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Fandom Blood Blockade Battlefront (Out of Character Chat)

CS background hurts my eyes a bit.
Not trying to complain, just asking if you can change it to a bit more... soothing... kinda color.
Refaulted Refaulted and anyone who’d like to advice:
I think I’ll just make a blood based elemental power kinda guy(like the anime Libra cast, but not a ripoff, don’t worry), since I’m not that much of a creative person.
Aurum Aurum
Took a look at your character. You seem to almost be all set. All I would like to ask is that if you cannot provide a picture, you can also do a detailed description of what your character looks like. Once you have either an appearance picture or description, your character can be accepted.

Emi Nebulas Emi Nebulas
I don't believe I saw you in the Interest Check for the RP, so I would like to welcome you! Now, I took a look at your character, and everything seems be in order, so your character is accepted.
[USER=53406 said:
@Emi Nebulas[/USER]
I don't believe I saw you in the Interest Check for the RP, so I would like to welcome you! Now, I took a look at your character, and everything seems be in order, so your character is accepted.

thank you~ I'm looking forward to this rp~ o3o
Refaulted Refaulted
Anyone with the blood technique to seal a Blood Breed(Like Klaus) allowed? I'm not making one, but I'm curious.
Mine's probably gonna be explosive blood. From an explosive person.
Refaulted Refaulted
Anyone with the blood technique to seal a Blood Breed(Like Klaus) allowed? I'm not making one, but I'm curious.
Mine's probably gonna be explosive blood. From an explosive person.
I don't want to say anything too specific, but there will be a character with the ability to seal a Blood Breed.

Also, I look forward to how you use the explosive blood technique.

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