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Fandom Boku No Hero Academia OOC

Can someone message me if they're willing to help me come up/refine quirk ideas? I'm pretty bad when it comes to this sort of thing.
just wondering ^-^ so once everyone had posted a sheet will the link of the actual RP will be posted on here?
MoonClaw MoonClaw are you going to be approving characters or are they automatically accepted? Will there be a introduction post or are we free to jump in? Lastly will you be making the teachers or are players allowed to make a teacher as well?
I am looking over apps to make sure no one is OP, but no I am not approving them unless it gets insane. The thread is already up and so it is the first day of school, go for it. Lastly, I am playing villain and anyone can play any role.
Would anybody who has made a villain and/or is planning to want their character to team up with my character?
MoonClaw MoonClaw
Could you like my character or something after you taken a look at her so I know you don't think she's OP?

Also, the invisibility thing may seem random but it's inspired by the fact that oni were originally used to refer to invisible spirits who caused disasters or something along those lines.

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