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Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis: Characters

Facial/Body Appearance:

Outfit Appearance:

Full Name: Osu no Mikoto

Servant Class: Caster

Other Classes: Saber
Non-Standard Classes: Berserker, Assassin

Alignment: Neutral Good
Physical Parameters:
Strength - A
Endurance - B
Agility - B
Mana - A
Luck - D
Noble Phantasm - C

Character Type: Servant, Human, Dragon,

Gender: Male, can be confused for female.

Personality: Caster can be a complete narcissist when fighting, enjoying inflicting much pain to his adversaries instead of straight up killing them from the start. He has issues with his temper as well, breaking anyone's nose by slugging them who confuses him for a girl, due to his voice and appearance. He is however very compassionate and protective towards his master, and will do whatever is necessary to meet his orders.

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance - A
Due to possessing the sword that was sealed within Yamato No Orochi - the sword itself absorbing some of the attributes of the demonic dragon, The sword grants Caster high Magic Resistance being the sword's current owner.

Riding - C
Caster can ride any creature or vehicle with average skill. He cannot ride any divine creatures however.

Personal Skills:
Alluring Disguise - By wearing female clothing, and due to his own feminine body, Caster can make any male master or servant become lovestruck, believing him to be a beautiful woman. Female masters and servants will not be affected however.

Natural Born Leader - His skills at guiding troops and forming strategies to defeat an opposing army is astounding, similar to that of King Arthur.

Blessing of the Sun and Sea - Having obtained the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi from the high priestess of Amaterasu, which was in turn, given to her by the God of the sea Susanoo, Caster was given the divine blessings of both gods, granting Caster temporary invincibility against unholy beings.

Noble Phantasm:
Kusanagi no Tsurugi
Type - Anti-Army
Description: The blade becomes an giant beam of electric orange light, that is brought down upon its targets. The attack is comparable to that of Excalibur, the sword used by Atoria Pendragon.

My OC servant.

'Quote' (optional):
“Acting my rank....can be difficult.”

Goblin Slayer

Universe From:
Goblin slayer


Sexual Orientation:


A boy whose home was pillaged by goblins,GS grew up to become the "adventurer" whom anyone knows has only one goal:Eliminate All Goblins.

Goblin Slayer is stoic and calm in most circumstances and is simply unable to devote himself to anything outside of preparations to deal with Goblins after the traumatizing ordeal he went through as a child. Because of this, he lacks the ability to understand certain social norms and doesn't notice the affections of those around him. His companions work to help him overcome this, but the process is difficult and arduous. Nonetheless, he has been shown prioritizing the safety of companions and civilians over his obsession with goblin killing.

His desire to kill goblins stems from two places: to prevent what happened to his village from happening to others and to get revenge by eliminating every single member of their race. To this end, he has a single-minded devotion that has led him to being rigorous in hunting them down, leaving nothing to chance, and pushing those under his tutelage into being just as prepared. He will not hesitate to put himself against odds that will all but ensure his death, being more than willing to face off against a goblin horde of at least 100 in an effort to kill as many as he can before they kill him.

Goblin Slayer also seems interested in learning new ideas from people of all walks of life. He is always looking for new knowledge to absorb, mostly to find more efficient ways of tracking, trapping, and killing goblins.

Goblin Slayer has been trained as a fighter and ranger. His style of combat relies more on pragmatism such as setting traps, using a weapon against its user, and taking whatever advantage that may come.​

  • Trained Combatant: Goblin Slayer is relatively skilled in most weapons that he can get his hands on, using them effectively enough to kill goblins. He is also perfectly capable of combating other kinds of monsters, as well as other adventurers.
  • Expert Swordsman: Goblin Slayer is extremely skilled in wielding any bladed weaponry from short swords, daggers to knives. With his short sword, he can slay multiple goblins at once with masterful dexterity.
  • Expert Marksman: Goblin Slayer is an incredibly proficient archer; he can accurately shoot down Goblins from vast distances. With a thrown javelin, he could fatally injure a goblin shaman with little effort.
  • Master Strategist: Goblin Slayer is an excellent strategist, specializing in ambush and guerrilla warfare. He could come up with extraordinary plans to trap large numbers of goblins, eliminating them with efficiency.
  • Goblin Knowledge: Goblin Slayer has devoted himself towards all matters related to goblins, ranging from their habits to their mindsets. This makes him the frontier's foremost expert when it comes to dealing with goblins, a specialist without peer in matters relating to them sought out by High Elf Archer and Sword Maiden.
  • Alchemy: Goblin Slayer has basic knowledge of alchemy.
  • Physical Conditioning: Goblin Slayer has rigorously trained his body to utmost perfection, granting him top notch physical abilities.
    • Strength: Goblin Slayer has a high level of physical strength. He could overpower even large goblins and wield blunt weapons such as clubs and stone axes with enough force to slaughter goblins in a single hit.
    • Speed: He could strike down multiple goblins at once with superior speed and reflexes. Can react fast enough to defend against unexpected attacks, including incoming arrows.
    • Endurance: He also possesses an incredible amount of endurance and pain tolerance, capable of fighting after having broken multiple bones. Goblin Slayer is well acclaimed to snowy mountains and cold temperatures, as he received his training in such environments.
    • Senses: Goblin Slayer is extremely aware of his surroundings, having extensively trained to utilize all his senses including sight and hearing. He could even detect a goblin hiding in pitch black darkness.

He actually has no powers. However,due to how unpredictable he is,the whims of the gods would hardly ever make things worse or better for him. If seen from a perspective of a tabletop roleplaying game player,Goblin Slayer would no doubt be the one to kick the dice away from the players' reach the moment they tried to decide his fate with a roll of a dice...

1)As good as a combatant he is,he's nowhere near the levels of his fellow silver ranked adventurers if he were to fight fair and square.
2)Due to how he specialised in hunting goblins and always goblins,his lack of knowledge regarding other beings could make things extremely difficult for him to handle (if the Ogre was any indication)
3)One day....he,like all other things.. Will surely disappear...- Sword Maiden warning Priestess that Goblin Slayer is nowhere near unstoppable

Goblin Slayer here will be after the events of the 2nd volume. Since it would mean he'll be alone when killing goblins for the time being​
View attachment 528402

'Quote' (optional):
“Acting my rank....can be difficult.”

Goblin Slayer

Universe From:
Goblin slayer


Sexual Orientation:


A boy whose home was pillaged by goblins,GS grew up to become the "adventurer" whom anyone knows has only one goal:Eliminate All Goblins.

Goblin Slayer is stoic and calm in most circumstances and is simply unable to devote himself to anything outside of preparations to deal with Goblins after the traumatizing ordeal he went through as a child. Because of this, he lacks the ability to understand certain social norms and doesn't notice the affections of those around him. His companions work to help him overcome this, but the process is difficult and arduous. Nonetheless, he has been shown prioritizing the safety of companions and civilians over his obsession with goblin killing.

His desire to kill goblins stems from two places: to prevent what happened to his village from happening to others and to get revenge by eliminating every single member of their race. To this end, he has a single-minded devotion that has led him to being rigorous in hunting them down, leaving nothing to chance, and pushing those under his tutelage into being just as prepared. He will not hesitate to put himself against odds that will all but ensure his death, being more than willing to face off against a goblin horde of at least 100 in an effort to kill as many as he can before they kill him.

Goblin Slayer also seems interested in learning new ideas from people of all walks of life. He is always looking for new knowledge to absorb, mostly to find more efficient ways of tracking, trapping, and killing goblins.

Goblin Slayer has been trained as a fighter and ranger. His style of combat relies more on pragmatism such as setting traps, using a weapon against its user, and taking whatever advantage that may come.​

  • Trained Combatant: Goblin Slayer is relatively skilled in most weapons that he can get his hands on, using them effectively enough to kill goblins. He is also perfectly capable of combating other kinds of monsters, as well as other adventurers.
  • Expert Swordsman: Goblin Slayer is extremely skilled in wielding any bladed weaponry from short swords, daggers to knives. With his short sword, he can slay multiple goblins at once with masterful dexterity.
  • Expert Marksman: Goblin Slayer is an incredibly proficient archer; he can accurately shoot down Goblins from vast distances. With a thrown javelin, he could fatally injure a goblin shaman with little effort.
  • Master Strategist: Goblin Slayer is an excellent strategist, specializing in ambush and guerrilla warfare. He could come up with extraordinary plans to trap large numbers of goblins, eliminating them with efficiency.
  • Goblin Knowledge: Goblin Slayer has devoted himself towards all matters related to goblins, ranging from their habits to their mindsets. This makes him the frontier's foremost expert when it comes to dealing with goblins, a specialist without peer in matters relating to them sought out by High Elf Archer and Sword Maiden.
  • Alchemy: Goblin Slayer has basic knowledge of alchemy.
  • Physical Conditioning: Goblin Slayer has rigorously trained his body to utmost perfection, granting him top notch physical abilities.
    • Strength: Goblin Slayer has a high level of physical strength. He could overpower even large goblins and wield blunt weapons such as clubs and stone axes with enough force to slaughter goblins in a single hit.
    • Speed: He could strike down multiple goblins at once with superior speed and reflexes. Can react fast enough to defend against unexpected attacks, including incoming arrows.
    • Endurance: He also possesses an incredible amount of endurance and pain tolerance, capable of fighting after having broken multiple bones. Goblin Slayer is well acclaimed to snowy mountains and cold temperatures, as he received his training in such environments.
    • Senses: Goblin Slayer is extremely aware of his surroundings, having extensively trained to utilize all his senses including sight and hearing. He could even detect a goblin hiding in pitch black darkness.

He actually has no powers. However,due to how unpredictable he is,the whims of the gods would hardly ever make things worse or better for him. If seen from a perspective of a tabletop roleplaying game player,Goblin Slayer would no doubt be the one to kick the dice away from the players' reach the moment they tried to decide his fate with a roll of a dice...

1)As good as a combatant he is,he's nowhere near the levels of his fellow silver ranked adventurers if he were to fight fair and square.
2)Due to how he specialised in hunting goblins and always goblins,his lack of knowledge regarding other beings could make things extremely difficult for him to handle (if the Ogre was any indication)
3)One day....he,like all other things.. Will surely disappear...- Sword Maiden warning Priestess that Goblin Slayer is nowhere near unstoppable

Goblin Slayer here will be after the events of the 2nd volume. Since it would mean he'll be alone when killing goblins for the time being​

'Quote' (optional):"‘Good, good! Dat’s what I want, a good story. Because I am going to tell you a good story. An’ I want you to take it wiv ya, and I want you to tell all da uvver ’umies out dere who the biggest and meanest and bestest goblin in the world is, you got dat? And if you don’t do it in pretty words den I’ll come and eat your liver while you watches, got dat?"

Name: Skarsnik and Gobbla, The King Under the Mountain

Universe From (Series your character comes from. OCs are labeled as OCs): WF

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (Optional): None

Species: Night Goblin

Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):Warlord Skarsnik, known by his official title as King of the Eight Peaks[1b]or simply just the King under the Mountain[2b], is the chieftain of the Crooked Moon Tribe and the most powerful Night Goblin Warlord in the whole of the southern Worlds Edge Mountains. All the other Orc and Goblin warlords acknowledge his overlordship of the mountains around the ruined Dwarf hold of Karak Eight Peaks, for none could ever overcome Skarsnik's incredible cunning and ruthlessness. Since his rise to power, Skarsnik has since been singled out from all the other Goblin Warlords before him for possessing an incredible intellect that is wholly unexpected from such a primitive race. Skarsnik is an expert ambush strategist who is able to plan out strategic battlefield plans and guide and command the ferocity of the Greenskin hordes to feats of organization that has never been accomplish by any Greenskin in recent history since the time of the infamous Orcish Warlord, Azhag the Slaughterer.

Personality: Like the rest of his kind, Skarsnik is a cunning, sadistic monster that enjoys inflicting cruelty. But, unlike other Goblins Skarsnik also posses a few traits that separates him from the rest of his kind: his absurdly high intelligence.

Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff):
Experienced fighter: After claiming a part of Karak Eight Peaks, Skarsnik has spent years fighting Skaven, Dwarfs, Orcs, and even other Goblins.

Smarter than the average Gobbo

Great leadership skills

High intelligence


Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff): Magic Missile: With his magic halberd, Skarsnik's Prodda, Skarsnik can fire destructive magic missiles. Though the spell requires the presence of other Greenskins.

Weaknesses (If anything notable): Formerly light

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):

'Quote' (optional):
"I'll clear this with no continues!"

Name: Emu Hojo || Parado

Universe From (Series your character comes from. OCs are labeled as OCs):
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid


Human, Patient 0 of the Bugster Virus

Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):
Emu developed interests in video games at the mere age of 8, which he proved to have a natural talent for in the near future. This lead him to creating the concept for Mighty Brothers XX, to ease his loneliness. From a young age, he was a huge fan of Genm Corp. and often sent fan letters to one of its programmers, Kuroto Dan, which had included ideas for new games. Furious that someone who could create game concepts on par with him, Kuroto sent Mighty Action C, a game in-development which, unknown to anyone but Kuroto, had been infected with a strain of the Bugster Virus, which subsequently infected the boy.

On one rainy day, Emu succumbed to the Bugster Virus and subsequently got involved in a traffic accident. After receiving an emergency surgery from Kyotaro Hinata, Emu was given a WonderSwan handheld video game device by Dr. Hinata as a reward for hanging on. This event would inspire Emu to become a doctor and help children like the one who saved him

Emu would later go on to win numerous gaming tournaments under the gaming alias of M. Sometime in 2010, Emu trained vigorously for a gaming tournament he had participated in, at the cost of his health. Unknown to him, Kuroto watched his victory in the shadows, having watched Emu for a decade. Shortly after, Emu was abducted by the Next Genome Institute, who had been hired by Kuroto to remove the now-mature Bugster Virus from Emu's body. After the matured Bugster later known as Parado was successfully removed from Emu's body, the members of the Next Genome Institute vanished. Emu would believe that the operation was nothing more than a dream. Following the incident, he decided to take a serious attitude in his entrance exam and pursue being a doctor. However, the leftover Bugster Virus in his body would create a split personality that represented his gaming interest. The Bugster Virus that had been extracted would be used as the basis for the virus used for Zero Day a year later.A New Challenger Appears!

Sometime later, his fame as "M" would earn the interest of Asuna Karino as a potential candidate for using the Gamer Driver.

Emu eventually became a pediatrics intern at Seito University Hospital. After it is learned that his patient, Sota Suyama, is diagnosed with an unusual disease, he is restricted from knowing more by Director Haima Kagami. Emu deduces that Sota's stress may be related to being confined in the hospital and unable to see the release of the awaited video game, Mighty Action X. As a result, Emu takes him to see its release but is scolded by Asuna, telling him that he fails as a doctor for his unauthorized release of Sota. When Asuna tries to force Sota to return back, his condition worsens and he transforms into a golem-like creature.

Emu learns about Sota's condition of being infected with the Bugster Virus, a potential lethal computer virus that infects human, and can be prevented by someone who is capable of using the Gamer Driver to successfully operate on the patient. Determined to save his patient, Emu took the driver, the accompanying Mighty Action X Gashat without Asuna's consent to combat the Bugster. Much to Asuna's surprise, Emu was able to transform into as he reveals that he was in fact, the prodigy gamer "M" that she was looking for.
He extracts Salty from Sota and transforms into Action Gamer Level 2, defeating the Bugster. After confirming Sota's health, he becomes part of the CR and Asuna reveals to him that her true identity is a Kamen Rider navigator, Poppy Pipopapo. She christened Emu as Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. I'm a Kamen Rider!
As the battle against the Bugster Viruses continues, Emu would later meet several Kamen Riders like him, such as the genius surgeon Hiiro Kagami (Brave), former CR acquaintance Taiga Hanaya (Snipe) and the coroner Kiriya Kujo (Lazer). Although the three Riders as well fought against Bugster threats and infections, Emu is constantly at odds with them as each had their own viewpoints and ulterior motive. Another Prodigy with No Thank You? BANG, That Jerk is Coming! An Operation Called Dash! He also faced against Genm, a Rider who allied himself with the Bugsters and at the same time adding another Gashat, Gekitotsu Robots to his arsenal. Everyone Gathers for a Clashing Crash! In the final battle against Graphite, Emu acquired the Drago Knight Hunter Z and is able to work in synchronization with the other Riders through this power.

In early 2017, Emu was promoted to the surgery intern by Haima Kagami himself. Kiriya's death affected his prowess in fighting the Bugster and was suspended by Hiiro to transform after the latter confiscated his Gashats. Parado approached Emu and gave the young intern his incomplete Gashat, which transformed into the Mighty Brothers XX Gashat, giving him the strength to counter Genm Level X with the same rank. He as well renewed his trust with Hiiro, but was cut short when both the latter and Taiga attack him due to being a Game Disease patient. His combat data as Mighty Brothers XX was utilized by Kuroto to create the Gashat Gear Dual that Parado utilized to assume Kamen Rider Para-DX, whose level outclassed even that of Genm and Ex-Aid. Defined Destiny We're Kamen Riders! A New Challenger Appears! The Paradox of Defeating M After a chain of events that involved Genm Corp. member Tsukuru Koboshi as a victim, Emu experienced a fatal outburst of Bugster Virus when Kuroto revealed his true background as Patient Zero. A Nonstandard BURGSTER? The Truth Exposed This almost cost his life if it was not for Parado taking possession before he regains consciousness from Hiiro's own words.

Emu Hojo is a very clumsy and yet a serious doctor to take on his job. However, his thirst for playing video games has a problem of Emu being absent-minded at times. An example of this is he sometimes fails to remember his work schedule properly and it makes the nurses scold him. He also has a habitual quirk of tumbling down in various comical ways.

As "M", his alias that he uses when playing video games, he shows a completely different side of himself. He displays a focused, calmer, and more confident demeanor. His grammatical persona also changes from ( Boku) into ( Ore), proving to be extremely skillful at video games, to the point where he has come to be known as the "genius gamer" who never leaves any game unfinished. This carries over to his battles as Ex-Aid, as his knowledge of video games has proven to be a definite advantage. Originally, when shifting to his Genius Gamer M personality, a wind blows through his hair and he makes a cocky smile. But during episode 10, Emu's eyes instead flash pink before turning a less intense, glowing red, after which, his eyes turn back to normal. Though he still makes the same cocky smile as before, showing that he can actually shift into his gamer persona at will. In the past, Emu's normal and "M" personalities were once one and the same, though following his surgery by the Next Genome surgeons, the leftover Bugster Virus in his body caused him to develop a case of dissociative identity disorder, constantly switching from his naive side to his predative "M" persona. After learning that he was infected with the Bugster Virus, Emu's gamer persona took over as the dominant one, showing no concern for his patients and was instead only interested in playing the game, something which greatly angers Hiiro. However, after Hiiro states what it means to be a doctor, Emu regains control over himself, and becomes fearful of transforming into Ex-Aid. After he gains his resolve, he loses his fear of becoming Ex-Aid.
Emu has a very idealistic attitude towards being a doctor: he invests himself in the well-being of his patient, hoping to help them both physically and personally. He will always try to help a patient in need, even if they are a criminal, an enemy, or refuse to get help. For him, a life is a life and it's worth saving, fitting the morality of a true doctor and their devotion to the Hippocratic Oath. This mindset helped him connect stress as a catalyst for Bugster infection, but also hinders him if the enemy is smart enough to threaten the patient's life. His firm idealism has led to clashes with his fellow CR Rider, Hiiro. Hiiro views Emu as naive and inexperienced, while Emu openly opposes Hiiro's detached and callous approach, going as far to say Hiiro is not a real doctor.
However, Emu is not without a dark side. When pushed too far, Emu can lose control of his temper and when that happens his Gamer side becomes as vicious and selfish as his rivals. This was shown when Kyotaro is infected by Graphite. Emu become so frustrated into believing that he's the only one who can save Kyotaro, to the point that he'll do anything to capture the Hunter Gamer using a stolen Gashacon Sword. While this shows that Emu takes pride in his beliefs as a doctor, at the same time it demonstrates that as a Gamer he shares Genm's and even Taiga's ideals to some extent. However, after some enlightenment from his idol, Kyotaro Hinata, Emu decides to trust his fellow doctor Riders, while also gaining respect from them over time.
Often after transforming, he says his catchphrase I'll clear this with No Continues! (ノーコンティニューでクリアしてやるぜ Nōkontinyū de kuria shite yaru ze).
Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff):
Game Proficiency: Emu is highly adept in the field of video gaming, both in creative concept and actual practice. As a kid, he often creates game ideas that even Kuroto Dan, a genius game developer, recognized and envied. As a Kamen Rider, his creative concepts in gaming had lead to the creation of Mighty Brothers XX and Maximum Mighty X Gashats and the Save Energy Item, all arsenals that counters all of his toughest adversaries, specifically Genm, Para-DX, and Cronus. In actual practice, even without the influence of his Bugster, Parado, and the gaming skill of his Genius Gamer M persona, Emu is already a masterful gamer on his own with gaming skills formidable enough to see through the loopholes and weaknesses of every game and figuring out the methods of clearing them. As Genius Gamer M, Emu's skills in gaming and his battle prowesses are greatly enhanced especially when he enters a state of emotional rage or frustration, as shown when he effectively, in separate occasions, outmaneuvered both Genm and Snipe who are both at their Level 3 forms while Emu is only on Level 2. Furthermore, if his Genius Gamer persona is 100% active, his gaming skills skyrocket to a frightening degree evidenced on how despite being only at Level 3 he managed to overpower Gatton Bugster who is a Level 30, stating that one of gaming's thrills is figuring out how to defeat stronger opponents
High Interpersonal Skill: Despite his clumsiness, Emu's kindness has allowed him to connect with all of his patients. This also extends to other Riders, showing how his influence allow them to cooperate properly. It is also worth noting that during their battle against Cronus, the absence of Emu and his inability to transform resulted with their defeat and the confiscation of three Gamer Drivers.

Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff):
Armor and Weapon Manifestation - As a user of the Gamer Driver, Emu can use specialized game cartirdges known as Gashats to cover himself in a suit that allows him to fight as Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
Splitting-Up - Emu can essentially clone himself, splitting his personality into two when he uses the Mighty Bros. XX Gashat in it's full capacity.
Hidden Block Creation - Not exactly creation, more like, he somehow knows where those hidden blocks are every single time they appear.
Superhuman Qualities - Due to the Ex-Aid Suit, Emu can perform superhuman feats. he can increase his strength by using different kinds of Gashats.
Weaknesses (If anything notable):
As per rider tradition, they're forced out whenever one takes too much damage. In this case, they have to untransform before their healthbar drops to 0 in which case, the user will die irregardless of whether or not he untransforms afterwards.

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):

'Quote' (optional):
"I'll clear this with no continues!"

Name: Emu Hojo || Parado

Universe From (Series your character comes from. OCs are labeled as OCs):
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid


Human, Patient 0 of the Bugster Virus

Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?):
Emu developed interests in video games at the mere age of 8, which he proved to have a natural talent for in the near future. This lead him to creating the concept for Mighty Brothers XX, to ease his loneliness. From a young age, he was a huge fan of Genm Corp. and often sent fan letters to one of its programmers, Kuroto Dan, which had included ideas for new games. Furious that someone who could create game concepts on par with him, Kuroto sent Mighty Action C, a game in-development which, unknown to anyone but Kuroto, had been infected with a strain of the Bugster Virus, which subsequently infected the boy.

On one rainy day, Emu succumbed to the Bugster Virus and subsequently got involved in a traffic accident. After receiving an emergency surgery from Kyotaro Hinata, Emu was given a WonderSwan handheld video game device by Dr. Hinata as a reward for hanging on. This event would inspire Emu to become a doctor and help children like the one who saved him

Emu would later go on to win numerous gaming tournaments under the gaming alias of M. Sometime in 2010, Emu trained vigorously for a gaming tournament he had participated in, at the cost of his health. Unknown to him, Kuroto watched his victory in the shadows, having watched Emu for a decade. Shortly after, Emu was abducted by the Next Genome Institute, who had been hired by Kuroto to remove the now-mature Bugster Virus from Emu's body. After the matured Bugster later known as Parado was successfully removed from Emu's body, the members of the Next Genome Institute vanished. Emu would believe that the operation was nothing more than a dream. Following the incident, he decided to take a serious attitude in his entrance exam and pursue being a doctor. However, the leftover Bugster Virus in his body would create a split personality that represented his gaming interest. The Bugster Virus that had been extracted would be used as the basis for the virus used for Zero Day a year later.A New Challenger Appears!

Sometime later, his fame as "M" would earn the interest of Asuna Karino as a potential candidate for using the Gamer Driver.

Emu eventually became a pediatrics intern at Seito University Hospital. After it is learned that his patient, Sota Suyama, is diagnosed with an unusual disease, he is restricted from knowing more by Director Haima Kagami. Emu deduces that Sota's stress may be related to being confined in the hospital and unable to see the release of the awaited video game, Mighty Action X. As a result, Emu takes him to see its release but is scolded by Asuna, telling him that he fails as a doctor for his unauthorized release of Sota. When Asuna tries to force Sota to return back, his condition worsens and he transforms into a golem-like creature.

Emu learns about Sota's condition of being infected with the Bugster Virus, a potential lethal computer virus that infects human, and can be prevented by someone who is capable of using the Gamer Driver to successfully operate on the patient. Determined to save his patient, Emu took the driver, the accompanying Mighty Action X Gashat without Asuna's consent to combat the Bugster. Much to Asuna's surprise, Emu was able to transform into as he reveals that he was in fact, the prodigy gamer "M" that she was looking for.
He extracts Salty from Sota and transforms into Action Gamer Level 2, defeating the Bugster. After confirming Sota's health, he becomes part of the CR and Asuna reveals to him that her true identity is a Kamen Rider navigator, Poppy Pipopapo. She christened Emu as Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. I'm a Kamen Rider!
As the battle against the Bugster Viruses continues, Emu would later meet several Kamen Riders like him, such as the genius surgeon Hiiro Kagami (Brave), former CR acquaintance Taiga Hanaya (Snipe) and the coroner Kiriya Kujo (Lazer). Although the three Riders as well fought against Bugster threats and infections, Emu is constantly at odds with them as each had their own viewpoints and ulterior motive. Another Prodigy with No Thank You? BANG, That Jerk is Coming! An Operation Called Dash! He also faced against Genm, a Rider who allied himself with the Bugsters and at the same time adding another Gashat, Gekitotsu Robots to his arsenal. Everyone Gathers for a Clashing Crash! In the final battle against Graphite, Emu acquired the Drago Knight Hunter Z and is able to work in synchronization with the other Riders through this power.

In early 2017, Emu was promoted to the surgery intern by Haima Kagami himself. Kiriya's death affected his prowess in fighting the Bugster and was suspended by Hiiro to transform after the latter confiscated his Gashats. Parado approached Emu and gave the young intern his incomplete Gashat, which transformed into the Mighty Brothers XX Gashat, giving him the strength to counter Genm Level X with the same rank. He as well renewed his trust with Hiiro, but was cut short when both the latter and Taiga attack him due to being a Game Disease patient. His combat data as Mighty Brothers XX was utilized by Kuroto to create the Gashat Gear Dual that Parado utilized to assume Kamen Rider Para-DX, whose level outclassed even that of Genm and Ex-Aid. Defined Destiny We're Kamen Riders! A New Challenger Appears! The Paradox of Defeating M After a chain of events that involved Genm Corp. member Tsukuru Koboshi as a victim, Emu experienced a fatal outburst of Bugster Virus when Kuroto revealed his true background as Patient Zero. A Nonstandard BURGSTER? The Truth Exposed This almost cost his life if it was not for Parado taking possession before he regains consciousness from Hiiro's own words.

Emu Hojo is a very clumsy and yet a serious doctor to take on his job. However, his thirst for playing video games has a problem of Emu being absent-minded at times. An example of this is he sometimes fails to remember his work schedule properly and it makes the nurses scold him. He also has a habitual quirk of tumbling down in various comical ways.

As "M", his alias that he uses when playing video games, he shows a completely different side of himself. He displays a focused, calmer, and more confident demeanor. His grammatical persona also changes from ( Boku) into ( Ore), proving to be extremely skillful at video games, to the point where he has come to be known as the "genius gamer" who never leaves any game unfinished. This carries over to his battles as Ex-Aid, as his knowledge of video games has proven to be a definite advantage. Originally, when shifting to his Genius Gamer M personality, a wind blows through his hair and he makes a cocky smile. But during episode 10, Emu's eyes instead flash pink before turning a less intense, glowing red, after which, his eyes turn back to normal. Though he still makes the same cocky smile as before, showing that he can actually shift into his gamer persona at will. In the past, Emu's normal and "M" personalities were once one and the same, though following his surgery by the Next Genome surgeons, the leftover Bugster Virus in his body caused him to develop a case of dissociative identity disorder, constantly switching from his naive side to his predative "M" persona. After learning that he was infected with the Bugster Virus, Emu's gamer persona took over as the dominant one, showing no concern for his patients and was instead only interested in playing the game, something which greatly angers Hiiro. However, after Hiiro states what it means to be a doctor, Emu regains control over himself, and becomes fearful of transforming into Ex-Aid. After he gains his resolve, he loses his fear of becoming Ex-Aid.
Emu has a very idealistic attitude towards being a doctor: he invests himself in the well-being of his patient, hoping to help them both physically and personally. He will always try to help a patient in need, even if they are a criminal, an enemy, or refuse to get help. For him, a life is a life and it's worth saving, fitting the morality of a true doctor and their devotion to the Hippocratic Oath. This mindset helped him connect stress as a catalyst for Bugster infection, but also hinders him if the enemy is smart enough to threaten the patient's life. His firm idealism has led to clashes with his fellow CR Rider, Hiiro. Hiiro views Emu as naive and inexperienced, while Emu openly opposes Hiiro's detached and callous approach, going as far to say Hiiro is not a real doctor.
However, Emu is not without a dark side. When pushed too far, Emu can lose control of his temper and when that happens his Gamer side becomes as vicious and selfish as his rivals. This was shown when Kyotaro is infected by Graphite. Emu become so frustrated into believing that he's the only one who can save Kyotaro, to the point that he'll do anything to capture the Hunter Gamer using a stolen Gashacon Sword. While this shows that Emu takes pride in his beliefs as a doctor, at the same time it demonstrates that as a Gamer he shares Genm's and even Taiga's ideals to some extent. However, after some enlightenment from his idol, Kyotaro Hinata, Emu decides to trust his fellow doctor Riders, while also gaining respect from them over time.
Often after transforming, he says his catchphrase I'll clear this with No Continues! (ノーコンティニューでクリアしてやるぜ Nōkontinyū de kuria shite yaru ze).
Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff):
Game Proficiency: Emu is highly adept in the field of video gaming, both in creative concept and actual practice. As a kid, he often creates game ideas that even Kuroto Dan, a genius game developer, recognized and envied. As a Kamen Rider, his creative concepts in gaming had lead to the creation of Mighty Brothers XX and Maximum Mighty X Gashats and the Save Energy Item, all arsenals that counters all of his toughest adversaries, specifically Genm, Para-DX, and Cronus. In actual practice, even without the influence of his Bugster, Parado, and the gaming skill of his Genius Gamer M persona, Emu is already a masterful gamer on his own with gaming skills formidable enough to see through the loopholes and weaknesses of every game and figuring out the methods of clearing them. As Genius Gamer M, Emu's skills in gaming and his battle prowesses are greatly enhanced especially when he enters a state of emotional rage or frustration, as shown when he effectively, in separate occasions, outmaneuvered both Genm and Snipe who are both at their Level 3 forms while Emu is only on Level 2. Furthermore, if his Genius Gamer persona is 100% active, his gaming skills skyrocket to a frightening degree evidenced on how despite being only at Level 3 he managed to overpower Gatton Bugster who is a Level 30, stating that one of gaming's thrills is figuring out how to defeat stronger opponents
High Interpersonal Skill: Despite his clumsiness, Emu's kindness has allowed him to connect with all of his patients. This also extends to other Riders, showing how his influence allow them to cooperate properly. It is also worth noting that during their battle against Cronus, the absence of Emu and his inability to transform resulted with their defeat and the confiscation of three Gamer Drivers.

Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff):
Armor and Weapon Manifestation - As a user of the Gamer Driver, Emu can use specialized game cartirdges known as Gashats to cover himself in a suit that allows him to fight as Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
Splitting-Up - Emu can essentially clone himself, splitting his personality into two when he uses the Mighty Bros. XX Gashat in it's full capacity.
Hidden Block Creation - Not exactly creation, more like, he somehow knows where those hidden blocks are every single time they appear.
Superhuman Qualities - Due to the Ex-Aid Suit, Emu can perform superhuman feats. he can increase his strength by using different kinds of Gashats.
Weaknesses (If anything notable):
As per rider tradition, they're forced out whenever one takes too much damage. In this case, they have to untransform before their healthbar drops to 0 in which case, the user will die irregardless of whether or not he untransforms afterwards.

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):



"You can call me Carmen!"

Name: "Carmen Sandiego" ("Black Sheep")
Universe From: Carmen Sandiego
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Unknown (presumably straight)
Species: human

Bio: Black Sheep was found abandonded as a baby in Argentina. The specifics are largely unknown, and major story spoilers either way. She spent much of her childhood in V.I.L.E. HQ, a nondescript island among the Galapogos, if I'm not mistaken. Honestly, the first episode explains much of her backstory either way, go watch it. It's good, I promise.

Personality: Carmen has a strong moral compass in spite of her very classic evil upbringing. Perhaps even thanks to it, one might speculate. Whatever the reason, she makes a point to disrupt V.I.L.E. operations wherever in the world they're located. Besides her moral compass, Carmen can be sinister in small doses, in the form of pranks. She also tends to somewhat overestimate her abilities, landing her in tricky situations often.

Skills: Olympic-level strength, agility, stealthiness, among other such capabilities. She is considered a pickpocket in a league of her own, by both Crackle (former V.I.L.E. Operative and colleague) and Shadowsan (V.I.l.E. council member).

Powers/Abilities: Despite what it seems, Carmen's capabilities are completely humanely possible.

Weaknesses: Nothing major, though she has trouble grappling with her own mysterious origins, and she perhaps cares for her colleagues too much, putting hherself at risk for the safety of the innocent.

Last edited:


Name: "Carmen Sandiego" ("Black Sheep")
Universe From: Carmen Sandiego
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Unknown (presumably straight)
Species: human

Bio: Black Sheep was found abandonded as a baby in Argentina. The specifics are largely unknown, and major story spoilers either way. She spent much of her childhood in V.I.L.E. HQ, a nondescript island among the Galapogos, if I'm not mistaken. Honestly, the first episode explains much of her backstory either way, go watch it. It's good, I promise.

Personality: Carmen has a strong moral compass in spite of her very classic evil upbringing. Perhaps even thanks to it, one might speculate. Whatever the reason, she makes a point to disrupt V.I.L.E. operations wherever in the world they're located. Besides her moral compass, Carmen can be sinister in small doses, in the form of pranks. She also tends to somewhat overestimate her abilities, landing her in tricky situations often.

Skills: Olympic-level strength, agility, stealthiness, among other such capabilities. She is considered a pickpocket in a league of her own, by both Crackle (former V.I.L.E. Operative and colleague) and Shadowsan (V.I.l.E. council member).

Powers/Abilities: Despite what it seems, Carmen's capabilities are completely humanely possible.

Weaknesses: Nothing major, though she has trouble grappling with her own mysterious origins, and she perhaps cares for her colleagues too much, putting hherself at risk for the safety of the innocent.



'Quote' (optional)
“Give people a chance, and they’ll usually surprise you.”

Jason Todd
The Red Hood

Universe From:
DC Comics


Sexual Orientation (Optional):


Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?)
Jason Todd

Jason Todd was the second Robin, but was brutally murdered by the Joker. After he was resurrected, Jason learned Batman did nothing to avenge his death. Anguished and seeking vengeance, he initially turned against his mentor and took on the Clown Prince's former identity: the Red Hood. Eventually coming back to the Bat-Family and assembling a team of anti-heroes known as the Outlaws (New 52 and Rebirth), Jason once again fights for justice...on his own terms.

Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff):​
  • Peak Human Conditioning: Through years of intense and extensive training from Batman plus further training after his resurrection, Jason is at the peak of human potential (almost on Batman's level). By matching his former mentor in combat he has proven that he is far superior to Olympic-level athletes, just as Batman is. His strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, senses, and durability are practically superhuman. He represents the pinnacle of human physical abilities much like Batman and Nightwing.
    • Peak Human Strength: Jason's strength is at the peak of human potential. He is strong enough to break through a submarine hull with a single punch, lift a man over his head and throw him, casually kick an airplane door off the hinges, send Deathstroke flying with a kick, and flip Susie Sue on her head(she weighs 600 lbs). Red Hood's strength and brute force is comparable to Batman's and is seemingly almost superhuman; showcased when he struck Lobo to the floor, even Supergirl commented that "he is far stronger than any human" and "no human should be this powerful".
    • Peak Human Speed: He can run and move at an incredibly fast pace, faster than normal humans. He has outran a moving vehicle and hit Green Arrow before he can even react. While unarmed Jason once blitzed an entire GCPD SWAT team before anyone could even pull the trigger. His fast feat of speed to date is accurately shooting a gang of thugs faster than the eye can follow, despite guns already being aimed at him. He is faster than Batman but not Nightwing.
    • Peak Human Stamina: His highly trained and developed body generates less fatigue-toxins than normal humans allowing him to hold his breath underwater for longer periods of time, and physically exert himself at peak capacity for a few hours before any toxins begin to impair him.
    • Peak Human Agility: Jason's agility is superior to any Olympic-level athlete that's competed. He can coordinate his body with great balance, flexibility, and dexterity. This allows him to perform gymnastic and acrobatic moves.
    • Peak Human Reflexes: Similar to his speed, his reflexes are honed to an extraordinary rate and are borderline-superhuman. He is capable of dodging rapid gunfire at close range from multiple gunmen
    • Peak Human Durability: His muscles and bones are much harder and denser than a normal humans making him extremely durable and resilient. His survived being blasted with a bazooka, multiple nuclear explosions underwater, being set ablaze by a flamethrower, and withstood blows from superhuman opponents such as Deathstroke, Frankenstein, and more.
  • Master Martial Artist: Jason Todd is a highly skilled combatant, extensively trained by Batman. Although he was always more of a brawler as Robin, following his resurrection he traveled the world to further his training, learning every form of martial arts he could, just as Batman did. Demonstrating himself to be far more skilled than before. This is shown when he fought his former mentor and Nightwing to a standstill when Jason held his own against the Green Arrow in a sword fight, and when he overpowered Tim Drake at Titans Tower. Jason's fighting style focuses on brutality, strength, and speed; he is shown to have mastered over half-a dozen fighting styles and has proven to be a master of Aikido, Capoeira, Silat, Karate, Ninjutsu, Savate, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, and Taekwondo. He has effectively combined the martial arts he has mastered into a unique harmonious style that suits his strengths.
  • Master Marksman: Having been trained by Batman, Jason has perfect aim when using batarangs and later, firearms. To increase his skill with firearms he went a step further than Batman on his journey around the world to learn from the masters how to kill a target with different types of guns. His precision and accuracy is almost on par with Deadshot's, Jason rarely ever misses his targets.
  • Expert Tactician: Although contradictory to his once childish nature, Jason's learned to survey his targets before attacking and killing them. He spends long hours scouting targets and assuring that they deserve his brand of justice. He is well-versed in military-grade tactics, strategies, and protocols.
  • Master of Stealth: Due to his training with Batman and his further training around the world he is a master of stealth, espionage, infiltration, and sabotage. Jason is capable of breaching very high-security facilities with ease and without being detected. He is skilled enough to infiltrate Tim Drake's hideout without his knowledge, also he has shown enough stealth prowess to track down and scout Batgirl's top secret hideout, despite her intelligence. Jason even snuck away from Supergirl while using her super-hearing.
  • Expert Acrobat: In his training as Robin, he had been taught acrobatics and gymnastics routines. He further practices his abilities as the Red Hood even going so far as to chase the Bat Family around just to test his speed.
  • Skilled Swordsman: Jason has been shown to be skilled enough to hold his own against the Green Arrow in a sword fight until he ultimately lost.
  • Expert Detective: Jason has shown some expertise as a detective.
  • Multilingualism: Taught by Batman, Jason is fluent in several languages having spoken English, French, German, Italian and various others with Russian being his weakest.
  • Genius Level Intellect: After being adopted by Bruce, Jason received an excellent education and tutoring from both private tutors and Bruce thus, has deep knowledge in many subjects, including Science, Math, Medicine, Geography, Criminology, World History and English. He has also proven to be a highly efficient criminal strategist and organised as the Red Hood.
  • Expert Bomb Assembly and Diffusal: Taught by a world renowned bomb expert in Russia, Jason is able to assemble and defuse a wide variety of conventional explosive devices, from improvised to military grade designs. It is yet to be determined whether or not he can diffuse Nuclear devices, in contrast to Batman and Damian's demonstrated ability.
  • Expert Vehicular Driver: Jason has driven a variety of vehicles from cars and boats to being trained in the Middle East by an ace pilot to fly helicopters.

Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff):​
  • Lazarus-Enhanced Capabilities: As of his perfect resurrection by the Lazarus Pit, he no longer ages & regenerates from injuries at a very fast rate, allowing him to perfectly cheat death on several occasions. His strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, and durability has been further enhanced.

Weaknesses (If anything notable):
Explosive Anger

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):​

'Quote' (optional)
“Give people a chance, and they’ll usually surprise you.”

Jason Todd
The Red Hood

Universe From:
DC Comics


Sexual Orientation (Optional):


Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?)
Jason Todd

Jason Todd was the second Robin, but was brutally murdered by the Joker. After he was resurrected, Jason learned Batman did nothing to avenge his death. Anguished and seeking vengeance, he initially turned against his mentor and took on the Clown Prince's former identity: the Red Hood. Eventually coming back to the Bat-Family and assembling a team of anti-heroes known as the Outlaws (New 52 and Rebirth), Jason once again fights for justice...on his own terms.

Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff):​

  • Peak Human Conditioning: Through years of intense and extensive training from Batman plus further training after his resurrection, Jason is at the peak of human potential (almost on Batman's level). By matching his former mentor in combat he has proven that he is far superior to Olympic-level athletes, just as Batman is. His strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, senses, and durability are practically superhuman. He represents the pinnacle of human physical abilities much like Batman and Nightwing.
    • Peak Human Strength: Jason's strength is at the peak of human potential. He is strong enough to break through a submarine hull with a single punch, lift a man over his head and throw him, casually kick an airplane door off the hinges, send Deathstroke flying with a kick, and flip Susie Sue on her head(she weighs 600 lbs). Red Hood's strength and brute force is comparable to Batman's and is seemingly almost superhuman; showcased when he struck Lobo to the floor, even Supergirl commented that "he is far stronger than any human" and "no human should be this powerful".
    • Peak Human Speed: He can run and move at an incredibly fast pace, faster than normal humans. He has outran a moving vehicle and hit Green Arrow before he can even react. While unarmed Jason once blitzed an entire GCPD SWAT team before anyone could even pull the trigger. His fast feat of speed to date is accurately shooting a gang of thugs faster than the eye can follow, despite guns already being aimed at him. He is faster than Batman but not Nightwing.
    • Peak Human Stamina: His highly trained and developed body generates less fatigue-toxins than normal humans allowing him to hold his breath underwater for longer periods of time, and physically exert himself at peak capacity for a few hours before any toxins begin to impair him.
    • Peak Human Agility: Jason's agility is superior to any Olympic-level athlete that's competed. He can coordinate his body with great balance, flexibility, and dexterity. This allows him to perform gymnastic and acrobatic moves.
    • Peak Human Reflexes: Similar to his speed, his reflexes are honed to an extraordinary rate and are borderline-superhuman. He is capable of dodging rapid gunfire at close range from multiple gunmen
    • Peak Human Durability: His muscles and bones are much harder and denser than a normal humans making him extremely durable and resilient. His survived being blasted with a bazooka, multiple nuclear explosions underwater, being set ablaze by a flamethrower, and withstood blows from superhuman opponents such as Deathstroke, Frankenstein, and more.
  • Master Martial Artist: Jason Todd is a highly skilled combatant, extensively trained by Batman. Although he was always more of a brawler as Robin, following his resurrection he traveled the world to further his training, learning every form of martial arts he could, just as Batman did. Demonstrating himself to be far more skilled than before. This is shown when he fought his former mentor and Nightwing to a standstill when Jason held his own against the Green Arrow in a sword fight, and when he overpowered Tim Drake at Titans Tower. Jason's fighting style focuses on brutality, strength, and speed; he is shown to have mastered over half-a dozen fighting styles and has proven to be a master of Aikido, Capoeira, Silat, Karate, Ninjutsu, Savate, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, and Taekwondo. He has effectively combined the martial arts he has mastered into a unique harmonious style that suits his strengths.
  • Master Marksman: Having been trained by Batman, Jason has perfect aim when using batarangs and later, firearms. To increase his skill with firearms he went a step further than Batman on his journey around the world to learn from the masters how to kill a target with different types of guns. His precision and accuracy is almost on par with Deadshot's, Jason rarely ever misses his targets.
  • Expert Tactician: Although contradictory to his once childish nature, Jason's learned to survey his targets before attacking and killing them. He spends long hours scouting targets and assuring that they deserve his brand of justice. He is well-versed in military-grade tactics, strategies, and protocols.
  • Master of Stealth: Due to his training with Batman and his further training around the world he is a master of stealth, espionage, infiltration, and sabotage. Jason is capable of breaching very high-security facilities with ease and without being detected. He is skilled enough to infiltrate Tim Drake's hideout without his knowledge, also he has shown enough stealth prowess to track down and scout Batgirl's top secret hideout, despite her intelligence. Jason even snuck away from Supergirl while using her super-hearing.
  • Expert Acrobat: In his training as Robin, he had been taught acrobatics and gymnastics routines. He further practices his abilities as the Red Hood even going so far as to chase the Bat Family around just to test his speed.
  • Skilled Swordsman: Jason has been shown to be skilled enough to hold his own against the Green Arrow in a sword fight until he ultimately lost.
  • Expert Detective: Jason has shown some expertise as a detective.
  • Multilingualism: Taught by Batman, Jason is fluent in several languages having spoken English, French, German, Italian and various others with Russian being his weakest.
  • Genius Level Intellect: After being adopted by Bruce, Jason received an excellent education and tutoring from both private tutors and Bruce thus, has deep knowledge in many subjects, including Science, Math, Medicine, Geography, Criminology, World History and English. He has also proven to be a highly efficient criminal strategist and organised as the Red Hood.
  • Expert Bomb Assembly and Diffusal: Taught by a world renowned bomb expert in Russia, Jason is able to assemble and defuse a wide variety of conventional explosive devices, from improvised to military grade designs. It is yet to be determined whether or not he can diffuse Nuclear devices, in contrast to Batman and Damian's demonstrated ability.
  • Expert Vehicular Driver: Jason has driven a variety of vehicles from cars and boats to being trained in the Middle East by an ace pilot to fly helicopters.

Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff):​

  • Lazarus-Enhanced Capabilities: As of his perfect resurrection by the Lazarus Pit, he no longer ages & regenerates from injuries at a very fast rate, allowing him to perfectly cheat death on several occasions. His strength, speed, stamina, agility, reflexes, and durability has been further enhanced.

Weaknesses (If anything notable):
Explosive Anger

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):​
accepted Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo
"Why the silly grin? Don't tell me you saw me practicing my dances!"

Inigo (Fathered by Henry)

Universe From:
Fire Emblem [Awakening-focused]


Sexual Orientation:


Inigo was raised by Olivia, the dancer, and Henry, the dark mage. An unusual yet happy couple, the now-swordsman was raised to love the art of dancing whilst also appreciating the art of fighting. However, Inigo is afraid to express his dancing side to avoid humiliation from his fellow peers. Growing up, Inigo aspired to become a mercenary to solve other people's issues, and give the gift of charity to the world. This is not without the idolization from females, however.

Before the brink of the war, Inigo was separated from his family---left to fend for himself when he was in his early teens. A few years has passed and Inigo reunited with his mother in the future, who was shocked to see that her estranged son was alive after all. It wasn't long that he was then also reunited with his rather unorthodox father, Henry. Nonetheless, Henry was glad to see what his son has became---perhaps with a little less with womanizing and more focused on the art of fighting. There was also slight disappointment that Inigo never picked up a tome to follow Henry's footsteps.

It is now up to the swordsman to offer himself as a viable ally during the war, and solve the conflict that terrorizes the future. Without any resolution, there will be no future for the next generations to come.

Personality: Altruistic, passionate, good-natured, flirtatious, emotional, nocturnal, charismatic

Inigo is a friendly swordsman who womanizes with the local ladies. He can be can be found out at night where he is the most active, usually practicing his dancing in secret. Inigo has a tendency of being emotional, and open about his feelings, sometimes to his detriment. Due to this emotional nature, he could be viewed as needy or clingy. The mercenary additionally has a tendency to cry, especially when experiencing rejection or doubts his abilities.

Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff):
  • Hand-to-hand combat: Inigo is slightly skilled in pure hand-to-hand combat without needing a crutch, however, he is mostly proficient in...
  • Swordfighting: Inigo has been mastering the blade since childhood, much to his father's dismay with his lack of interest in dark magic. This includes initiation and counterattacking
  • Charismatic: Great for morale and weaseling his way out of situations....mostly
  • Patience: Inigo is very accepting and usually shows a lot of patience
  • Dancing: The swordsman is very proficient in dancing, and is slowly becoming more comfortable with the idea of being open about it
  • Nightowl: Inigo makes a great night guard for the simple fact that he prefers the night
Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff):

Weaknesses (If anything notable):
Women, strong emotional responses, rejection, shyness, self-doubt, self-esteem, magical abilities
View attachment 533017
"Why the silly grin? Don't tell me you saw me practicing my dances!"

Inigo (Fathered by Henry)

Universe From:
Fire Emblem [Awakening-focused]


Sexual Orientation:


Inigo was raised by Olivia, the dancer, and Henry, the dark mage. An unusual yet happy couple, the now-swordsman was raised to love the art of dancing whilst also appreciating the art of fighting. However, Inigo is afraid to express his dancing side to avoid humiliation from his fellow peers. Growing up, Inigo aspired to become a mercenary to solve other people's issues, and give the gift of charity to the world. This is not without the idolization from females, however.

Before the brink of the war, Inigo was separated from his family---left to fend for himself when he was in his early teens. A few years has passed and Inigo reunited with his mother in the future, who was shocked to see that her estranged son was alive after all. It wasn't long that he was then also reunited with his rather unorthodox father, Henry. Nonetheless, Henry was glad to see what his son has became---perhaps with a little less with womanizing and more focused on the art of fighting. There was also slight disappointment that Inigo never picked up a tome to follow Henry's footsteps.

It is now up to the swordsman to offer himself as a viable ally during the war, and solve the conflict that terrorizes the future. Without any resolution, there will be no future for the next generations to come.

Personality: Altruistic, passionate, good-natured, flirtatious, emotional, nocturnal, charismatic

Inigo is a friendly swordsman who womanizes with the local ladies. He can be can be found out at night where he is the most active, usually practicing his dancing in secret. Inigo has a tendency of being emotional, and open about his feelings, sometimes to his detriment. Due to this emotional nature, he could be viewed as needy or clingy. The mercenary additionally has a tendency to cry, especially when experiencing rejection or doubts his abilities.

Skills (Normal, Human-like stuff):
  • Hand-to-hand combat: Inigo is slightly skilled in pure hand-to-hand combat without needing a crutch, however, he is mostly proficient in...
  • Swordfighting: Inigo has been mastering the blade since childhood, much to his father's dismay with his lack of interest in dark magic. This includes initiation and counterattacking
  • Charismatic: Great for morale and weaseling his way out of situations....mostly
  • Patience: Inigo is very accepting and usually shows a lot of patience
  • Dancing: The swordsman is very proficient in dancing, and is slowly becoming more comfortable with the idea of being open about it
  • Nightowl: Inigo makes a great night guard for the simple fact that he prefers the night
Powers/Abilities (Superhuman stuff):

Weaknesses (If anything notable):
Women, strong emotional responses, rejection, shyness, self-doubt, self-esteem, magical abilities

Accepted. Welcome aboard!

"A detective is neither light nor shadow. We represent neither justice nor evil. That is how we uncover the absolute truth."

Name: Kyouko Kirigiri

Universe From: Danganronpa

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Bio: Kyouko Kirigiri is the Ultimate Detective—or rather, was. Raised from a young age to be Battleworld’s greatest detective, she solved a myriad of cases while growing up, some of which were deemed impossible. By the time she was ready to start attending high school, Hope’s Peak, a prestigious academy that prided itself in its mission to cultivate young prodigies into the world’s future leaders, had already scouted her. Kyouko enrolled into the academy with the honourary title of “Ultimate Detective”.

However, Kyouko was unable to graduate with full honours before tragedy struck. One night during Kyouko’s final year at the academy, the entire student council was murdered.

Izuru Kamukura. A mysterious student known by name only by few and akin to a ghost story in the halls of the academy. The headmaster of Hope’s Peak tasked Kyouko with investigating the mystery behind this “ghost” and the student-council murderings.

No one had expected an event of far greater magnitude to befall Hope’s Peak during the ongoing investigation. In a sudden turn of events, the academy fell under siege, and only Kyouko’s class managed to survive the attack by holding up inside the old school building.

It wasn’t over. The true perpetrator of the attack was among their ranks and had rigged their hiding spot. After imposing their rule on Kyouko and the rest of her class, they forced the students to participate in a killing game. Before the mastermind’s plans could be fully realised, though, their game was put on indefinite hiatus thanks to the efforts of the students and an unlikely hero who had come to their aid.

After surviving the Fall of Hope’s Peak, Kyouko and many of the remaining survivors of the “killing game” were employed by Future Foundation, an organisation founded by Reed Richards with the aim of putting together a new group of free-thinking individuals to plan for a better future for all of humanity. The young detective currently works as one of the foundation’s great analytical minds, with Kyouko specialising in a lot of practical, hands-on work.

Personality: Kyouko is a stoic and mysterious girl who tends to hide her feelings and keep relationships professional. She has a calm demeanor and tends to be completely unfazed by most things, including dead bodies and morbid crime scenes. She always looks through an objective lense, never jumping to conclusions in the process. She values transparency above all, and she seems to be visibly irritated by those who obscure the truth from her.

Skills (Things that a normal human could train to become proficient in): None notable

Powers/Abilities (Things accredited to genes, unusual circumstances, and otherwise supernatural abilities):
  • Genius Intellect: Born with a highly intelligent mind with a high capacity for learning.
  • Advanced Analytical Skills: As the Ultimate Detective, Kyouko is capable of doing autopsies on dead bodies and eventually finding out exactly how the victim was murdered. Most methods of murder are usually odd and unorthodox in Danganronpa, pointing out how good she is at analysing evidence and the environment around her.

Weaknesses (If anything notable): None notable

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):
  • Birthday: October 10th
  • Blood Type: B
  • Likes: Her hair braids.
  • Dislikes: Goya and coriander.

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Name: Kanna Kamui

Universe From: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

Gender: Female

Species: Human (diguise)/Dragon (true form)

Bio: Kanna is a young female dragon, who is exiled from her world as consequence of her pranks.

Once she learns that Tohru survived her last battle with a god and is currently living in the modern world, she searches for her in hopes of returning with her to their world.

However, when Tohru refuses to return, Kanna accuses Kobayashi of seducing Tohru. But seeing as Kanna has nowhere else to go, Kobayashi then offers the young dragon to stay with her.

Later in the series, after Kanna shows interest in attending a human school, Kobayashi enrolls her in Oborozuka Elementary and accompanies her along with Tohru to shop for school supplies.

Kanna develops a familial relationship with the two while living with them.

Personality: Kanna is soft-spoken and quiet and demonstrates most of her emotions through minute expressions. Despite being technically older than her human peers, Kanna behaves no differently from a human child as she easily tires of routine and enjoys playing games. However, despite her generally unexpressed and implicit demeanor, Kanna is not without emotion, indicated when she has a sudden outburst and cries when Riko Saikawa initially views Kanna as a rival instead of being friends. Kanna may also have romantic feelings for Riko, expressing a desire for a similar relationship to what Kobayashi and Tohru have. Additionally, Kanna is thankful for their friendship. According to Tohru, she is quite mischievous and enjoys playing pranks, though this was an ultimately futile effort to obtain her parents' attention. When Kanna arrives in the modern world, she is initially distrustful or curious of most belongings in the modern world but is revealed to enjoy many things she discovers. Once Kanna discovers something she is attracted to, she becomes very possessive, indicated when she refuses to leave Kobayashi, despite having a distrustful attitude towards her before. She appears to be attached to many other individuals as well, such as Tohru, and briefly Riko Saikawa. Kanna is naturally observant and curious but is confused as to how she should react to the modern world, questioning as to whether or not she gets along with her fellow classmates.

Skills: She knows how to fight, but what else can get out from a little girl?

Powers/Abilities: Like all dragons, her physical strength is superhuman. She's strong enough to throw Tohru several miles up into the air and was able to stand toe-to-toe against Lucoa and Fafnir in their game of dodgeball.

Kanna has the ability to generate and manipulate electricity. Unlike Tohru, who can generate her own mana to sustain her frequent magic usage, Kanna has to absorb mana from her surroundings. Unfortunately due to the nature of the human world, there is little mana for her to absorb in the air, however, she soon found out that she can replenish her mana by plugging her tail into a wall socket.

Possibility due to her inexperience and young age, Kanna cannot cast certain spells that Tohru can such as Perception Blocking.

Weaknesses: If Kanna is out of mana, she cannot use her spells.
Name: Kanna Kamui

Universe From: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

Gender: Female

Species: Human (diguise)/Dragon (true form)

Bio: Kanna is a young female dragon, who is exiled from her world as consequence of her pranks.

Once she learns that Tohru survived her last battle with a god and is currently living in the modern world, she searches for her in hopes of returning with her to their world.

However, when Tohru refuses to return, Kanna accuses Kobayashi of seducing Tohru. But seeing as Kanna has nowhere else to go, Kobayashi then offers the young dragon to stay with her.

Later in the series, after Kanna shows interest in attending a human school, Kobayashi enrolls her in Oborozuka Elementary and accompanies her along with Tohru to shop for school supplies.

Kanna develops a familial relationship with the two while living with them.

Personality: Kanna is soft-spoken and quiet and demonstrates most of her emotions through minute expressions. Despite being technically older than her human peers, Kanna behaves no differently from a human child as she easily tires of routine and enjoys playing games. However, despite her generally unexpressed and implicit demeanor, Kanna is not without emotion, indicated when she has a sudden outburst and cries when Riko Saikawa initially views Kanna as a rival instead of being friends. Kanna may also have romantic feelings for Riko, expressing a desire for a similar relationship to what Kobayashi and Tohru have. Additionally, Kanna is thankful for their friendship. According to Tohru, she is quite mischievous and enjoys playing pranks, though this was an ultimately futile effort to obtain her parents' attention. When Kanna arrives in the modern world, she is initially distrustful or curious of most belongings in the modern world but is revealed to enjoy many things she discovers. Once Kanna discovers something she is attracted to, she becomes very possessive, indicated when she refuses to leave Kobayashi, despite having a distrustful attitude towards her before. She appears to be attached to many other individuals as well, such as Tohru, and briefly Riko Saikawa. Kanna is naturally observant and curious but is confused as to how she should react to the modern world, questioning as to whether or not she gets along with her fellow classmates.

Skills: She knows how to fight, but what else can get out from a little girl?

Powers/Abilities: Like all dragons, her physical strength is superhuman. She's strong enough to throw Tohru several miles up into the air and was able to stand toe-to-toe against Lucoa and Fafnir in their game of dodgeball.

Kanna has the ability to generate and manipulate electricity. Unlike Tohru, who can generate her own mana to sustain her frequent magic usage, Kanna has to absorb mana from her surroundings. Unfortunately due to the nature of the human world, there is little mana for her to absorb in the air, however, she soon found out that she can replenish her mana by plugging her tail into a wall socket.

Possibility due to her inexperience and young age, Kanna cannot cast certain spells that Tohru can such as Perception Blocking.

Weaknesses: If Kanna is out of mana, she cannot use her spells.
Name: Kanna Kamui

Universe From: Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

Gender: Female

Species: Human (diguise)/Dragon (true form)

Bio: Kanna is a young female dragon, who is exiled from her world as consequence of her pranks.

Once she learns that Tohru survived her last battle with a god and is currently living in the modern world, she searches for her in hopes of returning with her to their world.

However, when Tohru refuses to return, Kanna accuses Kobayashi of seducing Tohru. But seeing as Kanna has nowhere else to go, Kobayashi then offers the young dragon to stay with her.

Later in the series, after Kanna shows interest in attending a human school, Kobayashi enrolls her in Oborozuka Elementary and accompanies her along with Tohru to shop for school supplies.

Kanna develops a familial relationship with the two while living with them.

Personality: Kanna is soft-spoken and quiet and demonstrates most of her emotions through minute expressions. Despite being technically older than her human peers, Kanna behaves no differently from a human child as she easily tires of routine and enjoys playing games. However, despite her generally unexpressed and implicit demeanor, Kanna is not without emotion, indicated when she has a sudden outburst and cries when Riko Saikawa initially views Kanna as a rival instead of being friends. Kanna may also have romantic feelings for Riko, expressing a desire for a similar relationship to what Kobayashi and Tohru have. Additionally, Kanna is thankful for their friendship. According to Tohru, she is quite mischievous and enjoys playing pranks, though this was an ultimately futile effort to obtain her parents' attention. When Kanna arrives in the modern world, she is initially distrustful or curious of most belongings in the modern world but is revealed to enjoy many things she discovers. Once Kanna discovers something she is attracted to, she becomes very possessive, indicated when she refuses to leave Kobayashi, despite having a distrustful attitude towards her before. She appears to be attached to many other individuals as well, such as Tohru, and briefly Riko Saikawa. Kanna is naturally observant and curious but is confused as to how she should react to the modern world, questioning as to whether or not she gets along with her fellow classmates.

Skills: She knows how to fight, but what else can get out from a little girl?

Powers/Abilities: Like all dragons, her physical strength is superhuman. She's strong enough to throw Tohru several miles up into the air and was able to stand toe-to-toe against Lucoa and Fafnir in their game of dodgeball.

Kanna has the ability to generate and manipulate electricity. Unlike Tohru, who can generate her own mana to sustain her frequent magic usage, Kanna has to absorb mana from her surroundings. Unfortunately due to the nature of the human world, there is little mana for her to absorb in the air, however, she soon found out that she can replenish her mana by plugging her tail into a wall socket.

Possibility due to her inexperience and young age, Kanna cannot cast certain spells that Tohru can such as Perception Blocking.

Weaknesses: If Kanna is out of mana, she cannot use her spells.
Welcome aboard you dragon lover protector? person

"I, Dio, have no such thoughts. Within my mind but one simple thought. Just one! To be victorious and rule! That is all. That is all I need to feel satisfaction! How I do it doesn't matter!"

Name: Dio Brando

Universe From: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Vampire

Biography: Dio was born the son of Dario Brando, an alcoholic and abusive father who he secretly despised—in part for having caused pain to his mother. It influenced Dio to covertly murder his father with a poison he secured from Wang Chan, learning from his dying father of George Joestar's debt while told take advantage and seize the Joestar fortune.

Once in the Joestar Mansion, Dio wasted no time passing himself as a model gentleman while tormenting his new adoptive brother Jonathan in various ways to break his spirit. But Dio's plan backfires when he forcefully kissed Erina Pendleton to shame her and deny Jonathan a relationship with her. When Jonathan learned of this, he pummels Dio before George intervened. Though Dio retaliated by placing Jonathan's dog Danny in the incinerator, he realized that he needed to change his plans a bit.
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Seven years later, both boys attend Hugh Hudson Academy, where Dio intends to graduate as a top law student. During that seven-year span, he had acted brotherly and friendly toward Jonathan to lull the latter into a false sense of security. Now an adult, Dio decides to make his move and take the Joestar fortune by secretly poisoning George with the same poison he used to kill Dario. Jonathan realized Dio's plot after reading Dario's letter to his father, confirming Dio's intent and leaving his father with trusted physicians as he sets out to find an antidote and concrete proof of Dio's crimes.
Determined not to be stopped, Dio plans to subtly kill Jonathan by staging an accident with the Stone Mask. But upon learning that Jonathan entered Ogre Street, Dio mused he would not need to kill Jonathan himself. While wandering the streets of Liverpool, Dio encounters two drunkards and decides to test the mask anyways. By slitting the throat of one while using the mask on the other, Dio unwittingly transforms one of the drunkards into a Vampire who nearly kills him were it not for a timely sunrise obliterating his attacker. Returning to the Joestar estate, Dio finds Jonathan waiting for him along with Robert E. O. Speedwagon and an ensemble of constables who are to arrest him for attempted murder. Cornered and with nothing left to lose, having intended to kill Jonathan, deals a fatal stab wound to George and uses his blood to activate the Stone Mask. The constables shoot Dio repeatedly through a window, only for him to come back to life as a vampire and slaughter them.
Luring Dio away from Speedwagon, Jonathan battles the vampire while setting his home aflame in hopes that the fire will counter Dio's regeneration. After a short scuffle on the rooftop, Jonathan pushes Dio into the inferno and manages to impale him on a statue of the goddess of love; the combination of such a severe injury and the surrounding flames overpowers Dio, who seemingly burns away. However, a few days later when Wang Chan visits the charred remains of the house to find items to sell for profit, Dio resurfaces and drains his blood while vowing vengeance against Jonathan. After recruiting Jack the Ripper, Dio moves to the rural village of Windknight's Lot where he feeds on the populace to heal his body while building an army of zombies with the intent to take over London. Having sent Wang Chan to assassinate the supposed still recovering Jonathan, Dio is surprised when Wang Chan returns wounded and learns of the only thing besides sunlight that can destroy him: Ripple.
When Jonathan, his Ripple teacher Will Anthonio Zeppeli, and Speedwagon reach Windknight's Lot, Dio hypnotizes a local boy named Poco who lures them to a graveyard filled with the undead. Dio reveals himself at this time, have mostly healed his body, and overwhelms Jonathan and Zeppeli by bypassing their Ripple attacks with his freezing ability. He then summons his strongest zombies, Bruford and Tarkus, to finish them off as he takes his leave. It is revealed later that Dio had also taken Poco's Sister, whom he attempts to bribe to join his undead legion. Unsuccessful, Dio leaves her at the mercy of Doobie, but Jonathan intervenes before anything grave happens. Finally, confronting Jonathan and the rest of the Joestar Group, Dio steps in to personally kill Jonathan. Nonetheless, Dire battles Dio first. The Ripple warrior is easily bested by Dio's ice techniques and his body is disintegrated, but Dire manages to injure Dio's eye before expiring. This drives Dio off the edge, summoning his zombies to kill the intruders while he proceeds to fight Jonathan.
In the battle that ensues on a balcony, Jonathan uses Luck & Pluck to sever Dio's right arm and nearly cleave him in half. Dio retaliates by freezing Jonathan's hands through the sword, and threatens to cut Jonathan's carotid. Fortunately, Jonathan had plunged the tip of his sword into a flame behind Dio, and the heat transmitted through the metal weakens the freezing effect. Jonathan breaks free, and Dio breaks Luck & Pluck. As Jonathan is reduced to fighting bare handed, Dio's freezing powers give him the advantage once again. However, Jonathan sets his own fists on fire and Dio, unable to freeze Jonathan's punches, cannot defend himself and is hit on the chest by a powerful Ripple-infused blow. The impact sends Dio flying down a cliff and the Ripple disintegrates his body. Yet Dio manages to sever his own head before the Ripple reaches it and survives the fall; a little later, his head is taken to safety by Wang Chan.
Two weeks later, Dio's head infiltrates the boat the newly married Jonathan and Erina use to travel to America and celebrate their honeymoon. Hidden in a booby-trapped coffin, Dio has Wang Chan cause a zombie epidemic on the ship to lure Jonathan to him. Once making himself known to Jonathan while admitting to had an epiphany that their fates are deeply intertwined, Dio reveals his intention to take Jonathan's body as his own. Dio then shoots beams of eye humor at Jonathan's throat in an attempt to instantly kill him, but the attack only fatally wounded Jonathan with his stopped breathing preventing him from using his Ripple. Regardless, Jonathan uses his remaining Ripple to sabotage the ship to explode in a final attempt to end Dio for good. After putting Erina inside the coffin to protect her from the engine's explosion, Jonathan holds Dio's head in his arms. Dio begs Jonathan to let him live while temping him with eternal life, but realizes too that Jonathan had expired. The sinking ship explodes, though Dio succeeds in taking Jonathan's body and sinks into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.
In 1983, Dio's casket is recovered off the coast of Africa by fishermen, who are implied to have been killed by him shortly after. Dio then seems to travel a great deal, ranging from Egypt to Japan. Around July–August 1984, he impregnates a Japanese woman who goes on to give birth to Giorno Giovanna. The following year, he meets Enya the Hag and gains a Stand power (The World) as a result of the Bow and Arrow. Later that same year, he encounters Jean Pierre Polnareff and brainwashes him.
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In 1988, he first meets Enrico Pucci while hiding in a church waiting for the sun to set. July of that year, he goes on to encounter Muhammad Avdol in Egypt and around the same time, his Stand experiences its first instance of stopping time. In August, he meets Noriaki Kakyoin while the latter is vacationing in Egypt and fights and brainwashes him as well.
Personality: Dio is consistently manipulative and violently domineering, and has repeatedly shown a lack of conscience and empathy.
Dio's most recognizable characteristics are his boundless ambition and his love of power. Abused by his father and having lived in the most miserable living conditions, Dio set for himself the goal of becoming the richest, then the most powerful being on Earth. To do so, Dio used anything or anyone that he could in order to further his goals, disregarding any kind of morality that would restrain the range of actions available to him. Using either manipulation, seduction, or plain violence, Dio constantly sought to become more and more powerful. Dio enjoys being in a position of power and has repeatedly stated how great he felt being in a dominating position. On the contrary, Dio never tolerated that someone could stand up to him or equal him in power, and was several times enraged and deeply disturbed at the thought.
Throughout his life, Dio has tended to surround himself with witless cronies and later minions, who were attracted by his natural charisma. Not thinking much of them at first, he then selected those he deemed as particularly evil, claiming that an evil person wasn't bound by rules such as honor and thus were stronger mentally. This belief culminated in including the absorption of 36 souls of sinners, or, as he claims, particularly strong souls, to unlock a power greater than that of his Stand, The World.
Naturally, Dio is an incredibly-selfish person, only looking over his own interest and overlooking those of others at best, trampling them on the ground at worst. Due to his composed nature, Dio can and will openly offer himself to any gender, using any method, as long as the person suits his present desires. Since he is selfishly interested in their capabilities, however, Dio is the type who is incapable of loving another person wholeheartedly. The only people he can be said to have held some type of affection for were his mother, Jonathan Joestar, and Enrico Pucci; Dio recognizing Jonathan's worth as equal to his own, and having been friends with Pucci. Still, Dio stole the former's body and his friendship with the latter was nonetheless merely a part of a grander plan to further himself.
When interacting with someone, Dio will constantly try to manipulate them and sway them into his side, using a veneer of gentleness and his natural charm to make people admire and like him. For instance, he acted the model son and popular charismatic friend to Jonathan's father and entourage to better isolate him, and as a Vampire, his charisma only increased as he appeared as a charming mysterious individual. However, his natural arrogance would lead him to openly insult and belittle his enemies, notably disparaging their insignificant strength before his vampiric or Stand powers.
Dio approaches obstacles and problems in a number of ways depending on the situation and his mood. When he was human, Dio was careful and methodical in trying to break Jonathan's spirit and slowly poisoned George for a sizeable period of time, only being thwarted due to unlucky twists of fate. As a Vampire, DIO at first let his arrogance get the better of him and took a laissez-faire approach, only sending subordinates to kill the Joestar Group while he rested and recovered. However, his defeat by Jonathan taught him to be wary of the Joestar Family in its entirety, thus he would later ambush Jonathan and, during the events of Stardust Crusaders, send his minions to delay the Joestars as much as possible to recover strength. During his final battle, his wariness, tactical acumen and arrogance would clash to make Dio alternate between meticulous approach and planning and reckless attacks

  • Dio is naturally intelligent, displaying cunning and perceptiveness as well as imagination repeatedly.
  • All prior to becoming a Vampire, Dio was already an able bare-handed fighter; A skill he says he developed in the slums of London. A good amateur sportsman, during a rugby game as a young adult, he is shown to have developed high athletic ability (as well as fantastic muscle mass).
  • Dio is a cunning and charming individual. In addition to Stand Users, whom Avdol and Joseph suggest he recruits through sheer charm or charisma, he has seduced many men and women through his life.
  • Dio attains massive strength as a Vampire, allowing him feats such as forcibly walking on walls and single-handedly deflecting attacks such as Hierophant Green's Emerald Splash (volleys of substantially-sized emeralds flying at almost bullet speed). After absorbing Joseph's blood he is powerful enough to pick up and drop a steamroller on Jotaro.
  • Dio also possesses superhuman speed and agility. At one point he was described by Speedwagon being faster than a cheetah.
  • Dio has enhanced senses, demonstrated when placing his head on the ground to hear Jotaro's heartbeat, despite being a few meters away.
  • Dio can regenerate his body faster than fire can consume it. His incredible vitality is maintained by consuming human beings (or their blood), which he commonly does by piercing them with his fingers. Like all JoJo Vampires, Dio sucks blood through tentacles in his fingers and has been seen at least once drinking blood from an unnamed girl. His body is able to live even after having vital body parts amputated and he can also control his detached body parts. The extent of Dio's own survivability is demonstrated when he could continue as just a head.
  • Dio is able to pressurize bodily liquid in his eyeballs and then create small openings in his pupils, eventually unleashing two fluid jets (referred to by Straizo as "Space Ripper Stingy Eyes") powerful enough to slice through stone.
  • By vaporizing the moisture in his body, he can absorb heat from any living being he is in physical contact with and freeze them. This ability can be circumvented by Ripple being channeled through items and fire.
  • Dio is able manipulate his hair to create parasites that he can insert into a human's head. The Flesh Bud will pierce through the skull into the part of the brain, making the afflicted compliant to Dio's charisma. As explained by Joseph, the parasite will gradually eat the inflicted's brain. If someone tries to take out the spore, which can prove fatal if it's not carefully removed, the Flesh Bud will sprout tentacles in an attempt to invade the intruder's brain. If the vampire wants, he can give permission to someone to activate the spore's tentacles anytime he wants if close to it.

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Appearance: https://www.bondsuits.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Blofeld-Pleasence-Mao-Suit-2.jpg

Name: Ernst Stavro Blofeld

Universe From: James Bond Universe (Before Danial Craig)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (Optional): Straight

Species: Human

Bio (Short/Long, who gives a shit?): Little is known about the past of Ernst Starvo Blofeld, the enigmatic leader of SPECTRE and the long-term nemesis of 007, or James Bond. For a long time however, he and his insidious organization have threatened the world where they are from with various sordid schemes with the ultimate goal being world domination. However, these schemes were always foiled by James Bond. Blofeld and Bond continued their deadly dance for years until one day Blofeld crossed the line and killed Bond's new wife, Tracy, on the day of their wedding as revenge for Bond foiling his latest scheme. This however, unleashed Hell upon SPECTRE as Bond went on a rampage through through their ranks looking For Blofeld. Eventually, Bond tracked down Blofeld to a health spa in Hawaii that was owned by SPECTRE. After a brutal shoot-out, Bond had his arch-enemy cornered and was about to kill him. Suddenly, before Bond could pull the trigger, Blofeld disappeared in a bright flash of light, leaving no trace behind.

When Blofeld woke up, he found himself in a field outside of what appeared to be New York City. As he looked around he found himself surrounded by what appeared to be the surviving members of his organization. However, before Blofeld and his men could get their bearings set, another bright light flashed and revealed a man with a metallic arm being accompanied by another large group of people. The man, who introduced himself as Dr. Claw, was initially very aggressive towards Blofeld but, after a somewhat tense conversation and a brief visit to New Tokyo, the two realized that they were in a completely different world with completely new dangers and "heroes" to deal with. Realizing that there was strength in numbers, Blofeld suggested that the two merge their organizations together to help accomplish their completely similar goals, world domination. To his surprise, Claw accepted his deal and soon the two men founded the organization known as Banshee. However, Blofeld knows not to fully trust his new "partner" and is planning to dispose of him as soon as the first hint of betrayal arises or when the final goal is achieved.

Personality: Blofeld is a cold, cunning, ruthless, megalomaniac with aspirations of world domination. He rarely shows any sign of anger, keeping it buried within his psyche, resulting in him having a calm, calculating attitude, even when one of his agent's has failed him. He is also known to be quite bloodthirsty, often executing incompetent agents in sometimes brutal fashions. He is also a very careful schemer and planner, making sure making sure there are no possible flaws in his plans, but also making sure there is a plan B in case it goes wrong.

Skills: Blofeld is a skilled planner and leader. He is also an expert in gathering intelligence of various enemy powers and agencies.

Powers/Abilities: N/A

Weaknesses (If anything notable): He is still human and can be defeated quite easily by anyone ore powerful then him.
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Appearance: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net...or_Claw.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121005024146

'Quote' (optional): I'll get you next time, Gadget! Next time!"

Name: Dr. Claw

Universe From: Inspector Gadget

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Bio: Like Blofeld, not much is known about the past of M.A.D.'s infamous leader, the international fugitive known as Dr. Claw. For years, M.A.D. and Dr. Claw schemed to either take over the world, or to acquire monetary gain. But, all of their schemes were foiled by Inspector Gadget, a incompetent cyborg police detective who was secretly aided by his niece and their dog. This has lead Dr. Claw to try to eliminate Gadget many times over the years, always ending in failure. Recently, Claw has disappeared from the face of the Earth, along with almost all of M.A.D. As Gadget's world was left wondering where Claw went, Claw found himself in a new world reluctantly teaming up with a fellow Super-villain named Blofeld.

Personality: Like Blofeld, Claw is a ruthless megalomaniac with aspirations for world domination. Unlike the calmer Blofeld however, Claw is a quick tempered man with a sadistic streak a mile wide. He is also very callous and ruthless when it comes to accomplishing his goals. He is also very greedy, often planning schemes just to acquire money. He is also quite arrogant, believing he is superior to almost everyone intellect wise.

Skills : He is a skilled planner and leader. He is alos a skilled inventor, often making gadgetry to use as weapons.

Powers/Abilities: None

Weaknesses (If anything notable): Besides being Human, Claw's biggest weakness is his arrogance. He believes himself to be the smartest man in the room and thinks all of his schemes are perfect, often ignoring glaring flaws that often end in the schemes catastrophic failure.

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):
Appearance: https://medias.spotern.com/spots/w640/13848-1532336916.jpg

'Quote' (optional): None, the man is mostly mute.

Name: Jaws

Universe From: James Bond

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (Optional): Straight

Species: Human

Bio: Jaws is an international assassin-for hire and one of the most infamous Bond henchmen of all time. He has worked for many people over the years, but the most notable were Karl Stromberg and Sir Hugo Drax, two separate megalomaniacs who planned on destroying the world and repopulating it in their own perfect version of civilization. It was under these two employers where Jaws met his arch-enemy, James Bond. Eventually however, Hugo Drax tried to betray Jaws, who ended up helping James stop his plan and managing to escape Drax's exploding space station with his girlfriend Dolly, whom he met after a failed attempt at killing Bond. Unfortunately, his life quickly fell apart after Dolly died shortly after he arrived back on Earth. To make matters worse, distinctive metal capped teeth made it hard for him to get a job. So, in desperation, he went back to becoming a assassin for hire and went to work for SPECTRE. He was one of the many SPECTRE employees dragged to Battle-World and is currently part of the Banshee organization.

Personality: Cunning, sadistic, ruthless. These are but a few words used by many to describe Banshee's top enforcer. However, there is more to this ruthless giant then meets the eye. While the stereotype of him seems to be true most of the time, Jaws has also observed to been quite chill and calm most of the time. He also seems to have a soft spot for certain things and will let people who help him out of a bad situation live, hinting at a type of honor system.

Skills : Jaws is a skilled brawler and a decent shot with a pistol

Powers/Abilities: Jaws has almost inhuman strength, enough to nearly rip the roof out of a car. But even more alarming is his durability. Jaws seem to have the habit of surviving almost everything Bond threw at him, including backing a car into him into a wall, and throwing him off a train onto electrified tracks. This has lead some to believe that Jaws is almost unkillable by most normal means.

Weaknesses (If anything notable): Besides his lack of intelligence, Jaws biggest weakness is his teeth. They can be effected by both magnets and electricity. This could have effects like temporarily stunning him all the way to incapacitation.

Others (Trivia, Theme music, etc.) (Optional):

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