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Realistic or Modern Blood Moon: A Reboot [OOC]

Uhm, I dunnowhatyou'retalkingabouthaha

But yesss, that would be cool!

*insert more suspicious squinting here*
Then it's decided!
Ooof both Jason and Zander like-like Elysia
But they are bros D:
L O V E T R I A N G L E. > : )

Although i admit I never thought that she would get so much interest this way. (Her concept was more like intellectual and Miss Straight Lace, probably unpopular with girls and boys who think her too stiff.)
*insert more suspicious squinting here*
Then it's decided!

L O V E T R I A N G L E. > : )

Although i admit I never thought that she would get so much interest this way. (Her concept was more like intellectual and Miss Straight Lace, probably unpopular with girls and boys who think her too stiff.)

That's what attracts Zander to her. He has her on a bit of a pedestal tbh sees her as a person worth changing for
Unhealthy wew




I see much that could come of this little character dynamic. ^^

Great. Should this start off at a point where none of them know each other much on a social basis and gradually find that they are forced to talk/get to know each other?
Svadilfari Svadilfari Yennie Yennie
(If I need to change anything, feel free to tell me! :) )
Svadilfari Svadilfari ~Jason Halliday:
"Jason I have to admit, is a tall glass of water. And damn, would I like a drink out of that. But don't get me wrong, I don't have a crush on the dude. He is just smoking hot. I know hotness when I see it let me tell you that. He's definitely more of a push over than me or Veronica, but that's just my opinion. We don't like hang out much outside of when I am with the Oxen so I haven't gotten to know he like personally, so all I can say is that he is better and hotter than most of the kids at this school."

Emotional Enigma Emotional Enigma ~Clia Atty: "You mean the new chick? I haven't seen or spoken much to her as of yet. She talks pretty weird though, I've even commented it quiet loudly as I walked passed her once. So other than my brain cells dying every time I hear her dumb accent, I don't have much opinion of her."

MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx ~Ashley Stevens: "You mean one of those angsty teens? Wasn't he the one with Daddy issues and his mom died? Ya I know him alright. I've run into him on multiple occasions whenever I went to the old counselor for 'bullying'. He's just another one of your angsty teens in this school. Now that I think about it, for a school in a small town most of the kids are fricken antisocial. Anyway back to Runaway. I've laughed at him a few times outside of school when I see him taking care of his brother. But you know, just another kid in this school."

ExtremistSAT ExtremistSAT ~Carter Richardson: "Ugh. She's so loud and happy it's annoying. I can't stand being in the same room as her for like, 10 minutes. And, she shares freaking math with me. So barf. She's so bubbly and optimistic, I don't think it's healthy to be that happy. Anyway, I haven't really spoken to her other than that one time we had a project in math and she did all the work, so she's ok."

Noble Noble ~Margo Stueck: "Oh!~ Little Margo! We go wayyyyyyyyyyyy back. HA. I have lots of juicy gossip on this bih so if you wanna know, I am telling. Me and Veronica make her one of our main targets per say, so we don't really get along."

AbsurdNerd AbsurdNerd ~Cassie Altman: "Who? I have no idea who the hell that is. OH! You mean her (*sees photo of her*), yes I know(?) her. Well sorta. I've definitely heard of and seen her, but I have really no comment on her."

praxischu praxischu ~Kylie Jordan: "Most people know her, including me. She has a lot of 'friends', but I think she just uses them to not be alone rather than caring about them. She's more bareable than most, but I don't talk to her unless I have to."

The Suspicious Eye The Suspicious Eye ~David Bishop: "You mean Transfer? Who hasn't at least heard of him? He's a hot 6 foot tall walking human. I would like to take a bite out of that. lol, anyway. He is hot so I haven't gotten on his case with him moving around all the time. He is lucky he's cute."

Elowyn Elowyn ~Ellie Yates: " You mean the little prim and proper girl? She's in my English class, so I of course know her. She's one of those smart few who actually go to school to learn you know? I've thrown a few paper balls that have scribbles like 'smartass' or 'Nerd' on it at her in class once or twice, but other than that I don't interact with her."

Juju Juju ~Veronica Khanna: "Veronica is my freaking bich. She. Is. My. Bae. Only person in this school that I would like to be around even in the mornings. She is one of my closest friends, I freaking love her. We've been friends since I was 12, and I tend to keep us as friends. I don't know what I'd do without her, but don't you dare say that to her! We've seen each other through our ups and downs, but you don't need to know about that. All you need to know is, you hurt her and your dead."

The Darkling The Darkling ~Ophelia Cleric: "You mean emo chick? Ya I know her. She's hard not to notice with her ugly ass makeup and that obnoxiously punkass demeanor. I've went after her more than once, like when I threw food in her hair last april telling her that the potatoes really brought out her new blue highlights. She reeks of smoke, and I almost vomited once when I had to sit next to her last year for a month in history."

Reticent Reticent ~Paloma Vega: "She is quite attractive may I say (no homo). She's on the Swim team and is pretty chill so I don't go after her. She isn't in any of my classes so I don't know her personally."

Yennie Yennie ~Zander Nixon: "He is also hot. Very hot to be exact. Whenever he got mad at those guys last year, damn. Anyway he is like the walking defination of cool guy, so of course I don't target him or anything. I have seen him around school and he was in my English class last year, and if I remember correctly he and me sat next to each other for like a week before I got moved to the front for texting in class."

Rhaine Rhaine ~Ben Nowak: "Ben... He and I... Our families are friends. His family is quite wealthy like mine so we hung out a lot as kids. We stopped hanging out when I was 12 because I found better friends. I don't even really care about him though, he is uncool and just made me look like a loser. I wish at times though that we were still friends. I regret what I said to him that day."

Little Lozy Little Lozy ~Stevie Davis: "Stevie is tall? It's actually pretty weird to me. I usually call her beanstalk, girls aren't supposed to be that tall."

Svadilfari Svadilfari ~Bentley Lagmay: "Bentley is a riot! He's everyone's favorite Bentley, and he is pretty fun to be around."

Svadilfari Svadilfari ~Aya Tachibana: "Aya is a little cinnamon roll. She is shy and I don't really care about what she does because she is sorta in her shell. I don't bother going after her because she isn't out there with her flaws."

Svadilfari Svadilfari ~Madeline Haddox: Maddie is the best. She hands out with me and Veronica the most out of all the other Oxens. She is great to be around and is probably the closest friend to me other than Veronica. I usually follow her lead whenever it comes to plans and shit, she has this sorta pull towards her or something. Anyway, all and all she's pretty great.
basically ben and jace:

View attachment 438159
"Jason I have to admit, is a tall glass of water. And damn, would I like a drink out of that. But don't get me wrong, I don't have a crush on the dude. He is just smoking hot. I know hotness when I see it let me tell you that. He's definitely more of a push over than me or Veronica, but that's just my opinion. We don't like hang out much outside of when I am with the Oxen so I haven't gotten to know he like personally, so all I can say is that he is better and hotter than most of the kids at this school."

Rhaine Rhaine ~Ben Nowak: "Ben... He and I... Our families are friends. His family is quite wealthy like mine so we hung out a lot as kids. We stopped hanging out when I was 12 because I found better friends. I don't even really care about him though, he is uncool and just made me look like a loser. I wish at times though that we were still friends. I regret what I said to him that day."

Hello guys!

Okay, so!

A little announcement:

Before we begin, I'd like for all of you to choose a number between 1-16. A random number will be chosen to play a 'special role' in this RP. I will take the remaining number. Please note that the numbers are in a first come, first served basis!
Veronica Khanna: "Veronica is my freaking bich. She. Is. My. Bae. Only person in this school that I would like to be around even in the mornings. She is one of my closest friends, I freaking love her. We've been friends since I was 12, and I tend to keep us as friends. I don't know what I'd do without her, but don't you dare say that to her! We've seen each other through our ups and downs, but you don't need to know about that. All you need to know is, you hurt her and your dead."
Hello guys!

Okay, so!

A little announcement:

Before we begin, I'd like for all of you to choose a number between 1-16. A random number will be chosen to play a 'special role' in this RP. I will take the remaining number. Please note that the numbers are in a first come, first served basis!
7 !!!

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