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Realistic or Modern ♱ Bloody Murders ♱


Roleplay Availability
My Interest Check

♱ Bloody Murders ♱

How did this begin?

The murders.

The people laying down on the street.

Screams for help.

Cities that went on fire.

Clashing swords.

Fire shots.

Blood stains on the walls and the ground.

It was not like this before.

It was peaceful.

People could run around without having to fear for their lives.

It was beautiful, not ugly like this world now.

A group of horrific people got together.

Outsiders of society.

They were chased out because of their powers.

Failures of society.

They were called “The Sins”.

Another group was formed.

A group that was loved by the people.

Those who wanted justice in this world.

The good people.

They were called “The Lightbringers”.

In order to stop each other.

To safe their own lives.

What they stood for.

What they thought was right.

A war started.

A full out combat.

Death was brought.

Chaos existed.

Years passed by until it came to a stop.

Cities were rebuild.

They grew old. Passed away.

Only to make place for a new generation.

A new future.

Or would it be a repeat of the past.

Only time knows.


The Sins

> Sin of Wrath: Lilian Lindblad - @Elvengarda

> Sin of Sloth: Yusuke Jojiro - @Bills352

> Sin of Lust: Magworth Greek - @femjapanriceball

> Sin of Gluttony: Dakota Rahgot - @Elvengarda

> Corporal: Gideon Oscar Wickham - @iAmKira

> Private: James Holt -
@shyguy the RP addict

> Private: Matthew Greek - @femjapanriceball

> Private (multiple)

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Lilian Lindblad

Location: The Gray Heights

”Stop! Please don’t kill us! We haven’t done anything wrong! Monster!” They shouted to her in the midst of a fight. The fear in their eyes, the want to run away from her in that moment. It was her fault. Tears flowing down her own cheeks as she watched the people getting killed by her own hands. She could not stop hurting them. The blood stains on her clothes were most of the times not from herself. Houses that were on fire and burning wildly, even spreading to another house like it was a chain reaction. Birds that were massively flying away from where she was situated as well. And yet she could not help but to feel excited as well. Excited because of the destruction in front of her that slowly pulled her into the darkness.

Her eyes shot open and sat up in her bed, heavy breathing as she did not know what was going on. She was in her bedroom, the way she remembered it. However, her eyes were wet as she still knew what happened in her own dream. Or more likely, her nightmare. Her hands were trembling wildly, making her hug her legs and laying her head upon her knees as she tried to calm down.
”It didn’t happen. It was just a bad dream.” She told herself while gritting her teeth. She had those nightmares in her sleep once in a while which made her scared sometimes to even go to sleep. But it was not like she could stay awake for her whole life either. Her heart beat started to pace down so she did not feel like having a heart attack anymore. She truly hated being like this.

It took a moment before she became herself again and got out of her bed and took some clothes with her to the bathroom where she got dressed and cleaned herself up. Her eyes were still a bit puffy and red however it was not like she could completely hide it so she just dealt with it being the way it is. Moving towards the kitchen afterwards where she started preparing her breakfast. Some roasted toast and scrambled eggs to go with each other. It was finished up quite fast and easily as she did not have to do much about it. Neither could she completely destroy the food as it was a simple dish to make.

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William Drake

William sighed as he layed in bed, staring a the ceiling. He couldn't get to sleep, and he was sure that he hadn't slept at all that night. However, it was still dark, and he honestly didn't like getting up before sunrise. He believed that night was too be spent in a room alone, and day was too be spent with others. Then again, he mostly stayed in a room alone, no matter what time of day it was. He looked over at his clock: 6:00am. He sighed, grabbing his phone and headphones.

In a few minutes time, heavy metal was racing aroubd his mind, causing chaos, destruction and excitment. He smiled as he closed his eyes and put his head on his pillow, listening to the music. This seemd to calm him down for some strange reason, because it was where he belonged. He was finally in a world where the people understood him, a world where people were just as sane as he was. The music seemd to speed up time, because light came flooding into his room after what felt like a minute. Helooked at his clock: 6:57. Will smiled as he got out if bed and got changed into his black t-shirt with a skull in the middle, trousers and a black hoodie, ready for the day ahead.

Will left his room and slowly made his way downstairs. He lived in his house alone, as both his parents were dead. His house was located around a mile away from the Grey Hights, which is where he spent most of his time, hanging out with the other Sins.
Sanyu Kazashi

Vi ocean.

It was 4:37am and Sanyu couldn't sleep. He had wasted most of the night trying. One would think that sparring with his superiors would have tired him to the brink of exhaustion, but unfortunately, this was not the case. No matter what he tried, sleep would not come to him. So, instead, he decided to go out by the sea. He slipped on his boots and dressing gown before heading outside. The salty sea air whipped at his hair, turning his nose and cheeks an interesting shade of pink. Whispers of moonlight breached the natural barrier, that was the clouds, and reflected off of the watery mirror. To be quite honest, the view was stunning.

The light from the moon illuminated Sanyu's already white hair, making it glow almost. He made his way from HQ and down to the shore. Pebbles clashed together beneath his feet alerting anyone of his arrival. But, there was no one to hear it. The rest of the world was asleep, as Sanyu should be. He knew he was going to be horrendously tired in the morning but he didn't care, it wasn't every day that you got to see a view like this.

Sanyu wrapped his dressing gown tighter around him as neared the water. The wind was picking up, it's howls echoing off of the nearby cliffs. He finally reached the waters edge and sat down, he took off his boots to allow the waves to wash over his toes. It was surprisingly relaxing. After what felt like several minutes, Sanyu looked at his watch. It read 6:05am. This panicked Sanyu slightly, where had the time gone?! Hurriedly, Sanyu got to his feet and rushed back to HQ, the shells cutting at his bare feet. He prayed that no one was up yet for he would have a lot of explaining to do. Sanyu had stayed there overnight for his own home was a while away and he had worked late. As discretely as possible, Sanyu entered HQ and headed straight for the room that his superiors let him stay in to get washed and dressed. He was dead tired.
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Maggie Greek

Maggie Greek stretched herself luxuriously across her feather bed. It was such a nice morning; she never knew that being favored felt so...good. Today had been more productive than normal. Six—she counted—six happy couples had been created thanks to her careful planning. Honestly, being the Sin of Lust was amazing. She got the pretty clothes, the rose-scented room, and oh-so-delicious food, all thanks to her thoughtful mother.

It felt like floating on air sometimes, being the Sin of Lust. She got the life of luxury and everybody loved her. She just wanted one thing in life; someone permanent. Sure, someone was always falling for her, but it was never THE one. In fact, it was almost tiring that she hadn't found him yet.

That...is the disadvantage, her mother would tell her. Almost all Sins of Lust never find their One True Love. I'm sorry, Princess, but that's just how it works.

Maggie shook her head. No, she was sure that her true love was out there—somewhere. She sighed. Why couldn't she be one of those Sins where you didn't have to worry about finding true love and then changing lovers—again? She knew, it wasn't important. People were happy thanks to her. People had found their own true loves because of her. But her? She was always going to end up alone—one way or another.
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Elizabeth Carvaiz

Vi Ocean

Ellie is still in her office, checking on several papers. She signed and stamp most of them, occasionally stop the carefully read what's written there, and put aside those that she does not approve. She'll talk to her subordinates about it tomorrow, either to fix them or to fully scrap those proposals. She took a deep sigh as she placed her pen down, exhausted from working. But she can't stop, nor slowing down, or her father will scold her for it. Ellie stood up, opened the window and watched the ocean view. The sky is clear tonight, giving her a clear view of the stars up above. It was a breathtaking view, and almost make her forget about her work.

She slapped her cheek, closed the window and walked back to sit on her seat. She took a deep breathe and continue working.
Maggie closed her eyes and sighed. "What time is it?" She stretched over to her alarm clock. "Six AM. Time to get the day started." She sat up. "What to wear...?"

It took about an hour for Maggie to decide that, yes, the black sports bra was a good choice, and, yes, her jeans looked great with it. She put her signature glasses on, brushed her pink hair, took twenty minutes to choose and put on her makeup, and finally, looked for her sandals. She smiled at her reflection, spritzed on her rose-scented perfume, then remembered to strap her knife to her leg. Just in case.

Then, finally, finally, she exited her bedroom.

The rest of Maggie's house was simply divine. The walls were connected by elegant pillars, the color scheme matched her Sin—pink represented Lust, of course—and all the furniture had been chosen carefully by her mother to "suit her needs".

She took a bagel from the fridge, ate it carefully so her makeup wouldn't smudge, then exited the house and began the ten-minute walk to Grey Heights.
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Saami A. Alvarsson

Saami woke up exactly spot on on time, half past five, not too late, not too early, and it would be a shame if he wasn't ready for his morning practise by six. The house was empty, completely silent, and he liked it that way. No people to yell at him, no things to do yet except having a calm breakfast and by the time it was seven he'd go out for his usual morning run. Perhaps today he'd catch up with the other Lightbringers, see some of the privates he'd work with, he liked conversing with them, hell, he even liked conversing with the lady behind the counter of the convenience store. Even if it was perhaps his own odd way of communication, very rarely he met someone who could do sign language, but most of the time he wrote it down on his little note book.

don't forget that bloody thing now... like last time... he thought as he quickly grabbed it from his nightstand and put it in his pocket. Carefully, but not taking very long, he put on his running outift, being a plain black T-shirt, some training trousers and sport shoes. No need for fancy stuff, if he could run in it he would be happy. The idea of constantly having 'the best' put him off a bit, figuring that the only thing he needed to be best at was himself. As long as he was good, he wouldn't mind much where, what and how he was. Most would disagree though, and considering he couldn't talk and his many other flaws always seemed to bring up that he wasn't 'the best' either. At least he was trying... most of the time...
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Madison Rink

She had been up for hours. It wasn't anything new or spectacular. She just couldn't fall back asleep after those damn birds woke her.

At least her bed was comfortable.

Intuitively the First Sergeant knew that she would have to get ready soon. Today would be another day of training with her subordinates, keeping things in order, and the like. As she sat up from her bed she had a strange sinking feeling in her chest. She didn't know why it was there or where it came from. She tried to push it out of her mind and stood up with a sigh, stretching her joints with several most satisfying crack-ing noises. Her gaze blank, she went to the bathroom and washed herself up. A cold splash of water on her face felt nice, but it didn't do much for her sour mood. She wasn't really a morning person, anyway. After her face was toweled off she stared at herself in the mirror. She wasn't looking for anything; she just stared at the reflection of her green eyes until the image was hazy and she had to blink to remember her objective. She cursed at herself.

Come on. You're Madison Rink. First Sergeant Rink. Pull yourself together. You can tackle a bad morning, right?

Madison took several deep breaths and promptly left the bathroom to go change for the day. A clean, tan-colored tee tucked into a pair of black jeans did the trick, layered under a dressy black jacket. Her job was fairly physical, but she knew that appearances mattered to some extent, so this was the middle ground of sorts.

She stretched again and began to comb down her messy red hair. Strangely, this was calming to her.

Whatever. She didn't question it. Mornings are weird, and that's that--namely the mornings in which fatigue is at the front of your mind.
"Good morning," Maggie said flirtatiously, practicing how she would greet everyone. She flipped her hair, thinking about how she probably looked. "It's beautiful today, isn't it?" She smiled then started babbling. "I wrote a few poems last night," she said excitedly, unaware that she had just stopped in her tracks and was now talking to herself. "Had too much free time," she continued. "I memorized one of them." And she started, officially in her own fantasy world, her voice carrying from where she was to where her house was, which was five minutes away. "Ahem...

What is love

Without peace


The thing that has the symbol of a dove

Love, love, love...sounds terrible, doesn't it?" She asked nobody in particular. "And to think...doesn't Lust need that sort of stuff? Poetry? I forgot. Does that make me a terrible Sin of Lust? Does it...?" She looked around. Oops. A few animals were getting away from her. Looks like she had said her little speech louder than expected.

"Sorry," she said stupidly. "I sound like an idiot, do I? Damn...I bet my mother would know what to say..." Her mother...and soon enough, the memory came back...

-Ten Years Previously-

"Mother...I came to rescue you..." Magworth tiptoed through the Lightbringers' hideout. "I used the skills you taught me..."

"Oh...princess..." Her mother, the former Sin of Lust, smiled. "That's all very nice of you, but..."

"But what?"

"I fear that that is all unnecessary, Princess. For you see..." Another sad smile. "I fear that this is the last time you shall see me."


"I'm too feeble to do my job, Maggie. I need a successor. And you are destined to follow in my footsteps. You must leave now, understood?"


"Please, Princess."


There came the sound of footsteps and a sharp gasp. "It's the Sin of Lust! Get her!"

-One Day Later-

"What did you see?" The harsh voice boomed in the cloaked child's ear. She shuddered. "I said, what did you see?!" The child squealed as she got kicked harshly.

"I heard them," she said, her voice filled with resentment. "And I pressed them for more."

"What exactly did you do?"

"I flirted," the child said. "I flirted with them, kissed them, flashed some skin...until they told me everything. Where headquarters was...where my mother was being held..."

"And what did you do?"

"I snuck in. I tried to rescue her."

"And that didn't go very well, now did it?"

"No," the girl said patiently. "So what will you do to me?"

"We cannot allow you to know where we are located. You will not attack us when we get older."


"Therefore...we shall erase the memory of our location, then lock you away where no one can find you."

"Fine by me," the girl said.

"You are...prepared for this?"

"Oh, yes. Just one request."

"What is that?"

"I want to keep my mother's memory. Don't erase the brief conversation we had, or my identity. Okay?"

"We have a deal," the soldier said, taking out a weapon and pointing it at her head. "Now, take a nice, deep breath..."

Maggie blinked. She had been sitting there for a good twenty minutes. She sighed and stood up. "I'm going to be late," she said.
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William Drake

William silently took the box of cereal, Frosties to be exact, out the bottom left hand corner and poured them into his blood red bowl, before opening the fridge and taking out the milk. He poured a tiny bit of milk into the cereal so they were damp, but not soaked through. He had never been keen on milk, but he loved Frosties, and couldn't just eat them dry. He took his bowl and sat down at the wooden table, all alone. He had never really felt lonely in his small cottage, ut sometimes he wished that someone or something would live with him. Having family, or a girlfriend, was a big no-no for him, because both his parents had died and it made him sad to think about them, but maybe a pet or a roommate wouldn't be so bad... He shook his head, getting rid of that thought, and began to eat.

Around half an hour later, Will had cleaned his teeth, and applied his make-up. He was ready to leave to go to headquarters, so all he had to do was grab his backpack, keys and phone and go out the door. That is exactly what he did. He had packed his backpack the night before, filling it with books in case he got bored and his lunch. He never ate the food that was made at the headquarters because, even when his parents were alive, he had always made his own food, and didn't feel right taking food made by someone else. Will sighed and plugged in his headphones, putting his phone in his pocket and his backpack on his back. He got on his bike and rode up to Grey Heights, ready to meet up with the other sins.

The journey there was fine. He didn't really take notice of the world around him, because he had his music playing in the background. He had trained himself to ride his bike while not really looking around, and just know when an animal or human was walking by. The only times he had ever had an accident was when he was first learning how to ride a bike, but that was when he was, like, 6 or 7. For now, he would enjoy his ride and music, and think about what would happen at headquarters.

Vera had woken up not too long ago, have already eaten a breakfast that was considered much more then a meal by most, she was making her way up to Grey Heights. Gnawing on a granola bar, she began to wonder what they might be doing today. Training again? Another lecture? Maybe they actual found the lightbringers headquarters. Heh, nope.

Vera arrived at the entrance, leaning on the wall she waited for the others. Her mind racing with various thoughts and emotions, her previous I granola bar having been replaced with another.

(I apologize for the length.)

"Good morning," Maggie greeted Vera, straightening her glasses. "It's a lovely day, is it not?" She smiled and stepped into the building, carrying a large bushel of flowers she found on her way and carefully put the flowers into the first empty vase she saw.

The flowers certainly added Maggie's signature touch of girlish elegance to the building. It made her feel happy to know that she definitely personalized the building. She took a whiff of the flowers once more, then continued chatting nonchalantly with Vera. "I found flowers on the side of the road and I just couldn't resist," she explained.
Sanyu Kazashi

Lightbringer HQ

Sanyu looked around the room for the clothes he wore yesterday. As he had no time to go home and get more, these would have to do. Fortunately for him, Sanyu hadn't done any physical training yesterday, he had just been doing write-ups for his superiors. Groggily, the private slipped on his black, close fitting shirt for he knew he would be training today. Over that he wore a baggy grey sweat top and some black trousers with some boots. The room they had leant him wasn't particularly large but it suited Sanyu just fine. Unlike most other people, Sanyu liked small spaces and being against walls. It meant no one could sneak up behind him.

After finishing his morning routine - eating breakfast, brushing teeth and reading the next chapter of his book (Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde to be precise) - he made his way down to one of the training rooms, praying that no one else was in there because then they would probably ask him to spar and Sanyu was useless at sparring. He knew he needed to get better at it but he couldn't help despising it when he was the one being used as a human punching bag. Sighing, Sanyu opened the door of the training room only to find that.....

(If someone wants to join me in training, feel free to do so ^.^)

iAmKira said:
Sanyu Kazashi
Lightbringer HQ

Sanyu looked around the room for the clothes he wore yesterday. As he had no time to go home and get more, these would have to do. Fortunately for him, Sanyu hadn't done any physical training yesterday, he had just been doing write-ups for his superiors. Groggily, the private slipped on his black, close fitting shirt for he knew he would be training today. Over that he wore a baggy grey sweat top and some black trousers with some boots. The room they had leant him wasn't particularly large but it suited Sanyu just fine. Unlike most other people, Sanyu liked small spaces and being against walls. It meant no one could sneak up behind him.

After finishing his morning routine - eating breakfast, brushing teeth and reading the next chapter of his book (Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde to be precise) - he made his way down to one of the training rooms, praying that no one else was in there because then they would probably ask him to spar and Sanyu was useless at sparring. He knew he needed to get better at it but he couldn't help despising it when he was the one being used as a human punching bag. Sighing, Sanyu opened the door of the training room only to find that.....

(If someone wants to join me in training, feel free to do so ^.^)

Elizabeth Carvaiz

Lightbringer HQ, Training Room

Ellie watched the sun rises as she ate her breakfast. She ended up not getting any sleep last night, too busy working on her jobs and too anxious to sleep. She's scared of getting the same nightmare over and over again. She's tired of it. Ellie changed into her training clothes, she need some time to let go of her emotions. Ellie grabbed strapped her armguard on her left arm, and took her lance with her as she head toward the training room.

Ellie was actually used to spar with her troops and high-ranking officer before one of her subordinates, First Sergeant Madison, maybe, informed her that there is a lot of soldiers walking into the medical bay with bruises and cut... They never explicitly say that it was her fault, but Ellie understood and she now always vent out her anger in the training room. She always wondered how many dummies she have destroyed. Fifty something? Maybe more than that per week.

Ellie stood in the middle of the room, was about to start the training when the training room suddenly swung open. From his uniform, he's a private. He's bringing his weapon in... Maybe?

"A perfect timing." Ellie smiled and gestured at the private to come closer. "You are here to spar with me, yes? I'm getting bored of fighting mechanical dummies. They are weaker, their movement are programmed. Practically just a piece of metal moved around by mechanical arm."
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Sanyu Kazashi

Lightbringer HQ, training room

Sanyu had to hold back his internal screaming, this is exactly what he didn't want to do. Especially not after getting zero hours sleep. However, Sanyu was too kind to refuse and she was his superior so it would be disrespectful not to spar with her. Sanyu nodded before shuffling over to her to introduce himself. Formally he held his hand up to his head in a salute and greeted her. "P-Private Sanyu Kazashi from Mineral Mountains, Ma'am." Anxiously, he waited for her to give him permission to continue. Being around his superiors always made him nervous, well, more nervous than usual. Sanyu felt horribly underdressed. He was just wearing his old, too big, grey sweat shirt with some trousers. To be honest, he hadn't been intending on meeting a sergeant, let alone the commander!!

Oh god, what if I screw up infront of her, I'll never be able to live that down and she will see how useless I actually am! Sanyu was lamenting. Could this situation get any worse? They both already knew who was going to win this fight but he had to try. Sweaty hands gripped his scythe tighter as if worried that it would go away. Glancing over to his left, he was horrified to see his expression; he looked like he'd just seen a ghost. The left wall of the training room was covered in mirrors so people could mimick eachother and see where they were going wrong. There were mats lining the floor and bright led's hung overhead. Overall, the room was furnished with a light coloured wood making it appear bigger and more spacious than it actually was. Over on the right, there were lockers and hooks for people to leave their stuff and there were several private training rooms over by the north side.

Lilian Lindblad

Location: The Gray Heights Hideout

Lilian munched on her toast and egg, having put it together so it was some kind of sandwich that she was eating. Her eyes roamed through the kitchen as she was there alone once again. Being one of the Sins sure had its disadvantages, even more since she was practically living in the Hideout where everyone assembled but it was nice to have some life in the building. Even more now she wanted some company as she did not want to think about the nightmare she had before, if it could even be called a nightmare as she was a hundred percent sure that it was not like that at all but an actual memory of the past. That was even more disturbing as she could not completely remember the happening but only pieces from it. Perhaps she lost control at that event and blacked out for a while as she was doing stuff that she did not want to happen. But maybe her subconscious side did. And that was maybe the reason why she had a scar running over her eye.

She was finished with her breakfast after having sunk into thoughts aimlessly as if she was trying to recall something and at the same time wanting to forget it. Biting her lip softly as she got up and started washing up her plates with an absent-minded mind-set. Shaking her head as she was done to get rid of those annoying thoughts that tried to pry her memories open again which was probably going to leave her in shock. It was already bad enough that she had to deal with being the Sin of Wrath and she did not need any more problems attached to that which was going to make her life even harder. Don’t misunderstand her, she does not mind being a Sin but she disliked how people looked at her sometimes once she recognized her and then she had to go running as she did not feel like getting in too much fights but she could not avoid it all the time either.

She rubbed the back of her head as she stumbled through the building, hearing some voices in the other room yet not paying much attention to them for now. She was still too much in her own thoughts to even say something first. It was like she became a zombie that was walking back and forth as if she had forgotten an important memory which she did. Maybe that was the key for her to fully become what she was. But if she did, she wondered if it was going to cause even more chaos than already existed or if she was going to make things better. It was scary to not know anything about all of this…

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Saami A. Alvarsson

Saami threw his now dirty sporting clothes in the basket intended for stuff that had to be washed later. He'd just gotten back from his morning run across the beach, he loved those, especially when he could watch the sunrise during the run. Freshly showered he put on clothes more suited for going outside (a white dress-shirt and gray blazer, with nice equally gray pants and allstars, he liked being able to move and run), the problem with being a lightbringer was that there was always someone to recognise you, not to even speak of the paparazzi. It was a bit silly honestly, he had done nothing to deserve of such praise. At least not yet.

For now the lightbringers seemed more like a vigilante police of some sorts, dealing with criminals others deemed too dangerous. In the end they had always been searching for the Sins, and his father had told him many times that that was what they should be doing, that it was a disgrace for them to deal with such 'lowlife' criminals. At least he did something good though, and he liked that, even if they hadn't gotten much closer to the sins in a long time.

The HQ of the lightbringers was very close to his house, to the point where he didn't really need to drive or even cycle. Usually he went by one of the three convenience stores on his way, or even the supermarket if he felt really confident. It was a good way to get his lunch while still hearing about rumours from the shopkeepers or even shoppers. In his head he was keeping a list off all the absurd claims that had been made about him as of yet. His favourites were the one saying that a former sin had cut out his tongue at birth (a rumour easily disproven any time he opened his mouth for anything from laughing to eating; he still had his tongue), or perhaps the one saying he actually wasn't able to speak because he had been cursed, or the one that said he knew too much about something (anything from aliens to illuminati really, he apparently knew everything) and was forced to keep silent or otherwise he would be shot. I am mute people... not some tragic movie hero...
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"Hm? Ah! Good morning, Lilian!" As Maggie worked on spreading her flowers out, she saw Lilian wandering the building. She liked Lilian as a friend, but she often avoided the fights she had with the other Sins. After all, Maggie knew that she wouldn't beat her in a fight, no matter how hard she tried. Which was exactly why she was careful not to anger her.

Maggie smiled to herself, searching for another empty vase. Upon finding one, she organized them into a pretty pattern. These flowers were her favorites, the tulips. Of course, everyone expected her to love the rose, just because roses were, more or less, associated with Lust. Well, Maggie knew that she was devoted to her job, but she wasn't her mother. She looked at the arrangement and cringed. What was I thinking...? Since when does pink and yellow go together? She sighed and began rearranging the flowers. Why, oh, why, can't I be more like Mother? She would know exactly what to do...
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c5274e027_AnimeJames.jpg.3bf131cd41b2e801d6c4f24fd7fc3fe5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c5274e027_AnimeJames.jpg.3bf131cd41b2e801d6c4f24fd7fc3fe5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> James

"Come on... Come onn..." James sat upon a branch, high up in a big Oak tree. Approximately 50 yards to the south a fat rabbit was wandering closer, sniffing every few feet. Luckily he was downwind from from the animals enhanced smelling; it had no idea what was about to happen. James noticed the rabbit's pelt. It was plush white with dashes of silvery grey. It would sell for a really nice price if, he could get a headshot. With practiced ease and silence, he unholstered the customized Colt 1911 on his hip. James didn't have time to appreciate the beauty of the firearm. The gilded insignia notched on the fitted handle, the filed down hammer and hair trigger, polished steel barrel, and extended magazine. He pulled out a suppressor from his right pocket and threaded it slowly onto the barrel. By now the rabbit was a few yards from the base of the tree. So, James chambered a round and took aim, lining up the sites. He took the shot, in and out, right through the ears.

Nimbly climbing down, he dropped to the ground and drew his knife. Cutting the head off, James skinned it and took the meat and pelt. He had time to think on the way back home. If he cured it just right, it would be good to go by the end of the week, maybe sooner. This was good news considering he was running low on rations and, this could easily get him a few weeks more. The last few days had been a little rough, James had had to do severe rationing. And that messed with his metabolism which ran pretty high. What little extra fat he had gained was gone and his body was starting to slip out of the lean category. He was heading straight into malnourished...

A few minutes later and he was home. "Home" wasn't much but James was content. It was a single room wood shack, probably around 20 feet by 20 feet. In one corner a stone furnace huddled, recently cleaned of ashes. Against the far west wall was his bed and a small dresser. His few personal possessions sat upon the dresser, looking awful lonely in the otherwise Spartan room. James set down his things by the furnace and started loading it with kindling for a fire. He would have saved time by keeping embers while he was away but, fire was not something to be taken lightly out there in the plains. Everyone knew that. He went and turned on his old Ipod, getting some tunes going. Then, whistling to the song, James went to work on the hide.



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iAmKira said:
Sanyu Kazashi
Lightbringer HQ, training room

Sanyu had to hold back his internal screaming, this is exactly what he didn't want to do. Especially not after getting zero hours sleep. However, Sanyu was too kind to refuse and she was his superior so it would be disrespectful not to spar with her. Sanyu nodded before shuffling over to her to introduce himself. Formally he held his hand up to his head in a salute and greeted her. "P-Private Sanyu Kazashi from Mineral Mountains, Ma'am." Anxiously, he waited for her to give him permission to continue. Being around his superiors always made him nervous, well, more nervous than usual. Sanyu felt horribly underdressed. He was just wearing his old, too big, grey sweat shirt with some trousers. To be honest, he hadn't been intending on meeting a sergeant, let alone the commander!!

Oh god, what if I screw up infront of her, I'll never be able to live that down and she will see how useless I actually am! Sanyu was lamenting. Could this situation get any worse? They both already knew who was going to win this fight but he had to try. Sweaty hands gripped his scythe tighter as if worried that it would go away. Glancing over to his left, he was horrified to see his expression; he looked like he'd just seen a ghost. The left wall of the training room was covered in mirrors so people could mimick eachother and see where they were going wrong. There were mats lining the floor and bright led's hung overhead. Overall, the room was furnished with a light coloured wood making it appear bigger and more spacious than it actually was. Over on the right, there were lockers and hooks for people to leave their stuff and there were several private training rooms over by the north side.
Elizabeth Carvaiz

Lightbringer HQ, Training Room

"Are you okay?" Ellie asked, noticing how nervous he is. Maybe he actually got lost? Looking for a toilet or something. Ellie smiled at him to calm him down. "Listen, i'm not going to force you to spar with me. Just say no. And maybe, you can fight against the dummies and i'll point out your weakness?"

Ellie, obviously, didn't want to beat her subordinate just because she looked like forcing him to do so. No, not like that. But come to think of it, what kind of person crazy enough to challenge her into a fight? Well, maybe the Sins or one of the high ranking officers. It reminded Ellie of one of their latest recruit, son of some rich family who joined the Lightbringer because he thought he's a tough guy. Well, he did have enough talent to be recruited, but the kid is so arrogant that he ended up challenging almost anyone he thought he's better at.

If she recalled correctly, Ellie was the last person he ever challenged. He was hurt so badly that he have to stay in the medical bay for days, and after being discharged he completely changed his attidute.
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Saami walked into the HQ holding the bottle of carbonated water and a little bag of carrots packed for on the go. Ever since his father declined in health and was eventually put into a retirement home, he had been getting looser with keeping this mask of perfection up. Had someone seen him a few years ago, he'd been in suit with his hair perfectly combed and not a single speck to be found anywhere whatsoever. Now... now he'd walk into the HQ wearing something semi-casual, nibbling on sweet fresh carrots before he had to cross into the no food training zone. And guess what... he liked it.

Carrots at work... my dad would so kill me if he ever found out. his father never would find out though, most people liked him being able to live his life a bit more free. Before he'd been known as the kid who never spoke, never acted out of line, and did anything asked of him like some sort of creepy insanely deadly machine. Private Acquietscent had been his former name, and even though he had to admit that was a pretty damn good nickname from people that usually gave names like Private PeePee and Private Snowball, the meaning behind it still made him cringe. He had sworn to lay off from living his life solemnly to act on each word and whim of his father, the man was from a different generation, and if he ever wanted to be something more than an emotionless killing machine he had to be able to at least know what it was like to make his own choices.

So now here he was, looking out over the training room, eating his yummy crunchy carrots while watching a private of his getting absolutely slaughtered by Miss Carvaiz. He knew him, he was transferred a short while ago to his team, quite talented, but somewhat naive and kind... though that wasn't necessarily a bad thing outside of the field. Hopefully the other more seasoned men wouldn't take it out on him, they already seemed grumpy enough that their Sergeant was a boy that couldn't speak and wasn't yet legally allowed to sign a document...

Private... Shiro was it? That new guy that looks like me but can speak... maybe that's why I remember him... Of all the people in this building, he figured there were only two or three of Miss Carvaiz' standing, him included, so he couldn't say the private was bad... just way worse than his opponent. The thing was that Elizabeth had something else going for her than just fighting, unlike him who was specialised solely for that purpose. He would break under all that media pressure, not to forget the administrative hell that was being a commander. No... at least he could do field work with his assigned team, that was perhaps the only point in which he excelled her, but he wasn't sure if being able to do that was worth the cost.
Sanyu Kazashi

Lightbringer HQ, training room

The Private looked up at his Commander with wide eyes. She must think he was some kind of idiot who can't do anything for himself without screwing up. "No, No, it's fine. I-I'm a bit out of practice anyway. It would be my honour to spar with you, Ma'am." He bowed to her and walked over to a training mat, bare feet treading lightly. Sanyu had a habit of sparing without shoes on. They made him feel to confined and clumsy.
Shiro, as he was known to the other privates, rolled up his sleeves and readied his weapon, waiting patiently for the Commander to join him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone else over by the door. He glanced fleetingly over in that direction only to find it was his own Sergent, Saami Alvarson. Despite not knowing the Sergent for very long, Sanyu liked serving under him. The man was intelligent and kind but ruthless when he needed to be. That was what a Sergent should be. Not to mention, they looked very similar which Sanyu found quite weird at first; but the Sergent had an all knowing expression and held himself with confidence, unlike Sanyu. The Sergent wasn't exactly the best conversation maker per say but Sanyu didn't mind, he wasn't very social himself so the silent symbols and messages Saami relayed were, at times, like a breath of fresh air. He really admired the man.
iAmKira said:
Sanyu Kazashi
Lightbringer HQ, training room

The Private looked up at his Commander with wide eyes. She must think he was some kind of idiot who can't do anything for himself without screwing up. "No, No, it's fine. I-I'm a bit out of practice anyway. It would be my honour to spar with you, Ma'am." He bowed to her and walked over to a training mat, bare feet treading lightly. Sanyu had a habit of sparing without shoes on. They made him feel to confined and clumsy.
Shiro, as he was known to the other privates, rolled up his sleeves and readied his weapon, waiting patiently for the Commander to join him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone else over by the door. He glanced fleetingly over in that direction only to find it was his own Sergent, Saami Alvarson. Despite not knowing the Sergent for very long, Sanyu liked serving under him. The man was intelligent and kind but ruthless when he needed to be. That was what a Sergent should be. Not to mention, they looked very similar which Sanyu found quite weird at first; but the Sergent had an all knowing expression and held himself with confidence, unlike Sanyu. The Sergent wasn't exactly the best conversation maker per say but Sanyu didn't mind, he wasn't very social himself so the silent symbols and messages Saami relayed were, at times, like a breath of fresh air. He really admired the man.
Elizabeth Carvaiz

Lightbringer HQ, Training Room

"Listen, if you really don't want to this just say the word." Ellie put down her lance, afraid that she may have scared the poor boy. "But if you want to continue, say 'Yes' with such a firm and sure tone... And stop being nervous, or you'll be injured."

Then the boy glanced at the training room's window. Ellie thought that a crowd of people are standing outside the window to see the match, it was rare to see the Commander sparring with someone else, after all. But she only saw Sergeant Saami, eating his carrots as he watched them. Ellie waved her hand, motioning to Saami to come inside. Ellie rather fight with Saami than the poor private... But the private has already walked into the training mat and doesn't look like he's going to walk out or back down.

Ellie took off her shoes and socks. She put her socks into each of her shoes and neatly placed them in the corner of the training mat as she walked into the training mat. She eased her grip on her lance and get into her battle stance, opening her legs and firmly placed them on the ground.

"Come." She said. "Just so you know, i won't be easy on you."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c52f0fdd6_AnimeJames.jpg.40f68ab9dcbe0762f8de034211139c31.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80976" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c52f0fdd6_AnimeJames.jpg.40f68ab9dcbe0762f8de034211139c31.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> James

After putting the rabbit's pelt in a tub filled with salt, James turned off the music and went over to the cupboards. He had been extra careful with the process of curing. Now all that needed to be done was to get the moisture out and, if he was right, the hide would be nice and soft after a couple days. He prayed that he was right. James opened the left cupboard, where he kept his fresh foods, fresh meaning not canned. It was surprisingly empty with only half a loaf of bread and a cup of noodles. They were lime, which explained why he had yet to eat them. James hated lime, he had bought a dozen random cups of noodles because they were on sale. He thought it over and decided that he would finish the hardening bread before he ate the noodles. Grabbing the loaf he sighed; less than week, he told himself, less than a week and you won't have to eat hard bread.

James had put in the rack for the furnace after the fire died down, showing some nice coals. Placing the rabbit meat on it, he contented himself to the small piece of bread while it cooked. The smells coming at him were savory and made his stomach rumble. They made his mouth salivate. Animal wildlife was pretty rare in most parts Lessau, It wasn't exactly a very hospitable country after all. Anyway, this meat would be the first meat James had had in a long while. Not much lived in the plains that was worth eating and the meat at the markets was way too expensive for his taste. While he knew he would gain little nutritional value from it, he was still looking forwards to a filled stomach... He was a Lightbringer, James never forgot that fact. Technically speaking, he could live under the pay of the Lightbringers, live as a soldier. He laughed at the thought, the idea didn't suit him. That was why he lived out here, surviving, because he preferred to walk his own path. But, that didn't mean he was normal. In fact, James was far from normal...



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