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Fandom Blood Blockade Battlefront: Borderline (Character Sheets)


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Libra Agent Important Information Documentation
[All information within this document is only to be accessed by authorized personnel.]

(This can be either a picture or a description, but if it is a description, then please make it two detailed paragraphs. Also, if you use a picture, and if there is something about your character that isn't in the picture, such as a tattoo or scars, then describe it below the picture.)


(Simply, the full name of your character. You need a first and last name, and a middle name is optional.)


(How old are you? You will be playing as adults, so try to aim somewhere above the age of 20.)


(Self explanatory.)

Birth Date:

(For the sake of simplicity, the year the RP takes place is 2015, with the portal to the Beyond opening back in 2012.)

Eye Color:

Hair Color:


(What is your character like? How do they act? What traits define them? This section should be at least two detailed paragraphs describing your character's personality.)

Character Strengths:

(You should include three or more strengths your character has beyond physical/combat abilities.)

Character Flaws:

(Similar to above, you should have at leas three weaknesses that don't have to do with your physical/combat abilities.)


(Everyone is scared of something. For this, you must either have at least two minor fears, or one giant fear that would render your character unable to act.)


(Now we get into your character's lore, the most exciting part. As this is planned to be a detailed RP, please include three or more detailed paragraphs about what your character has done up to a year before the current time in the RP. If you would like help developing a backstory, please contact me, Refaulted, at any time.)


(This may also be difficult for some people. I leave this spot open for whatever your mind can come up with, as long as it isn't something way powerful. Being strong is fine, but also leave room to grow if need be, and don't make your character a living god. Add a need for strategy and skill into your techniques, instead of relying solely on brute strength. Also, please include two or three named skills you can do with your technique/ability, to give a better sense of what you can do.)

Favorite Food:

(Hey, sometime's there are parties, and everyone should have what they like. What does your character like to eat?)

Anything extra you want to add for your character's, put here. This can be a theme song, or a little quirk about them you want to mention.)

Please contact me once your character sheet is complete by tagging me on your sheet.
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Ok here goes

Libra Agent Important Information Documentation
[All information within this document is only to be accessed by authorized personnel.]

(Gotta find a good drawing)

Marie Faraday



Birth Date:

Eye Color:
Light Blue

Hair Color:
Platinum Blond

As a scientist, Marie is curious beyond measure. If something piques her interest, she will test it out in every conceivable way to understand it thoroughly. This means she can be quite annoying if you happen to be her current obsession, but the good thing is she is always quick to find something new to move on to. Hard-headed and stubborn, she finds it hard to admit when she's made a mistake, and sometimes won't even talk about it if she can fix it before anyone else finds out.
Life has made her unable to truly trust people around her, which is why not many agents of Libra know much about her at all. However, she is a good team-mate and friend, even if no one is too sure what's going on inside her head most of the time.

Character Strengths:
Incredibly smart and knowledgeable, having spent her entire life studying. Won't give up until she attains her goals. Dependable. Good strategist.

Character Flaws:
Stubborn to the point of being annoying. Snarky. Finds it difficult to open up. Takes critisism very badly. Feels the need to show how smart she is all the time.

-To make a mistake like the one she made years ago and losing her friends because of it.
-Someone realizing she isn't really all that smart after all.
-Being useless in a desperate situation.

Marie Faraday was born to an Esper mother and a scientist father. She showed extreme proficiency in both areas from an early age, and made it her goal to develop a technique that fusioned those two disciplines into one, in order to help humanity advance into a new era of industrial and magical revolution. In order to attain this goal, she studied day and night for many many years, and trained under an Esper master whose name she never knew, but who taught her how to refine her abilities to live up to her potential, as well as martial arts ("Learn to fully control your body before you learn to control something else").
After going through college faster than anyone even thought was possible and attaining a degree in Physics, she opened her own secret laboratory with people she trusted and taught, to start developing her much desired Ultimate Technique. Things went well for some time, until the day the entire world went to shit. Her lab was unfortunately located within New York City, and the Collapse started in the middle of a very important, very dangerous archane experiment she was conducting with some of her most trusted personnel. The developments of this test run were too crucial to her goals for it to stop then, and in spite of her students' pleas she continued through the madness that was unfolding all around her.
To this day, she still isn't very sure about what exactly went wrong. It all happened so fast. A flash of blinding light, and terribly loud explosion, black tentacles coming through whatever had just been created. When she came to her senses again, the lab was gone, and so was her team. Dead in a way she never thought she'd see in person, the gore of her closest friends painting the floor of her beloved lab. She had been sent flying quite a distance when the experiment exploded, and had been hidden under the debris that fell from the roof when the facility collapsed -she guessed that was the reason why whatever came through that make-shift portal hadn't attacked her. However, she hadn't gotten out of it unscatted. The left side of her body had been burnt beyond repair, and although she could barely move it, she realized the muscle and skin would never really heal. She couldn't stay there to die.
Using the material around her, and her decompressing and compressing abilities, she created a thick mantle of pure compact carbon around her wounds, leaving her left arm, the left part of her torso, and some of her face looking a shiny black. She did what she could to get out of there, and she wouldn't be able to move her body right for another year.
Her time in the hospital was filled with regret and depression. If she hadn't been to stubborn, if she had stopped the experiment in time, maybe, just maybe, her team would still be alive. The guilt of their deaths sunk her into a deep depression, and even as she recuperated and learned to move around with her new carbon-covered body, her will to live slowly faded away. It wasn't until Libra welcomed her into the team that she started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Now, she is mostly back to the energetic, over curious young woman she once was, but her past mistakes still haunt her, and there is a darkness to her when no one's looking.

Marie's specialty as an Esper is compression and decompression -in other words, density manipulation. She can make things hard as a diamond, disintegrate many (not all) materials to its bare essentials, and even hold down an explosion by compressing its shockwaves and energy. However, this is all too tiring and specific for it to be used as an efficient weapon, so her techniques are as follows,
-Air Gun: She compresses the air around her at the tip of her finger while pointing at a target, until, when enough force and mass has been gathered, she realeses it in a straight line with devastating destructive power. The Air Bullet she creates can be as little or big as she pleases. The smaller it is, the more accuracy and piercing damage. The bigger, the more explosive power, although it takes longer to make.
-Air Scythe: Same concept as the Air Gun, only this time as an invisible blade of air that extends from her palm.
-Air Bomb: Same concept as the Air Gun, but it isn't fired from her finger. She concentrates the air in a point of her choosing, and can even move it around. When she deems it right, it explodes with devastating force. The more she waits for it to explode, the bigger the explosion.
-Hardening: She can manipulate the density of the carbon surrounding half of her body to act as a shield. It can deflect almost anything, but she can't move those parts of her body again until she's softened the carbon enough to allow movement.
She can also punch with her hardened left arm, which has proven to be extremely effective against walls and such.
Additionally, she's trained enough to be able to move around without much trouble.

Favorite Food:
Anything sweet is right up Marie's alley.

-She has a reputation in the science world because of her genius, and some people come to her with their papers from time to time to get some help or critisism. However, she hasn't presented new works since the incident, and many people from the field bother her from time to time, urging her to take on new projects.
-Her parents are still alive and well. They are very loving and keep calling her at the most awkward times to check on her and ask if she's eating well. She acts like that's annoying to her but she loves them a lot. She can't bring herself to visit them however, and they haven't seen her with her scars yet.
-She still isn't very sure why Libra scouted her but hey, you gotta pay rent somehow.

Please tell me if there's anything you'd like me to change! Refaulted Refaulted
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--Birth Date--
December 24th, 1994

--Eye Color--
Crimson Red

--Hair Color--
Milky White

Eve Lightengale doesn't show much emotion. Her face is a poker face all the time and her speech is monotone. She's gory and grim, and usually thinks about the negative side of things. However, she is also brutally honest and cold. She's rude and is very curious. She loves to cause trouble and mischief at times. She prefers to keep to herself. However, don't let her rude side get to you. She's very loyal and will never break a promise or vow. She's also very violent at times. The way she walks and carries herself... it's like an aristocrat's walk. She's very well mannered as well.

--Character Strengths--

--Character Flaws--
Violent Temper
Rude and Cold
Too Honest

Acrophobic (Fear of Heights)

Eve Lightengale was born into a very rich family in a very rich neighborhood. Her parents owned millions of casinos all over the world. However, because of this, they also had a lot of enemies. You see, her parents conned those that go into their casinos. They rigged the games and such so that the person would always lose. This caused multiple enemies, and these enemies wanted them dead.

Her parents were selfish and self centered. They beat and abused Eve and her sister, Emma because they were "mistakes" and her parents wished that they were dead. They called the both of them rude names as well. Slowly... Eve stopped showing any emotion because of this. However, when a gang ended up getting conned, it was bye-bye to her parents. The gang broke into her house, and ended up slaughtering her parents as well as her sister.

The gang stole money and many other priceless items. Eve was furious with the gang. She wasn't upset with them killing her parents, but why Emma? Eve's violent temper snapped, and she ended up getting a gun. She then shot the gang members, and stabbed them as well. In the fight, she lost her left arm.That night, she ran away from home.

Eve was found by a kind man named Roy. Roy immediately took her to the hospital. She came back with a bionic arm. It was better than nothing. Roy asked Eve what happened, and she told him. He taught her many different martial arts and fighting techniques in order to defend herself. He owns a dojo. Eve grew up with him, considering him as her only family.

Water Manipulation
Water Manipulation
-Hydrokinetic Flight: Allows her to fly using water vapor in the air
-Move/lift any precipitation or anything with wate
-Manipulate the properties of water
-Water attacks
-Water Pressure

--Favorite Food--
Eve loves to eat anything, actually. It was for survival, so it kinda stuck to her. However, she prefers to eat flavored yogurt. Especially the vanilla kinds.

Refaulted Refaulted
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(This can be either a picture or a description, but if it is a description, then please make it two detailed paragraphs. Also, if you use a picture, and if there is something about your character that isn't in the picture, such as a tattoo or scars, then describe it below the picture.)

Nite Evans



Birth Date:
1982 July 15th

Eye Color:
Hair Color:

(What is your character like? How do they act? What traits define them? This section should be at least two detailed paragraphs describing your character's personality.)
Nite enjoys big, noticable things. He likes explosions, flashy fighting moves, fireworks, and all that. This part of him took part in his interest for the Blood Technique he uses. He doesn’t prefer stealthy methods for solving problems-he’d rather charge in blindly with the biggest gun possible and mow down the source of problem. This also resulted in his little amount of patience-he’d rather barge in thsn wait.
Aside from his explosive behavior, Nite is a decent positive person. He is kind to his colleagues, caring, and tried to be positive for them. He isn’t really proud of himself for losing track of the Blood Breed that killed his parents, but hides his self hatred and wears a reassuring smile. When it comes to speech, he’s one of the masters positive speech-even if his hand is on fire, he could pull out a joke to relieve people around him(though at that point it won’t).

Character Strengths:
-Positivity. Even if his hand is burning.
-Strong passion and pride for his Fang Hunter/Libra job.

Character Flaws:
(Similar to above, you should have at leas three weaknesses that don't have to do with your physical/combat abilities.)
-lacks patience
-Less thinking, More fighting type-requires more thinking
-Hates himself for losing track of that Blood Breed- try mentioning it and he’d probably break down.

(Everyone is scared of something. For this, you must either have at least two minor fears, or one giant fear that would render your character unable to act.)
-Big, furry spiders. Small ones don’t scare him.
-Poodles. “They look weird.”

(Now we get into your character's lore, the most exciting part. As this is planned to be a detailed RP, please include three or more detailed paragraphs about what your character has done up to a year before the current time in the RP. If you would like help developing a backstory, please contact me, Refaulted, at any time.)
Nite was born to Fang Hunter parents. They were starting to tracking down a Blood Breed when Nite was born. Nite was given to their closest friend for his safety. His parents died in a fight with the Blood Breed, and their last words was to keep Nite away from their works. Unlike their wish, as Nite grew up, he found out about his parents and the Fang Hunters. Seeing it as his rightful job, he decided to join the war by learning a Blood Technique himself.
Nite, after collecting enough money, travelled around the world in search of people who would teach him Blood Technique. During his travel, he met the one who learned the Branch of Explosions. The man was eager to teach him the Technique, and the two got along well as the two were as explosive as each other. After spending years of his life to learn the Technique, Nite took off to track the Blood Breed who killed his parents. Finding it interesting, his teacher accompanied him in the journey. The two tracked fhe Blood Breed down to New York, which happened to be in 2012. As they were about to assault the Breed in a deserted alleyway, the portal to Beyond opened, and New York was in chaos. The three was split, and Nite couldn’t find the other two after that.
After the portal opened up, Nite continued his career as a Fang Hunter until Libra contacted him and asked him to join them.

Blood Technique-“The Branch of Explosion”
Quite a violent one, one can detonate the structures created by their blood to create an explosion, the size depending on the amount of blood used in the structure.
Detonation Procedures:
1- The First Step: A basic step for the users, forms a baseball-like sphere out of blood.
5- Doorbell: A decent sized battering ram. Good for wooden and stone walls that are to be broken. Skulls too.
12- The Floor Is Explosive: Small ninja spike-like things you can spray on the floor, or embed on the walls(if you’re that kind of a person who can use a wall as a weapon too).
27- Wall Improvement: A giant nail the size of an arm, good for embedding something to a wall. And blowing it up.

Anything made without using the DP guidelines mostly end up as blunt or spheric objects.

Nite carries a button, which is like a trademark of him, and uses it to time the detonation of his blood.

Favorite Food:
Hot dogs, ham, and instant ramen.
Yeah, he’s not the classy party type.

(Anything extra you want to add for your character's, put here. This can be a theme song, or a little quirk about them you want to mention.)
-He couldn’t afford a sunglass to use when he looks away from explosions when he first got to New York.
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(This can be either a picture or a description, but if it is a description, then please make it two detailed paragraphs. Also, if you use a picture, and if there is something about your character that isn't in the picture, such as a tattoo or scars, then describe it below the picture.)

Nite Evans



Birth Date:
1982 July 15th

Eye Color:
Hair Color:

(What is your character like? How do they act? What traits define them? This section should be at least two detailed paragraphs describing your character's personality.)
Nite enjoys big, noticable things. He likes explosions, flashy fighting moves, fireworks, and all that. This part of him took part in his interest for the Blood Technique he uses. He doesn’t prefer stealthy methods for solving problems-he’d rather charge in blindly with the biggest gun possible and mow down the source of problem. This also resulted in his little amount of patience-he’d rather barge in thsn wait.
Aside from his explosive behavior, Nite is a decent positive person. He is kind to his colleagues, caring, and tried to be positive for them. He isn’t really proud of himself for losing track of the Blood Breed that killed his parents, but hides his self hatred and wears a reassuring smile. When it comes to speech, he’s one of the masters positive speech-even if his hand is on fire, he could pull out a joke to relieve people around him(though at that point it won’t).

Character Strengths:
-Positivity. Even if his hand is burning.
-Strong passion and pride for his Fang Hunter/Libra job.

Character Flaws:
(Similar to above, you should have at leas three weaknesses that don't have to do with your physical/combat abilities.)
-lacks patience
-Less thinking, More fighting type-requires more thinking
-Hates himself for losing track of that Blood Breed- try mentioning it and he’d probably break down.

(Everyone is scared of something. For this, you must either have at least two minor fears, or one giant fear that would render your character unable to act.)
-Big, furry spiders. Small ones don’t scare him.
-Poodles. “They look weird.”

(Now we get into your character's lore, the most exciting part. As this is planned to be a detailed RP, please include three or more detailed paragraphs about what your character has done up to a year before the current time in the RP. If you would like help developing a backstory, please contact me, Refaulted, at any time.)
Nite was born to Fang Hunter parents. They were starting to tracking down a Blood Breed when Nite was born. Nite was given to their closest friend for his safety. His parents died in a fight with the Blood Breed, and their last words was to keep Nite away from their works. Unlike their wish, as Nite grew up, he found out about his parents and the Fang Hunters. Seeing it as his rightful job, he decided to join the war by learning a Blood Technique himself.
Nite, after collecting enough money, travelled around the world in search of people who would teach him Blood Technique. During his travel, he met the one who learned the Branch of Explosions. The man was eager to teach him the Technique, and the two got along well as the two were as explosive as each other. After spending years of his life to learn the Technique, Nite took off to track the Blood Breed who killed his parents. Finding it interesting, his teacher accompanied him in the journey. The two tracked fhe Blood Breed down to New York, which happened to be in 2012. As they were about to assault the Breed in a deserted alleyway, the portal to Beyond opened, and New York was in chaos. The three was split, and Nite couldn’t find the other two after that.
After the portal opened up, Nite continued his career as a Fang Hunter until Libra contacted him and asked him to join them.

Blood Technique-“The Branch of Explosion”
Quite a violent one, one can detonate the structures created by their blood to create an explosion, the size depending on the amount of blood used in the structure.
Detonation Procedures:
1- The First Step: A basic step for the users, forms a baseball-like sphere out of blood.
5- Doorbell: A decent sized battering ram. Good for wooden and stone walls that are to be broken. Skulls too.
12- The Floor Is Explosive: Small ninja spike-like things you can spray on the floor, or embed on the walls(if you’re that kind of a person who can use a wall as a weapon too).
27- Wall Improvement: A giant nail the size of an arm, good for embedding something to a wall. And blowing it up.

Anything made without using the DP guidelines mostly end up as blunt or spheric objects.

Nite carries a button, which is like a trademark of him, and uses it to time the detonation of his blood.

Favorite Food:
Hot dogs, ham, and instant ramen.
Yeah, he’s not the classy party type.

(Anything extra you want to add for your character's, put here. This can be a theme song, or a little quirk about them you want to mention.)
-He couldn’t afford a sunglass to use when he looks away from explosions when he first got to New York.

Refaulted Refaulted
Name: Altair Willowflesh
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Birth Date:10/06/1988
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Green

Personality: Altair is a lazy person who would rather relax than anything else. However, when it comes to people and things that are important to him, he will always devote his entire being to protect it. He is compassionate and loves to socialize about small things. He’s also quite alright with being by himself when lazing around. Altair is always respectful and attempts to make connections when someone else is willing to reciprocate.

Altair is always willing to help people when needed. He goes out of his way to protect others when he thinks they deserve it. He is somewhat naive when it comes to trusting others, and once someone breaks his trust it is extremely difficult to earn it back. Altair is one of the first people to go to when one needs help, for he will do whatever he can to provide support as long as he trusts those asking.

Character Strengths:
He is passionate about helping people live
He is easy to get along with
He can be useful when trying to problem-solve

Character Flaws:
He is lazy when it comes to little things
He is unnecessarily stubborn
He can be dramatic if he feels betrayed by someone else

Fear: Altair is terrified of fire. He knows how dangerous it is for it to touch his body, and is disgusted by what it does to plant life.

Biography: Born as a normal human, Altair moved to New York to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor. However, he was neither academically nor financially prepared to take on urban college life, and in 2010 he officially dropped out. His life was quite miserable, as he did not have the money nor the means to get home, and so he was trapped in a foreign city with no friends or support.

Frustrated and alone, Altair spent all of his time working for his survival. He was tired of this pointlessly difficult life, and one afternoon in 2012, after a brief prayer for forgiveness, he jumped off of the Brooklyn Bridge. However, before he could hit the water his skin was assaulted by...branches?

Altair rapidly hit the ground, and when he looked up, he was in an entirely different world. Trees that stretched up to the heavens were surrounding a miraculous clearing filled with all kinds of mythological creatures. Elf-like beings, ents, treants, and beautiful plants he’s never seen before filled every corner of his sight. And in the center of this natural phenomenon was the largest thing he’s ever seen, the Elder Tree, pulsing with the blue light of its core.

Altair spent the next few months learning about this new, mysterious world. Its inhabitants were neighborly, peaceful folk who quickly accepted him despite his differences. Altair spent most of his time there speaking to the old, wise Elder Tree about his old life, and he would be happy to listen and offer small bits of advice.

Altair was happy here, surrounded by new friends and living a much more comfortable life. But his peace didn’t last long, for in this world there were Demons, fiery monsters that spent centuries at war with their people. And now they had a beast so powerful that they could do nothing to stop them. As he watched his new home get burned to the ground, Altair fled to the Elder Tree, asking what could be done. And he told him that he must take his core, molding his body with Altair’s mind. Neither of them were sure it would work, but they had no choice but to try. Altair reached his hand out to the Elder Tree’s core, pulsing with blue light…

...And immediately blacked out. When he woke up, Altair was on the very bridge which he leapt off all those months ago, with a new body and no memories of what happened on that night.

Technique/Ability: Altair can control nature and grow various plants from both the ground and himself. He can also see and hear through plants and is at one with nature.

Root Manipulation: He can control roots in the surrounding area by sensing them and can increase the size and strength of the roots he controls.
Blood Seed: He plants a seed on his target which feeds off of blood, draining their energy and causing vines to envelope them from the inside.
Carnivorous Plant: He can grow a large plant that looks innocent enough. Only when a predefined target approaches it does the plant open up and chomp down on the poor fool with rows of razor-sharp teeth. The plant might disobey orders if the target isn’t meat-based.
Nature Affinity: If he chooses, Altair can sense things through the plants that he grows.

Favorite Food: Altair is sustained through sunlight. However, it is possible for him to enjoy the occasional fruit or salad, although he hates the implications of this action.

Theme Song:

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