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Realistic or Modern Bonding Over a Bonfire




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The Stoner



Name: Alexander Kingsley

Age: Twenty-Two

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 175lbs

Distinguishing features (dimples, birth mark, etc.): None

Any tattoos: He has his left arm tattooed, with a large hexagonal pattern.

Any piercings: Both ears are pierced, but he never wears his earrings.

Usual outfit: He has a really hipster sense of fashion. He'll wear something really obscure for no reason whatsoever. You could think of his outfits are based off Mumford and Sons.



Job, if any: He works at a tea shop, it's a relaxing place for him

Favourite colour: Purple

Favourite song: Pyramids - Frank Ocean

Dreams and aspirations: To make deep cinematic masterpieces, something to make think about themselves on another level. His dream from the start was to become a director, just like his favorite director Stanley Kubric.

Fears: He fears to be alone, but then again doesn't everybody. Feeling as though he's not important, that his role in life is complete. To become a rut, someone who won't succeed any further in life, and is stuck where they are.

Pet peeves: Small things tend to bother him, like a constant ringing or ticking. He also hates when someone talks about something they have no idea about, as if they're an expert on the subject.


Birthday: September 22

Place of birth: Buffalo, New York

Personality: Alexander is a great friend, he'll look out for someone in a heartbeat. With that kindness though, he usually becomes a push over and let's people walk all over him. He's a dreamer though, always has some crazy plan in his mind, just no execution. He's a lost spirit, unsure of what he's really doing with himself. When it comes to film though, he could tell you what type of editing they did, and what angles they used. Just don't get on his bad side though, he's not afraid to put someone in their place. He can be a bit of a scatterbrain, but there is a point where he will focus on something.


Alexander first grew up with both parents, but eventually it just became him and his mom. His father grew into a deep depression due to losing his job, and began drinking. One day Alex's father took it too far, and hit his mother. Ever since that day, Alexander gained a new outlook on life, sort of a epiphany. He figured if he worked really hard for the things he wanted, he wouldn't be laid off like his father. After his mother left his father, Alexander moved away to live with his mother and grandmother. Going to school was sort of hard for him because he was a bit shy. He did end up meeting a great group of friends that were like him

When he finally reached high school, Alex took up any opportunity he could get to work on films. He would intern at local telvision studios, and help them with production. Everything was great for him, as he built up knowledge of his passion. In his senior year of high school he tried making a short film with his friends, but that idea eventually fell apart. After High School, Alex went to a university for digital media, which is not only putting him in debt with student loans. It's also helping him meet a lot of new people. His new crew of friends that he dormed with, they were all pot heads. Eventually making Alexander try it, and like that it happened. There wasn't a night they didn't smoke.

The smoking made Alexander lose aspiration for his work. He would just get and reflect on his life like he usually does. He sometimes thought the weed was the problem, but that didn't stop him from smoking. Now that college is over, Alexander needed a place to live without going back home. He took up a couple jobs to help pay his bills and overwhelms himself. Now all he does is work and smoke weed, with a loss of drive to do anything Alexander has sort of put himself in a rut.

Reason for needing an escape: He wants to get away from life, even if it's just for a little bit. He wants to figure out what to do with his life without the use marijuana. Having a sense of high and euphoria without the smoke.



The Runaway | Megan Ramos (21) | @Bills352

The Stoner | Alexander Kingsely (22) | @NimbusTheCat

The Closeted Homosexual | Elijah Faith (20) | @Inritz

The One Battling Mental Illness | Felicity Anders (17) | @Kasper

The One Who Pays for his Problems | Zayn Atticus Slater (18) | @Zatanna

The Bully | Chanel Stacey Rogue (18) | @Zatanna

The Closeted Transgender | The ever-fabulous Brandy Davall (20) | @Felicity

The Ex-Circus Freak | Nikita (18) | @opburning

The Child of a Military Family | Isac St. Jones (17) | @Lightning Quick





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c40cee9a5_resizedi.jpg.170cf169fe020baee9aa7b494eebb53e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69579" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c40cee9a5_resizedi.jpg.170cf169fe020baee9aa7b494eebb53e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cheers, darling.

The Alcoholic

Lukas Fleischmann


I can legally drink now. Ha. Now let's drink to that, shall we?"



Ain't obvious enough for you?"







163 lbs.

Distinguishing Features:

Got Moby-fucking-Dick on my shoulder right here. Wundervoll."

He has a small birthmark on the back of his left shoulder. It is shaped like a whale.

Any Tattoos:

It ain't so bad, is it?"

Lukas got his skin stained with ink when he was eighteen; the tattoo is located on his left wrist, which says "
something cool" in black, medium sized letters. It has no hidden meaning whatsoever, since he got it during a dare when he was out late at night, drinking with his friends. When he was asked by the artist what design he wanted, he simply slurred "som'n' cool," and fell into a drunken sleep.

Any Piercings:


Usual Outfit:

Lukas isn't one to dress up for any occasion, simply because he's too lazy to. He is usually seen wearing either a tank top, a shirt, a sweater, or a plain dress shirt, depending on the weather. Whatever top it may be, he'll pair it with jeans, and his favourite red sneakers. During colder days, he can be seen wearing a grey beanie. Lukas also obsessively rolls up his sleeves, no matter how cold the weather may be. It is a quirk of his.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c40d054ba_resizediii.jpg.80c15600f1a86660dae3c5b0cfc90cc0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69581" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c40d054ba_resizediii.jpg.80c15600f1a86660dae3c5b0cfc90cc0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hobbies: "Just one more bottle, yeah?" There is nothing Lukas loves more than drinking alcohol. From dusk till dawn, the brunet will never be seen without a bottle in hand. He has been drinking since he was fifteen, which made him tolerant to the effects of the milder and weaker alcoholic beverages. Due to this, he usually consumes the stronger types (like Vodka) at the start of the day, and gradually moves on to the weaker ones when he can't tell the difference any longer. Aside from alcohol consumption, Lukas also smokes cigarettes. He doesn't do it often to be considered as a hobby, but he doesn't really do anything other than smoking and drinking to begin with. However, when he is sober and out of cigarettes, he loves to just take a walk, and go wherever his feet takes him.

Job (if any): Ever since he moved out of his parents' home, Lukas found a job at a local restaurant, where he works as a waiter. The pay is just enough to cover his rent, utilities, and the numerous bottles of alcohol he consumes a day. Having a job doesn't stop him from drinking though. During breaks, he goes out at the back to get his flask that he left there prior to going to work. He still does a decent job, since he only brings the milder drinks with him.

Favourite Colour: "Blue is a nice colour." Lukas likes the colour blue. During his numerous walks, he often looks at the sky and feels relaxed while staring at the blue colour.

Favourite Song: "Ah, but, you got away. Yeah, didn't you baby? You just turned your back on the crowd." Lukas listens to all types of songs, from classical to metal, as influenced by both his parents, and his friends. But if he has to choose a favourite song, it has to be a cover of Chelsea Hotel # 2.



Dreams and Aspirations: "I ain't gonna make history, and I have no problems with that. No sir." Lukas doesn't really have any dreams or aspirations yet. In fact, he doesn't know if he has a purpose at all.

Fears: As much as Lukas loves drinking, his greatest fear is that he'll never be able to stop. He knows that his addiction will kill him eventually, but he doesn't know how to stop himself. He doesn't know if he even can.

Pet Peeves: "You think I don't know that? Miststück." Lukas absolutely hates it whenever someone tells him to stop drinking or it will have negative consequences on his health. He knows his predicament, and he hates other people rubbing it to his face as if he wanted to be that way. Another pet peeve of his is when people blame anything but themselves for their failure, and talks as if they know about everything.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c40cf3c4f_resizedii.jpg.dae96ac1ed340235656bd5bc040cbf30.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69580" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c40cf3c4f_resizedii.jpg.dae96ac1ed340235656bd5bc040cbf30.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Birthday: The tenth of August, in the year 1994

Place of Birth: Bavaria, Germany

Personality: "You can have my cigarettes, but not my drink honey." Lukas is actually a pretty decent guy for an alcoholic, just don't take his drink away from him. He takes life one step at a time, and doesn't really plan for, or worry about the future. He also enjoys trying out new stuff or ideas that he hasn't done yet; anything to keep his mind off of things (in addition to alcohol consumption). He loves challenges, and is somewhat a daredevil when it comes to it; always taking things to the extreme whenever he is challenged to do something (most of the time, it's the alcohol talking, or his boredom). Lukas also loves handing out lame jokes and puns (to anyone) like the free flyers handed out in the streets; unwanted, and unnecessary. But he enjoys it nonetheless. When it comes to making friends, he doesn't really let people get close to him easily. But if they somehow manage to, he will freely show his softer, caring, and more vulnerable side to them. With that being said, there are negative aspects in his personality. Lukas is quick to anger (the alcohol talking), which often leads to altercations. Due to this, he's almost always covered in bruises after an unpleasant conversation or meeting. He also has a wicked tongue (and sense of humour) and can often be heard being as "colourful" as a sailor.

Background: "Do you really have to bring this up? Quit harshing my fucking mellow. Verpiss dich!" Lukas Fleischmann was born in Bavaria Germany in the year 1994. He didn't really remember anything about his birthplace though, or his native country, because a few days after, his parents decided that they move to America. His mother knows a little English, and his father doesn't know anything about it at all, but they didn't have any options. His father is running from the law, and America at the time (and from what they heard), sounds like a land of opportunity. His parents had a hard time learning the language and settling in, but not for Lukas. He learned quickly, and started making connections. As an only child in a well-to-do family, he was doted after by his mother. His father however, kept things more strict with him. He has a specific set of rules he has to follow everyday, without fail. Because of this, he became rebellious growing up, which led him to become an alcoholic, much to his parents' dismay.

Reason for Needing an Escape: "Just take me somewhere. Anywhere. Ja?" Lukas just wants to "pause" his stupid life for just a while. He needs a break from his parents, his problems, and himself.



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[QUOTE="Teddy Squirts]

The Stoner



Name: Alexander Kingsley

Age: Twenty-Two

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 175lbs

Distinguishing features (dimples, birth mark, etc.): None

Any tattoos: He has his left arm tattooed, with a large hexagonal pattern.

Any piercings: Both ears are pierced, but he never wears his earrings.

Usual outfit: He has a really hipster sense of fashion. He'll wear something really obscure for no reason whatsoever. You could think of his outfits are based off Mumford and Sons.



Job, if any: He works at a tea shop, it's a relaxing place for him

Favourite colour: Purple

Favourite song: Pyramids - Frank Ocean

Dreams and aspirations: To make deep cinematic masterpieces, something to make think about themselves on another level. His dream from the start was to become a director, just like his favorite director Stanley Kubric.

Fears: He fears to be alone, but then again doesn't everybody. Feeling as though he's not important, that his role in life is complete. To become a rut, someone who won't succeed any further in life, and is stuck where they are.

Pet peeves: Small things tend to bother him, like a constant ringing or ticking. He also hates when someone talks about something they have no idea about, as if they're an expert on the subject.


Birthday: September 22

Place of birth: Buffalo, New York

Personality: Alexander is a great friend, he'll look out for someone in a heartbeat. With that kindness though, he usually becomes a push over and let's people walk all over him. He's a dreamer though, always has some crazy plan in his mind, just no execution. He's a lost spirit, unsure of what he's really doing with himself. When it comes to film though, he could tell you what type of editing they did, and what angles they used. Just don't get on his bad side though, he's not afraid to put someone in their place. He can be a bit of a scatterbrain, but there is a point where he will focus on something.


Alexander first grew up with both parents, but eventually it just became him and his mom. His father grew into a deep depression due to losing his job, and began drinking. One day Alex's father took it too far, and hit his mother. Ever since that day, Alexander gained a new outlook on life, sort of a epiphany. He figured if he worked really hard for the things he wanted, he wouldn't be laid off like his father. After his mother left his father, Alexander moved away to live with his mother and grandmother. Going to school was sort of hard for him because he was a bit shy. He did end up meeting a great group of friends that were like him

When he finally reached high school, Alex took up any opportunity he could get to work on films. He would intern at local telvision studios, and help them with production. Everything was great for him, as he built up knowledge of his passion. In his senior year of high school he tried making a short film with his friends, but that idea eventually fell apart. After High School, Alex went to a university for digital media, which is not only putting him in debt with student loans. It's also helping him meet a lot of new people. His new crew of friends that he dormed with, they were all pot heads. Eventually making Alexander try it, and like that it happened. There wasn't a night they didn't smoke.

The smoking made Alexander lose aspiration for his work. He would just get and reflect on his life like he usually does. He sometimes thought the weed was the problem, but that didn't stop him from smoking. Now that college is over, Alexander needed a place to live without going back home. He took up a couple jobs to help pay his bills and overwhelms himself. Now all he does is work and smoke weed, with a loss of drive to do anything Alexander has sort of put himself in a rut.

Reason for needing an escape: He wants to get away from life, even if it's just for a little bit. He wants to figure out what to do with his life without the use marijuana. Having a sense of high and euphoria without the smoke.

You made Childish Gambino a stoner?

You rock.
[QUOTE="Teddy Squirts]I was listening to Camp while brainstorming for ideas. :D

Not a big fan of rap (despite me being African-American and having a large demographic in my neighborhood who happens to love it) but he is one of the rappers I can definitely tolerate. Frigging creative, you should be proud of yourself for creating this character.
So I'm the old man in the game huh? I will shake my walking stick in fury at all you young turks and your newfangled music. This is going to rock. Good thing I'm a real vet cause describing war and coming home to mostly kids in-game would be hard if you had no idea what it was like. I almost chose a more comedic mental illness, but this seems to call for drama.
Inritz said:
So I'm the old man in the game huh? I will shake my walking stick in fury at all you young turks and your newfangled music. This is going to rock. Good thing I'm a real vet cause describing war and coming home to mostly kids in-game would be hard if you had no idea what it was like. I almost chose a more comedic mental illness, but this seems to call for drama.
I believe this is the part where I thank you immensely for your service, it is an honor to RP with you good Sir and I am sure that it will be an enlightening experience.
Thanks for the thanks but I joined for revenge and to leave my parents' house, so not the most altruistic of reasons. Were I a smarter, more levelheaded man I would have joined something other than combat arms and never gotten injured. Then again. Were that the case I'd be working and I'd never have the free time to indulge on my hobbies anytime I please. So it's a wash. I get PTSD, but I get money in return. The Army broke me, they are just paying off the damages. : )
Inritz said:
Thanks for the thanks but I joined for revenge and to leave my parents' house, so not the most altruistic of reasons. Were I a smarter, more levelheaded man I would have joined something other than combat arms and never gotten injured. Then again. Were that the case I'd be working and I'd never have the free time to indulge on my hobbies anytime I please. So it's a wash. I get PTSD, but I get money in return. The Army broke me, they are just paying off the damages. : )
Ah, PTSD must be terrible. Nevertheless, the Army must be intense and although your reasons weren't exactly sound, it somewhat paid off in the end? I do not believe PTSD would be a nice thing to have however I am glad that they compensate for you.
Annabella said:
Ah, PTSD must be terrible. Nevertheless, the Army must be intense and although your reasons weren't exactly sound, it somewhat paid off in the end? I do not believe PTSD would be a nice thing to have however I am glad that they compensate for you.
Yes, it does suck, but humans are remarkably adaptable. For the first time in years I'm headed back to PAX as a test. It's only one day and I hope I can deal with the crowds, but you slowly get better even if you never get cured. Honestly it's the medical issues that stem from my Iraq time that suck the most. Getting COPD from the burn pits is the worst. Though 10 years of smoking probably didn't help. >.>
Inritz said:
Yes, it does suck, but humans are remarkably adaptable. For the first time in years I'm headed back to PAX as a test. It's only one day and I hope I can deal with the crowds, but you slowly get better even if you never get cured. Honestly it's the medical issues that stem from my Iraq time that suck the most. Getting COPD from the burn pits is the worst. Though 10 years of smoking probably didn't help. >.>
I am glad you are facing your fears, I hope that you'll be able to have a great time!

Smoking is quite bad for your lungs although I believe all smokers know that. xD
Annabella said:
I am glad you are facing your fears, I hope that you'll be able to have a great time!
Smoking is quite bad for your lungs although I believe all smokers know that. xD
Oh my yes. Which is why I quit a year ago. Edward however will be a chain smoker.
Inritz said:
Oh my yes. Which is why I quit a year ago. Edward however will be a chain smoker.
I got a brief image of the Caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland.

"The One Who Fights"



"My mom named me and my dad gave me my middle name. Surprised? So am I."

Taya Blue Calloway


"I'm old enough"



"I'm 100% sure I'm a girl."








Distinguishing features:

High Cheek Bones

Abs (6 pack)

Bruises (vary in place)



Any Piercings:

Besides her ears, none. They are a hazard and danger to wear in the ring, therefore, she rarely wears earrings.

Usual outfit:

One can usually find Taya in workout clothes. She is always training. Most of what she owns are: sports bras, tank tops, yoga pants, and shorts. She loves her wardrobe even though most complain that she doesn't have "normal clothes". The clothes she wears for other occasions that go past hanging out are in her closet. Her mother bought all of her more feminine clothes and encourages Taya to wear them. Taya may not like the clothing choices her mother makes for her (i.e. sundresses, skirts, cute frilly tops) but she doesn't have the heart to tell her that. The clothes sit in her closet waiting for the girl to do something besides workout for once. Maybe go on a date or something.







Feeding stray animals

Job, if any:

Ex-employee at Target, so none at the moment.

Favourite colour:

"As you can tell, I don't mix well with dark colors."

Mint Green or just anything pastel colored

Favourite song:

"Believe it or not."

Dreams and aspirations:

Taya, like any young woman, has big dreams. She wants to become a famous MMA fighter as well as a pediatrician. She wants to finally move out from her parents home and be on her own. She wants to explore the world. See new things, smell new smells, learn a new language, not care about what time it is. She wants to get away. Get away from everyone and be her own person. She wants to run her own life and make her own decisions. She wants to be able to help sick children and get them back on their feet because they are the future. Taya wants to be someone others can look up to. She wants to become a motivator and help people.


Getting pregnant- Honestly, it sounds horrible, doesn't it? But she's afraid of getting pregnant. Taya wants a family for her own but that's not until further down the road. She wants to be able to be called and adult instead of still being viewed as a baby. Babies can't raise babies and she would never wish that her child be raised by someone who has yet to experience anything.

Dying- Taya is not afraid of actually dying, but of how she will die. Taya is aware that everything and everyone dies but how they go is another story. If she had it her way, she'd like to go quickly. She'd hate to die in a fire or drown. That process takes way too long for her taste.

Pet peeves:

People Smacking (gum/food)


Abusive Behavior

Leaving food on a plate in the sink




October 24th

Place of birth:

Miami, Florida


Taya isn't a rude person, she really isn't. She's just confident in herself and has a smart mouth on her. This was how she was raised. She was raised to always speak her mind, stand up for others, and be kind to everyone she meets. She learned those things from her mother. No matter how hard her father pushed her, her mother was the one to always tell her to be humble and nice. This does not mean that the fighter in her is that nice. Taya can have an attitude and get angry rather quickly in to which her first instinct is to fight.


Taya Blue Calloway was born to Deandre and Keysha Calloway on the 24th of October. Keysha Calloway is a nurse who works night shifts at the local hospital and is the head of her floor. Deandre is a mechanic who works at the local Nissan plant and works from 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. The two met through mutual friends and clicked instantly. They dated for four years before Deandre asked her to marry him. Nine months and a few days later, Taya was born. Her mother named her while her father gave her a middle name. Taya grew up normally but was always fascinated by wrestling and martial arts. So, for her 5th birthday, she asked for fighting lessons. Her father was more than happy to hear that since the two agreed that Taya was the only baby they wanted to have. Keysha on the other hand didn't like the idea but if that's what made her daughter happy, so be it. So at the age of 5, Taya began to take classes that centered on fighting and self defense. She quickly picked it up and loved it. Fast forward a few years and Taya's 12 years old. She's hitting puberty so everything's growing. Well, Taya and her father are wrestling when he begins to touch her in other places. At first Taya is freaked out but her father reassures her that this is a new style of wrestling. Since he had recently taken her out of classes and began training her himself, she thought it was a new technique and she wanted to accomplish it.

At first Taya didn't understand what was going on until it was too late. At the age of 12, Taya was raped by her father. After the first time, it happened more often. It usually happened while Keysha was at work. Taya honestly hated it and tried to fight back at times but when a 6'4", 265 lbs man is on top of you or has a hold of you, it's hard to fight back. She wanted to tell her mother too, she really did but her dad threatened to blame it on her. Say she was seducing him and he'd have her kicked out of the house. He also mentioned how her mother would hate the both of them and possibly disown her daughter and cut off all ties to her. Taya couldn't stand the thought of any of that happening so she let him do as he pleased. She also feels guilty for being raped all the time because she feels that if she wasn't the way she is then none of it would happen. Also, she is old enough to move out but has no money. Her parent's are paying for college and since she has no job, she has no money.

Reason for needing an escape:

To get away from her father and to find herself. She's tired of being his little "doll" and play thing. He has taken her humanity and her dignity. She wants them both back but doesn't want her mother to know about what he does to her. She couldn't stand seeing her mother cry because of her. She'd absolutely die if she was the reason her parents got a divorce. She also wants to find out who she really is. What she is capable of and where she can go and what makes her happy.



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