• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Blood-Paved Citizens (CS)


This is my loudest bork
Important Links



Skills and Abilities:
You're allowed to choose 3 prominent skills. Magic is available for Vampires, but 1 type of magic is one skill. If you want to use Fire, Ice, and Thunder spells, that's 3 different skills. No general magic skill. It's all focused. This is for balancing purposes. For vampires and werewolves, you have things like wings, changing form (inherent for werewolves), healing factors, resistance or immunity to a common weakness, etc. All skills. Your character can only truly die by a certain method, that's a skill (consult the killing method). Elders have 6 Skills and Abilities

Humans have Technology as part of their skills and abilities: Any type of equipment that allows them to do their thing a bit better counts as a skill. Your character has a radar? That's a skill that lets them sense enemy presence.
Your character is a psychic? That's a skill. Your human can rip the head off a vampire without breaking a sweat? That's a skill. Your character is a priest or clergy that can banish them back to hell? That's a skill

Vampires nor Werewolves can use modern technology (in battle). This is all for balancing reasons

If your character is some form of half-breed (ie half vampire or vampire/werewolf hybrid, they get less restrictions, but they're generally weaker than the pure-bred)

Next are the weaknesses. Here are the most common weaknesses of Vampires. This list is not the only weaknesses, but are just the most common. A skill/ability may limit or eliminate one of these weaknesses, except those written in red. Those are universal no matter what. You may make up your own crazy weaknesses or killing method


Most common weaknesses of Vampires:
Fire and extreme Heat (not simply sunlight)
Holy and Religious places, objects, or symbols

Wooden Stake through the heart
A lot of others

Most common weaknesses of Werewolves:
Full Moon (Makes them feral)
Blood Moon (Makes them even more feral
Holy and Religious places, objects, or symbols

High Pitches and Loud Noises
Extremely Foul Smells
A lot of others

: Pics real or not.

: (Their true name)
Aliases: (Other names, titles, nicknames, and aliases.)
Age: (Biological age. How long have you been there?)
Gender: (Male, Female, Genderless, or Hermaphrodite depending on Race)
Race: Vampire, Werewolf, or Human
Role: If an Elder/Champion, state Elder. Otherwise, what is the role of your character?

: (Ships gotta sail, then sink each other.)
High Concept: (Sum up your character in a sentence.)
Character Alignment: (Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaos Good, Chaos Neutral, or Chaos Evil)
Relatives: (People that are biologically related to your character)
Organizations\Affiliations: (Organizations, or people the character is affiliated with)
Personality: (At least 3 lines. Make sure the character has it's strengths and flaws.)
Bio: (At least a solid paragraph, no more than 4 paragraphs. Keep it relevant.)

Appearance Description: If not using a pic. Otherwise, delete
Weapons & Armor
: (Anything that the character uses for protection, or attack during combat)
Items & Personal Belongings: (Any other items that the character has, or belong to them)
Skills & Abilities: 3 max
Weaknesses: (Weak sides of a character. Fears, inabilities, inexperience, emotional issues, mental issues, etc. Only ones that could be said to negatively affect the character. For Werewolves and Vampires, include how to kill them, their material weakness like silver, garlic, and whatnot. Be creative)
Killing Method: A special way besides the usual to kill them that'll ensure they don't come back. Werewolves and vampires only. Otherwise, delete

FLUFF (Optional. Delete if you don't want it)
Hobbies: (What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type)
Theme: (Musical theme)
Name: Loriana Hoizer
Aliases: The Wolf (Cause she's not subtle)
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Were-Wolf Vampire Hybrid
Role: Slayer I guess?

Sexuality: Demi-Sexual
High Concept: A slayer in a rather...awkward position.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Relatives: None. She's been disowned by her mother and her parents families. She doesn't know who her father is.

  • Slayers: It's odd to see a woman of her heritage siding with people who make it their job to kill creatures like her. They don't trust her, but she gets the job done so they hardly argue. Well, they do but it's normally pointless.
Personality: Loriana is a rather, intense young woman. Growing up like her results in some serious psychological issues, and emotional hang ups. She doesn't trust easy, she's blunt and hot headed, and tends to push people away before they can get close. Not like anyone wants to get some to her in the first place. Anyway, she comes off as a cold, angry, untrustful woman. In reality, if you manage to break though her outer shell; you'll see she's much more than that.
Bio: Her earliest memory is of a dungeon. That dark, damp cell with that fucking chain around her ankle. Her mother, someone she viewed as kind and caring was basically pulling a Frollo. Her mother was a prideful woman who called her daughter the result of a moment of weakness. A monster she didn't intend on creating, but one she could possibly control. Loriana had no choice, and for years underwent her mothers torture. Of cpurse, the woman taught her how to read and write, and schooled her like a normal child, but would return around and starve her. Keep her weak, shed beat her, but her, and in on instance; an event Loriana doesn't lime to talk about, nearly killed her. The scar on her back an ever lasting reminder.

At the age of nine, came her escape. With the full moon, Loriana transformed for the first time and escaped the gothic manor were merely hours later, after turning back into her human form, was found by a pair of slayers. At first, they wanted to kill her. But...perhaps in their better nature, took her in. They knew of her blood, so didn't keep a secert from the other slayers. Who, treated her lime a normal child for long enough to gain her trust, before they starts to train her to become one of them. Sure she was only a child, but a child capable of incredible things. I mean, what's better to fight vampires and werewolves than someone of their own blood?

Growing up among those who want to kill you, yet who are training you to become a weapon is hard. There's no love, no gentleness, no thought of her well-being. She would see how they treated children of their own blood, the little human boys and girls in her breaks or from her locked room. Naturally she grew jealous. But would eventually grow out of this as she underwent their conditioning training. Years upon years of their training and conditioning saw her fit to be a slayer at the young age of 17. They were fast-tracking her sure, but she proved to be extremely skilled, and her strength came in handy.

Though once joining their ranks, the Slayers were still harsh with her. The Wolf is probably the kindest thing they call her, though Dog seems to be what most refer to her as. It's annoying. They undermine her, make her second guess herself. They ignore her plans, and always put her up from as a bullet shield. Her life means nothing to the Slayers, they only care for it because they would possibly lose their greatest weapon. Three years of official missions, raids, and other various task for them haven t changed their mind of the hybrid. But, Loriana doesn't have the choice to leave.

Apperance: Loriana has long dark black hair, red eyes, and lightly tan skin. She stands at five feet, seven inches tall, with a hourglass figure, and slightly muscular. She has abbs. Her body is littered with thin scars from her past and the various fights she's been in, with the exception of a large, diagonal scar from her left shoulder to about the middle of her lower back.
Weapons & Armor:

  • Armor: As seen above.
  • Weapons: Clawed gauntlets, throwing knives, and a steel sword
Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Necklace Chain: The chain from her mothers necklace with a bit of the opal pendant still clinging to it. She isn't sure why she keeps it, but she does. Maybe, she hopes her mother will want her back.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Super Strength: So this is pretty self explanatory.
  • Enhanced Senses: So is this.
  • Expert Hand To Hand Combat: Years of training and fighting to survive, has lead to Loriana to being rather skilled with her hands. She can throw a punch and end a fight quickly.
  • Feeding: While she's able to survive on human food, because of her heritage she needs blood, animal or human blood will work, but she'll need it. She has a few trusted friends who let her feed on them, but since they aren't always available, she hunts.
  • Wolfsbane: Every werewolf's weakness, a drug than can easily kill in large enough doses. Loriana however, can only be sedated and weakened by it thanks to her vampiric blood.
  • Holy Shit: Churches, crosses, holy water, etc. Makes her skin burn, her eyes swell, it's like she's having an allergic reaction. Other slayers like to use the stuff for jokes on her. They end up getting punched in the throat. But it's normally small stuff for pranks because they are very aware of the time she was nearly killed because she was being tested on her holy limts. She can only last about five minutes on holy ground before she collapses and starts having a sesuire. Because both of her blood counter parts are weak against holy items and holy ground, she is essentially powerless against it.
  • Fire and Extreme Heat: Well, for one, fire can kill pretty much everyone. Extreme heat isn't as much as a problem as it aould have been if she had been a pureblood vampire, but ut can still cause her some problems.
  • Extreme Sensory Overload: Its easy for her to get sensory overload, which triggers a panic attack that really nothing but a very dark and silent place will help with.
Killing Method: Take a look at her weaknesses. Holy items are the bane of her existence. Expose her to more than her limit of holy items, she collapses and starts having a sesuire. If whatever holy item isn't take away before its too late, or she is on holy ground for to long, she will die.

FLUFF (Optional. Delete if you don't want it)
Hobbies: Hunting, Training, Baking oddly enough
Quote\s: "Oh, dog, like I haven't heard that before." "I bet I could kick your ass with my eyes closed." "Oh please don't do that, it hurts my ears." "I am going to beat this motherfucker with another motherfucker." "Try me."

Other: Weirdly has a Scottish accent
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☂ ✦ ☁ ☾​
Elder Wolf

Arlo Lýkos
Name: Arlo Lýkos
Aliases: Red, sometimes called Pup by her pack members
Age: 642, relatively young for a wolf elder
Gender: Hermaphrodite, female pronouns
Race: Werewolf
Role: Elder

Sexuality: Bisexual, female preference
High Concept: A childish leader that does what's best for pack, most of the time.
Character Alignment: Lawful Evil
Relatives: Red has fathered a child but she was unable to meet them because of the strict pack rules, hasn't given up hope yet.
Has 2 brothers and 3 sisters.
Organizations\Affiliations: The Pack and humans that swear their allegiance
Personality: Red has such a deep sense of loyalty that she will always put the ones she love before herself. She is courageous but also has a childish side that comes out quite often. When dealing with outsiders or potential threats, she gives off the cold and overbearing alpha. Red is usually honest when she speaks, brutally so, but her flustered naivety when dealing with emotional situations has caused her pack to love their leader.

Bio: Arlo was the runt of the litter that was born with male genitalia and functioning testes that remained inside throughout her life. Arlo had no difficulties in her childhood as this was quite common and she later developed a decent sized chest. During her birth, it was a rather peaceful time where her kind were free to hunt without crossing into the vampires territory. Once she reached the age of 16, she had left home for awhile to complete the usual rite of passage for werewolves. By this point, Arlo had reached her full height and was no longer the cute runt of her family. She spent days preying on the wildlife until she spotted a beautiful vampire on her normal hunting grounds. Arlo was shocked and a little awestruck after all of the horrid stories she had been told of their kind. She approached the girl with a shy nervousness which would soon lead to their immoral relationship. It didn't take long for their respective elders to catch wind and keep them apart, but they rekindled their love a few hundred years later. A daughter was the result although Arlo had never met her due to earning the title of Elder and the strict laws that prohibited relationships between them. Now she spends her days concerned over the safety of the pack and whether or not her child since its been about 20 years. Arlo only has a baby picture to go on that she keeps hidden in her home.

Appearance: Red has wild head of crimson hair that naturally curls back and away from her face. Her complexion is a light tan which seems darker in comparison to her steely grey eyes that can switch from a cold intensity to a warmer gaze. She stands at a rather intimidating 5'9' in her human form with a toned yet muscled physique. She is covered in scars from past battles where Wolfsbane was used, leaving her unable to fully heal from the damage. It gives her a rugged appearance that has kept most enemies at bay.
Weapons & Armor: Only wears a chest plate into battle to cover her vital organs. Her claws and massive strength are the only weapons she needs.
Items & Personal Belongings: A necklace with a Yowah Opal stone that dangles from an unbreakable chain imbued with magic. It's her most cherished possession which is a part of a pair. The other necklace was given to her vampire mate before they were separated.
Skills & Abilities: All of her senses are heightened to a level above some of her brethren, monstrous strength, good agility, can speak to and understand animals, amazing healing ability, and she has the ability to harden her fur and shoot them as if they were quills. The fur that is shot out becomes dangerously sharp and thin enough to easily shoot through her enemies without them noticing.

Weaknesses: One of her greatest fears is that she won't be able to protect the ones she loves like she did in the past. That fear has lead to many sleepless nights and a bad temper. Her physical weakness is the aconitum flower, commonly known as Wolf's Bane. Having the nectar or pollen of this flower enter her wounds will negatively affect her restorative ability. Another weakness is the anise herbs, it has a similar effect in the way that catnip intoxicates cats. Her senses are dulled and she enters a drunken state.
Killing Method: Ingesting Wolf's Bane or having the nectar of the flower enter what would be a fatal wound will end her.

code by pasta
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Vampiric Name - Rayleh

Human Name - Virginia Woods


To her clients she is known as "The Ripper."


250 Years Old


Female but rarely refers to herself as anything of such.


Lesser Vampire


Contract Killer. Hitman. Mercenary.



Asexual/Likes blood a lot

High Concept:

A lesser vampire who finds her place as a contract killer in the human world.

Character Alignment:

Neutral Evil (Does not discriminate in her targets.) Still has a small capacity to do "good." (Will not harm children)


Rayleh has outlived her relatives, it's been so long she has a hard time recalling them.


Jack Blayne - Her contract handler that provides her intel on missions and additionally locates contracts for her. Her relationship is distant from this man other than business. (She once gave him a Christmas present however)

Various Gangs - Much of her contracts have to do with gang rivalry. She is known in the gang world as your ally and your worst enemy.


Very cold and calculated and tends to keep quiet. Rayleh is very disconnected from culture in general and tends to not understand jokes. Has a soft-spot in her unbeating heart for children.


Rayleh was born in the original thirteen colonies and lived under British occupation. Her old self was far-different from her current self. Prior to her transformation Rayleh was a sweet-hearted girl who wanted nothing more than to get married. Her transformation occurred when she came down with a horrible fever. Rayleh's family loved her so much that they sought a remedy feverishly and came upon a strange native american medicine man who gave them a jar of some sort of gaseous substance. Oddly enough in exchange for this drug her father went missing, poor Rayleh would never know what happened to him.

This substance saved her and turned her into a lesser vampire. Her mother kept her secret out of shame but was happy to have her alive.

Rayleh became more and more aware of her new capabilities including her spacial warping power; additionally her newfound bloodlust drove her to fight in the revolutionary war against British occupation. Eventually she found work on both sides being paid off over and over again by both sides. By wars end she had accumulated enough wealth for her and her mother to live comfortably together. This was the most peaceful period of her life. She watched her mother grow old and whither and eventually was left alone. Following this she found work as a contract killer for years to come.

Eventually she found that she wasn't alone in the world. Vampires, werewolves, and possibly other nefarious things existed. She learned to avoid them at-all cost and hasn't had much contact with them.

Appearance Description:

Rayleh is known by her thick rimmed sunglasses she always has on. Her initial appearance is ambiguous at-best, she is not the most feminine looking person. Her hair is kept trim and she has a flat chest. Rayleh has a toned agile body from constant physical activity and training. Like many other vampires her skin is a pale grey, although her fangs are slightly smaller than the average vampire.

Weapons & Armor:

In-combat she rarely wears any armor. Currently she is making use of a standard Katana, although she has been known to use various different swords.

Items & Personal Belongings:

At-all times she keeps a few syringes of blood handy for when she needs a quick fix.

Skills and Abilities:

- Daywalker

Rayleh is the lowest of the Vampires. She is notably almost indistinguishable from her human counterparts other than having unnatural pure black iris's. This ability extends to her natural "essence" when her presence is detected she counts as a human unless she is further examined. (Eyes seen/Fangs) Additionally she can tread into holy sights that vampires would not be normally able to enter, although she can only do this every so often or else she will have a hard time sleeping.

- Expert Swords-women

Rayleh has spent much of her 200 plus years with this curse perfecting the art of the sword. Her enhanced vampiric physicality allows her to make up for using such dated weaponry.

- Space Warping

What may seem like "teleportation" is a peculiar ability Rayleh has perfected. Rayleh can fold space between two locations making the distance between them become non existent. Light bends strangely when she utilizes this power. This allows her to strike from a distance with her sword by bending space around a target that is visible to her (Or location is known in immediate area) Additionally she can step through this distortion for quicker movement. This ability can also be used defensively in one direction at a time to redirect most attacks.


- The Lower Breed

Rayleh can take more damage than a human, but she does not have immunity to conventional weapons. Eventually Rayleh's healing factor can be overwhelmed and she can be gunned down, cut to bits, eviscerated, or killed by any other attack.

- Outsider

She finds herself with no coven which affords her no protection from slayers, werewolves, and vampire alike. To the general population of Vampire she is seen as inferior and a blight to their breed. This does not induce hatred of her own kind, but creates a sense of neutrality between her and them.

- Scarlet Dreams

Despite being of the lesser Vampire Breed, Rayleh's fixation on blood is something that isn't usually seen in Vampire-Kind. Frequently she paints meaningless images upon canvases with her victims blood. If Rayleh see's even the smallest cuts of blood her fixation on harming said individual heightens to a dangerous degree. Rayleh acknowledges this fixation is unnatural and frequently exposes herself to blood and attempts to resist her inner urges; currently she has worked her urges down in non-aggressive situations. In-aggressive situations she might not be able to control herself.

Killing Method:

Rayleh's killing method is very straight forward. Sustained damage faster than she can heal will kill her, this grants her the boon of not having a specific kill method but gives her the disadvantage of being able to being killed by conventional means.



Painting with and without blood. (she is not very good) Visiting Churches on occasion as a strange visitor. Rayleh attempts to regain her faith in God she lost years ago.


"... Alright."

"... Understood."


Rayleh absolutely hates pop-culture.

Pandora Belmont

Lord of Blood, Vampire Queen, Rich One

1,231, appears to be 28





High Concept:
An Ancient Vampire who has amassed a vast amount of wealth.

Character Alignment:
Chaotic Neutral


Pandora leads the Haven, an organization that protects vampires. Pandora is also associated with various companies and industries under various aliases and also has ties to underground crime syndicates.

Pandora is a patient and determined vampire. She knows she can outlive and outlast everyone, so instead of hastily made decisions, Pandora tends to go for long term benefits and slow but steady gains. She taks everything into consideration and prefers stability and safety over quick and easy methods. That said, Pandora dislikes failure and defeat. She despises seeing all her hard work destroyed due to a mishap from one of her own men or due to some outside influence and would absolutely see to it that the perpetrator is punished. Her wrath should never be incurred, she would do all in her power to ensure the complete obliteration of those who earns her ire, and she has enough wealth and power to spare.

Pandora is old even by vampire standards. No one knows who she was back then nor where she was from. She has been spotted in various countries in different continents across history, witnessing events and occassions most only knew in history books. She has walked this world for so long that even she may no longer remember her origins, yet in all the years of her life Pandora has only done one thing and for one goal, to earn riches. She’s done countless jobs both legal and illegal, good and evil, all to earn more wealth. For what goal, one may ask, is she doing this for? It is simple, to live and prosper. Not only her, but vampires as a whole.

She’s seen what her kind has been through. Why is it that these creatures with these supernatural abilitis and near immortal life hide in the dark and cower from the light? Why do they fear mere men, creaturs they feed upon? It is because they have no safe haven, they had no place where they could call home. They are the minority in a world of men, they are the outsider. They will always be hated, always be hunted, they will never know peace. And so, Pandora sought to change all that. She created Haven, an organization she created as a safe place for vampires. A place where they could show who they really are with no fear of prejudice or hatred. Where they could grow stronger and multiply, to increase their ranks and nourish their kind. A place for her kind to prosper and thrive. Pandora wants her kind to be the best they could be. Ruling the world would be impossible otherwise.

Pandora has the pale white skin and blood red eyes of her kind and she does nothing to cover this up. Unlike some of her kind, she does not fear being exposed as a vampire, she is proud of who she is and would never dream of becoming something she is not. Pandora also has a had full of long and silky black hair that she absolutely loves and cares for. Like most vampires, Pandora has an alluring and enticing body, well proportioned and emphasising her important bits. She has a tall frame with long legs, standing at just a bit over 6 feet. She prefers red and black clothing with preference for modern types of clothing.

Weapons & Armor:
Pandora wears no armor other than the clothings she regularly wears. Her abilitis renders armor useless and as such chooses not to wear them at all. As for weapons, Pandora prefers to use her natural weapons (claws, fangs) and her innate abilities.

Items & Personal Belongings:
Pandora possesses a lot of items and belongings, though the most important and impressive is her massive amount of wealth. She has a lot of money, be it in currency, jewelry, assests, investments, properties, etc., Pandora clearly made use of her immortality to amass this wealth.

Skills & Abilities:
Pandora would never be where she is now if she were weak. While her physical prowess are mundane and unimpressive, by vampire standard at least, her other more supernatural abilities more than makes up for it. Befitting her title as Lord of Blood, Pandora is able to manipulate blood as she please. Pandora’s powers works better when the blood is outside the body but she can use blood from all sources. She uses this blood as her main form of offense. It is highly efficient since,using blood from her own body, she can then use that blood to bleed her foes, producing more blood for her to use. Pandora also possesses an impressive regeneration ability. Her wounds and burns heals at an extraordinary ratevisible to the naked eye. Despite this it can be weakened with holy and religions objects and without these objects, nothing short of complete obliteration will kill her. Pandora also has the ability to fly, though more akin to levitation that actual flight. She grows no additional appendage for flight and is thus more akin to levitation. It’s a slower form of flight but is more convenient and energy efficient. Pandora’s voice also contains power. Her voice makes people more suggestive and compliant. While it’s not quite mind control, people tend to be more acceptant and believing of her words. Last but not the least is Pandora’s ability to create and command ghouls. Ghouls are a type of feral vampires. They’re no different than beasts and are constantly starved for blood, making them a group of vicious fighters. By feeding a human her blood, Pandora can turn them into loyal, bloodthirsty ghouls at her beck and call.

Like all vampires, Pandora is vulnerable to all the weaknesses vampires posses. However, unlike most vampires, she can nullify some of them due to her regeneration. Holy items proves most effective to her, fire being a distant second. Pandora is also physically weaker compared to most vampires, and she is certainly far more physically weaker when compared to werewolves. She also has a severe allergy to garlic, contact with it gives her severe rashes and makes it hard to breathe.

Killing Method:
The only sure fire way to ensure that Pandora dies and stays dead is to completely incinerate her entire body, not even single part should remain. Otherwise she’d just rise again, though it’d take her hundreds or thousands of years depending on her injuries.

FLUFF (Optional. Delete if you don't want it)

(What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)

(Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type)

(Musical theme)

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Faceclaim 11.jpg

: Alexander Aatto
Aliases: Old Fart (by the younger pups), Alex, The Night Howler, The Ultimate Predator, The Mighty Huntsman
Age: 967 years old
Gender: Male
Race: Werewolf
Role: Elder

: Heterosexual
High Concept: A proud but stubborn Lycan who only wants whats best for his fellow pack members
Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Relatives: None
Organizations\Affiliations: Elder of his pack


Bio: (At least a solid paragraph, no more than 4 paragraphs. Keep it relevant.)

Weapons & Armor
: (Anything that the character uses for protection, or attack during combat)
Items & Personal Belongings: Carries a small bag of garlic
Skills & Abilities:
-Sonic Howl: Deliverers a powerful wave of sonic energy that can both blow the opponent away and severely damage their hearing
-Animal Telepathy: Alex is able to telepathically communicate and control animals through touch
-Superhuman Strength
-Superhuman Speed
-Enhanced sense of smell
Weaknesses: (Weak sides of a character. Fears, inabilities, inexperience, emotional issues, mental issues, etc. Only ones that could be said to negatively affect the character. For Werewolves and Vampires, include how to kill them, their material weakness like silver, garlic, and whatnot. Be creative)
Killing Method: A special way besides the usual to kill them that'll ensure they don't come back. Werewolves and vampires only. Otherwise, delete

: Hunting, writing,


: Ruby Grant
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Role: Swashbuckler; Priest- High Templar

: Bisexual
High Concept: A slender, fast running nightmare to an undead creature
Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral- I'll slay with no remorse........so long as it's a threat
Relatives: N/A
Organizations\Affiliations: Templars- Support
Personality: Ruby is passionate about her job of protecting people. That, however, extends to both innocent humans and innocent "savages" She loves to heal people and save lives, as well as banish those who try to take lives. If she's not out doing her missions, she's either in a hospital helping heal, in Church, or in a Library reading. She's incredibly nice until someone is rude. She's not above smacking people on the head with her staff's butt end.....or the Holy Spiked end if it's something that needs slaying

Bio: Ruby became a nun at 13. She was wholly devoted to her training, until the attacks started. The nuns over her told them all to just keep their heads down, but she wanted to actually DO something. However, she wasn't allowed out just by saying she wanted out, as the rules of the Church were Draconian. She took a drastic measure by breaking her chastity vow with another girl, a double whammy. Having to confront the possibility of excommunication, she kept her head held high and confronted the Pope. Her passion and promise to make it up by doing what she wanted to do ended up saving her from excommunication. She couldn't be a nun anymore, but she was given combat training along with those training to slay the vampires and werewolves with the Templars.

At the age of 18, she was finally able to see action........but it was her staying in the back. She said hell no. She didn't spend all that time training just to be a healing puppet. In the middle of a mission against a greater werewolf, she charged forward, armed only with her Holy Robes, Holy Staff, and her Scroll. She stood her ground, enchanted the ground the Werewolf was on and banished it back to hell. With that done, she was accepted as an actual fighter. Since then, she's been a constant on the battlefield, banishing vampires and werewolves alike.

Weapons & Armor
  • Holy Robes- Blessed robes that, when touched, burns Vampires and Werewolves. If eaten, it's highly toxic due to it being blessed
  • Holy Scroll- A scroll that has all her Holy Spells and Rituals on it to banish Vampires and Werewolves.
  • Silver Gun- A gun that shoots Silver Enchanted bullets, toxic to both Vampires and Werewolves
  • Blaze Powder- A vial of red powder. Useless against humans and wolves, it's very effective against Vampires. The red powder gets on a vampire's skin and burns it. The kicker is that it's highly combustable. If a vampire is standing in the cloud, It can destroy a vampire in seconds if ignited
  • Shotgun- A weapon of mass Dismemberment

Items & Personal Belongings: Money
Skills & Abilities:
  • Holy Proficiency- She's high in faith. That gives her the ability to banish Vampires and Werewolves with their greatest weakness
  • Athletic- She's fast and quick. She can parkour all over the place with ease. This speed allows her to fight with vampires without being confused by their speed.
  • Quick Reload- She can reload her gun extra fast due to tricks she's learned with the Templars.

Dark Magic- While she's strong against dark creatures and dark magic, she's also weak to it

FLUFF (Optional. Delete if you don't want it)
Hobbies: (What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type)
Theme: (Musical theme)
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Oscar H. Deckland
Aliases: Ozzy
Age: 900, appears to be 16
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Role: Emotional Support


Gay AF
High Concept: (Sum up your character in a sentence.)
Character Alignment: (Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaos Good, Chaos Neutral, or Chaos Evil)
Relatives: (People that are biologically related to your character)
Organizations\Affiliations: (Organizations, or people the character is affiliated with)
Personality: (At least 3 lines. Make sure the character has it's strengths and flaws.)
Bio: (At least a solid paragraph, no more than 4 paragraphs. Keep it relevant.)


Appearance Description: If not using a pic. Otherwise, delete
Weapons & Armor
: (Anything that the character uses for protection, or attack during combat)
Items & Personal Belongings: (Any other items that the character has, or belong to them)
Skills & Abilities: 3 max
Weaknesses: (Weak sides of a character. Fears, inabilities, inexperience, emotional issues, mental issues, etc. Only ones that could be said to negatively affect the character. For Werewolves and Vampires, include how to kill them, their material weakness like silver, garlic, and whatnot. Be creative)
Killing Method: A special way besides the usual to kill them that'll ensure they don't come back. Werewolves and vampires only. Otherwise, delete


(Optional. Delete if you don't want it)
Hobbies: (What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type)
Theme: (Musical theme)

Name: Altair Ibn-Ahad; has adopted the more human name "Owen Zimmerman" though
Aliases: Grandson of the Devil, Liberator, Quepo Lioh (which means "People's Champion" in his language)
Age: 518 years old; appears to be 17 though
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire [Vogmith, a personal species I had made]
Role: Doyle [similar to the position of "General"]
Altair was born and raised in a more orderly time in which tradition of using an ancient vampiric language was normal, hence the made-up words above. To explain his species [the Vogmith] it's a type of vampire that is uncommon amongst the population. In order to become one, a specimen must be half-bred, or Dhampir in lore (half-human, half-vampire) and must undergo a blood ritual, performed by vampire elders. For Altair, it was without his consent. His father was 'blackmailed' into transforming his son into this...monster

Sexuality: Heterosexual
High Concept: A vampire who only seeks peace, freedom, equality, and justice amongst the world.
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Relatives: Vlad III Tepes (uncle), Gaius Julius Caeser (vampiric grandfather), Matteo Vasari [Ibn-Ahad](father), Adeline Rousseau (mother), Damian Ibn-Ahad (oldest sibling [brother]), Ekvan and Arikan Ibn-Ahad (younger twin half-brothers), Ethan and Grayson Dolan (brothers by ritual ;p ), Madeline de Chappelle (fraternal twin sister, who was born human)
Organizations\Affiliations: The Volturi Rebellion [if you get the reference ;D ], The Volturi Republic
Personality: Following an established code, set long ago by a more civil council of vampires, Altair is in pursuit of establishing peace. From the tragedy that had stricken him from when he was a child, he promised himself that he'd never allow another person--let alone a child--be hurt & betrayed the same way he was. While his intentions seem prosper, it's actions that contradict his beliefs. He'll stop at nothing to achieve his goal, and I say nothing. Other than that, Altair is an all-around down to earth guy, who can definitely 'play nice with others' and occasionally work his charm.
Bio: Born August de Chappelle in 1499, Altair was the prodigal son to a heritage of blood, pride, and power. His mother, Adeline Rousseau, was a famed and well-beloved woman of her town. When she met Mercer de Chappelle, a French aristocrat who had a rather dashing mix of a Romanian-French accent, she fawned over him, as he did her. The two were immensely in love with each other, and ended up conceiving not just one, but two, children. A boy and a girl. Fraternal twins. Before their birth, however, Mercer had no choice but to warn Adeline of the troubles that may come with this birth. He confessed to her that he was--in fact--a vampire. Her reaction was startling to say the least. It wasn't negative, no; it was the exact opposite. Adeline did not fear the incoming struggles, as she knew Mercer would be by her side. When the time for the twins' birth came, Mercer insisted that Adeline select the names for the newborn children--being the charming-suasive gentleman he is. The first born, the girl, was named Madeline de Chappelle--and was in fact not a Dhampir, or half-bred. Instead, her twin brother, August de Chappelle, was the half-bred.

Confused as to why Adeline chose Mercer's surname, Adeline explained that it was of tradition that the children still take the father's surname, even if the two parents were unwedded. After a good or so, Mercer had decided that it was time to name the half-bred boy with a traditional vampiric name. Remembering back to his blood tie with the infamous Vlad III Tepes--or more commonly known as "Vlad the Impaler"--Mercer named his child something that would only relate to modern day lore. Everyone relates Vlad to Dracula, or at least, Dracula is based off Vlad. But what the majority of people didn't know is that Mercer promised to help Vlad understand Mercer's need for the crimson liquid. And in return, Vlad would allow Mercer to be pardoned by any crime, accumulate an allowance, and acquire free hospitality by the state of Transylvania. In layman's terms, Mercer was the foundational idea of "Dracula". So, in a way, Altair is the son of Dracula. The name Altair Ibn-Ahad deprives from an ancient vampire language that is known, but rarely used. Like his father, the surname Ibn-Ahad, means "[descendant of] the Devil". When it comes to Mercer, his vampire name: Liep Ibn-Ahad, means Son of the Devil. His child would be named: Altair Ibn-Ahad, or, in Eros' language [the ancient vampire language], Grandson of the Devil.

Prosperous and happy, Altair lived his life like any other teenager. Although, since he was a half-bred his body was growing faster than what his true age was. Bewildered, at the occurrence, Mercer sought out guidance from the elders of the Volturi Council in Italy. In hindsight, the council was enraged at Mercer's decision to breed with, yet another, human. Before, in 891, he had a wife and child whom were dragged into this world as well. But when the council examined Altair further, they saw potential. Accepting to help Mercer, the council created terms in which Mercer would have to accept as well. Like, for example, Mercer was forced into serving the Volturi Council as a dominant co-leader from after the ritual. The council had settled the deal with Mercer, and together, they lured--more like drugged--Altair into being their subject for an ancient blood ritual, which would Altair's species from Dhampir to Vogmith.

A year later, Altair came home from the woods one day, only to discover his mother's throat slashed and most of her blood drunken. With the influence of the council, Altair was led to believe that his own father committed these acts. Eventually, the truth broke free, and his father was not guilty of charge. Instead, it was the Volturi council, for breaking the Yamen's Law on hostility towards humans, but Altair couldn't challenge the council alone. No. Instead, he built a revolution, a tidal wave of change. And if anyone dared to stand against that tide, then they would become a victim of revolution. It wouldn't be until centuries later, with the help of his new family and coven, that he was able to defeat the Volturi council, and help establish a new form of government. One in which all the people would be represented, equally, fairly, and humanely.
Weapons & Armor: N/A for armor; retractable fangs & claws, as well as his fists, for weapons
Items & Personal Belongings: N/A; unless you consider the storage bins full of photos, paintings, letters, drawings, etc. that have relevance to his past life and mother
Skills & Abilities: [this is excluding the 'Givens' i.e. enhanced strength, speed, senses, reflexes, etc.]
Hand-to-Hand Combat - Over the span of his lifetime, Altair has learned and acquitted himself to some of the many arts of combat, in the Human world; he particularly has a fond liking for Muay Thai
Metamorphosis - Altair holds dominion over the night's creatures. He can call upon bats to do his will and can seamlessly transform into a swarm of bats and back into his normal form at will. He seems to have control over how many bats he turns into, as his swarm can consist of either a few bats or a large, violent flock, with the latter allowing him to physically attack his opponents while in bat form, as the bats can collectively charge into and send a person flying several feet similarly to a stampede. The former can allow him to quickly travel several miles in seconds or outmaneuver his opponents attacks with ease. His clothing and anything he holds, like his sword, etc., also dematerializes into bats with him. He also has the ability to change his appearance by transforming his face to have grey and decayed-looking skin, a dislocated, larger and more animalistic mouth and lateral teeth fangs, pointed and sharp fingertips and hands, and bright-red, glowing pupils, as well as his eyes becoming distorted in color and completely black

Mesmerism - Altair can mentally control, dominate, or order those who are weak-minded
Dark Arts - Studying from the ancient books of history, Altair took interest in the so-called "Dark Arts". He practiced the forms and arts in order to fully utilize it's abilities. He turn invisible to the standard Human eye, shapeshift into a black mist, and conjure shards of dark 'energy'
Fire: It'll singe, burn, and blister his skin, weakening him. But, in the end, he'll still live to tell the tale
Silver: The touch of silver burns his skin and being in the presence of great amounts of silver can remove his physical abilities for as long as he is in contact, leaving him almost mortal and as weak as a human, which can be used to keep him from hunting and causing unwanted casualties. The very sight of silver makes him weak, disorienting his vision and his hearing. Altair burns when touched with silver, along with reducing their strength and speed, and impairing his vision and hearing. Although, he still could only be killed through wood piercing his heart. He used the sickening effect silver had on him to avoid his bloodlust. It was even stated by his 'grandfather' that the sight of silver is insulting
Bloodlust: Without consuming blood, Altair will become weakened and futile. If left like that, he'll become feral and rabid; and if left in that state for any longer, he'll eventually die
Decapitation: It's an insta-kill
Sun: If left in the sun for too long (let's say two hours or so), his skin will begin to blister, weakening him; if left exposed to the sun for a little longer, his body will disintegrate, but not to death. He can be revived by sacrificing a human and forcing him to drink the blood of the sacrificial subject. Otherwise, the Sun has no immediate effects on Altair
Mistletoe: If consumed, it'll poison him. The only way to extract the 'poison' is by performing surgery or speeding up his metabolism, by injecting daily doses of Arsenic into his chest cavity. If left unattended, he'll die
Killing Method: Separating his head from his body, followed with torching both his head and body, is the best way to ensure that Altair does not rise again. Although, it would be hard enough for him to rise, since his head is literally not connected to his body

Hobbies: Read classic literature pieces, paint and observe art, explore nature
"We stopped looking for the monsters under our bed when we realized they were inside of us this entire time."
"When seeking to destroy a monster, make sure that you don't become one yourself in the process."
"Not all monsters do monstrous things."
"Heroes aren't fearless, heroes are brave. Bravery requires fear, and fear requires loving something so much, that its loss would break you."
His father: Mercer de Chappelle, Matteo Vasari, and/or Liep Ibn-Ahad
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