Best. Weekend. Ever.

Sam smirked, "I'll let you do the honors." She told him as she placed the skittle in his hand and smiled. She enjoyed hanging out with Chad, it was almost the highlight of her night.
When Sam handed him the skittle Chad did a little bow, "Thank you Milady." And popped it into his mouth with a smile. Hanging out with Sam was so much more fun than this wild party, he didn't really want it anymore. The booze and drugs, and raving didn't appeal to him when he was having such a good time with his friend.
Sam smiled, she giggled softy, and stuck her hands in her pocket as he ate the last orange skittle. She pushed her blonde hair out of her eyes, and looked up at him. "Are you enjoying the party?" She asked, looking around and then back at Chad. She smiled happily and made a somewhat funny face.
Chad ran his hands through his curly brown hair and thought about Sam's question. "Yeah, I guess." He replied feeling kind of unenthusiastic, the party didn't really feel like his. It felt like a bunch of people hanging out at his house. He shrugged it off, "You?"
Sam shrugged, and fingered the small curls that hung at her shoulders. "It's fun." She said, looking around and then at the house behind them. "Hey do you want to go get some icecream?" She asked curiously. She looked up at him and smiled softly.
Carina walked in, hoping the party would be good. She recognized lots of faces she hadn't seen in about a week, since she left for her last shoot. She was tanned from her time on the beach, and had just updated her wardrobe.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/cute.jpg.07544a51597f883abeb6bc394814031a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2242" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/cute.jpg.07544a51597f883abeb6bc394814031a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Like ice cream in the house or out somewhere?" Chad asked, he figured he looked stupid asking but didn't care, he was with his friend and it didn't matter.
Sam shrugged, "Do you want to head to the one down the street?" She asked him smiling softly. She did care where they went, because all she wanted was icecream.
Chad thought about how the ice cream place had his favorite flavor, "Sounds awesome." he took a look back at the house, Yeah, it'll be fine. He thought about what could go wrong, Nah, Riley's there. Things can stay under control. Ignoring the fact that none of the people there would listen to her because she was an 'outsider', even though it was still her house too. "Let's walk."
Carina snagged a drink and stretched out on the couch, observing the scene. It had been a while since she had been at a high school party, and it fascinated her. Cliques separated into corners, but intermingled at the edges. She sometimes wished she had a group she knew would always be there, but always dismissed the thoughts promptly. After all, she had a life anyone would envy. Why should she be jealous of her boring classmates?
Sam nodded, she walked down the sidewalk and looked back at the house as it got smaller. Se turned as they reached the intersection, and turned left to get to the little ice cream place. She scuffed he heal on the ground as they walked but picked up her feet because the sound or annoying.
Once Chad and Sam arrived, he held open the door for her and asked where she wanted to sit when they got in line. He thought about mixing it up a little, but decided to stick to what he liked the most "Can I get a medium chocolate cup with white chocolate chips please?" he placed his order and waited for Sam's.
Sam smiled and then waited until he finished his order. "I'll have a medium Oreo flurry." She told the man behind the counter. She turned to Chad and smiled softly, she took the five that was stashed in the corner of her bag and gave it to the man.

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