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Between Heaven and Hell

Fine have it your way. Zero said as an evil grin appeared on his face. Scales began to grow. His body getting larger and larger until pretty soon he was completely transformed into this monstrous hulking beast. He said in a low deep rumbling growl. Your soul better be tasty. He said as he lunged for ward and chomped down onto the angel.
Lucy screamed "Winter will die without me! Even your god like powers can't save her! You need me to save her and that demon child you put within her"
Zero spit the angel out. Die? What do you mean die? If you speak any nonsense I'll eat you. He said as he sat down and listened.
Lucy sighs "the pain was supposed to clear her mind, if it did not she would died so she wouldn't be your slave anymore"
OK. First off you need to fuck off with that pain stuff. Its is extremely bad for the baby. Second. None of them are my prisoners. If they wanted to leave I would let them. Yet none of them want to. James likes going to school, and Winter is happy staying at home with me. So you guys need to stop and leave us alone. If you want I'll even give you guys heaven back, but you have to keep all angels away from us and stop with the pain thing.
K. Well see ya. Zero said as he turned back to his normal human form. Don't forget if you go back on your promise I'll kill you all and take over heaven again. He said as he flew back home. He opened the door and walked in. He plopped down on the couch next to James and Winter. Man I'm exhausted! He complained as he drifted off into sleep.
James got up and went to the kitchen making coffee.

Winter kissed zeros cheek lightly ten began to read sitting next to the sleeping man
Winter smiled and kissed the top of his head running her fingers through his hair "I love you" she whispered lightly
Winter had drifted off on the couch, James went to sleep at a friends house.

Winter was snoring softly deeply sleeping
Zero smiled. He carefully picked her up being sure not to wake her and carried her over to their bed. He set her down and tucked her in. He got in on the other side and pulled Winter close and dozed off back to sleep.
Winter slept soundly till about 6:00 am when she woke up with a start a pain in her stomach, she realized it was time. "Zero! Wake up! It's baby time!"
Zero woke up quickly. Huh!? What!? Do you want me to teleport the baby out? It would not be in any danger. Zero said with a worried face and voice.
Winter shook her head cringing "We are going to act like fucking humans for a change Zero" the pain was making her a bit savage "Hospital. Now!"
Ok! He picked her up and ran out to the car. He set her in and buckled her up. He backed up and pulled out the driveway and slammed on the gas pedal. He drove as fast as he could to the hospital. He unbuckled her picked her up and ran into the hospital. I need a doctor! He yelled.
Winter was taking deep breaths as they brought her to a bed the pain has subsided for a moment "Zero, are you scared?"
Winter began to cry out in pain again grabbing zeros hand as the doctors urged to her push.

After a few pushes and almost breaking zeros hand a cry was heard throughout the room.

"It's a girl!" The doctor yelled excitedly

Winter flopped back onto the hospital bed covered in sweat and filled with exhaustion.
We did it. Zero said calmly as he hugged her. I told you everything would be ok. He said as he looked into her eyes with a smile.

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