on right now. Count me out. I'm not putting up with that kind of rudeness.
@emdillon - I'm afraid I'm going to have to back out of this roleplay, because I have too many on my plate at the moment. It also looks to be getting ginormous, which I always find difficult to follow. xD
Ktulu said:
@emdillon - I'm afraid I'm going to have to back out of this roleplay, because I have too many on my plate at the moment. It also looks to be getting ginormous, which I always find difficult to follow. xD
That's fine :) thanks for the heads up!

Now that we have the character sheets up, it seems like a good time to start this roleplay. :)

I've requested an updates tab, and after every 5 pages, I'll post a summary of what's happened, so if anyone wasn't online, or if new people join, they won't be lost.

I'll have the starter up soon and thanks to anyone who's joined! :)
Ah, I didn't realize the rp had started. I wasn't feelin' too hot yesterday so I hardly checked the internet world. ;v;

@Inritz @Annabella @NimbusTheCat

@Zatanna @Kasper


I know this roleplay is just getting started, but this is just a friendly reminder to get out there and talk to some of the other characters. There've been a lot of starter posts for characters but not a whole lot of conversations going on, so if you see someone with a starter post not roleplaying with anyone, please take it among yourself to start talking. Maybe I sound a little bit pushy but I don't want this roleplay to fall into the pit of dead roleplays.

Thank you,

Your hnourable and noble Queen Lizzy​


Zatanna said:
Oh or just ignore me. You really are a bitch ;p
Im going to bed. Night all <3


Oh my god Lexie needs to chill out lmao. xD
"Rudeness" well I'm not going to wait forever for someone that's gonna take forever to post a form, am I? Adios to her then.

Also sorry for ignoring you!
sorry y'all, i would have gotten involved sooner but i fell asleep. ill be more into it today probably! <3
Edward is uncomfortable picking a "kid" to talk to. He definitely doesn't want to seem like a creeper, if it goes on too much longer I'll roll a die and pick one at random and hopefully they won't assume the worst.
opburning said:

@Inritz @Annabella @NimbusTheCat

@Zatanna @Kasper


I know this roleplay is just getting started, but this is just a friendly reminder to get out there and talk to some of the other characters. There've been a lot of starter posts for characters but not a whole lot of conversations going on, so if you see someone with a starter post not roleplaying with anyone, please take it among yourself to start talking. Maybe I sound a little bit pushy but I don't want this roleplay to fall into the pit of dead roleplays.

Thank you,

Your hnourable and noble Queen Lizzy​


"Rudeness" well I'm not going to wait forever for someone that's gonna take forever to post a form, am I? Adios to her then.

Also sorry for ignoring you!
Ah, I apologize. I'm dealing with school and balancing other RP's at the same time as well, I've also made sure to detail certain ones due to finding quality over quantity a better resort but I will try to post often if I can.
@Inritz @Annabella everything is fine, I just wanted to make sure I sent that message out before anyone felt left out or anything!
I will be gone for a little while. (Say, ten to fifteen minutes?) I will answer to any replies (if there are any!) when I get back!
Hey guys, I think I might have to drop out of this roleplay. I didn't expect it to get so big, and I don't think I can reallly manage a roleplay that moves so fast since I only get to post on weekends. Hope you understand, and good luck roleplaying. Sorry for any inconvenience I might be making. Thank you :) @emdillon @opburning
@pulpfiction that's fine :) I understand!

If everyone wouldn't mind, could you stop posting for at least an hour or so? I'd like to type up the summary of what's gone on so far, as this has moved fast, and some people haven't even started to post yet. Once I'm done uploading an update, you may start posting again. :)

Thanks, and sorry for the pause! xo
Hey, sorry it's so late into it and such, I need to drop out of the rp. I'm in a lot of them and schools starting so I needed to drop some... So sorry to do this 3: thanks for understanding

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