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Futuristic Beyond: Live to Die Another Day (Working on the title)


Junior Member
This RP will fall under several different genres: Survival, Horror, Zombies, Mecha (suits), Supernatural, Realistic (in some aspects), and Super Powers.

How the World came to be:

The Cataclysm on December 25th, 2015 brought the world to its knees.

It began with the gruesome murder of the Pope; he was in the middle of his Christmas Day sermon when a hooded figure approached him for what was assumed to be a blessing. The Pope, who was well known for his love and kindness, did not shy away from the revolting stench of rot that spewed forth from the cowled figure as the man drew ever closer. Then, before anyone could react, the man leapt forth in the blink of an eye, his hood fell back to reveal a skull covered in rotting flesh as his jaws spread open and clamped shut on the aging Pope's throat; a torrent of blood came gushing forth with the beating of his fading heart. Before a scream could escape from the throats of those who stood frozen in shock, St. Peter's Square was engulfed in a black flame that seemed to laugh in glee as it consumed everything in sight.

It is speculated that the death of the Pope was the catalyst that brought about the end of the world. Almost immediately after the death of the Pope and the purging of St. Peter's Square, came the rising of the dead all around the world. Had they just been the typical slow-moving zombies, as depicted in most Hollywood films, the rising of the dead would have been much easier to deal with. Some of them, the fresher corpses, proved to be faster and far stronger than the average human being, some of them were capable of tearing doors right off of their hinges and also displayed frightening intelligence, akin to that of a pack of hunting orcas, as they would corner their targets in games of cat and mouse before finishing them off.

Much of the world, mostly consisting of the 3rd world countries that were ill equipped to deal with any attack of that ferocity and magnitude, was devastated by the zombie hordes. Each country was left to fend for itself for none, not even the super powers, could afford sending aid away from their own homeland. Within several years of relentless attacks from the hordes, as one could predict, the populations of India, the African continent, much of China, and the Middle East had virtually ceased to exist; one shudders at the fate of the ones who couldn't escape and find their way into the protective spheres of the more powerful countries. The population of humans on Earth had dropped to nearly 1/5th of its former size before some semblance of order and balance was finally established due to the military might of the super powers. The greatest military, religious, medical, and scientific minds from around the world gathered together and tried to make sense of everything that had happened, figure out a way to truly protect people against the hordes, and eventually put an end to whatever was happening.

While those great minds were at work, the world shifted once again as more terrors of the night appeared to join the ranks of the undead. Vampires, werewolves, sirens, gorgons, wraiths, and demons joined the assault on humanity; the very air itself became tainted by the presence of these foul beings, spreading diseases and dark thoughts through the bodies and minds of the living. It wasn't until the human race was cut down to little more than 1% of its former population that the "God Generator" was successfully created and produced by a collection of scientists and engineers that were led by a man who went by the alias of Dr. X.

The "God Generator" was essentially a machine, that could be adapted to be powered by any form of energy, that generated a large dome of "holy energy" that could encompass an entire city. No one, aside from Dr. X, really knew how the energy fields from the "God Generators" worked; the only thing that they knew was that it somehow prevented any of the evil beings from passing through the field. It would cause the undead to simply drop dead upon coming into contact with the field and it somehow worked as a physical barrier against any of the other creatures; as hard as they tried, they would only end up getting repelled by the barrier. The "holy energy" also served to purify the air, ridding it of the corruption that caused the death of many through sickness and mental instability.

Only about 100 of these "God Generators" were made and distributed across the world to the pockets of humanity that still resisted and were strong enough to establish a stronghold. These places became known as "Holy Lands", the last bastions of humanity.

It took about 50 years before the first "Holy Land" fell, people assumed that the "God Generator" became too old and corrupted. The only thing that was certain was the amount of terror and grief that came with it as transmission from the fallen "Holy Land", Paris, made its way into the television and airwaves of every home. Some of these transmissions came from the fiends who fell upon the helpless citizens, videotaping their cruelty as they ravaged the city of Paris and performed unspeakable horrors upon the humans who called it their home. The images of the fall of Paris destroyed the false sense of security that anyone had from the safety provided by the "Holy Lands" and their "God Generators". While some fell into despair, dreading the day that their own "God Generator" would fail, others redoubled their efforts to find a solution that would help them combat the monsters and ultimately purge the world of the evil beings.

One by one, the "Holy Lands" fell and their populations were extinguished in similar fashion as the monsters who massed patiently outside their bounds pounced upon the survivors. Now only a handful of the strongest "Holy Lands" remain functional, though no one knows how much longer they last; after all, it's been almost 100 years since the machines were made and Dr. X is long gone. It is only a matter of time before humanity is wiped off the face of the Earth. In the meantime, all that humanity can do is to live to die another day.

Now Where Do You Come in?

The clock is ticking, now will you bow down and accept your fate or are you going to give it all that you've got to forge a new one?

There will be two main groups at play here in the RP. There will be one group of humans who are part of the Newark Holy Land, formerly known as Washington DC, where the last Government organization in the world is located. What you do there for a living, that's up to you, but everyone will have military training due to obvious circumstances in the world and a few, or all of you depending on how many people we have, will have access to SKIN, basically a mechanized body armor that boosts your physical abilities to help you fight on more equal grounds with the monsters.

This is a SKIN:


The other group will be known as Children of Eden. You are part of the human race that was born into the world of monsters, outside of the "Holy Lands". Appearance wise and biologically, there is no difference between you and normal humans, well none that can be seen by any scientist at any rate. No one knows how or why, but you were born with unique gifts (not unlike certain mutants in the X-men) that allow you to survive and fight on equal ground with the monsters around you. Outsiders from the "Holy Lands" are treated with suspicion and a strong degree of prejudice; staying within the bounds of the "Holy Lands" irritates you like an itch that you can't scratch or a constant buzzing in your head. I will expand upon the powers of the Children of Eden in more detail later, but they're basically gifted humans (telekinesis, super strength, speed, etc) who are reviled by society because they possess abilities that are strikingly familiar to those of the monsters that prowl beyond the boundaries of the Holy Lands.

Two Children of Eden:


I would also be more than fine with it if you just wanted to play a completely normal character who has to try to survive and do his/her part in this cruel world as well.

Anywho, I would love to do this RP and will expand upon the plot in the actual RP thread if I can get enough people interested! Please let me know what you think.
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Thanks Doorman, I think I'll just go ahead and make the RP thread stuff for this. If no one else joins then I'll just play in it by myself and essentially write just a story/book, lol.
I love the idea and mix of genres. Let me know when it begins and tag me in a post when you do it you can.
Wow, this sounds really cool. I might have to pass on it since I'm already in too many RP's, but I just wanted to say this is a really wonderful idea and I hope you get loads more interest!
Thanks for expressing interest guys, I'm gonna get to work on the actual RP thread now. I'll let everyone know when it is up. 
Bumping this for more interest. The RP thread is still under construction as I continue to expand upon the current state of the world. The RP has not started yet and there is still plenty of time to chime in. Thanks folks.

Here is a link to the actual rp thread. Please avoid posting in the IC thread until further notice. Any questions should either go here or in the OOC.

[QUOTE="Sly Cooper]Are spots still open?

Definitely. I am still in the process of putting together the actual RP, lots of things to flesh out. Settings, locations, etc. I'll let everyone know when the CS is up, which won't be until all relevant information is completed, so you can apply then.
Sample profile for the Aegis Knight has been posted. Keep in mind:

The sample posted is of a character that I will be playing. His age is an exception as he'll be the only earlier generation Aegis Knight around. Another thing is that your histories do not have to be anywhere near as long as his was. For the most part, your character will just be coming out of training or have, at most, 2-3 real combat missions under their belt.

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