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Futuristic Blood Arena - Additional IC

Tatercakes217 said:
Beatrix had been waiting patiently on the first floor for a couple of hours now. She hadn't gotten any sleep so she figured she might as well meet everyone at the hotel since she was the only one who didn't stay there. It's better to be waiting than to be waited on was what she liked to go by. She was sitting in a chair more in the shadows, due to her lack if sleep her eyes became sensitive to the light. Plus she kinda figured maybe she could catch some z's while she waited. She managed to shut her eyes for a second when she heard Zeras make his way down and make the announcement. Ugh, so close to sleeping. She groaned. It took her a moment to finally convince herself to get out of the chair, but she eventually got up and stretched making her way over to him. "When did you get here?" she yawned.
Zeras looked at her for a second and laughed "You do remember, I live on the top floor of this building right, I mean, I'm one of the most iconic people around, you should know this off hand, but what ever, did you get any sleep miss I'm gonna wander off" he was referring to last night when she had just up and disappeared on him after talking so much, but whatever she wanted to do was really her own business, though it would've been nice to have said something. (I'm just messing with ya X3 ) He gave her a bit of a pat on the head just to mess with her cause she was tired and probably going to be a bit of a grouch too.
"no I didn't," she said quietly "and I'm sorry about last night." She was almost hoping that the conversation wouldn't come up but he did deserve a reason. "Im afraid of fire," she said in almost a too quiet whisper. "it's how my family died," she took in a shaky breath, she's never told anyone before about her past life, she just always said she had been around. "so when I saw who ever it was, all I saw was her flames and fear and I panicked." she avoided his gaze. "weakness is not something I'm happy I posses. Please can we just keep this between us." she said almost begging. She didn't wait for him to answer before asking, "what were you going to ask me last night?" it had been bothering her all night.

Carter Greyson

Currently on his own...

Carter was always unamused. But this time even more so. He stared at Blake's luggage that was waiting for him to take up to the room. His lips had a sharp frown, his eyes were narrowed, buring a whole through the suitcases with his glare, and his left eyebrow twitched, trying to contain the anger he had for Blake right now. He lifted the duffle bag strap on his shoulder, to insure it would fall, then adjusted the strap of his sword on the opposite shoulder. One empty hand grabbed a handle on the suitcase, and the other hand grabbed the other handle. However...there was a problem. A hand bag sat balanced on one of the suitcases. Carter sighed... He knew what he had to do, and he didnt like it.

The young boy struggled to pull along all the weight. It was unfair, why him? The suitcases would sometimes run into the back of his ankles as he pulled, which really hurt. And his arms began to lose curculation from the straps on his shoulders and his tightened fists around the handles. When he got to the doors of the lobby, he raised a leg and used his foot to kick the door open. Once inside, he stopped to look at the amount of people gathered there! There were so many. 'Youve got to be kidding me...' suddenly an annoucement was made by Zeras. He explained that all these people were basically fans. Carter hated his fans the most. Because Blake and Carter were so young, their fans were too. And since Carter is a guy, well, most of his fans are annoying tweens and teens fangirling all over the place about how "adorable" he is. Carter groaned, and attempted to push through the crowd,"Cuh hew peez moof?" He would call with the straps of Blake's handbag between his teeth. It was the only way he could carry it.....

Unfortunately, most of these "fans" were too busy with in themselves to even notice Carter trying to push through. Only few around him noticed and recognized who he was. His patience (or whats left of it), was begining to grow very thin,"MOOF, DAHIT!" He could feel a surge of electricity surge through his body as he grew angrier. He just wanted to lay down, in the peace and quiet of his room. He continued to slowlt shuffle through, until he heard,"Look! Its Carter!" from a young female voice not too far behind in the crowd.

'Oh god no....' He knew, by the sound of the voice, it could only be one of the annoying females he always dislikes. At this point, he didnt care about being polite anymore, and pushed through the crowd forcefully now. He was actually panicking. He didnt want to get stuck with his "fans". His breathing was heavier and his mind was screaming,'LEAVE ME ALONE! I have to get out of here, which way do I go?!' A few people ahead he could see the elevators,"YESH!" as he grew closer so did the fans,'Forget this!' he let go of Blake's belongings and ran straight to Zeras. Carter was unaware he inturupted a conversation between Zeras and another contestant. Even if he did, he wouldnt care. He ran behind the older man and hid behind him, instictively clutching onto the back of his shirt, the bag still in his mouth. Carter's brain was scrambling. It was his social anxiety, too many strangers in one room, and to make it worse, most of them were female (Carter thinks girls are troublesome). He panted behind the dragon and peeked, hoping none of his fangirls noticed. He didnt know what else to do, not having Blake around affected him more than he realized.

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Tatercakes217 said:
"no I didn't," she said quietly "and I'm sorry about last night." She was almost hoping that the conversation wouldn't come up but he did deserve a reason. "Im afraid of fire," she said in almost a too quiet whisper. "it's how my family died," she took in a shaky breath, she's never told anyone before about her past life, she just always said she had been around. "so when I saw who ever it was, all I saw was her flames and fear and I panicked." she avoided his gaze. "weakness is not something I'm happy I posses. Please can we just keep this between us." she said almost begging. She didn't wait for him to answer before asking, "what were you going to ask me last night?" it had been bothering her all night.
Zeras looked at her for for a second and listened to her "ah, that makes sense why you would be, of course I'm sorry for your loss" on the inside he was laughing his ass off, a simple thing such as fire, oh how this was something to be heard "of course I can keep this between us, your secret is my secret, cause if I told you as many secrets as I knew, we would be here for an eternity." He looked away for a second to see what was going on outside but he didn't see much so he looked back at Beatrix "I was going to ask you for dinner and to see if you wanted to hang out, that's all." He said it casually with out even having to think about it, he was about to say something else but then he felt a pull at his shirt, and he turned to look and see what it was Carter "And what do you seem to be doing, if I remember correctly you seemed to not like me, you are quite close to not like me so what's up." He watched and waited for a response
Beatrix hadn't notice someone was struggling with the crowed until she heard a fan call out his name. She looked over her shoulder and watched as the young boy struggled through dropping all his bags and then run behind Zeras. He's young, she thought to herself. She had a weakness for younger contestants, she figured it was her maternal instincts but she hated having them. I should help, she thought, then rolled her eyes at herself. Damn I'm weak. Quickly and effortlessly she shifted to her wolf half and walked towards his bags he had dropped. Beatrix noticed as most of the crowed backed up and the noise came to a complete silence. She wasn't sure why everyone seemed scared, she just figured it was because she was a wolf. Managing a clear enough path she grabbed the bags with her teeth and pulled them next to the shaken boy. Quickly she shifted back to her human half. "Hi, I'm Beatrix. Are you okay?" she didn't bother asking of he was knew, she gathered that by looking at him, she just wanted to make sure he wasn't so panicked. She glanced back at Zeras "if that offer still stands I don't mind doing dinner."
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Carter Greyson

Carter looked up when Zeras turned around to look at him. He quickly retracted his hands and wiped them on his shorts before taking Blake's hand bag out of his mouth and setting it on the floor,"Disgusting...." he mumbled,"I dont even know you and I touched you..." There was the Carter everyone knew. He returned to his normal demeanor, unfriendly and cold. His arms crossed as he looked at the taller man in the eye, "Youre right, I dont like you. Dont take it personal, I dont like anybody. I just dislike Blake the least," he shrugged. "Forget I even came to you," he raised the strap of his duffle bag,"It was just a reaction to my social anxiety, dont think highly of yourself before you go making up a story about how you 'rescued me'..." He looked over to Beatrix, she was kind enough to retrieve his...erm...Blake's things that he ditched in fear of coming across one of his "stupid fans" as he calls them. He gave a nod to her in thanks. How could he be the normal rude person he is to someone like that? Its best you keep quiet Carter, before you run your mouth again. He looked away from her, but looked at her again when she introduced herself. Crap, now he had to talk. Carter panicked again. He couldnt help it. There was just something about meeting strangers that just made him freak out. Especially girls! Thats why he was so cold all the time. He was sarcastic, rude, and brutally honest in hopes it would turn people away. Obviously it didnt always work. He swallowed the dryness in his throat,"Im..." His voice cracked and he cleared his throat, "Im Carter. Im fine and thank you for picking up my things..." his eyes drifted away as he spoke to her. Hearing a thank you from Crater was like seeing a unicorn. It never happened. He even felt weird saying it. His stomach started tingling and feeling funny, he felt embarassed. Maybe...Carter was nervous around girls cause he didnt know how to talk to them? Well...whatever the case he didnt like this feeling. His hand rubbed the back of his head and blood rushed to his cheeks, feeling hot and irritable. "I should probably go to my room now...." he looked to Zeras, hoping he wouldnt remember about the whole "Arena contestants must be in the lobby" thing and hoping he would also forget about seeing this "soft side" of Carter.... He just needed an escape!

@las0r0o7 @Tatercakes217
Beatrix could since Carter's tension. She could tell he had a social anxiety before he even mentioned it. "it's nice to meet you Carter," she said calmly. She watched as he grew uneasy, it looked as if he was trying to desperately escape. When he mentioned going to his room, she knew Zeras would stop him since he was a contestant. "If you want I was just about to go get breakfast. You don't have to sit with me if you don't want, but I tend to need an extra hand if you don't mind helping me?" she asked.

Tatercakes217 said:
Beatrix hadn't notice someone was struggling with the crowed until she heard a fan call out his name. She looked over her shoulder and watched as the young boy struggled through dropping all his bags and then run behind Zeras. He's young, she thought to herself. She had a weakness for younger contestants, she figured it was her maternal instincts but she hated having them. I should help, she thought, then rolled her eyes at herself. Damn I'm weak. Quickly and effortlessly she shifted to her wolf half and walked towards his bags he had dropped. Beatrix noticed as most of the crowed backed up and the noise came to a complete silence. She wasn't sure why everyone seemed scared, she just figured it was because she was a wolf. Managing a clear enough path she grabbed the bags with her teeth and pulled them next to the shaken boy. Quickly she shifted back to her human half. "Hi, I'm Beatrix. Are you okay?" she didn't bother asking of he was knew, she gathered that by looking at him, she just wanted to make sure he wasn't so panicked. She glanced back at Zeras "if that offer still stands I don't mind doing dinner."
Zeras watched as Beatrice got his things from the crowd pretty easily with no effort at all and she brought it back to Carter and he thought to himself ' this isn't the time to play fetch ' and he watched as she tried to introduce herself to him and was greeted with the usual attitude "That offer definitely still stands if you want to join me for dinner, though I don't mind lunch as well " then he turned his attention back to Carter "What good would do me from saving a brat like you anyways, definitely not much attention, honestly it would probably give you more attention if you think about it" it was pretty easy to tell that Zeras had some horns sticking out of his head and not a halo above it "and if you recall correctly, were all here to give some attention to the fans, not like you can't deal with a few girls for a boy such as yourself, I mean after all your supposed to be a contestant, if you can't have a few women around you what will you do when they come to you and want attention, but that's enough of what if for the morning, just make yourself comfortable down here, cause we're all stuck down here." He had made some preparations of his own this morning, he had cut the power to the call button to the elevator on this floor as well as made all the doors from the stairs one way, and that wasn't out. He looked over to Beatrice and gave her a one armed hug and went back over to the desk the he made the wonderful announcement from and picked up his glass of tea and waited for a few others to make their arrival at the bottom floor.
Beatrix made a small laugh. "Lunch would be fine as well, but it would have to determine on how long YOU take in your fight." she teased. She listened to what she was telling Carter, he's such a bully she rolled her eyes thinking to herself. She didn't want to interrupt but she felt bad at the same time. She watched as he watched and grabbed a drink, "maybe you can join Carter and I for breakfast." she offered trying to lighten the mood.
Carter Greyson

Carter stood silent with his lips shut tight while Beatrix and Zeras exchanged words, making plans for food and being with each other. Then Zeras looked back at him, with that same intense look of "i want to slap this brat" that he recieved when they first met at the bar. Carter, significantly shorter than the dragon, wasnt stirred by Zeras. Infact, he stood his ground and tipped his chin up, his head a little back as he glared at the taller man. Once Zeras finished, Carter had to hide a smile, though a smirk managed to poke through. It wasnt a mischevious, one but one that said "I like this guy". Carter had yet to meet someone who was like him, and didnt take his remarks personally or blow up over them, which was quite entertaining to him really. It was like looking in a mirror, Carter liked the fact of knowing someone as hard-headed and cold as he was. Even though Zeras may not be like that 24/7 seeing how he revealed his soft spots when talking to Beatrix who Carter had briefly forgotten was there, but he could look past that.

Carter scoffed,"Its not that i cant handle them," he..sort of lied, they terrified him,"I just think theyre a nuisance thats all." He shrugged, maintaining that stone cold look. After saying that he remembered Beatrix who was behind him. His fists and shoulders tensed as he realized that what he said could be offensive to her if she heard. He swallowed,"N-Not all of them," he cleared his throat,"Just most of them," ....nice save Carter....

Suddenly Beatrix mentioned something about Zeras joining him and Beatrix for breakfast. His head whipped around as quickly as it could to look at her with wide eyes and a surprised look. He didnt remember arranging that plan with her and was surprised to hear it after the way he was behaving. He loosened and looked away, slightly flushed. He kept his mouth shut, and didnt even try to protest. It was the least he could do after she so kindly retrieved Blake's belongings for him.

@las0r0o7 @Tatercakes217
Tatercakes217 said:
Beatrix made a small laugh. "Lunch would be fine as well, but it would have to determine on how long YOU take in your fight." she teased. She listened to what she was telling Carter, he's such a bully she rolled her eyes thinking to herself. She didn't want to interrupt but she felt bad at the same time. She watched as he watched and grabbed a drink, "maybe you can join Carter and I for breakfast." she offered trying to lighten the mood.
Zeras looked back to Beatrix and gave a warm gentle smile to her "I don't see why we can't have a quick breakfast before we spend most of the morning trying to make our way through the fans, after all, we still have, well I have, quite the line of people, that would probably end up tying me up until lunch anyways, so, lets go eat." He looked back to Carter as he tried to cover for himself, it was like watching someone try to go up the down escalator, a fail, but might as well help the guy out "Eh, I can agree with you there, most of them can be a pain, after all it's not like I have the looks of a kid and they want to pick me up and smothers me in love, they just want to smother me in love anyways." That should probably be enough of a cover for him to make him seem, less, of a brat. "So Carter, what have you in mind for breakfast anyways, anything you would normally have, or you want something abstract, the same question goes for you too Beatrix," he gave her one of his cheesy flattering smiles, maybe she will catch it, maybe not, who knows she might even fangirl over it "I know what I'm having, and I'm hungry too." He turned back around and started making his way to the small diner and pulled out his phone and looked at the time trying to figure out when to open the dlfront doors, though it was probably going to be quite soon considering it was almost 9:30 and the doors open up at 10:00.
Beatrix laughed at Zeras. He's so full of himself. She thought to herself still laughing. Then she turned her attention to his question. "You're asking the werewolf what she wants? If that's the case I'll have a stack of five pancakes, some bacon, three eggs scrambled, some orange juice and a small bowl of fruit." to her that was a lot. Having thatuch food would probably feed half the people near her den, as she called it. She glanced back at Carter and pulled him aside after Zeras turned his back. "If I make you uncomfortable you can just tell me. I won't be offended." she laughed in a meaningful tone. The last thing she wanted was to upset anyone. Yeah she was all tough on the outside but the inside she's just as soft as a tissue. "I just did want big head over there," she said tilting her head toward Zeras," to flip out on you is all." she smiled, then quickly realized it. "But if you tell anyone I smiled I might have to hurt you." she said sounding as a joke, but was completely serious
(Oh sorry! Im going to bring Blake back in soon if Kiro doesnt come back. Carter and Blake are a package deal)

Carter Greyson

Zeras agreed to breakfast and Carter lead the way to where ever they were going to eat.

His head nodded as Zeras went on and agreed that women can be such a burden. But suddenly he caught on to the fact that Zeras was actually coverinng him. Of course, Carter couldnt help but feel guilty and become noticeably embarrassed by the way his cheeks tinted pink. He rubbed the back of his head and looked away. It was this reaction that Blake fawned over every time. She loved seeing that softness buried deep below that cold heart of his. He became distracted, sort of missing her. Would he admit it? Never.

He stood quiet and didnt pay much attention to the two as they talked, until Zeras said his name and asked what sort of breakfast Carter preferred. The boy shrugged and looked away,"Doesnt matter to me..." his tone suggested he didnt really care. Even though Carter can come off as a snob, saying "it doesnt matter" was his way of being passive and saying "what ever you guys want"...of course...he cant put it so nicely when he puts the thought into words.

Carter's golden eyes rolled when Zera's flashed that stupid smile, as Carter would say. 'How do girls fall for that crap?' Either way he brushed it off. When the dragon turned away, a soft hand gripped his arm and pulled him back, getting a little surprised noise to come out of Carter's throat. Beatrix told Carter that if she made him uncomfortable shed want him to tell her. His eyes blinked, and his face flushed when he realized he was being touched by her, and this weird sensation errupted and fluttered in his stomach. But then he quickly covered the vulnerable look with a scowel, still reddened. He jerked his arm away from her,"Mmm!" he sounded frustrated when he pulled away. He didnt like people touching him very much. Especialy Blake when she gets all over him. And most older women tend to smother him because "hes such a handsome young man". His lower lip formed a small pout at the memories.

Beatrix laughed and continued, joking on Zeras and then smiling. Carter only replied with the same expression: unamused. But he didnt want to say anything insulting to someone as nice as her. He took a step to continue on their way but was stopped by the change of tone in her voice. His head looked up at her, blank expression and all, and she threatened him if he told anyone about her smile. His smirk came out from hiding and he tilted his head upward and got closer to her face, which was a usual Carter sign of "feeling challenged and im not backing down","I dont make promises i cant keep," his words were extremely and clearly sarcastic. He jerked his shoulder, adjusting the strap of his sword, subtley reminding her that hes as much of a fighter as she is, and can make threats too. He backed off and turned away, following behind Zeras. With his back still turned, he raised a hand and beckoned her,"C'mon...lets get your pancakes, pup."

@las0r0o7 @Tatercakes217
Beatrix rolled her eyes at his reply. "Okay well I'm warning you. I might just stick an arrow in your eye," she teased him. Now she knew why Zeras did it to her so much; it was fun. As Carter walked in front of her she rolled her eyes at his comment. "Why must everyone call me pup?" she ask herself allowed. She followed into the cafeteria area and looked around. Finding her pancakes and fruit she quickly handed them off to Carter as she she found bacon, eggs, juice, and a chocolate chip muffin. She stared at all of the food wide eyed and hungry. It was like Thanksgiving for her.

Looking around the room, she managed to find a booth that the three of them could sit at, if that is they all chose to sit together. She ushered Carter to follow her so he could sit her stuff down and she could pig out. but she waited for the two of them to get back before she ate. "Thanks for the help," she said. "Now you go get something. You don't have to sit here if you don't want, but if you do I can wait till you both come back," she said staring at the pieces of bacon. Or I can try she said to herself.The truth is she never had bacon, surprisingly, and she couldn't wait to try it.
Tatercakes217 said:
Beatrix laughed at Zeras. He's so full of himself. She thought to herself still laughing. Then she turned her attention to his question. "You're asking the werewolf what she wants? If that's the case I'll have a stack of five pancakes, some bacon, three eggs scrambled, some orange juice and a small bowl of fruit." to her that was a lot. Having thatuch food would probably feed half the people near her den, as she called it. She glanced back at Carter and pulled him aside after Zeras turned his back. "If I make you uncomfortable you can just tell me. I won't be offended." she laughed in a meaningful tone. The last thing she wanted was to upset anyone. Yeah she was all tough on the outside but the inside she's just as soft as a tissue. "I just did want big head over there," she said tilting her head toward Zeras," to flip out on you is all." she smiled, then quickly realized it. "But if you tell anyone I smiled I might have to hurt you." she said sounding as a joke, but was completely serious
Tatercakes217 said:
Beatrix rolled her eyes at his reply. "Okay well I'm warning you. I might just stick an arrow in your eye," she teased him. Now she knew why Zeras did it to her so much; it was fun. As Carter walked in front of her she rolled her eyes at his comment. "Why must everyone call me pup?" she ask herself allowed. She followed into the cafeteria area and looked around. Finding her pancakes and fruit she quickly handed them off to Carter as she she found bacon, eggs, juice, and a chocolate chip muffin. She stared at all of the food wide eyed and hungry. It was like Thanksgiving for her.
Looking around the room, she managed to find a booth that the three of them could sit at, if that is they all chose to sit together. She ushered Carter to follow her so he could sit her stuff down and she could pig out. but she waited for the two of them to get back before she ate. "Thanks for the help," she said. "Now you go get something. You don't have to sit here if you don't want, but if you do I can wait till you both come back," she said staring at the pieces of bacon. Or I can try she said to herself.The truth is she never had bacon, surprisingly, and she couldn't wait to try it.
Zeras pretended not to hear the two of them converse, though he couldn't help but to listen in, after all his hearing was almost as good as his smelling, witch was on par with his eyesight that was unparalleled. He made his way to the stand and started stacking up his plate and set it at the table they were sitting at and then went back to make himself another plate, and then went back for one more, he had to cover for his metabolism witch was unreal. "So what have the two of you decided to plan for your fans, I mean you two surly have to have something in mind for your loving supporters, that is after all they do pay most of the fees and expenses you two have, work for pay, fight for work, live to fight, pay to live, it's all a simple cycle when you break it down." He had quite the bit more of info on the matter than he let on, after all he was a founder of the Blood Arena. He started stuffing his face with all the pankakes and hashbrowns and bacon and bacon and eggs and bacon he had in front of him, to any normal person he would appear to be like a gluten ball.
Beatrix's eyes widen as she watched him eat, and a frowned formed across her lips. "There were hash browns?" she said poking her eggs depressingly with a fork. Then she thought about his question. What was I going to do? "To be honest, I don't have thee slightest clue what to do." She put a piece of bacon in her mouth and her eyes grew in happiness. "Oh my god, this i amazing!" She exclaimed. "Is this what bacon really tastes like?" she asked shoving three more pieces in her mouth. She focused on his question again. "I was just going to offer to hang out, I don't really know what else to do. Maybe show them how to use a bow." she shrugged putting more bacon in her mouth. Holy crap, this is fantastic! Was all she could think.
Tatercakes217 said:
Beatrix's eyes widen as she watched him eat, and a frowned formed across her lips. "There were hash browns?" she said poking her eggs depressingly with a fork. Then she thought about his question. What was I going to do? "To be honest, I don't have thee slightest clue what to do." She put a piece of bacon in her mouth and her eyes grew in happiness. "Oh my god, this i amazing!" She exclaimed. "Is this what bacon really tastes like?" she asked shoving three more pieces in her mouth. She focused on his question again. "I was just going to offer to hang out, I don't really know what else to do. Maybe show them how to use a bow." she shrugged putting more bacon in her mouth. Holy crap, this is fantastic! Was all she could think.
Zeras laughed at her question "it was right next to the bacon, feel free to some off my plate if you want to." He had quite quickly finished the giant mound of pankakes he had that blocked the view between him and Beatrix "oh yea, is that so." He tossed a piece of bacon in his mouth and chewed on it for a second "eh, they seem to have been slacking off today, normally its better than this, but yes, this is what it tastes like." He went back to stuffing his face once again and with all that he had eaten so far he didn't seem to have even put on a pound of weight "Well I was going to do a big 'I'll sign whatever' thing for all of mine, I mean I really don't want to do what I did last year and take pictures all day, seriously, that took for God damn, ever, I could've swore I was never gonna get out of there."
Beatrix rolled her eye. He's so full of himself. But she was surprised that it didn't bother her. "Well how about you just, I don't know, hang out with them." She looked at her empty plate of bacon and frowned. I'll get more when I'm done I guess. "When is the next match by the way?" She asked as she drowned her pancakes in syrup. Grabbing her fork, she managed to cut bite size triangles and shovel them in her mouth. "When are we doing lunch slash dinner," she teased.
Carter Greyson

Beatrix asked why everyone must call her a pup. 'Is that a serious question?' He thought. To him, it was pretty clear why. Especially when morphs into a full on canine form in front of people. Its really no wonder why they call her that. But he ignored it. Didnt even bother trying to explain.

They got to the hotels cafeteria-like place. He went to the counter to get his food, but before even having a chance of doing so, Beatrix, who quickly caught up, stuffed a bunch of food into his arms and face. He struggled to balance it all. Stacked on one another, piled high. He gave her a look from the corner of his eye, his eye brows pinched together, accompanyed by a frown. If this was Blake, he wouldve snapped by now.

The young boy followed Beatrix to the table and set everything down...well more like just dropped everything. She thanked them and told them they could get food as well. He scowled at her,"I dont need your permission..." he mumbled as he turned away and walked back to the counter.

All he grabbed was a plate of a few strips of bacon, and a small bowl of assorted fruits. He walked back to Zeras and Beatrix, planting himself at the head/end of the table. He put his breakfast down and nibbled on a strip of bacon. His eyes moving from Beatrix to Zeras to Beatrix and back to Zeras as they conversed. Zeras asked things Carter could join in on too, but its pretty clear to tell that Carter isnt the type to take part in social affairs like...talking. Infact his ideal society would be that people shut up and mind their own business but he knows its highly unlikely. He zoned out a bit while they conversed, popping in a few grapes. But then his interest piqued. Beatrix asked about the next match, and his eyes immediately looked to Zeras for an answer.

@las0r0o7 @Tatercakes217
Tatercakes217 said:
Beatrix rolled her eye. He's so full of himself. But she was surprised that it didn't bother her. "Well how about you just, I don't know, hang out with them." She looked at her empty plate of bacon and frowned. I'll get more when I'm done I guess. "When is the next match by the way?" She asked as she drowned her pancakes in syrup. Grabbing her fork, she managed to cut bite size triangles and shovel them in her mouth. "When are we doing lunch slash dinner," she teased.
Zeras watched as she had a frown on her face from not having any more bacon and he slid one of his plates to her "There's more than you think there, enjoy, and to answer your question, I don't feel like throwing a city wide party......" He stopped for a second to think about that idea, though it gave him ideas that were, kind of, in the same ball park idea of a party thing. "Well, to be quite honest, I'm not sure if I want to host one today or I want to wait until tomorrow, what do you two think, and no staying quiet on this one Carter, there are three of us, we can come to a tie if you don't say something." He had already finished his other plates and was wiping his mouth before he answered her last question "aside from you having a ton of questions for me, I think we can have dinner at......" He had to stop himself from what he was about to say and made it look like he was thinking "how about at the nice five star hole in the wall buffet that I know of, you coming to Carter."
(hey guys I promise Ill reply soon my husband is sick and we just had to emit the baby to the emergency room. But I promise I'll reply tomorrow)
((Hey guys I'm back, been busy with testing and rpnation ain't been working, but finally got it to))

Waking up from a long nap, Gore went to the sink and turned on the fossit and splashed a bit of water on his face then grabbed a towel to dry his face. After a bit he made sure he had his two war axes and went downstairs to the main room hoping that someone is there

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