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Black Beasts (MXM)


What’s in that tea...?

I didn't hear the growl of the beast or the sent it expelled. I didn't see the gleam in it's eye when it attacked.

Time seamed to stop as the world spun. I was hit sprawled out on the asphalt.

The growl of the beast seamed to come to a halt as the driver climbed out.

It hurt to move but I managed to roll over and sit up. I was seeing black spots dance in front over my eyes, and I felt warm blood running down the side of my face.

I looked over at blinding, dizzying headlights of a Mercedes. And I saw a figure of a man holding a phone to his ear. I could make out a nice vest, dress shirt, tie, dress pants and shoes.

He was tall. And he looked older than me.

I whent to stand but cryed out in pain my arm and leg hurt to much to stand. And my cry of pain caught his attention. And he knelt by my side.
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