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Futuristic BioGenesis Safe House: Surviving the Post-Apocalypse.

Indie knew she was no use with her torn leg, so wasn't surprised when the offer was turned down. She looked about, desperate to help. Deciding that Bruno could be more help then her, she limped inside, "Hey, Asher, isn't it?" She smiled warmly, coming inside and crouching beside Bruno. "You go, I will stay here. Trust me, I'm good with knives but my leg is badly cut. Go, I'll take care of him." She explained to the girl, her voice remaining surprisingly level. "Hey, can I call you Ash?" She turned back to the kid, "I'm Indigo. Shhh, now can we just be a little quieter?" She rubbed his shoulder. "It's alright."
Mel's pace had slowed substantially until she was merely strolling. The blood still flowed freely between her fingers and coated her skin and clothes, leaving it all sticky to the touch. It was bad, really bad, for her to be all alone and by herself with an open wound. A wound that was rather deep and large even at just a glance. From experience quite some time ago she knew that that particularly strong scent attracted all sorts of dangerous creatures and she didn't want to have to face the wrath of anything while being weighed down by such an injury.

Although she had no such luck as there was a sound of rustling nearby and, without any hesitation, she had one of her blades pulled out and at the ready, the thick coating of her blood making the hilt a bit difficult to grasp.

And what do you know, those gunshots did attract some more visitors! Lovely.

She was at both an advantage and disadvantage without using a light this time and instead switched to relying on her other senses that only seemed to be heightened in the darkness of the night. Waiting on baited breath, she slowly trailed to a stop where she was and cocked her head to the side as willing her hearing to become magically better. A short time later the silence was disturbed by the soft pitter-patter of feet, the noise seeming to echo repeatedly.

It was only after she listened more intently that she realized that the noise wasn't being echoed but instead copied by a multitude of others resembling it, meaning that there were more than one of the creatures. Mel didn't necessarily know what the creature was in this case but didn't have to wait around to find out as an inhuman and very familiar shriek split the night's air.

As silently as she could, the brunette traveled out from the street and ducked behind a cracked brick wall, resting her back against the rough surface. In this instance Mel didn't really have anywhere else to go in fear of being spotted by the roaming infected nearby so she stuck to her little hidden spot, listening intently for anything else.

In the distance she heard some people, both male and female, shout out commands which could just faintly be made out from her spot. Mel desperately wanted to follow those voices- voices by more than one person!- but it seemed as if they too were being overrun during that moment in time and were having trouble finding a way past it. So, doing the only thing she actually could if she wanted to remain both undetected and alive, she settled for staying against the enclosed wall and applying pressure once again to her wound.
Takai wasn't keen on helping people, let alone "idiots that would die" but then again, he knew he was an idiot all the same. Well, an idiot with a bloodlust.

"I can't make any promises, but if I get to chop up a few more of these sons of b****es, I guess I'll go. Just don't go hiding behind me, you'll just get in my way girlie."

He chuckled at her then ran toward the caved section of wall, pausing briefly at the perimeter and glancing back, the grin spreading further on his face.

"Call me Takai, Mr. Idiots Will Die sounds like a bad Adam Sandler flick..."

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the eloquent pretty boy from earlier in the courtyard. He spoke a few words about a sound system store, and something else, but Takai didn't wait to listen. Any more talk was for people who had time, and they didn't. The Asian gangster whooped into the night, while drawing his machete and a single revolver, clanging them together to get the attention of the infected mob that drew closer.

"Comon a**holes! Got some tasty lead and steel all sauteed and seasoned for ya!"

A few of the Compromised he let to within a few meters, to keep them interested, occasionally turning back and severing a head or giving them extra holes to breath from.
Chana nodded her head at Jaden, smiling at him as she grasped his plan.

"Yes, I see where you're going with that. Then would we lead them to the sound shop, trigger the noises there, then roundabout and come back around here? Because that's bloody brilliant," Chana said excitedly, tucking her knives back into their sheaths. "Let's go,"

She took off running, following close behind the man who called himself Takai, taking to the other side of the road. As annoying as he was...he knew how to fight. She lodged her knives between her knuckles as she surged forward, air whistling in her ears. This, the running, the fight. It made her feel like she was doing something. It made her feel alive. She slashed into the necks of any Compromised blocking her path, moving like a dance in between them.

"Yo, Takai," she called as she sliced into another in her way, trying to remind herself that they weren't the people they once were. "At that road up there, turn left. We're leading them to the sounds shop."

Asher curled into himself, anxiety consuming him. No. No. None of these girls were his sister. He tucked his knees to his chest, trying to quiet himself and shying away from their touch. He had suffered from anxiety ever since he was old enough to know how to think for himself. He had never been away from Chana. Not ever. He hiccuped, trying to avoid being touched. His body shook as he buried his face in his arms.


He began to count the seconds until his sister came back.
"Asher, please." Indie muttered, thankful he was at least quieter. "I know that you are worried, you are afraid for your sister but she isn't scared herself. She is really brave, and so are you. I know I am not her and no one else is, but trust me she will be fine. I'm just a random stranger, feeding you crap about how everything will be ok. Now, kid, I don't know who will come back but I am damn sure your sister will. She'll come back for you." Sitting beside him, she went to rest a hand on his shoulder. She paused, though and instead copied him. She curled up, putting her head in her arms. She could hear him counting under his breath. Indie slowly joined in, so they were both counting. So he knew he wasn't alone. 5...6...7...8...9...10.
Bruno signed and rubbed her eyes. "What do I do?" She thought out loud and watched through the window as the others attacked. She leaned back against the front door and pulled Asher closer to her, softly combing her fingers through his hair. "They'll be okay, baby boy." She said. "You have the best sister in the world, she can beat anyone. She protected you, didn't she? She always come back, right? Why wouldn't she do that now?" Then she turned towards the girl on the other side of Asher. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
Jaden ran out too. As he was unarmed he was in a disadvantage, but he was still able to take them on. He focused on separated ones, because on them he had time to do his moves. One of them approached him. He ducked down, and while coming back up, he put both of his thumbs just under the infected's chin, while the rest of his fingers got onto its neck. With the help of the force he was getting up with, he incapacitated the infected, and as it fell to the ground, he was able to finish it off.

As they got further and further from the others, Jaden fought his way to Takai. "Takai! Do you have a lighter?" While saying it two infecteds encountered him he sidestepped the first, and with treading into the back of its knee he could incapacitated it. He finished off the second with the same move as earlier, and then killed the other one.
Asher didn't respond to Bruno, when she pulled him closer to her, petting his hair...all he could feel was fear.

Asher wasn't afraid of many things. One of the only things he was scared of was losing his only sister. That fear came alive every time he couldn't see Chana.

He hiccuped, trying to listen to what Bruno and Indie were telling him, but none of it registering. Though, it gave him something to think about. He let Bruno touch his hair as he counted. Then, Indie started counting with him. It helped, for some reason.

He continued to cry silently to himself, tears running down his face. He knew the tears wouldn't stop until Chana was back. But he felt a bit better, wedged in between Indie and Bruno.
Indigo shrugged, motioning toward the deep cut in her leg. "Just this, but no broken bones and stuff." She fished through her bag, taking out a bar of chocolate she had scavenged from a vending machine. She had found that, water and crisps there. Opening it up, she offered it to Bruno and Asher before taking a bite. "I'm Indigo, by the way. And um, are you ok?" she asked. While waiting for the girl's reply, she peered out of the window. "I wanted to help, but with my leg, I am useless." She explained, before starting up counting again. She once again looked through her bag, taking out a small bandage and a bottle of spirits. "Can you do me a favor? Pour this spirit onto the wound, before putting a bit of water on the surrounding area, and bandaging it up." she asked Bruno, before turning back to Asher. "Can you help me be brave, cause this is gonna hurt."
Asher looked at her, still counting in his head as he took a square of chocolate. He'd seen Chana do this before, with the spirits. She did it whenever either of them had a cut, no matter how small. Better safe than sorry, she would say.

Wiping his nose on his old sweater, he nodded, eyes still watery. Though he couldn't bring himself to speak, his throat too clogged, he reached out and held Indigo's hand. He hated the sting of alcohol. This was the least he could do.
Takai was buried in excitement as the trio of fighters turned left at the next street. Up ahead, a line of three infected were ready to swarm him, but almost inhumanly, he leaped through the air, tucking his legs into his chest. As he met them Takai launched his legs forward, his boots burying into the head of the one in the center, while shooting the left point-blank in the skull and slicing open the neck of the other. Landing on the skull of the one he kicked, there was a sickening crack, as Takai laughed maniacally. From behind him, Jaden shouted to him for a lighter, which Takai obliged, tossing him an old silver flip-top lighter.

"If you lose that or break it, I'm gonna kick your a**, pretty boy!"

With that he continued forward, dicing his way through several more of the Compromised. In the distance he could see the sound shop.

Just a little far-

Without warning, as Takai passed by a broken down and rusty car, an infected lunged out with straight arms. He had no time to avoid, and was clothes-lined, his body spiraling backward and head clashing the ground with a thud. As he skidded to a stop, parts of his coat tearing from the friction, Takai groaned.

"Dammit... f**king piece of sh*t!" Suddenly, the infected he'd run into was over him with others following suit. He yelled to the others.

"You bastards better not stop! I'll deal with these smelly f**kfaces and catch up!"

The back of his head bleeding from the fall, Takai jammed the barrel of his .44 into the mouth of one of the infected firing off a shot, while using his other hand as a lever to return to his feet. He rolled out of the way as several others attempted to tackle him to the ground, catching himself and rotating around to face them, his machete arcing around to sever one of their heads.

There's no end to the little sh*ts... where were they when I arrived?
Jaden grabbed the lighter in the air, and he rushed a bit forward. He took down his bag and pulled some strange stuff out from it. He lit it and dropped it to the left side of the street at Takai was on the right of it. After a few seconds a large noise could be heard. He did the same thing with a few other petards, and wit it soon Takai had a chance to get out from crap.

He put the bag back on, and the lighter into his pocket. He went in to help Takai with the few other infecteds that stayed there. He got behind one, and threw it into several others, and he helped Takai to get up while the infecteds were on the ground.

"You punk better stay alive! You hear me?" Told Jaden to Takai as he helped him up.
Dodging various infected, Chana rolled her eyes as she heard the way Takai addressed Jaden. She pondered to herself why Jaden wanted the lighter in the first place. Oh well, he'd already proved that he was worth his salt, an obviously intelligent guy. She decided that he knew what he was doing, and focused on the task at hand.

She had been moving behind the others deliberately, getting rid and herding the Compromised that were dragging behind. With a start, she saw Takai getting nearly tackled by a group of them. Of course, she thought to herself. With that cockiness, this was just a situation waiting to happen.

"You bastards better not stop! I'll deal with these smelly f**kfaces and catch up!"

Chana gritted her teeth. That was not how she was programmed, to just leave a man down. There was no sense of teamwork in that. If she could really call them all a team yet. She saw Jaden begin to help Takai as well. Calculating in her head, she decided to use her distance as an advantage. She ran forward, hopping atop a pile of rubble. She launched off of it, sailing towards the tangle of Compromised surrounding Takai. She went flying feet first, swinging her legs around as she kicked down several of the infected. Twirling her blades, she quickly helped, slitting necks to her left and right. When they were down to a more manageable number, she leapt onto the hood of an abandoned taxi cab. She sunk her knives in between the ribs of two of the Compromised that were clawing after her. Climbing to the roof of the cab, she threw a smirk over her shoulder.

"Yeah, I know. You could've handled it yourself. Just take the help. The rest are all yours," she called, running ahead into a new crowd of Compromised, clearing the path ahead.

She saw the sound shop, and her eyes brightened. She began running towards it, but not before a Compromised threw an old twisted hubcap at her. She dodged it easily, but it left a gash on her arm. She ignored the blood and kept battling, cutting and tossing her knives around.

"Jaden, come on! The store is here. Do your thing, and let's get the hell outta here!"
(Sorry guys, I just had lunch)

"I'm Bruno." Bruno smiled before her eyes shot towards the leg. "Uh… Um… Okay…" She mumbled a bit insecure and took the bottle out of Indigo's hand. "I'm a nerd, okay? Not a healer. I have no idea how this works and if I faint, please don't kill me." Before taking a look at asher who was munching on a piece of chocolate, she couldn't let the kid do it. Bruno tore off a part of the pants and cleaned around the wound. "Here we go." She hissed and turned her head away a bit before pouring the transparent liquid over the leg. She so wasn't made for this. Books didn't describe it like this.
Indie was dreading it, but forced out a smile. "Thanks Asher." She squeezed his hand gently, looking away as Bruno poured the spirits over the open flesh. The girl bit back a scream, instead burying her hand in her mouth and digging her nails into the floor. It only lasted for about thirty seconds, though. Once the alcohol had been absorbed and was gone from her skin, Indigo let out a sigh. "Thank you." She bandaged it up carefully, but tightly. "More chocolate anyone?" She smiled, chuckling slightly. She offered some to Asher when the glass shattered opposite them. In jumped a large canine. Indie stood in front of Asher, taking out her knives. The wolf growled, obviously infected, before leaping towards them. Immediately, Indie plunged her knives into it's chest, screaming quietly. It slumped back, dead. "There must be a gap in a fence...we need to block it up." She gritted her teeth.
Jaden ran inside the shop. He yelled back to the others. "Come in, I have a plan!" He was running among the sound systems, to connect as many of them as possible. "Chana! Take the fire hose from , and make them wet. Make the whole street wet!!! Takai get inside here!" He waited as the others come closer, and then started the music successfully. "Takai! Use your machete, and cut a cable from the wall. Be careful not to touch it directly. Pull it out so that it reaches the street!" Told him when he got close enough to hear him despite the music.
(finally i finish reading all the 7 page)

Daisuke is walking on the street with flashlight in his hand, he tried to walk without causing a lot of noise. Or else the infected might hear him and start chasing. He got backpack filled with supplies, recently he manage to loot a store. From afar he can heard many voices, is like someone is being chased by a pack of infected, he then entered the closest building and climb to the roof to see what happen.

There a group of people and some horde, he can't see clearly though because it's too dark. But he can tell they were in trouble, he decide to help them he unsheathe his revolver and start spinning the barrel. With his parkour skill he can jump from one building to another building with ease, and arrive at the roof near them just in a minute.

One man is being surrounded by the Compromise, he was slashing them with his machete. It seems there was the other people inside the sounds shop, he yelling about something. This guy with machete in serious trouble, so Daisuke come to aid him, he aim the Compromise with the revolver and start shooting, but Daisuke not a good marksmanship, all his bullet just fly to their bodies and not killing them. "Are you okay?! get out from there before they kill you!" he yelled to him while shooting those compromise.
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"Wait! Wait!" Bruno said and picked up Asher. "I made a silent promise that I would take care of him the moment I picked him up. I am NOT taking him with us." She ran towards the kitchen and quickly emptied a cupboard of all its pan and placed Asher in there. "Stay here, Ash, okay? Do not come out unless of of us come to get you, okay?" Before she even hear the little boy's answer, Bruno stood up and followed after Indigo, picking up the iron bar she had used before. "Time to leave the books behind." She mumbled and nodded towards Indigo. "Let's go."
Coming out of her groggy state, Skye looked round. She was inside the building, who had helped her? She couldn't remember. Standing slowly, she held her side with one hand and rubbed her temples with her other. Damn, she had been too groggy to be able to concentrate and help, she couldn't even help them.

"Damn it.."

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Indie helped up Skye. "Hey, um, hate to make it urgent, but there is a breach in the fence that we need to sort out. Can you stay here and guard Asher and the rest of this Goddamn house?" She asked Skye, before adding to Bruno. "Or shall I. We only really need two people to block up a fence so if you-" She pointed to the girl that'd woken up, "Go, one of us can stay here." She suggested, wiping the blood from her knives. "If anything comes, they can defend themselves."
Annoyed at the intrusion of the other two, Takai vented on as many nearby infected as he could get his hands on, when they had reached the store. Eventually his revolver was empty, so he tucked it away once more.

"You know," he called to his unlikely companions, "if you'd just left me, you might have been done and on your way back. I've been in situations much worse, and lived."

Takai wasn't expecting a response, nor did he want one. The whole day was just pissing him off... from losing his satchel full of useful items he'd scrounged, to getting mobbed by infected, to getting lectured by a Russian playwright... now to get rescued by a couple wannabe heroes. It sounded more and more ridiculous as he turned everything over in his head. A strange man atop a roof of one of the buildings outside was busy firing off at the chunks of rotting human flesh that followed them.

As much as he hated taking orders, the pretty boy was sharp as a whip, so Takai placed a hand on the electric cable, then slashed it about a foot down. It was enough space to keep himself from being electrocuted, but short enough to not wave all over the place. Holding it outward, he waited for Chana to prepare the hose.

"Hurry up ,Chana my dear!" He chided her, "Our guests have much better things to do than wait for us to electrocute them! You know... like eating our entrails?"
"She should stay." Bruno said. "We're stinger, no offense, but you need to rest. I put Asher in one of the kitchen cupboards, they shouldn't find him quickly, but it would still be nice if you could take care of him." Then she turned towards Indigo, "We should really go before more infected enter. We just found this place, I don't want to die yet."
Chana skidded, her boots sending a spray of gravel all around as she ignored Takai's words. The man could just not receive help. She heard Jaden's voice stream from the musics shop, giving her particular instructions.

Clutching her bloody arm, she quickly scanned the area for a fire hose. She eventually spied it in the doorway, where Jaden must have left it. She took it up, using her blades to unscrew part of latch on the dark red fire hydrant resting on the curb. Kicking it on, a torrent of water came out after a moment. The water came so suddenly, it caused her to stumble backwards. Regaining her footing, she rolled her eyes at Takai as she blasted the liquid of life all around the street, dousing Compromised left and right.

She angled it in every direction, tossing her head to get the hair out of your face.

"Takai, don't worry your twisted little heart. I know how to play a good hostess," she quipped back, not caring anymore what he said. She was lost in this moment, the spray from the hose misting over her. Despite the blood leaking from her arm, she felt divine. A smiled cracked on her face.
She looked round at them, "I.. I can look after whoever you need me to..I..I'll do anything, just say the word." Skye nodded, this was her one chance to be with other human beings, ones with feelings.

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Indie nodded, grabbing a desk. She shoved it over to the window, before tipping it onto it's other side so it stood vertically. "Help me out here." She placed it where the window had been, the hole soon filled by the strong oak desk. "Phew, now let's go." Once outside, the missing bit of the crumbled stone fence was pretty easy to find. Luckily, no other creatures had found it. She turned to Bruno. "Find lot's of stone, wood, anything to block this up." The hole was small, but a wolf could fit through it easily. Beginning to patch up the hole with dirt, she looked around. They would fill up all of them to be sure.

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