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Futuristic BioGenesis Safe House: Surviving the Post-Apocalypse.

The girl who named him seemed alright. Likewise the small boy behind him. As she was standing there in between two armed guy, Jaden slowly started to walk closer. He did not say a thing until he arrived right next to the girl. She was talking with the guy speaking in an offending way, so he just stood in between the girl, and the sniper guy so that she would have only one armed guy to deal with. He turned towards the one who was talking in an uncommon way. "Hell is empty, and all the evils are here." Jaden quoted Shakespeare to the russian man as an answer for his question whether being friend or foe. "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." quoted him again. "Don't you agree?"
Takai blinked at the whiplash rebuttal from the young woman.

"Seriously you can't be that moronic, girl. If you've survived up to this point, you should know how things are out here. The door is locked... what does that tell you? There are two obvious explanations here. One: There are infected humans inside that never made it out. Two: There are uninfected humans in there that have barricaded themselves in."

The man frowned, disappointed that no one considered the possibility that there was already someone inside. The estate was dark, but someone might have easily dimmed any light sources in hopes they wouldn't be discovered. Returning his attention to the woman with the child clinging to her, his expression was dark, and bordering on anger. "Think about it, the infected aren't the only dangers out here. If you were to wander in there, and happened across some sort of bandit that would be a risk in itself, but this is a very large building. For all we know there could be an entire brigand in there." Takai eyed the girl trying to unlock the front door. "If it comes to that, then we're ALL insects just waiting to be smashed by the boot."

"So, with this knowledge in mind, miss, what do you intend to do? You call me an idiot, but you can't think of the bigger picture. This mansion may be like cracking open a safe," He paused, enunciating every word with cold sharpness, "or stepping on a hill of fire ants."
"I'll just go around the back." Bruno huffed and stood up. She took her hat back and started to walk. "If the door is locked from the outside then they couldn't have done it themselves, if there are bandits then there are just more survivors. They wouldn't hurt me, I'll shove my book up their ass if they would. They can't have this building, do you know how many unread books their are here?" Her voice was getting louder and louder as she was walking away. She looked through a window and saw no one. Hurrying towards the back entrance, she checked it. To her surprise it was open by just a bit and she was able to squeeze herself through the crack. "Anybody home?!" She called. Bruno kept on calling inside the building as she looked around the room. Then she saw something and screamed.
Jaden did not think that anyone would be inside, as the windows were all empty. If there was anyone inside Jaden would expect him or her to notice them as there were quite a crowd before the main gates. He did not think it would be less dangerous to enter than to stay there. The gunshots that could be heard from before must came from that man's gun. It means he got intact with someone or something. If the first, then we have about ten to twenty minutes until they could see us as we are standing in an open spot. If the latter, we have more time, but it wouldn't be wise to stay here in the dark. Thought Jaden, as he looked at the sunset.

He had a plan. As the girl in the hat left, Jaden got out two gloves from his bag. As he put them on, it could be seen, that it only covers his palms and the other side of it and only the end of his fingers. Between them the cloth only had a purpose of keeping the gloves together.

"Stay here" He said as he ran after the girl. Arriving next to her, Jaden pointed at the window on the second floor. It was half open, and after he was sure that the girl would understand what he's thinking, he started to climb up on the wall of the house. It was not the easiest to climb, but it was possible. Getting to the second floor, Jaden opened the window fully, and went inside. After a while, he went to the back door, and opened it to the girl. "Let's spread out, and look around. Be careful though!" Said to her and he left.
Chana narrowed her eyes at the stranger and his sharp words. Did he already think her that much of a fool? Of course, there could be things lurking around inside that building. Why else would she be standing out here, surrounded by this miscellaneous group of survivors? Chana had survived the apocalypse, looking out not only for herself but also her brother. She regarded him coolly.

"Are you really so deft as to think that I hadn't already considered that? Why else would we be standing around like sitting ducks?" she sighed hastily, her arms crossed in front of her. "Stepping on a hill of fire ants...maybe. But if we were able to take this house. It would finally be a safe place. Is a life in constant running from this world really a life at all? I'm willing to risk stepping on this minefield. Because it's not any safer out there," she retorted hotly, throwing her arm out to gesture at the city.

A scream pierced through the air. Bruno. Chana dropped her hand and whipped her head around. In a flash, she had her revolver in her hand and ready to go. Looking at Asher, she gestured for him to stay with Cally. She ran to the source of the scream, calling out. She saw Jaden scaling the building, but couldn't see the girl.

"Bruno? Are you alright? What is it?!"

" A man who fears the demons is the one who sees them everywhere. One who tames them is the one who rules them " he commented. The man had pretty much said what Vladimir had in mind and was mumbling. Vladimir could see he meant no harm and was courageous enough to cover the girl. " And a bold idea was given birth. The act turned dense the play juicy. The audience was amazed and doubtful. Was the new savior going to face a early exit, or was he here to dominate the stage. " Vladimir mumbled as usual. His intention pleading him to put his gun down. He soon gave in to it.

Vladimir could sense the cool air all around. The eerie vibe about the place he could see eyes peeking from far away. Eyes staring at him, was it reality or was it just a false vision even Vladimir was confused. He was starting to panic he could feel the pressure, his instincts telling him to stay in a group. it is true their is power in number well that is needed in such a obfuscous night. Soon enough Vladimir brought his gun down no longer having the intention of shooting, at least not the girl but he was doubtful of the man, who's face he was yet to see. Finally he gave up all his advantage into the sheer luck that he would not be betrayed by the man he just met, some might call Vladimir naive for such a action but sometimes becoming a docile fool is the way to survive.

Soon the man that stood near the porch spoke up. " The faceless and impartial began his speech. The one who thought himself as the savior. The one with the narcissistic attitude. The neutral indeed, the one with all the enemies. The audience waiting for the scene to end, cause the neutral was just a dead end. ". Vladimir's face finally faced the guy, he seemed to possess a scare at his face. Vladimir was tempted to put a end to his show. Vladimir did not resist and was easily seduced by the temptation. " Well if you might be able to see the so called ' bigger picture ' " he quoted the guy's words, " then it is possible the place was evacuated in a hurry, after all breaking such a feeble wooden door is no great task. If one was to take shelter wont he fortify the grand gate that always stays guard? " he asked with great courage, Vladimir was no longer worried that the man held a pistol. If he was too shoot then it would only cause complication for him. after all the neutral is the most hated and is the first to be defeated.

" So now the nameless had acquired a face, he was still disliked. The boredom that consumed the audience rose as the Villain declared his attack. He charged at the player that made the audience filled with animosity towards the act. Oh! he charged so very ferociously, some might call him the hero but merely he was just a actor playing his designated role. "

Soon Vladimir's mumbling got interrupted by the scream he pulled back his gun in the direction of the girl that screamed was there a beast. The beast who owned this lair.

Adam awoke with a gasp, shaking his head furiously. It took him a moment to realize that water had been splashed on his face.

"Wake up, sleepy head," said the woman hovering over him, holding a plastic water bottle in her hand.

Adam wiped the moisture off of his face and reached into his shirt pocket for his glasses. "My watch?" he inquired.

"No." Vivien extended a hand to help him stand up. "I heard a bang a moment ago. I'm surprised it didn't wake you up. You must be exhausted, are you okay?" She threw the last sentence away, barely looking at him; pretending not to care.

Adam ignored the question. "A bang? An explosion? And you want to go... towards it?" He slipped his glasses onto his face and looked at her quizically.

Vivien reached up to re-tie her ponytail. "No, not an explosion... I think it was fireworks?"

Adam took a moment, not realizing how one was any safer than the other. "Okay?"

"I'm saying I think we might find something of interest," said Vivien forcefully.

Adam leaned his back against a tree and sighed thoughtfully, putting his hand over his mouth. He understood what Vivien expected to find: regardless of how the sound came to be, people would be heading towards it. Survivors. And she was looking for someone in particular. "Okay," he muttered, "How are we on ammo?"

"You don't have to babysit me. I packed my lunch, mommy," she said sarcastically, dropping the magazine of the pistol she had in her hands. At least one magazine full. "By the way, by 'lunch' I meant bullets. We're almost out of actual food," Vivien added, slinging a duffel bag of supplies over her shoulder. Lighter than usual.

Adam muttered an expletive under his breath. They really needed to find supplies. "Okay, Vivi, listen to me. We're going to go to the sound. You're going to have your gun ready and visible, but don't point it at anyone. It's really important that we don't make enemies right now." His eyes were pleading.

Vivien sucked on her teeth for a moment, but nodded. She didn't really appreciate taking orders, but with Adam, she knew he wouldn't suggest something like that if he didn't really think it was of the utmost importance. She tilted her head in the direction that she heard the sound and led the way, holding the gun lightly in her hand.


The building loomed above them, grey and brilliant. It almost looked like the gates of Saint Peter but somehow... foreboding. They had heard the muted sounds of conversations earlier--survivors--but as they stood near the gate, a scream pierced the air, and Vivien immediately dashed. Adam tried to call her name in a half whisper, but she had already climbed the gate and was searching for the source of the noise.

He followed her over the gate. He noticed the smell of smoke leftover from the fireworks before he noticed just how many survivors were already there. A little dumbfounded, he reached for Vivien's arm to get her to lower the firearm (honestly, he realized now that he should have expected this). He opened his mouth, but realized that now might not be the time for introductions.
"Look what I found!" Bruno screeched in happiness and pulled a book from a skeleton that was sitting in a chair. "He had a bible.. An actual BIBLE! Do you know how rare this book is?! THE BEGINNING OF THE EARTH IS RIGHT IN MY HANDS!" She beamed and happily started to jump around in happiness. "Why are you guys looking at me like that? Is there somebody coming?! Wild animals?! Bandits?!"

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Jaden, who just arrived because of the scream, was holding his head in his hands... "Just... Ah nothing..." He said and he left. He wanted to head back where he was, but eventually he opened the main doors. "It seems okay." After saying so, he left to explore the rest of the building. He had already seen the library, the kitchen, but he was looking for a specific room. He was watching the ceilings. Or rather than that he was looking at the cables on the walls. He was looking for the heart of the building, the generator room. He went a floor below the ground level, and found a huge room. It wasn't too dark yet, so he just went back upstairs to look around a bit more.
Chana exhaled, her shoulders slumping forward slightly. As much as she hated to admit it, the pessimistic Asian man who she was sparring with was right. They shouldn't be in the house just yet. But Jaden had already gone inside. She felt irritation prick at her. Why couldn't they just stay in one place for a minute? She tucked her revolver back into its holster and sighed. She wandered back to where Asher stood, looking frightened, and crouched in front of him.

"Hey, it's okay. She just found a book. A book's not gonna eat you," she said with a smile, ruffling Asher's hair. He nodded slowly.

Standing up, she took her little brother's hand. She saw another pair of people burst onto the scene. A blonde man with spectacles and a robust brunette woman. She felt her eyes widen. This was much more of a turnout than she was expecting. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she waved a hand.

"No harm here," she said slowly. "But we think this might be a potential safe house. Right we were just debating searching inside. Though some people are already in there," she concluded with an exasperated voice.

How could people survive an apocalypse just to throw caution to the wind? She went back to her previous statement. There was a reason she hadn't gone in yet.
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" The plot become denser. The damsel screamed, was she kidnapped has she been murdered. What might this force the hero to do. The audience grinned their teeth in anticipation but were not disappointing to see the comical end of this act." Vladimir brought his gun down on hearing what all this commotion was about, it was a relief but was also the origin of a little rage. Verily he understood how Bruno felt but he remarked it foolish to scream so very loudly.

Vladimir Shoved his rile at his back, gently taking out his loyal and beloved pistol. It was one of the things he still carried from his last mission. Well his last mission ever. Vladimir was not sure of settling at a place, but who could resist searching for some free supplies. He did not comment anything and walked towards the door.

" The audience soon returned for the next act. They were far more inquisitive then before, cause now the stage was fresh and the scene was new. They could only be in awe, verily it was one of their favorite plays. The villain was entering a dungeon so very gloomy and dark only the courageous would dare to enter. Surely the hero had entered before but a villain to do so, Oh! the face of the audience turned tense. Was it a lie? is the villain the real hero, they thought. ". Vladimir moved into the house from the front door bumping his shoulder into the cocky guy ( mr faceless). It was surely a intentional contact. Vladimir did feel a certain amount of satisfaction in shoving his shoulder into the other guy's. He could not see a thing inside the house, he could only remember the night he earned is scare. He could only imagine, he could only imagine the fears, fears of what might be residing inside this dark place.

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Takai hadn't bothered to mention that with her fireworks display, she would have alerted everything inside to her signal, turning them all into targets. When he heard the scream of the bookworm, he raised one hand sarcastically. "Dumbs**ts... I trudged fifteen miles from the last town today, and I have no damned patience for babies, bandits, and Russian playwrights." He glared at the man now walking through the front door, the one who had spewed his hammy lines like vomit. As much as he hated fools, he hated noisy and flamboyant fools even more. He tucked away his revolver and walked away, a colorful flick of his middle finger in farewell.

A hand in his pocket, Takai turned the corner of the building, examining the exterior while other survivors wandered about in ignorance. The building was old, but sturdy. If there had been other survivors here recently, they would have been foolish to pass up such a fortress, which meant there was a high chance someone, or something, would be inside waiting. Takai noticed another pair of survivors arrive, and the young woman from before address them. He wasn't sure what to make of her. She was annoying and prideful, but she cared about others around her.

What a waste of effort...

He passed her by, then observed people entering through the window. Another person could be heard busting open the front door. Takai sighed, then turned back to the woman.

"So," he smirked, while keeping a hand on the revolver fastened at his belt, "do the foolish woman and her gremlin have names? So much for taking the whole 'breaking and entering' sequence slowly..."
Her heart was pounding. Her vision blurring. Indie ran, stumbling over the branch of a tree protruding from the ground. Her knees already ached, and her body was exhausted. A little trip sent her falling. But she had to get up. She had to keep moving, or she might never again. Standing precariously, she glanced down at her leg where blood seeped into her trousers. She'd been scouting for food when they'd sensed her. Indie - in her haste - sliced open her leg on a piece of metal. As she continued onwards, she broke out into a jog. Her head grew heavy. She knew she'd have to find help soon. As she broke out of the small copse of trees, light blinded her momentarily. Once adjusted, she paused. Around her was a void, of death. Dead grass. Dead animals. Dead people... She wretched, bringing her hand to her nose at the harsh smell. Indie had to get out of there, before she got an infection. Sprinting through the haze of death and rot she finally felt her muscles give up. It was one of those moments where things seemed to slow. She fell, gripping the tear in her leg. The ground greeted her with a harsh smack.

Keep going. Don't stop.

At that moment, she heard movement. People? Indie paused. Should she call out? The girl could see them rounding a corner. She gritted her teeth... she was pretty dead anyway.

"Help! Please, help me! I swear, I'm.. I'm a.. human." she trailed off, slipping into unconsciousness.
Asher let go of Chana's hand, but stayed pressed against her side. He stuck his tongue out at the man who had just referred to him as a gremlin. Chana touched his shoulder, rolling her eyes at the man.

"No, we don't have names. Our parents never thought to give us them," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You're really mean, mister," Asher peeped, hiding behind his sister.

Chana shushed him, giving him a light tap on the head. "Be nice. Even though he is really mean,"

Turning back to the nameless insulter, she crossed her arms, lips pursed.

"I didn't want to go inside without a plan. This whole 'storm the castle' routine was not what I intended. Besides, you say that you don't have patience, but yet you're still standing here, you oaf." she sighed, flicking hair away from her forehead. "Either way, we're getting nowhere with this conversation. But my name's Chana. The gremlin's name is Asher. And who might you be?"

Chana's arms dropped when she heard the cry of a newcomer. A girl, streaked with dirt and blood, ran onto the property.

"Help! Please, help me! I swear, I'm.. I'm a.. human."

She then collapsed, her leg soaked in blood. Chana rushed over without a second thought, dropping to her knees beside the fainted girl. She ripped away the torn fabric around the girl's calf, revealing a deep flesh wound. Chana clicked her tongue. Good thing she worked at a hospital...only to have no tools now.

"Oh goodness. This will need stitches. Of course. What else could go wrong?" she muttered, trying to figure out how she would be able to sew up this wound.
It was dark, and accompanied by her shuffling, animals could be heard. Panting harshly from the fear seeping from her, she tried to increase her pace.

"Please..please..please.. I gotta make it." She sobbed in exaspiration.

The building emerged in front of her, and she felt her prayers had been answered.

Of course, there were people around the building, but before she could enter, she would have to climb the gate. The growling from the animals got louder. Attempting to climb the gate, she cried out in pain as she fell back.

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He went up to the russian. "There is no darkness but ignorance." He quoted again. Jaden put his hands onto the shoulder of the man, and continued talking. "Know your enemy, know thyself. But do not fear the light, as you don't fear the known and the clear." He handed over his bottle of water, and he headed on. "I'll make your darkness solved. Please tell the others, to come in, and close the doors, gates and windows." He shouted back, from afar, over his shoulders. He needed a few things. He went into a room, and picked up a pencil, a notebook and he headed back to the generator room. Arriving there, he put his backpack down, took out the chocolate and a lamp. As the room was underground he lit the lamp so that he could see clearly.

To was good at fixing things, but this was his first time, when he needed to do such a thing. First he opened took his notebook, and started to draw something. From time to time, he stood up, went around the generator, checked one or two cables, and soon he started to understand how the machine works. He tried to turn it on, but it didn't work. "I could have thought so..." he mumbled, and he started to look for the problem.

As he was very focused on fixing the generator, he didn't even notice that he is no longer thinking, but mumbling his thoughts. "This seems as if someone else have tried to make it.... Uhuh I see his point.... This Wheatstone-bridge is not good. The Inductivity can't affect it as the voltage is not high enough. What a bad solution.... Hm... Maybe the Delta-Star converter could work... " He operated out a big flat square shaped green thing, and he started to reorganize the things on that. After a while, he put it back to its place, and tried to turn the generator on again. As he moved the switch, the generator started to make some loud noise, and after a few seconds, the lights turned on. Jaden sat on the ground, leaned to the wall, and eat his chocolate with great satisfaction.
Indie grimaced, on the border on consciousness. She felt her throat dry and reached for her backpack that'd landed beside her. She knew she had some small supplies in there. Arm flopping onto the zip, she desperately tried to get the bag open, to no avail. "Water, please, and pain killers." she rasped. "In the bag." tapping it to get the girl's attention. Once watered and with the pain eased, she laid back slightly, her breathing evening out. The tablets were still a mystery to the girl, but she knew they stemmed bleeding and pain. After a while of small rests, she muttered; "Thank you." This was before she slipped back into a sleep of exhaustion and pain.
Bruno looked around and smiled as the lights turned on. "… Oh crap!" She suddenly said when she remembered what light did. It would attract anything that lived enemy and survivors. "Shit there're still people outside." Bolting outside herself she called towards the others in the front. "Will you hurry up the lights turned on- Holy shit what happened to her?!" Then her head snapped towards the rustling gate and saw someone climb it. Hurrying towards the gate, she managed to kick it open by just a bit and tried to drag the girl through the opening. Then there was a growl and her eyes went wide open. "Oi asshole!" She shouted as she noticed a animal running towards them. "Don't just stand there! Help!"
Chana stared wide eyed at the wolf running towards them. She hopped up quickly.

"No one fire a gun! It will just attract more animals!"
She said, trying to keep her voice even.

Chana bolted in the direction of the wolf, quickly sliding out her knives. One in each hand. Squinting one eye to aim, she launched both blades. The spun like silver and black discs in the air. The sickening sound of blade entering flesh fell upon Chana's ears. The animal staggered, and fell on its side. She walked over tentatively. It was dead, her Fox Exagon knives stuck in the wolf's neck and chest. She hoped it wasn't painful. Kneeling, she dislodged the knives, using some dirt to clean the blood off.

She stood and turned her eyes to the heavens, breathing heavily.

"Please. No more guns...or surprises tonight," turning her attention back to the people, she sighed. "Someone ought to shut that gate. Please,"
Takai laughed at her use of the word "oaf".

"I don't have patience for idiots, true. But in this case being patient serves a dual purpose. All the impatient idiots will kill themselves off so I don't have to bother with them, see?"

Suddenly the young woman rushed to the side of a girl who'd called for help. Takai glanced sideways at her in disinterest as he walked by her, watching into the distance for movement. He realized he was peering through a collapsed section of the wall.

He smiled, there was A LOT of movement on the horizon.

Just then, in the opposite direction, Takai noticed the bookworm girl running to assist someone, and barely managed to pull them through the gate. Chana had stood up and dashed to their rescue, carving up the wolf that had tried to break through.

"Um... we have bigger problems than some little puppy right now... just in case you were wondering."

The girl on the ground was gasping desperately for breath. In the distance, Takai could hear the shriek of infected humans...

"Well, sweet pea, even without guns, THOSE things are going to attract more than just animals..."
The sound of animals, made Indie sit bolt upright. She turned to see her saviour pulling knives from a wolf. The girl hadn't seen the other wolf charging at them. Stumbling to her feet, Indie pulled out her own knives. She waited, for the wolf to launch itself at the other girl, before throwing them. They both lodged in the wolf's neck, sending it to the ground in a slump. Limping over urgently, Indie grabbed Chana's arm. "Come on!" She yanked the knives from her kill, dragging Chana across to the gate. She let out a sigh of relief as she was inside the gate. "Close the gate, but make sure everyone is inside. Hey, um, you," She looked at Chana, wincing as she did not know her name. "Could you give me a leg up on the wall? Someone needs to get up there to check for anyone on the ground." She suggested.
"You guys take these two and get inside." Bruno said and started to pull the gap of the gate close. She watched second by second how the infected came neared and when then were in arms reach, Bruno pulled the gate close with a final pull. she scrambled backwards in fear, but an infected grabbed through the gate and grabbed her ankle. "Let go of me!" She shouted and started to kick at its head with her free foot. Grabbing an iron bar, that was lying behind her, she rammed it against the creatures head, making it let go of her leg. "Inside! Inside!" she called and scrambled to her feet. She picked up Chana's little brother and ran towards the door. "Just get inside!"
Chana could feel her eyes widening. She heard it too. The unmistakable, inhuman screeches of an Compromised clan...a whole group of infected. What was there left to do? Those who had gone inside appeared to be fine so far. Chana allowed herself to be pulled with the gate. Closing it would do nothing, she realized. Not with that gaping hole in the fence. She closed her eyes for a moment, calculating. She then straightened. She looked at the girl who had helped her kill the wolves, shaking her head because it was pointless. They all knew what was headed their direction. When she got inside the yard, Bruno was ushering everyone inside the building, scooping up Asher in her arms. She felt slightly relieved, she had liked Bruno. Bruno would keep an eye on Asher.

Asher, however, thrashed and screamed at being dragged away from his sister. He flailed wildly, wriggling his body around, arms stretching towards the only person that he'd been traveling with most of his life. Chana could see his medical anxiety apparent on her face. Her heart constricted.

"Asher! Go with Bruno! I'll be back!" she yelled at her little brother. He shouldn't see any of this. "Bruno, I'm trusting you. Please watch out for my baby brother. Please, so many pleases,"

Chana paused for a moment, an idea creeping in her mind as she turned back to the nameless man, brow furrowed. This was it. She needed him to cooperate. "Can you run fast? If a couple of us went out, led the Compromised in the opposite direction. They're not that clever. They'll disperse. And then we can come back. Take down any of those who follow us. I'll go. Would you be up for that, Mr. Idiots Will Die?"
Bruno ran around the building and through the back entrance, since the front door was still locked, with a screaming Asher in her arms. When she was near the front entrance and looked through the window watching the others. She placed Asher down and shook him by the shoulders, trying to make him from making so much noise. "Asher, calm down." Bruno said and crouched down to his level. "You're sister will be right back, okay? I promise, but you have to stop crying." She pleaded, roughly wiping her tears away with her thumb and wiping his nose with them hem of her shirt.
Jaden appeared next to the girl, and the nameless guy out of nowhere. "I'll go too. I've found something great for them." He said while pointing at his backpack. He tightened it, so that it would not disturb him while running. He put on his gloves, and waited for the other guy's answer. "If we got to their back, we could use the stuffs inside the bag to make some loud noise. They would follow us then. There is a a soundsystem shop about five or six miles away from here. that should be enough." He had already made several plans for times like this, so he was confident, but serious. What's more he wanted to test something on the infected people.

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