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Fandom Black Butler RP

I am Shadow

Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
Here is the sign up information:

Appearance: (A description is accepted, anime pic is prefered, and real life is not accepted, thank you^^




Job occupancy (if any):



Skills/powers etc:

Crush/lover/spouse [please state which one, for example : Ciel Phantomhive (crush)]



Fears/weaknesses (please add at least three cause we all have them):


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Demon form: Cat, when turning to forms with her sister her one eye oppposit of her sisters turns pink

Name:Victoria Blackthorn


Species:Half demon, half human

Job occupancy (if any):Undertakers Apprentice,

Personality: badass, totally different from her sister, strong has controll of her emotions, doesn't cry a lot, very closed off to everyone she doesn't know, very protective of her sister, a fighter, doesn't back off from a challenge physical or verbal,

Bio:Victoria grew up with her sister Ivy and their loving mother and father, though her father was a demon. But then her mother got cancer and she died, and then their world fell apart. Victoria's father became a drunk and a drug addict. He would be gone for days on end. Ultimately starving them and forcing them to fend for themselves all at the age 7. Then the worst happened. Her father would often come home drunk and beat them almost senseless. Victoria's sister Ivy, came close to death because she was the weaker twin of the two, Victoria was the stronger girl and she didn't suffer as much pain as Ivy. This torture had continued, and gotten worse, up until they we're 13. Then their father was murdered in an alleyway(of unknown causes). They we're then thrown out of their house. Then the magical day came. Undertaker was going to the fabric store to get more satin for a coffin. He had seen the girls young, starved, and dying. He felt sorrow for the children and he approached them and offered them food and a home. The children we're desperate so they accepted. Undertaker eventually taught them his trade of the mortician. Victoria had a hard time learning the trade but eventually caught on. They've been living with the undertaker since.

Skills/powers etc:Very skilled with her hand to hand combat and dual dao style with her two long swords and shuriken, very skilled with singing, light on feet, stronger than she looks

Crush/lover/spouse: Sebastion (crush)



- Croissants






-Afraid of being afraid



Powers: earth
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_n2owm8RFTc1s3762eo1_500.jpg.a8d244dd1dffe32bd09decff74e69074.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95667" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_n2owm8RFTc1s3762eo1_500.jpg.a8d244dd1dffe32bd09decff74e69074.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When controlling water or shifting to her demon form (a ebony colored fox) one eye remains red and the other changes to the demonic pink.

Name: Ivy Blackthorn

Age: 16

Species: Half demon, half human

Job occupancy: Undertaker's apprentice

Personality: shy and sweet. Very jumpy, gets scared easily. She doesn't open up very easily. Doesn't cry in front of people. Keeps her mouth shut when needed, very quiet and reserved. Though she has dark thoughts and a dark sense of humor. Also very clever.

Bio: Ivy grew up with her sister, Victoria and their loving mother and father, though her father was a demon. But then her mother got cancer and she died. And the world fell apart. Ivy's father became a drunk and a drug addict. He would be gone for days on end, ultimately starving the girls and forcing them to fend for them selves, all at the age of 7. Then the worst happened. Her father would often come home drunk and beat them almost senseless. Ivy had come close to death because she was the weaker twin. This torture had continued, had gotten worse, up until they were 13. Then their father was murdered in an alleyway (of unknown causes). They were then thrown out of their house. Then the magic day came. Undertaker was going to the fabric store to get more satin for a coffin. He had seen the girls young, starved, and dying. He felt sorrow for the children and he approached them, and offered them food and a home. The children were desperate, so they accepted. Undertaker eventually taught them his trade of the mortician. I've was a natural. They've been living with the Undertaker since.

Skills/powers etc:


-violin expertise

-she is very skilled with a bow and arrow along with firearms



Crush/lover/spouse: Undertaker (crush)



-Undertaker's biscuits


-nice people


-rude people

- fancy fluffy dresses (finds them uncomfortable)

-scary animals


-fear of the dark

-fear of Thunder and lightning

-constantly becoming ill.



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[QUOTE="Misaki Ouo]Appearance:

Demon form: Cat, when turning to forms with her sister her one eye oppposit of her sisters turns pink

Name:Victoria Blackthorn


Species:Half demon, half human

Job occupancy (if any):Undertakers Apprentice,

Personality: badass, totally different from her sister, strong has controll of her emotions, doesn't cry a lot, very closed off to everyone she doesn't know, very protective of her sister, a fighter, doesn't back off from a challenge physical or verbal,

Bio:Victoria grew up with her sister Ivy and their loving mother and father, though her father was a demon. But then her mother got cancer and she died, and then their world fell apart. Victoria's father became a drunk and a drug addict. He would be gone for days on end. Ultimately starving them and forcing them to fend for themselves all at the age 7. Then the worst happened. Her father would often come home drunk and beat them almost senseless. Victoria's sister Ivy, came close to death because she was the weaker twin of the two, Victoria was the stronger girl and she didn't suffer as much pain as Ivy. This torture had continued, and gotten worse, up until they we're 13. Then their father was murdered in an alleyway(of unknown causes). They we're then thrown out of their house. Then the magical day came. Undertaker was going to the fabric store to get more satin for a coffin. He had seen the girls young, starved, and dying. He felt sorrow for the children and he approached them and offered them food and a home. The children we're desperate so they accepted. Undertaker eventually taught them his trade of the mortician. Victoria had a hard time learning the trade but eventually caught on. They've been living with the undertaker since.

Skills/powers etc:Very skilled with her hand to hand combat and dual dao style with her two long swords and shuriken, very skilled with singing, light on feet, stronger than she looks

Crush/lover/spouse: Sebastion (crush)



- Croissants






-Afraid of being afraid



Powers: earth





Winifred "Winny" Montgomery





Job Occupancy:

None, but is the young Lady of the Montgomery Manor.


Stuck up and arrogant are two words that first come into mind when meeting Winny. She acts high and mighty and better than all around her. She often bickers or whines, and argues a lot. Quite childish. Despite this, she is actually very mature and responsible. She has a kind heart of a normal thirteen year old girl somewhere, waiting to be found. Can be sarcastic. Despite her childishness, she is extremely intelligent for her age.


Winny grew up raised in the Montgomery Manor, a wealthy and famous household. She was the youngest of six. The family was happy and quite caring. But, Winny's older siblings decided to make contracts with dangerous demons for power. Their souls were ultimately taken, leaving the Montgomery family distraught. Winny's mother became ill and had to stay in her room for days. Her father became a workaholic and didn't pay attention to their daughter, who was lonely. Winny didn't go to school and was home-schooled for a while before stopping. Winny admired the Phantomhive household, especially their young Lord, and wished to be more like that, despite her constant bickering around him and them. The two families had many connections.

Skills/powers etc:

Surprisingly amazing with a gun.





Ciel Phantomhive - Crush (Despite lots of arguing and bickering)










Rude people

People who argue against her


Fear of dogs.

Fear of the ocean.

Not very strong.






Has a pet cat named Clementine.

Appearance: 5'7, 129 lbs, usually wearing her suit with an elongated tail, a pair of black gloves, a tie with a white under shirt and some pants or a skirt.


Deborah Lang


Snake Demon

Job occupancy:

Faithfully loyal to her masters. She is cunning and gets her job done to a T. Her calm demeanor and red seeking eyes make her seem like she has ulterior motives on her mind; though she might at times, she will not disobey when given her orders.

Reborn as a fallen angel, Deborah started her new bound to earth life in Avignon, France- her mother died birthing one still born child and one live. The live baby's father was unknown and there were no relatives that wanted it. They took the baby to an orphanage where it lived its first 13 years of its life. From then on she was sold as a slave for her 'beauty' and kind and enduring personality. She aged much faster than all of the other children and no one could guess her real age. By the time she was 16 she was at her peak age and decided to start making deals with people who were in need of help.

Skills/powers etc:

In her human state- Defying gravity, X-Ray visions that extend 100 feet, amazing hand-eye coordination, excellent with any sort of weapon given to her.

Demon form- Devouring of a soul, mind control and telekinesis


Mysteries, highly developed personalities, the smell of leather

Unfair advantages, Birds

Fears/weaknesses (please add at least three cause we all have them):

Fears- Losing or having a contract broken, bright white lights

Weaknesses- Music, Her odd attachments to her targeted subjects of interest

Up-keeping the housework and what goes on daily, tending to anything and everything to keep her master happy, singing, comfort given when needed or asked, artistic skills such as drawing and painting, cooking, dancing, ect.

Contact Symbol

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-6.jpg.32a2852a01773a338352c3d97b8b963d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-6.jpg.32a2852a01773a338352c3d97b8b963d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Luigi Constanello

Age: 20

Species: Human

Job occupancy: The Boss of the Italian Mafia.

Personality: Suave and cool, but also gives off an...unusual aura of intimidation and power.

Bio: Raised in a very influential family of Mafia members, Luigi grew up in Venice, Italy. His family loved him immensely, and was often referred to as 'Miracle Kid' because his mother and father had tried for years to have children but were unsuccesful. He quickly adapted to the life of a mobster with his father as the current Boss, teaching him the way of the trade. Luigi had always had a knack for digging up dirt on people as well, and as he grew, his father and the rest of the Mafia began to rely on Miracle Kid to get dirt on the people they needed, and he always supplied it, eager to please.

When he was eighteen, the Italian Police were finally able to collect solid evidence and witnesses to a crime directly linked to Luigi's father, and so was taken away and put into prison. With no one else to lead, Luigi stepped up and assumed the role of Boss. At first he was nervous, but he soon grew into the role and began running the Mafia better than it was before. A year ago, he decided it was time for them to expand, and so they made their way to London. He and his mobsters practically run the London underground now, and what they say goes.

Skills/powers etc: No real supernatural powers.

Crush/lover/spouse: None.


Making Deals

Attending Plays

The Opera


Good Italian Food





Foggy Nights


Fears/weaknesses: He fears being caught by the police, harm coming to his family, and despite it all, he fears being betrayed by his own.

Talents: An excellent businessman and is heavily practiced in the art of persuasion and intimidation. He also has an immense amount of luck for finding dirt on people

Other: Speaks with a light Italian accent.



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Name:Lilith Avalon


Species: Human

Job occupancy (if any): Head of the Avalon family, A major trade partner with many important families.

Personality: Arrogant and hot headed. SHe is also very charming when it comes to business opportunities. She is quick to anger and very full of herself. Probably due to her families position.

Bio: Lilith has been raised with a silver spoon in her hand and has never known hardship or any kind of trials. She is the only daughter of Angela and Marcos

Avalon, She is now the Head of the family, since her parents have since passed. She has taken over famously and many a person is impressed with how well she has taken over.

Skills/powers etc: She is great at charming her way into the hearts of her business partners. In most cases she can get what she wants. It's almost as though she has an otherworldly power of persuasion

Crush/lover/spouse: None

Likes: Books, Expensive dinners, and the beach

Dislikes: Cheap foods, litter, and movies

Fears/weaknesses : Bugs, Snakes, and losing her families legacy and company.

Talents:She can sing and has a penchant for writing poetry

Other:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/woman-3.jpg.596e3ebe431e4a7d902b4df018492001.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119051" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/woman-3.jpg.596e3ebe431e4a7d902b4df018492001.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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