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Realistic or Modern Bite Me IC

It was like slow motion. Samuel slowly pulled the gun to his head and pulled the trigger leaving no time to react. The shot was instantaneous and blood spattered Junos face. Junos mouth dropped and his eyes went wide open as he saw Samuels corpse fall to the ground. Juno almost dropped Grant in the process before looking at Luna. He didn't know what to say as his brain felt scrambled. "Wh..wha..what the fu..fuck just hap..happened?" Juno said as he watched Abby cry a lot.
Abby sat and cried and the mother went to comfort her and she pushed her away seemingly angry "t-this is all YOUR fault... Sammy just had to care about your daughter... and the stress it put him through killed him!" she just went back to holding Samuel's head and crying
Luna stared at Sam's lifeless body, a blank expression covering her facade. She had seen death plenty of times, and could only shade her sorrow with reminding herself of the period of time she was in. With a deep breath, Luna picked the little girl up herself, placing her on her back. Luna hadn't the time for any more soap operas. After all, they were all going to die in a matter of minutes if they didn't move immediately. "Abby. You can either suck it up and live for the sake of your child and for Sam. Or stay here and die alongside him, never giving your child the chance to see the light of day. Either way....I'm going." Luna then started walking off, leaving no time to hear Abby's response. It was life or death out here. And she had to come to terms that she couldn't be happy with Grant, no matter how much she wanted to.
Abby looks at luna walking away and growls "..... i'm burying him... he was your friend! can't you fucking get your head out your ass for five minutes... your a coward Luna... Samuel has done so much just to keep this group together.... and only I seem to care about what he has done for us.... Grant... I could have killed you the day we met... but Samuel stopped me... luna he made sure you were safe for grant so many fucking times... and juno... when he wasn't fighting with you he took your side and did what you thought could help.... he made thus group a family.... and with him gone we are just animals waiting for the next meal.... or to be the next meal..." abby scoffs "and to think he was willing to do anything for you luna.... you just are a heartless bitch..." she starts to drag samuel's body... the father and mother went up and help drag him "... he saved my little girl... this is the least we can do" abby smiles at them as the mother and abby start to dig a hole
Juno jumped at Luna's response but soon agreed with it, he had Jerry to worry about and he couldn't let others get to him even though he did love Sam like a little brother. Juno held grant as he walked over to the body. Juno got out his gun and walked over to Samuel. He stared blankly at his eyes feeling sorrow for the man, he only wanted to help humanity but was broken in the process, he had the wrong viewpoints and wanted to help everyone, it was his downfall though. He put the gun to Sams head and pulled the trigger. It was quick and instant and I had to be done, Juno couldn't stand the thought of Sam coming back. He looked at Abby and says "Abby, I would love to bury that man and put him to rest but we are in danger, their could be a hoard on us or an army of men coming, why don't be set his body down and put a blanket over him, to keep him warm when he gets cold and to protect him from the dangers of the world". Juno gets out a blanket while holding Grant and gives it to Abby before looking at Luna. "It's the least we could do for her Luna".
Abby smiles and takes the blanket and covers her past love and whispers "... i'll get grant and Juno on that boat for you Sammy.... i'll make them even if it kills me.... heh... rest well Sammy J...my one and only" she gets up and looks back at the family who are starting to walk the other way when she smiles "hey you three are coming with us... you definitely earned it... hey juno... I guess some good does come from the death of heroes...:
Juno agreed before going back to walking. They were about 30 minutes away on car so it might be a 2 hour walk. Juno signed at the thought and just thought about holding on to Grant.

(Hey could we skip to the city, the walk is gonna take forever)

Luna sighed, gently taking a small flower from the ground and placing it over the blanket before she walked away. Good. Abby hated her. Which would make her future decision less difficult.Within two hours, they arrived in the city. With a deep breath, Luna checked over her shoulder, seeing the girl was fast asleep. She wasn't sure if Grant aoud make it or not, but seeing that he made it those two hours gave her hope. There was no way Grant would ever see her the same after how she treated Sam's death. Which in turn, would mean Luna was now somewhat secluded, just for the sake of keeping things together. Hower, she was quite sure Juno wouldn't let her take the weigh on alone.
(i'm gonna take th little girl and turn him into sam's replacement) Abby was watching the girl as she walked and sent a small glare at Luna... the girl starts to stir and wince at her now fixed arm "... w-what is going on... who are these people..." she sounded tired almost like she didn't care her mother just looked at abby "well that over there is abby... think of her as a sister or something like that... she is gonna be a mommy in a while so she will need our help... that over there-" she pointed at juno and grant "are one of the doctor's and another hurt man..." abby whispered "Grant juno ad abby are our names" she nods and points at luna "... don't speak with her... she isn't worth it..." the girl nods and looks around "... w-where is the funny guy who told me about that grant guy?" abby stopped and put a hand to her mouth and looked at the girl with a smile "h-he is in a better place..." the girl thinks "like Hawaii!" abby smiles more "y-yeah like Hawaii...."
Grant held his head. It hurt. But they had to move and fast. Zombies would be there soon after that shootout. He slowly stood up with Luna's help. And started to limp away, when he heard Sam singing in the distance.

He immediately thought of one of Juno's jokes earlier until a gunshot rang out. His laughter turned to a face of dread. Blood was pooled around Sam's head. A gun in his hand. He had shot himself. Sammy J...was dead.

He was dead.

He tried to limp over to his body but fell. Tears formed in his eyes. Sam...he couldn't believe it. One of his best friends...what felt like his brother...was dead. He knew it would happen, but why did it have to happen now.

He listened to Luna and Juno from the ground. He hated it. But they were right. Sams death would be only the beginning if they stayed. He hoped Abby would understand, but how could she.

He could barely himself.

The others helped him walk, and they finally reached their destination. A destination that was suddenly less hopeful then before everything that happens.

His walk was mainly blank space. No thoughts. Just looming grief. Port Renassaince suddenly sounded less gleeful without Sam.

He looked back at the highway. Even if Sam...or his body...was miles away, it was still behind him...behind.

He just hoped he'd be able to see it that way.
Abby looks at grant and says "...he really never said goodbye did he grant..." she looks up and sighs "I-I 've got a ticket for the long way round.... a bottle'a whisky for the way...." she looks back down barley wanting to finish when the girl sang softly "and sure would like some sweet company... and i'm leaving tomarrow, what do ya say"... they sang the rest together softy at first as it gained volume and abby had more tears then before as she sang for her lost love... Samuel Jacobs (we will always miss you... Samuel:SYKE I'M ALIVE! Me: NO!)
Sid had been walking for days, probably three, though he couldn't seem to remember exactly. His mind didn't work like it used to, it was okay, but not great. He was still sane, but sometimes... things just didn't make sense, or were forgotten.

Behind him, far off down the highway, Sid heard what sounded like a gunshot. It was far away, really far, but unsettling just the same. He decided to stop for a moment and listen. For a few moments, nothing. He pulled an old candy bar from his pocket and took a bite, that was when he heard the second shot. It sounded just as far away as the first. He finished his candy bar, tossed the wrapper on the ground, and turned back toward the city.

"Out of site, out of mind." He told himself.

Sid walked on until he came upon a crashed car on the side of the highway. His first hope was that it might be drivable, but when he got up close he could see that he had been hoping for way too much. He checked inside, but found nothing, no bodies, no supplies, no anything. Sid leaned his back on the car for moment, and tried to think...

His thoughts were in a tangle, and nothing made sense anymore. His head was messing up, skipping a beat a like it did sometimes, though he himself didn't know it was happening. He sat down, with his back against the car, and stared into the distance.
Luna, upon hearing the mother speak, gently set the little girl down on her own two feet. She couldn't blame the woman. After all, Luna turned a cold shoulder to Sam. With a silent breath, Luna separated herself just enough from the group to walk a few feet ahead of them. She had gotten what she wanted. Abby resented her, and it was only a matter of time before the rest of them fall behind the line of the family that joined them. Breathing ever so quietly, Luna gripped the gun on her hip, only to release it and fold her arms over her chest in thought as she walked forward. Regardless of her situation, she was glad to see Grant was still alive. Selfish it may be, but it made her have a small sense of happiness. Even if it meant she would be hated for it.
Juno holding grant finally made it into town and fell to his knees, "thank god, and looks at that, my buddy is still alive to". Juno looked at the group and said "okay everybody, change of plans, port renaissance is being changed to port leumas, which is samuels name backwards". As they were walking through town, Juno saw the perfect house, it was huge and it was right by the beach. Juno ran holding Grant to the door of the house and opened it with a Bobby pin, he sat Grant down and ran inside. "Guys this is our new home, it's beautiful".
Abby looks at Juno with a smile "t-thank you juno this means a lot to me" the girl looks confused but walks in and goes to juno "hey juno? what is port leumas? oh my name is Hanna by the way!"
(I just thought of something)
Abby walked in and took a thumbtack and stuck a picture of Samuel onto the wall and wrote on a piece of paper which she also pinned to the wall that says 'ones gone but not forgotten'
(Hey guys thought we could start another rp that's like a scooby doo thing with teenagers solving mysteries but it's a lot darker)

Gonna skip to night time...

Juno woke up from his nap in his new bedroom, it was yellow, it also had a small closet and a little balcony for him to look off into. He got up and went to the door, he opened it and walked down stairs joining the group. It was quiet, they weren't used to being calm and being in one place for more then an hour before killed or shot at. He decided to speak up, "so what's for dinner, also guess what I found in my room???...MONOPOLY". Juno ran to the couch and opened up the game.
Abby was out on the balcony watching the waves and she sighs wanting Samuel back but she smiles knowing she was still standing and his death didn't cause her own.... she walks back in and takes a cup of coffee she made and says as juno comes down "monopoly? do you want to kill us before the walkers? we'd finish when my child turns twenty!" Hanna smile laughing at her joke and looks at Juno "i think its a great idea Jun-ey!" abby laughs at Hanna nickname for Juno
Luna had been holed up in her room ever since they arrived. She refused to talk to anyone, and evidently it was working perfectly fine so far. Regarding her mood, Luna was somewhat calm, tracing her memories for some sort of happiness to fill her now tampered heart. She wasn't sure how Grant was doing, but was content knowing Juno would be watching after him. As far as Abby and the other three went, she was sure they were glad she didn't show her face. Curled up on her bed, Luna buried her face into the crease of her thighs, quietly attempting to him herself to a serene state of mind.
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abby looked to the room Luna was in and sighed walking over and knocking and said "....Luna... we need to talk..."

Hanna looked at juno with big happy eyes waiting for his reaction
Luna was reluctant to budge from her position on her bed. It took her almost a total of ten minutes to finally convince herself to get up. Once she did, she slowly opened her door to a crack, only to retreat back to her bed and settle down. Once seated, she drew her legs into her chest, resting her head on her knees as she eyed Abby, whispering as she did so. "What is it...?"

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