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Realistic or Modern Blurryface

i'm thinking of making a third character but ik i put in the rules that u can have max. 2 characters so i feel like an ass

we already have 2 jocks but neither of them r the typical dickhead high school jocks u come across who date cheerleaders and bully kids n i think we rlly need one to create more drama. i can handle 3 but i dont want anyone 2 think im making an exception for myself just bc im the GM. would u guys b cool w/ that? its ok if ur not, ur opinions matter to me
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boyguro said:
y'all i'm thinking of making a third character but ik i put in the rules that u can have max. 2 characters so i feel like an ass
we already have 2 jocks but neither of them r the typical dickhead high school jocks u come across who date cheerleaders and bully kids n i think we rlly need one to create more drama. i can handle 3 but i dont want anyone 2 think im making an exception for myself just bc im the GM. would u guys b cool w/ that??? its ok if ur not, ur opinions rlly matter to me <3

and don't feel like an ass. u are one
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Sweet lil' Kit Fitzgerald is accepted

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Andrew Kozlow and Nicolas Shrine have both been accepted.

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her signing up is a lil last minute but we've been in SO many rps together shes literally so amazing pls b nice to her<3

dude ik u dont even KNOWN hwo long it took to plan everything and we havent even started yet u gon have to catch up
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I KNOW i was literally so pissed at myself for making such tragic characters haha jk i love pain
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you angst loving asshole. ill make sure to have one of your characters printed out and in my casket with me when i die :')

it'll be a blessing.

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