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The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Put simple it's a medieval fantasy where magic is replaced by quirks.
Our story would begin with a tournament to honor the top knights of all the lands.
Squires, knights and warriors of all sort being allowed to compete.
Displays of combat, gourmet food, games and song! A grand festival event turned chaotic as Dark forces have invaded the kingdom...
Leading them is a evil wizard, wielding dark magic that steals power from others.
This evil wizard not only stole the life of the kingdoms number one knight, the dark wizard stole his magic. Escaping with a number of his minions taking hostages.

The kingdom is devastated, but the king declares evil shall not succeed!
The knights shall gather the winners of the latest tournament, they will journey to avenge Sir Might.
The dark wizard shall fall.

Original characters would be appreciated even though my npcs may rip off canon characters somewhat.
I'd like each player to post two paragraphs or more twice a week (or at least once)
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It'd be awkward being the only villain in a group of aspiring heroes
I'm interested in making a quirkless wandering sellsword.
I go pew pew everyday
I’m interested too. Sorry if it ends up that I can’t post :[ I’ll try to keep up!


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