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Blaez x Mobius

"I'm sorry. But I have to wait to tell you." He says softly.

there is nothing to fear but fear itself
"Why?" Marley asked,her voice softer.She was getting more confused and she just didn't like it at all.
"I might have to kill you if I tell you." He says shaking his head.

there is nothing to fear but fear itself
"I can't tell you that either, I'm sorry one day I'll be able to." He says walking back to his cottage.

there is nothing to fear but fear itself
Marley watched as he walked of,clenching her fist and yelling out in frustration."Are you serious?" She asked quietly,not to anyone since nobody was there to hear.
He sighs thinking about the first time he went to the small little town square which was way before they raided them.

there is nothing to fear but fear itself
Marley eventually shook her head and mounted Flick again,riding him back towards the cottages,feeling frustrated.Although,she felt nervous as to the other reason she was there...why would he have to kill her if he told her early?
He goes in his cottage and lays face down and s ok haha hoping that he can fall asleep but it's doesn't happen for a while.

there is nothing to fear but fear itself
Marley wondered what she could do around there,but noticed the sun was setting.She was exhausted from all that had happened and still had her headache,so she took the bit out of Flick's mouth,working with the bridle so she could get it hanging out without straining the bridle.She managed it and soon tied him to a tree branch before heading into her cottage to sleep.
He remembers and dreams about his life if he wasn't a pirate.

there is nothing to fear but fear itself
Marley had a really bad nightmare that night and woke up at dawn screaming.She breathed heavily and her hands shook.
He wakes up hearing screaming and gets up and walks to her cottage. "Are you ok?"

there is nothing to fear but fear itself
Marley looked Blaez when he came in."J-Just a bad dream..." She answered as she pulled the blankets close to her face.The dream had been a sick,twisted version of the attack yesterday.
"Ok, well good--"He looks outside. "Dawn,gooddawn." He walks out and heads back to his cottage.

there is nothing to fear but fear itself
Marley sighed and rested her head back against her pillow,staring at the ceiling.She began to rub her forehead,thinking about yesterday.Finalky,she got up and exited her cottage,taking a look at the world.
Halfway to the cottage he heard rustling in the bushes and soft whispering, and he walked over and saw nothing. 'I guess the wind did it....' He thought and started heading for the beach

There is nothing to fear but fear itself
Marley saw him heading towards the beach and she took a breath before she started after him."Hey,wait up!" She called to him as she rushed up to his side,feeling the strangest feeling that they were being watched.
He looks behind him at her then back towards the beach and stops in mid stride to listen to the surrounding area, he thought he saw someone hiding in the bushes but then they disappeared. 'No one is supposed to be on this island but me, my crew, and her....' He thinks to himself.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself
(I'm sorry,I thought I replied.)

Marley raised an eyebrow at him and took a quick glance in his direction before looking around,on high alert."What's going on?" She asked him in a near whisper as her heart rate began to intensify.

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