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Blurred Lines


Queen in Training
A roleplay between @AvianJen and @Absinthe

MC is a member of the local biker gang. YC is the innocent daughter of the townmayor. They belong to distinctly different circles, they don't know each other, they're not supposed to meet, ever. However, one night, YC was dragged to a bar and they met. Sparks fly. 
Name: Matthew Wells

Age: 27

He is a member of the local biker gang, Hell's Revenge. He is more known by his nickname, Ink. Their gang's facade is that of a Motorcycle Shop. But the whole town knows there's more to it than that and turns a blind eye to their activities. 

He joined when he was still a teenager. It was his escape from a violent father. He finally became a member when he was of age. He considers the gang his family and would fight through fire for them.

Name: Kennedy Dalton

Age: 21

Kennedy is a college student attending a local university as a Psychology major.  She was brought up in a strict home and was very sheltered- to most, she seems like a bit of a square.  But as a result of being so sheltered and not going away for college, she tends to be very naive and hasn't experienced much.  On her 21st birthday, her friends plan on taking her to a bar withe hopes of helping her break out of her shell a little bit.

"Guys, I really don't want to."  Kennedy sat in a chair in front of her vanity while her friends hovered around her.  

"Come on, don't be a buzzkill," Sarah responded.  "It'll be fun.  Close your eyes."  Kennedy sighed and did as she was told.  Sarah spent a few minutes doing her eyeliner, asking her to open her eyes every couple of seconds so that she could get it just right.  She was a makeup artist, and enjoyed nothing more than giving her friends makeovers.  It was the perfect time, too; Kennedy was turning twenty-one, which meant that she was going to a bar whether she wanted it or not.  She'd flat-out vetoed the twenty-one shot idea, but Sarah and Ashlyn had managed to convince her to give it a try.  If not now, when?

"Do you have anything besides blazers in here?" Ashlyn complained as she went through Kennedy's closet.  

"I like them," she responded defensively.  "They make you look smart."

"They make you look boring," Ashlyn retorted.  "I knew this would happen, but lucky for you, I came prepared."  Kennedy opened her eyes long enough to see Ashlyn cross the room to her bag.  She pulled out a short, figure-hugging black dress with spaghetti straps and held it up.  "What do you think?"

"I don't know, where's the rest of it?"

"You're cute.  Try it on?"

"I'm not done with her makeup," Sarah complained.  But she was almost finished, and when she stepped away from the mirror Kennedy couldn't deny that it looked kind of amazing.  She'd never have thought that a cat eye look would be her thing, but who knew?  "There.  Now you have permission to change."  Kennedy laughed and stood up, fixing her hair and admiring the new look.  Maybe she just needed to stop overthinking this.  It could be fun.

"Fine," she sighed.  She took the dress from Ashlyn and changed into it, completing the look with a pair of heels.  "I feel really overdressed to be going to a bar," she said.

"Don't be silly, you look hot.  Besides, youth is fleeting," Sarah said in a singsong voice.  The two of them finished getting ready and piled into Ashlyn's car, heading downtown.  

Inside the bar was exactly like a movie.  Kennedy wasn't sure that she was a fan, but she reminded herself one more time that she had committed to giving this a try.  Reluctantly, she sat down at the bar and let Sarah and Ashlyn order her a drink- a strong one, she suspected.  While they were ordering, she looked around at the rest of the people in there.  Most of them looked normal, some of them looked like they were getting drunk...then her eyes fell on a guy sitting towards the back.  He looked a little rough around the edges, and for some reason Kennedy had always liked that.  She was attracted to the bad boys, though she didn't like to admit it.

"Ken," Ashlyn said, drawing her back to the present.  She realized that she'd been staring, and when she turned back around there was a huge margarita waiting for her.  Both Sarah and Ashlyn had gotten the same ones.  Kennedy sighed, laughing a little bit in exasperation.  "Fine."  She leaned over and took a sip.

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