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Blood poisoning (closed. if many are inteeested we can try a group. just shoot a pm)

Joel felt his cheeks heat up, looking out the window to hide his embarrassed expression. "Sure...I mean....maybe....can we?" He muttered, glancing over at Sam. This was painful. He and Jon had been flirting for a while now, it was more like Joel flirting and Jon pretending to do something else but he could tell there was something between them. Apperently the whole pack could tell except Jon who took every chance to run away from him that he could. Joel huffed, pointing right. "Turn right and then go down for a while." He mumbled watching the trees flash by. "That house right there should be it." Joel mumbled pointing to a two story green house. It looked like something a nice old woman would live in. He wait until Sam parked the car before he got out. Fishing for the painting in the back. He smelled it before he felt the blade pushing to the back of his neck. He froze, muscles tensing as his hazel eyes quickly found the owner of the weapon. The guy was tall, beefy, and his scent was completely obscured by something that burned his nostrils with every inhale. Joel put his hands up slowly, clearing his throat. "Um, can I help you-"

"Shut it, mutt. I didn't say you could speak." The man hissed as his partner secured Sam. Joel swallowed heavily, feeling his blood turn to ice suddenly knowing what there people were. 

Elira was having trouble paying more attention to what he was pointing out then looking at him. Nick had that look on his face again, the one that seemed to light up the room in that dorky way of his. She pulled her attention from him and forced herself to look at the shoes in the case. They were actually kind of cool and in well condition for being that old. Elira laughed, "Much cooler things than an old shoe? Parish the thought." She grinned, trying to hold the smile back and failing.
Sam was frozen in place, she knew the man had seen her and was trying to think of what to do. She wasn't a fighter. She had only ever gotten a yellow belt in karate, and had only done that for her dad. She hated martial arts, she had violence. She wasn't like Danny who would have laughed at the man before turning him to pulp. Danny... Danny was all she could think about. She would never be able to feel Danny's hands on her. Never get to brush Danny's hair back. Quickly she pulled out her phone and began sending a text to Danny that simply read "Help. In the city. Green house." All she had to do was hit send. With any luck Danny might be able to save them. For now she needed to stall. "Wh... What do you want from us?"

There was a long hallway that showed weapons throughout the ages, all of them perfect replicas of weapons used from the stone all the way up to WWII. Nick had stopped at the war hammer  and was talking about it rapidly. "So these things weigh the same as a sword but the weight is displaced the opposite. Swords keep their weight in the handle and the cross guard, and as you can guess the hammers have it at the tip. So many stories about hammers going through armor and helmets, killing the opponent. Granted these aren't as cool as Thor's hammer Mjolnir." Nick had always been amazed by the god of thunder in both the myths as well as the comics. So anytime he got on a tangent he would sometimes have a hard time shutting up. "But lets not go there. If I talk about that we'll never finish the tour." 
The hunter grabbed Sam from the car, unaware that she had sent any sort of text. The second man jerkered Joel roughly keeping the knife to his throat. He smiled darkly, "Heard some rumors of some wolf attacks. Didn't take much for us to put two and two together." He hissed, glaring at the two werewolves with disgust. Joel wasn't much of a fighter either unfortunately. He had never gotten into a fight in his life. This was probably the most violent confrontation he had ever been on. 

Elira smiled softly, mesmerised by the different cases. Though she was enjoying listening to Nick talk a bit more than she probably should have. She shook her head at him, crossing her arms over her chest. "We'll never get out of here nevermind finishing the tour." Elira tauted, working her way around the row of displays. She had to admit, this was cooler than what she had thought it was going to be. It was oddly quiet too, peaceful in a sense that there were only a few other people walking about. Some of them were giving Elira weird looks considering that she still had her apron on.
Danny had a large wrench in her hand, it was practically a club if someone needed one, when she got the text. There was an explosion of wearing and crashing as swung the large wrench at a stack of trash. "I have to go now." She said Keeping the wrench with her as she hoped onto her motorcycle. One of the other mechanics came over to her trying to figure out what was wrong. "Back off Wayne. It's an emergency. My girlfriend texted me saying she is in trouble. I'll call after I kick ass." She meant it to. Who ever had done this was going to pay. Being careless as she drove the motorcycle she called Nick, the massive wrench had been placed in the side pouch of her bike. Once Nick had answered she spoke in what even called the dead voice. It was completely calm, level, betraying none of her emotion. It was how the pack knew she was serious. "The city. Sam is in trouble. All it says is green house. Meet me there, go wolf, track her." It wasn't Danny's place to give orders, but when a mate was in danger those boundaries of hierarchy vanished.

Nick had shoved his phone back in his pocket and grabbed Elira's hand "We need to go. Sam is in danger. You know she can't fight. We don't know whats going on yet." As they passed the clerk Nick gave the man a nod "Emergency. Tell Jones I won't be back today. He'll understand. I'll tell him what happened later no time right now." With Elira behind him he ran to his car and tossed the little bit of clutter from the front seat to the back. "You drive. I need to change. Wherever I point that's where you need to go. Keep your phone on you and stay in touch with Danny." He began taking off his clothes and in such a small car it was difficult. The second his boxers came off he changed into the large white wolf, his green eyes in vivid contrast to the rest of him.
"Wait wha-" She didn't have time to respond as Nick was dragging her off through the museum. Elira could barely keep up with his long strides but she somehow made it to his car without tripping over her own feet. She got in the drivers seat grimacing at how cramped his car was. But she wasn't about to start complaining he was issuing orders. Whatever happened must have been serious. It wasn't everyday that Nick started stripping in the seat next to her. Being nude was part of their way of life, it wasn't a big deal but Elira hadn't been prepared at all for the display. "Jesus." She muttered under her breath, turning the car on and making a point of not looking at him until he was in wolf form. She put her cell phone on the dash, rolling down the passenger window so he could pick up a scent better. 

Joel was getting antsy with that blade to his neck. It was times like these where he wished he was a Beta or something and knew how to fight. Maybe he'd convince Elira to teach him something if he made it out of this alive. "Look, fellas. I don't know what you're smoking, but we are obviously not wolves. I mean do I look like a wolf to you?" He questioned, hoping beyond hope that playing naïve would buy them a few more moments. Hopefully someone would show up before he did something stupid. All Joel could think about though was Jon. How empty he knew the world would feel without his mate. Even if they weren't actually mated and hadn't gone through with anything, Joel knew Jon could feel the pull. He took a deep breath trying to keep himself from panicking. The hunter snarled, pushing the blade deeper into his throat. "Don't take us for fools kid. We know what you are. Done our research, you ain't as sneaky as yall believe." He hissed, looking to his partner. But there was some doubt that lingered behind the certainty of his words.
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"Come on we can talk this out. Whatever you want we'll give it to you. Just please leave us alone. We aren't hurting anyone." Said Sam as tears began to run down her face. She was beyond scared. If only she was strong. If only she was a fighter. If things had lined up better she might have had a chance to fight these thugs and get them out of there. But they were out numbered and if they changed they would be killed on the spot. "We didn't do anything!" it was a mess of squeak, tear making it hard for her to talk.

Nick pointed to right with his snout. He was okay at tracking, knowing that someone would be better than him. He was a power house, he could knock down brick walls with easy. Delicate things like smelling or hearing were just mediocre. They were getting close, the scent that Sam had was getting stronger. From where he was it simply smelled like her, the scent of fear hadn't gotten far yet.

As if the gods had answered a prayer Danny saw Nick and Elira ahead of her and began tailing them. She flashed her lights to let Elira know she was behind them. She was a little puzzled as to why Elira was with Nick, wondering if they had been on a date or if Elira had brought him some food, it was lunch time, but she pushed that thought aside focusing on the problem at hand. 

A few turns later Nick let out bark. It was deep and sudden but Sam's scent was even stronger and it was now he realized that Joel was with her. He had been focusing so much on Sam that he didn't even notice Joel before. He could smell the fear off of both of them. As he scanned the area with his eyes he found Sam's car. Now all they had to do was find where they had been dragged off to. 
The hunters had pulled them off into a near by ally. Smells of garbage and human waste filled the narrow space. They were smart, Joel would give them that. By masking their own scents and dragging the two into a fairly putrid smelling area anyone that was tracking them in human form wouldn't have been able to pick out their distinct smells. "Bullshit. If you haven't hurt anyone now you will later. It's best we end you now before someone dies. Then we'll track down your pack and kill the rest of ya." Joel glowered at the hunter. He wasn't crying but that sure as hell didn't mean he wasn't scared.

Elira saw Danny in the rear view mirror, thankful that there were at least three of them. She still didn't know what was going on only that Sam was in trouble. Elira followed Nick's mute directions not smelling anything besides what was normal for a town. She slowed a bit at the sight of Sam's car, carefully looking around. She stopped the car and opened Nick's car door letting him get out before she got out herself. They couldn't have gone that far. Her nostrils flared, crinkling at the gross smell that lingered in the area half a block down. 
Danny nearly jumped off her bike wanting to pursue on foot, but controlled herself. She parked it and grabbed the large, club like, wrench. She whacked it against the hydrant and a sharp note sounded. Her intent was clear, she was going to bash some heads in. She watched and let Nick lead the way, she knew not to get in front of the alpha and lead unless asked, plus Nick was the one on the scent trail. "Which ever creep has Sam is mine. You can have the rest."

Nick let out a whine letting them know to move carefully. The only problem with going wolf was not being able to communicate to the others who weren't wolf yet. He kept down the alley way that had the slight smell of their pack members. He was sure they were close by. Minutes later he could hear men talking and let out a growl. They were the guys that had done this. He let out a loud bark, letting that be his battle cry as he leaped head first into a fight.
Elira wasn't going to argue with Danny about who they were taking down. She knew better than to come between mates. Following after Danny and Nick, she kept her head on a swivel looking for anything out of place. Nick's bark caused her to jump, whirling towards where he and Danny were running off. Elira could only follow being more cautious about what exactly was going on. 

Joel gulped, leaning away from the man who held him when a bark drew his attention. Apperently it did the same to the hunters because both of them turned to look at the gigantic artic wolf looming at one end of the hallway. The guy holding Joel snickered, thrusting his knee up into his gut. Joel doubled over in pain, the air getting knocked out of him as he was pushed to the floor. The hunter pulled out a gun, aiming it at Joel's head with a disgusting grin. His partner did the same, though he was a bit more rough with Sam than nessicary. 

"Your move, pooch." The hunter snapped, pulling the hammer on his revolver back.
When Nick leaped he shifted back to his human shape and grabbed the man's wrist with his hand. He gripped tight and began freezing it. "Don't fuck with my pack." It was many years ago that Nick had gotten the nickname Winter Nick. It was in part for his ability to freeze nearly everything, but the bigger part was how he got angry. He wan't someone with a hot head, but with cold calculations. He would evaluate the situation he was in, in mere second and figure out the best way to handle it, or rather what he thought was the best way. He kept applying ice to the man and soon frostbite sat. Nick slapped the man's hand against the wall, forcing the man to drop the gun. He wasn't sure, he couldn't tell, but he may have broken a few bones on the man. Then with an uppercut punch he knocked the man out and Nick spit next the the man's head, as if turning away an evil spirit.

Moving like a ghost Danny held the wrench at the man's throat, as if she had a sword to it instead of a dull piece of steel used to tighten bolts. The man, who had Sam's scent all over him, and it also didn't help that she had seen him hold a knife to her mate. "You have 2 seconds to drop the knife. If you don't you'll look worse than a car wreck." She waited giving the man a chance to turn himself over. She wasn't above killing him, but knew trouble would brew if she did. She didn't want trouble brought onto the pack. 
The first hunter screeched, paralyzed by the sudden shift. Joel could tell that the man had never seen a werewolf shift so quickly before. With a normal wolf it would have taken at least five minutes or a crap ton of practice to morph back into humanoid form so quickly. But Alphas, as the hunter who's hand was getting frozen to bits knew first hand, could shift within seconds. The older man's hand was turning blue and black at the edges, the flesh becoming grey. The gun fell to the asphalt with a dull thud, skidding across the alley. With a dull crack, the man's head hit the ground after Nick released him. A groan slipped from his lips as he curled into a ball to cradle his arm. 

The second hunter was a lanky man, short, and reeked of stale beer. The knife in his hand twitched, tightening against Sam's throat. He had been too busy staring at Nick to notice Danny. When he did it was too late, he knew that the female wolf was in striking distance and he didn't want to get pulverized by whatever it was that she had in her hands. Even so, he held his glare with the two other wolves. He didn't look like he wanted to budge yet he was shifting his weight from side to side. Licking his lips nervously. 

Elira moved around Nick, picking up the gun. Blue eyes glared up at the hunter who had just now noticed her. He shifted back a little as if he could sense her cold fury. She wasn't happy that her best friend was on the ground groaning nor was she all too thrilled that Sam was in danger. No one messed with her family. She turned the steel weapon in her hand, locking her gaze with the hunter as it began to melt. It hit the asphalt with sizzling sounds, her fingers curled around the melted pool of metal before letting it clank to the ground. 

She was going to say something sarcastic but apperently it wasn't needed as the hunter dropped the knife at the display of melting magic. His skin paling a few shades, pushing Sam away from him with a trembling arm.
Nick gave Elira a nod saying that she did right. "Danny, don't toy with the man. Restrain him and we'll take these goons to the cops. We did what we were supposed to, the cops won't believe their stories. Let's just get everyone home." He shifted back into a wolf and began pretending he was a dog. If he had walked out the alley naked people would have been alarmed and start asking question. He sat down and waited for Danny to finish what she see needed to.

Danny's eyes narrowed as she stared down the hunter. "If you ever touch my mate again I'll cut your dick off and shove it down your worthless fucking throat. If you think I can't just try me." She handed Sam her wrench and with a blur of movement had the man's arm pinned behind his back. "Nick can we place them in the back of your car? I know it doesn't have much room, but that scum won't fit on the bike and..."

She was cut off by Sam "They sure as hell won't be in my car. I may not be a fighter, but i'd crash the car just to..."

"No you wouldn't, but she doesn't need to be around them any longer than she has. You could handle them."

Nick gave a nod and then ran off to the car. He returned minutes later fully clothed. "Yes they'll take the back seat. Elira you'll be kind enough to drive again?" He took on the job of watching the men, nit because he didn't trust his pack, he honestly would have let any of them do it, but it was his job to make sure his pack was safe. That was the job of the alpha, the true job of the alpha. Being an alpha wasn't about being the biggest boss, or the strongest, it was about putting the pack before yourself.
Elira hovered over the frosted hunter, squatting next to him to rile through his pockets. It was an old habit and she almost hadn't realized that she was trying to loot things off the man until she touched something that made her hiss. Pulling back her hand, she glared at the red mark marring her fingers. There must have been something silver in that pocket. She almost didn't catch Nick's nod as she stood looking down at the incapacitated man. "Joel are you okay?" She asked quietly, taking the four steps to her friend forgetting the other guy. Joel groaned, wincing as he moved. If Elira didn't know any better she would have thought that the hunter had broken a rib. They weren't fragile enough for that though so he was just being a drama queen. 

"Yeah, thanks for asking sweetie." He grumbled, getting to his feet with Elira's help. With one fluid movement Joel wrapped his arms around her, proceeding to squeeze the life out of the young woman. Much to her discomfort. Awkwardly, she patted him on the back wiggling in an attempt to get out of the crushing display of affection. She looked behind her at Nick as he spoke, fully clothed now and less angry looking than before. "Oh sure.." She wheezed, still struggling with her clingy friend who was whining about a jumble of things she couldn't really understand. "I don't mind. It's not like I have anything better to do anyway." She cheekily grunted, pushing at Joel's chest. 

"-could've died!! DO YOU HEAR ME DIED!!!" Joel erupted, earning a slap to the back of his head by the much shorter girl. Cerulean eyes blazed into his hazel ones with irritation.

"You wouldn't have died you big oaf. Now get off of me!" 

Joel made a mock sniffle, before grinning widely and patting Elira on the head. 

"You are so cute when you're angry." He teased, releasing her. She made a disgusted face, pushing at him before heading off to Nick's car. Making a point of grabbing the guy who had the wounded arm and slinging his good arm around her neck. She started dragging him towards the small car hoping that it looked like some drunk guy was just leaning on her for support.
Nick took over the second and was a lot more ruthless than Elira. He was focusing on breathing not wanting to freeze anything extra. When he became too upset he had the habit of freezing things, even stuff he didn't mean to. "We need to go see Tiana. She needs to know hat happened in case the cops take these men to the hospital." He went to go scratch his nose and revealed that his hand was bleeding quite bad. It had been cut on the teeth of the man he punched, and he needed stitches. Nick hadn't really noticed the injury. The adrenaline that was coursing through him was making it so he wasn't ware of his body, if broken glass had been in the alley he would have noticed it either.

"Joel calm down." Said Sam who was hugging her hero Danny. Tears were streaming down her face, part of them form fear and part from happiness. Sam gave Danny a kiss, putting what she could convey in words in it. "I thought I would never get to see you again."

"Shhh" Said Danny as she comforted Sam. She was patting Sam's back. "Everything will be okay. Esos matones profanas will be in jail soon enough." She was at a lost of what else to do. Comforting anyone was beyond her set of skills. She had hardly cried when her father passed away, and had shown little discomfort to moving to America. She just didn't know how to express feelings, it wasn't like she was trying to be tough all the time. This was just in her nature. She did remember though that people often enjoyed a warm soothing bath to help ease them, she'd make a bath for Sam, light some candles and get a bottle of their favorite wine for them to enjoy. Maybe that'd help. 
With a final push asshole number one was in the backseat with just enough room for asshole number two. It'd be a tight fit but it wasn't like they were in any position to complain. Tightening her ponytail she let out a long breath of air, completely exasperated by the events of today. All she wanted was to be back in that museum listening to Nick go on about the exhibits. Instead they were stuck driving two hunters who tried to hurt their friends to the police. Though personally she was thinking that they should have just killed them. Two less hunters to worry about in the end. But that was her past self speaking, it wasn't the Elira that Nick and the pack knew. Back then she did whatever it took to survive, there wasn't any sort of extreme when it was life or death in question everyday. 

Turning, she cast her sky blue gaze back to Nick as he spoke. She opened her mouth to voice her agreement only for it to shut. All thoughts of saying anything dissipated with the sight of his hand. The second hunter was shoved in the back next to his buddy with the door closed and locked behind them. Before he could slip away, Elira gently grabbed Nick's wounded hand in concern. She used the clean napkins in her pocket to wipe away the extra crimson on his knuckles. She didn't look up at his eyes, keeping her head down trying to focus more on what she was doing and not the pounding of her own heart. His hand was frigid, getting a bit colder to the point where their hands were steaming at the touch. 

Joel ran his fingers through his hair, searching for his cell phone frantically. He needed to call John but he couldn't find it. Real tears were slipping past his defenses as if everything was just now hitting him. "Can I borrow someones phone after we get out of this stupid alley?" He asked, sniffling a bit and wiping tears from the corners of his eyes. He was almost hyperventilating, fanning himself rapidly.  
Nick smiled as she dabbed at his injury. "Well I guess the hospital is needed. Looks like i'll need stitched for the next few days." Werewolves healed fast, but not so fast that injuries could heal all at once. Nick knew that better than anyone. It was hard to tell but he had some scarring on his knuckles, and then some light, almost invisible, scars running down his back. "Elira thank you. I don't think we could have done this without you. It was rough there for a bit. I... I..." He trailed off not wanting to finish what he was about to stay. He'd say it later when the two hunters were gone. He got in the car and rolled down the window. "Go home you three. We'll have a meeting once everyone is home. We'll be a bit behind you." Rolling up his window he waited for Elira to start driving, longing to be alone with her, longing for some rest. Freezing took energy out of him, as did shifting, fighting, and on top of that the excite from that day.

Danny nodded and tossed Joel her phone. "Use mine. Give it back to me at the house. You two drive safe, i'll be behind you." She broke away from Sam, but before she walked away she gave Sam a kiss. "I love you. Just don't get yourself in trouble again. I won't always have that wrench on me." She took the wrench from Same as she parted, making sure to return it to work. 
A ghost of a smile pulled at her lips, still averting her gaze form his. "Think you hit him hard enough?" She teased lightly, taking the bloodied napkin away from his slightly cleaner hand. Elira held his hand for a bit longer than she should have, a bit mesmerized by his touch. It wasn't exactly cold to her even though the steaming said otherwise. For a second she looked up, getting caught in those emerald eyes. She let go of him like he actually did burn her or something, startled and a bit spooked by her own actions. Elira looked away again, "Bullshit, you guys were fine. All I did was melt some lousy metal, I'm sure it would have gone over just as well had I not been there." She replied gruffly, getting in the drivers seat without even glancing at him. She put the keys in the ignition, jaw clenched in tense thought. Her thudding heart was telling her that that had gotten too close and mentally commanded herself that she was not to touch him at all. He was the Alpha. 

With that reminder she started driving towards the police station where they would drop both of those asses off before heading to the hospital.

Joel smiled in relief, going in for a hug but decided against it last minute knowing that Danny wasn't as touchy feely as he was. 

"Thanks, sweetie." He replied exasperatedly. He opened the phone and started calling Jon as they walked back to Sam's car. 

"Hello?" Jon's voice came from the end of the line and Joel was instantly crying a bit harder this time. 

"H-Hey, Sunshine." He sniffled.

"J-Joel? Are you crying?" 

He hummed in response, straightening a bit. "No. I-I'll talk to you at home." He chickened out, clicking the phone shut and slumping into the passenger seat. 
Nick was happy now. The pack was okay and they had got some hunters, which told Nick that these guys had probably just become hunters. Normally hunters would have moved a lot more swiftly and done more damage quicker, and wouldn't have been caught this easily. Nick wouldn't complain though, a victory was still a victory. It didn't take them much longer till they got to the police station and dragged the two men inside. It took them a couple of hours of telling the police their story but finally they could leave. Now it was time to go to the hospital, just in time as well as Nick's hand was throbbing painfully, not that he'd have let anyone know. "Elira I can't tell you how thankful I am for all your help." 

Danny made it home first and parked her motorcycle under the car garage they pack shared, luckily it was large enough for everyone to have their cars under there, and she made sure that her motorcycle was next to Nick's Vespa as they were both so small. It was when she got off that she realized she never wore her helmet since leaving the shop. "Well that was stupid, I could have gotten a ticket." She was talking to herself to as she went inside the house and slung her self on the couch. Sam and Danny should be walking in the next few minutes. 
The whole police station thing seems to take the energy right out of her. Luckily Nick did most of the talking which was fortunate. By the time they were back in his tiny car and on the way to the hospital Elira's mood had soured completely. Her focus remained on the road even as Nick spoke. "That's what I'm here for." She mumbled sarcastically instead of just taking the praise and rolling with it. 

Joel and Sam drove in complete silence. He fumbled with the phone in his hand, still staring at it. He was more so in shock now than anything else. 
Nick just nodded. He understood why, exhaustion was a bitch. He checked into the hospital and told them to page Tiana, saying that's who he wanted, as he knew her personally. Nick mad sure Elira was close to him as they made there way to the correct waiting room and Is was barely 3 minutes after they sat down when Tiana came in.

"What the hell happened Nick?" Asked Tiana with both anger and worry in her voice. " I hear you need stitches because you punched someone. We are stronger than normal people you... You..."

Nick stopped her and quickly explained the story of what had happened and that she needed to be guard, it was why they had asked her to be there, and she would be able to give Nick the proper medicine to numb the pain in his hand.

Letting out a long sigh Tiana grabbed everything she would need to give Nick stitches, a heavy duty thread and needle, the iodine, and some other stuff. Lastly she grabbed a full bottle of local anesthetics. "Alright Nick, this is going to suck for you. I'm going to have to use this entire vial, our metabolism is too high for normal dosage. That being said you are probably going to feel loopy, like you were drunk." She then turned her head to Elira "Keep an eye on him, and listen to what he says. He might say something stupid, or try and pretend to be Superman or something." He began injecting the fluid into Nick's knuckles, careful not to hit bone. Finger stitches were the worst to give as the finger moved so much. A minute or two later she finished with it and let it sit for another 10 minutes, letting Nick's hand go completely numb.

Nick was laying down now and could feel small tugs from the needle as it went in and out of his flesh. It didn't hurt, it just felt odd. Then jumping back to the conversation 10 minutes ago. "Superman is a little bitch. Magic can take him out. Hell a first year at Hogwarts could kick his alien ass. It why he never when fight with Thor." His words were starting to string together and his sentence structures sounded as if he was just learning English all over again. "He be called Super Bitch now."

Tiana finished the last stitch and cleaned Nick's hand again, then left telling them to stay put. A few minutes later she came back with a cup of coffee and a wheel chair, Nick was too bulky for them to carry, plus it was part of the hospitals policy. She handed to cup to Elira. "Here drink this real quick while I get Nick into the chair." She then proceeded to get Nick out of the bed carefully and slowly, and got him to walk over to the chair. She left the breaks on and made sure he was seated properly before she started cleaning up the rest of the mess, She was glad Nick had done all the work to get himself seated. Some patients after getting treated would refuse to move at all, Nick's only problem was his balance at the moment, and was pretty sure everything looked blurry to him.
She let out a breath, taking her apron off and putting it in the back seat before they entered the hospital. Elira followed after Nick, making sure to stay close enough to him but far enough so that they wouldn't accidentally touch. Crossing her arms she hovered in the waiting room with Nick watching Tiana stitch up his knuckles. A small smile split onto her lips at the other woman's warning. "You can count on me Tiana, he won't leave my sight." She mused, biting her bottom lip. 

Elira took the coffee greatfully, looking at it like it was the exlir of everlasting life. "Thank you." She smiled, taking a sip. Her hand covered her mouth, trying not to laugh at Nick. His accent was a little thicker and just seemed to make everything he was saying sound that much more amusing. "Super Bitch?" She chuckled, watching Tiana help him into the wheelchair. 

"Can I get some of whatever it is he's having?" Elira teased, grinning at the other female. Another nurse came in to wheel Nick out as was hospital procedure. She was drinking her coffee happily, helping him get into the car just to make sure he didn't face plant into the cement or something. Elira got into his car, starting it up.
As they rode back to the house Nick started to laugh. "Wanna know how I got these scars? It's funny because of the Joker." He let out one last chuckle before getting serious. "I mean the ones on my back and knuckles, not the stitches. It's... I nearly saw someone loose their mate. I know what its like." He took in a deep breath and began telling her how he first came to America. He had just started high school, a freshman, when he and his friend had gone on a hunting trip. How he had changed for the first time in front of his friend. Alric was his name, and the two continued being friends, and still were today. A few months later a substitute teacher had came to teach history and had asked Nick to stay after class. He did and she told him about what he was and offered for him to move to America with her pack and teach him. He had agreed and soon the two got onto a boat and sailed to America as Nick refused to set foot on an airplane. When they docked the woman's sister meet them, and Nick felt that pull at once. He had found his mate so quickly. Later some vampires had kidnapped her and where traveling down an empty highway in large shipping trucks. He had fought his way through to her, and once she was in his arms they had been literally kicked out of the truck. He had been naked, having shifted so many times to get to her, and to freeze the vampires, who had then shattered like glass against the asphalt. He did the only thing he could think of and took the full impact off the fall, getting intense roadrash, his back had looked like he had lost a fight with a lawn mower. "But we stayed together happily after that, and would until she died." Tears began streaming down Nick's face but his voice was still clear. "Two years later we got a call about some wolves abusing their pack mate, they were mentally, physically, and sexually abusive to her. It was a mess, they weren't sane, they had gone crazy. A fight broke out and the next thing I knew Lily's throat had been ripped out. She died because of me." He grew silent for a minute, trying to regain composure. "I killed all of them, even the victim. The cops must have thought it was an illegal dog fighting ring."  
Elira looked over at Nick, arching an eyebrow at the movie reference. She didn't know what he was talking about until he reiterated. "Nick-" Her comment was cut off by his voice as he went into full on story mode. She felt her throat dry up, the edges of her fingers turned white as she gripped the wheel far tighter than normal. Elira didn't know what to feel or what to even say to any of this. Her own past wasn't all rainbows and kittens but she had never lost someone that special to her. Hell she never even had anyone to begin with. For as long as she could remember it had always been Elira against the World. Until she joined this pack she hadn't even known what a real family was supposed to be. She kept her eyes on the road, knowing that Nick was only telling her this because of the Meds. He wouldn't have told her otherwise. Elira leaned back in the seat a bit more, forcing herself to take long deep breaths. 

"I'm sorry, Nick....If I had-" She broke off, shaking her head. "I'm really sorry that you had to go through that." Was what she ended with instead. It hadn't crossed her mind that Nick had found his mate and lost her. Elira's jaw clenched, struggling to keep her thoughts from showing on her face. If she had known about Lily she wouldn't have let herself get so attached. She was trying to convice herself that the pull she felt to him was imaginary, just a random thing that had manifested since they were good friends. But that wasn't it, she knew she had felt it even before then when she first saw him. Elira tightened her ponytail trying not to cry at the sudden sadness that swept over her. It was such a raritie to even find a true mate let alone two. She might as well just get stabbed in the heart right now. 

Seeing the roof of the pack house come into view, Elira parked Nick's car next to Danny's bike. She moved over to his side, opening the door and extending her hand to him with a soft smile. Only now noticing that he had been crying a bit. "Her death isn't your fault Nick. You were doing what you had been called in to do." Elira was trying to make her voice seem as soft as possible, not wanting to say the wrong thing and make him feel worse about himself. "Anyone would have reacted the same way." She whispered, taking his uninjured hand to help him out of the car. He was a little wobbly so she moved his arm around her neck for support. Her gaze traveled up to his face, trying to smile without making it seem so fake. Ushering him inside, she set him on the couch in the living room. 
Nick just sort of sat thereon the couch. He didn't do much but yawn, he was tired and the couch was too small for him to lay down on. He got up carefully, paying attention to his feet as he walked to his room. He swayed a little here  and there but he was soon gaining control over himself, it wasn't long till he made it to the door leading to his room. Opening it with a loud creak he began making the steps, one at a time, moving like a snail as he did so. Another loud squeak could be heard as he touched the last step and like a drunk he made a loud hushing sound. "SSSSHHHH. Don't let Elira know i'm down here. She can't know I'm walking yet." 
 Maybe it was a mistake to go into the kitchen to make him some tea. She had been so busy trying to put something together that it hadn't occured to her that he might get up and move. Her hands stilled, hearing his voice drift obnoxiously from where the stairs were leading to his room. She followed the noise, seeing him half way down the steps. 

"Uh-huh and how is that conversation with the stairs going?" She asked, going down the rest of the way to him. If he wanted to get down stairs he should have said something. Elira's blue eyes narrowed at him, looking a little bit peeved. She didn't want anything bad to happen to him regardless of how she was struggling with her own feelings.

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