Best. Weekend. Ever.

Alex turned around and stopped shoving doritos into his mouth, he was sort of addicted to those bit not as he was addicted to recees Alex smiled at the sight of Chaz "Sure is." he said a bit loudly trying to get his words to Chaz over the loud bass pumping music, he was pretty aure that it could be heard from outside "How about you?" Alex asked looking at Chaz.

Sophie took out her headphones and deeply sighed to herself, she should probably go back in, she didnt come here to sit around and be bored, surely if jer sister were here she would slap Sophie silly. Sophie decided that she was going to go find Alex and just try to tag along with, she sat up from the geound and dusted her ahorts off she then made her way into the crowded house she saw a girl sitting on the steps but ahe didnt bother to try to make a conversation, it would have been to difficult and then she had to think of a random topic. Sophie went into the house and she automatically regreted it, it was way to hard to squeeze her way through the compact crowd she then began her search for Alex which she figured was going to be a hard one. A couple minutes of looking Sophie gave up she sat down on a couch exhausted.
Ivan's outfit. Gray jeans



Ivan walked slowly up to Chad's house. He noticed a couple of eyes immediately turn to him, as if the temperature went down when he arrived. The Russian just ignored it and continued walking, eventually coming to the walkway leading to Chad's doorstep. Out of nowhere, some buff guy stepped in front of him as he was about to knock on the door. Judging by the way the new bouncer looked, he was put in as soon as Ivan arrived. Ivan put on his extremely creepy smile, as if staring into the bouncer's soul. The buff guy winced, and then yelled out to Chad.

"Hey... uh... Chad? I'm not sure, but did you happen to invite our Russian friend?" the bouncer said as he looked back up to Ivan. Coming from a Russian family, Ivan was among the tallest people in the school, being 6 feet 3 inches.

The Russian just continued to stare at the bouncer, waiting for Chad to come.
"Ha i guess it alright"he said shouting abit because of the loud music"Gonna leave some Doritos for the rest of us"he said laughing.He knew about Alex's addiction to Doritos because he's been his friend through every grade level."I think your addiction is getting worst haha.Please don't let me go to your house and see your room full of bags.Cause i will take some"he said smiling.he didn't show it but he did love Alex as a friend cause his been there for him through years.
Chad was still in the yard talking to Drew and Sam when he saw one of the guys on the lacrosse team, blocking that tall Ivan kid from the door, "BRB, gotta go play host." He shrugged to them as he walked over to the door, "Problem?" He asked the two guys who were notably much larger than him, the guy on the team asked "Did you invite the Russian kid?" Chad didn't really invite anyone per se, people just kinda showed up. "Dude, just let him in. Whatever." He wasn't as judgmental as his lacrosse buddies, he honestly didn't care. The guy moved out of the way and under his breath muttered something that sounded like "Freak." Chad turned to Ivan, "Sorry man, I don't know what his problem is."

Riley walked partially down the stairs and asked Jade "Where shall we sit during this observational endeavor?"
"Hmm its a great view upstairs. See we can see everyone inside the house. Whoa who is that."she said pointing to the new guy that walked in.He looked brand new to the party and she knew that cause everyone else she already saw.
"It's fine." Ivan's Russian accent coming off thicker then he wanted it to. "Having... odd traits that other people don't have tends to cause a lot of tension. Anyway... I like this house. Very nice. Also, about what I said a few seconds ago, Russia isn't so popular with many Americans... so that has an effect too. And-" the Russian was interrupted by a deep voice, and another muscular teenager walking in.

"Hey Chad! Why you hanging out with this freak?" the guy said as he maneuvered his eyes towards Ivan. Ivan sighed a cold breath and shook his head.

"These are some real friends you got here." The Russian added a cold edge in his voice as he talked to Chad. He then turned his attention to the guy approaching him. "Is there a problem, Mr. Muscles?"

"Yes Stalin, there is. A creep like you shouldn't be hanging out with a guy like Chad. Leave. Now." the muscular teen replied.
Chad was a little upset that he was immediately being judged for someone else's bad attitude, he wasn't a jerk like the people he hung out with. But nobody focused on that, he looked the other guy who had insulted Ivan, "It's not your party, it's not your house, just leave him alone." Chad was getting very tired of this, and you could tell by his voice.
"Of course." Alex said with placing one last dorito into his mouth. Alex laughed at Chaz comment "Well lookes like your not coming to my house for a while." he said with a laugh, frankly they should be lucky that they didnt have reeces herw to because if they did Alex would have took the whole snack table, locked himself in a room and dig in. Alex stepped away from the deliciouse snack he felt like if he was near it he might be tempted to do so "Sophie always said I'll get fat if I keep eating like that." he said with a laugh then that made him wonder, wherw is Sophie? He felt pretty bad for leaving her in this type of crowd since he knew that she was way to anti social.

Sophie wasbsiting on the couch trying to ignore the drunken guys who yried to talk to her but it was prwtty obviose thwy did not come to this party to talk. She then sighed, she was going to kill Ale xwhen she see's him.
Madi heard commotion at the front of the house and got up to see what was happening. She walked towards the front and peeked around the corner to see one of Chad's friends try to kick him out of the party. She felt her cheeks go red from anger. That was no way to treat a person just because of where they are from. If she wasn't a shy person when it actually came to talking to people, she would march up to that guy and tell him off.
The buff guy grunted and walked away. Ivan's smile became a mellow face. Hopefully he could enjoy the party now. There was nothing wrong with being different. He supposed that the Jocks' thoughts didn't include equality, but Chad was the exception.

"Now, if you could gather up your buddies for a minute and tell them to leave me alone that would be great... for their sake." the icy cold tone snapped out at the other people in the room, and they all winced.

"I'll see you around Chad. Keep your friends in check. I'm not ordering you around, it's just for their... safety I suppose. So far I enjoy the party..." Ivan said before he walked away and sat down on a couch, he other people sitting on that couch getting up an moving the moment he did that.
Madi went back to her spot on the side of the house when they went inside, but didn't sit back down. She figured she would read her book, but she would need to go inside to do that. She walked back around the side of the house and headed for the door. As she walked in and walked through a few rooms, a couple of people stopped her and asked about the women's lacrosse team. She tried to keep the conversations short and simple, and soon found herself sitting in a chair in the corner she was in earlier. She took her book out of her purse and started to read.
Chad walked back out to Sam and Drew, "God, some people." He shrugged off the annoyance and put a smile back on, he was hanging out with his friends at his party, life was good.

Riley found a good spot so she and Jade could people watch, "Why don't we sit where we can look down over?" She sat with her legs dangling between the railings.
Ivan realized the room was empty and sighed. Nobody liked it when he was here. Wat was wrong with being from a different place. Most of the people here were from the same country, so that was probably what allowed them to get along, which was sad.

Hopefully there aren't any people doing drugs or smoking. The last thing I want is the police. They ruin everything, no matter the case. I guess I have to play the waiting game, the Russian thought.

((Is seven pages to early to do a major event? I kind of wanting to do something... involving the cops.))
Madi looked up from her book. More people seemed to be coming into the room by the second, and there was no way she would be able to read with so much noise. She looked into the room next to the one she was in and saw the Russian student sitting by himself. She had seen him before but didn't even know his name. 'Come on Madi, you should go talk to him. He seems lonely,' she thought. Slowly, Madi got up and walked into the room, sitting in a chair across from where Ivan was sitting. "Um, hi." She smiled at him, trying not to seem awkward.
"Hello. Is there something you would like? No, just sit down." Ivan's cheeks were instantly red the moment Madi said anything. That was his weakness, talking to girls. It was always so difficult, trying to sustain a conversation with a girl, at least for him.

"How are you today? I hope you are doing well. Nice outfit." The Russian had a hard time keep his eyes from descending down to Madi's chest. She was beautiful, but he wouldn't directly mention that. It would be too forward. Not that he was expecting her to like him. Unless she actually did.
"Hah ok".She said siting down beside Ri."Wow you're right this is a good spot haha. Ergh look at those girls down there.How i hate cheerleaders."she said grunting.

"Welp i'll still love ya bro even if you're 100 tons.But don't' try to bro hug me though i might suffocate and die."he said laughing."I still remember the look on your face the first time you ate a Dorito."
Madi was surprised to see that Ivan was apparently nervous as well. "Oh, thank you," she said looking down at her clothes then back up at him. "I, uh, am doing quite well I guess." She set her book down in her lap, but still held on tight to it. ", how about you?" Madi hoped she wasn't making an absolute mess of herself. Maybe it helped that he was nervous too.
"Well, from my current situation not so good. I happen to be at the top of the discrimination list, as you saw earlier. There isn't much I can do, and I don't like not being in control." Ivan sighed. He felt himself move a little bit close to Madi, and he could do nothing. "Well, I have had better days..."

The Russian pulled his jacket over himself more, hiding the bloody crowbar. Hopefully he wouldn't have to use it at the party, but it helped him feel powerful.
"That was the look of bliss my friend, the look of bliss." Alexander said folding his arms across his chest with a proud face, Alexander has always been an eater, ever since he was little but his body obviously didn't show it, he was more muscular then fat, no matter how much he ate his mother thinks its a blessing Sophie thinks its a disorder but he just thinks thats she's jealous because if she ate anything she wants she would get all fat like a balloon "You wouldn't understand." Alex said with a joking laugh.

Sophie stretched her arms and sat up from the couch "Where the hell is the snack table.." she mutterd to herself, she was thirsty and the longer she sat on the couch the more lazy she felt. Sophie started walking around, squeezing through tight groups then she finally found the snack table and of course Alex was there. She should have known, he was also with one of his friends, the one that was smoking outside she thinks. Sophie made her way to the table and reached inside the cooler, grabbing an orange fanta "Thanks for leaving me for food.." Sophie muttered before drinking from her soda Alex just laughed "Ooops.." he said "Yeah oops.." Sophie then walked away not wanting to interrupt their conversation, she just leaned against the wall and watched everyone party.
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Madi felt her face get hot as he moved closer and she gripped her book tighter. "Oh, well I'm sorry about that. Discrimination is never right and I thought it was awful how they were treating you." She still felt incredibly nervous talking to someone, but at least her speech was clearing up.
Sam watched as he walked up to the boys who were blocking Ivan out of the house. She looked at Drew, and at the ground. Soon, Chad came back, she smiled and then began to speak, "Awesome, I'll be there!" She told him with a smile.

Drew looked at her,and then at his friend when he came back. "I know!" He said with a grin, "Some people never know when to stop." He commented with a smirk and a little laugh.

Ryans outfit:

Max's outfit:

Ryan awkwardly entered the party, feeling anxious about being near so many people she didn't know. She never expected it to be so big. She had moved here this year, and was still weary with making friends, no one really bothered to talk to her. She began to frantically text Max, asking where he was and why there were so many people. Of course he didn't reply, typical Max. She sat on a barren couch, curiously eying a guy who began pouring vodka in to the punch. She had no intention of drinking tonight, but she knew that she'd eventually try just a bit of punch, she couldn't get drunk from one sip, right? Suddenly she felt very shy and scared, and wanted to leave right away.

Max weaved himself through the crowd of chatting people, a bit jumpy and excited in all the right ways.

"Dude, you're going to Chad's party? An honors student once went to there, and left covered in girls and hopped on 5 different drugs. That party can change your life!"

The memory played in his head over and over, which only thrilled him more. His goal tonight-get a higher reputation then ever before. The party had just started and already he saw guys leading girls to the back room and girls gossiping. Some were already drunk, even though he was sure the party was not meant to have any alcohol at all. He was sure that some douche would spike something eventually, so another priority of his was to leave with a high reputation and remain sober.
It was a little odd, but Chad was actually kind of excited that Sam was coming to the game... weird. He brushed it off, "Yeah, that's the downside to throwing the BEST PARTIES EVER!" he turned around and yelled that part with his arms extended.

Riley scoffed, "Cheerleaders. Ugh. They're such a matched set, y'know? Seriously, be individuals."
Sam nodded, she played with her necklace, and took a sip of her water. When Chad threw his hands up in the air, he nicked the bottom of her bottle, causing the water to trickle down her neck. She laughed and smiled. Her shirt was a little bit wet, but it was no problem.

Drew nodded and smiled, "Best party oF.the year!!" He said with a laugh. He stretched his arms out as he brought them down. He looked around, and felt himself become thirsty. "I'm gonna grab some pop, I'll be back." He told the two a he walked up to the house.
Chad felt his hand hit Sam's cup, "Oh, man, sorry." Then Drew went to go get some more pop, "Do you wanna borrow one of my sister's shirts?" He felt bad, it looked like she spilled, and he didn't want her to be embarrassed or anything, they were friends after all and it was his fault.

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