• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern best friends






The CS

Hair Color
Eye Color
Special Marks
What do you feel about Paloma's (The disappeared student) disappearance?**
What do you feel about the new students?**
What do you feel about Archer City?
What do you feel about Archer High School?***

* - optional | ** - Only for Archer City Students | *** - Only for the group of friends
In addition, You can create 2 characters.

CS - OCC - IC - Interest Check

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[size= 100px] Jaspar Hobbs [/size]

Name - Jaspar Philip Hobbs
Age - 15
Gender - Cisgender Male
Birthday - June 3rd
Sexuality - Openly Homosexual
Zodiac - Gemini
Role - Part of the Cool Fren Crew

FC - Dylan O'Brien
Height - 5'3''
Weight - 102lbs
Hair Color - Dark Brown
Eye Color - Dark Brown
Build - Thin with slight muscle, scrawny
Style - Pastel/Hipster-ish Aesthetic
Special Marks - Moles dot his body

Personality -
Though he is often thought to be a doormat or a loner from his reserved nature, Jaspar is actually a friendly person. He is very loyal to the few people he is friends with and would do anything for them. He'd die for those he trusted and is happy when around them, but being around them during tough times unsettles his anxiety. He lies about how much it affects him a lot but lying is what first caused the anxiety so it is a bit of a vicious cycle. He is a nice guy and he's also a nerd. His intuition and knowledge is normally right over everything else so he sticks to it rather than overanalysing a situation. This can be bad though as he tends to rush into things which can hurt him and people around him. He fears hurting others so this sparks his anxiety which makes him block everyone out. He refuses to take his meds as it slows his brain down and he's all brains so that's a problem. He enjoys his life no matter what though. Negativity and pessimism isn't good for you so he always tries to look on the bright side. After all, hatred gets you nowhere.

Biography -
Jaspar was born to a loving family with a kind mother and an honorable father. He had a charmed life for the most part. He was gifted at a young age with intelligence and was allowed to skip grades. He taught himself as much as he could and wanted to do so much with his life. He was fluent in 3 languages and could play multiple instruments.

Unfortunately that happiness couldn't last. His mother was diagnosed with lung cancer and his father didn't want her getting treatment as "the Lord would decide what was best for her." Despite growing up in a religious house, Jaspar wasn't religious. He begged his parents for treatment to be done. He researched all he could and flung himself into Law and Health books to see if there was something he could do. Eventually he could only have one argument, that God wanted him to tell his parents that treatment was needed and it worked.

His mother got treatment but a year later when he was in class, the teachers came by and told him to get his stuff and go to the hospital. The cancer had spread and it was too late to do anything. The treatment hadn't worked and his mother probably only had a few days left to live. He stayed with her those days. They talked about everything and anything. She said he'd always be her little angel and a few hours later she passed away willingly.

She was buried in the church in her hometown. They later moved there for a fresh start. Jaspar was forced to go to a different school and he immediately became the lonely nerd that talked to no one. He was bullied and jocks threatened him into doing their homework. He didn't care. He didn't care about much to be honest. When he was 13 he began to question his sexuality and he soon figured out he was gay. He came out to his Dad straight away. His Dad may be different to Jaspar but at least they both agree that there's nothing wrong or evil when it came to two healthy people loving each other. He gained friends and became a lot happier. He's enjoying life like a kid should do.

What do you feel about Archer City? -
"It's a new opportunity. We better make the most of it. Small towns are nice but cities are full of adventure. Let's enjoy ourselves."
What do you feel about Archer High School? -
"As long as my friends are by my side, nothing bad can happen. Besides, moving another time doesn't hurt me. If anything I can support my friends through this more."
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idk i may change the fc
Soft Ice Cream

Catch me if you can
Name ; Lane Ryu
Age ; Sixteen
Gender ; Cis Male
Sexuality ; Bisexual
Romantic orientation ; Biromantic
Ethnicity ; South Korean
Nationality ; American
Zodiac ; Virgo
Role ; City boi

Working on My Tan

Lane Ryu

Catch me if you can
Working on my tan
Dying by the hand
Of a foreign man
Calling out my name
In the summer rain
Ciao amore
Salvatore can wait
Now it's time to eat
Soft ice cream
- Lana Del Rey "Salvatore"

Calling Out My Name

Lane Ryu

Catch me if you can
Working on my tan
Dying by the hand
Of a foreign man
Calling out my name
In the summer rain
Ciao amore
Salvatore can wait
Now it's time to eat
Soft ice cream
- Lana Del Rey "Salvatore"

In the Summer Rain

Lane Ryu

Catch me if you can
Working on my tan
Dying by the hand
Of a foreign man
Calling out my name
In the summer rain
Ciao amore
Salvatore can wait
Now it's time to eat
Soft ice cream
- Lana Del Rey "Salvatore"


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바 보
pa bo


b a s i c s
Name: Oliver "Ollie" Lau

Age: 15

Gender: cis male

Birthday: december 1

Zodiac: sagittarius

Sexuality: pansexual

Role: archer city kid
Height: 5'6 {170 cm}

Weight: 55kg {121 lb}

Build: slender, toned

Hair: black

Eyes: dark brown

Marks: scar on right hand

Style: x x x x x x x x x
a p p e a r a n c e

flighty: Ollie isn't the type to settle on one topic, one interest, or one person. He's always bouncing from idea to idea. His interest is very unpredictable, very inconsistent. If he loses interest, he'll move on in an instant.

unconventional: He certainly is out of the ordinary. Ollie often chooses to do something the way he wants regardless if there's an easier way to get it done. Most people may do something a certain way and expect most others to do the same. However, it's almost like Ollie just chooses to go out of his way to confuse people. With this unpredictable behavior, you may find it hard to keep up.


blunt: The saying "hold your tongue" doesn't apply to Ollie in the slightest. If he has something to say, he'll say it, no amount of criticism held back. He always says he doesn't have time in his life to sugar coat things. To him, it's much simpler to say it as it is first than to let it fester into something else. Straightforward and honest is what he prefers, and it's just natural he doles it out to others.


optimistic: Ollie always tries to find the bright side in any situation. Life is way too short for him to worry about the things that upset him. He's often the mood-maker is conversations, trying to lighten the atmosphere. In general, Ollie is the type to wear a smile and have some sort of attitude or aura about him that, somehow, just makes people relax.

energetic: Bubbly is one a good word to sum up Ollie as it always seems that he's in high-spirits. He's always moving, although usually with his hands and his mouth. Sitting still isn't even an option. Ollie always has that aura of energy about him, something so full of life and rhythm.

easy-going: It's very rare to see Ollie overly stressed over anything. He isn't the type of person to be constantly biting their nails or pulling their hair stressfully. Ollie lives his life, going with the flow of things. You'll almost never see him angry or high-strung. He's the type to go "It's ok!" with a smile just to move on with his own life.

charismatic: Ollie is a person that is often well-conceived by everyone around him, may it be from his charm, talent, or looks. He's simply dazzling to his peers and teachers with his overt friendliness. It's like he knows the perfect words to say, the perfect things to do. He seems to have that natural disposition to charm people into gravitating to him.

kind-hearted: Beneath his flamboyant exterior, Ollie has a soft heart that melts for the people around him. You may think him to be a stuck-up kid, but he's usually the one to go out of his daily routine to help someone out. If you're new, you can most likely expect him to try and help you adjust to your new surroundings.

bleebebebe blebebebe beebebe bebebeble bebe bebeebebebebebeblebebeb ebeebe bebebebeb lebebe bebe ebebe bebe beble bleebebebe blebebebe beebebe bebebeble bebe bebeebebebebebeblebebeb ebeebe bebebebeb lebebe bebe ebebe bebe beble bleebebebe blebebebe beebebe bebebeble bebe

bebeebebebebebeblebebeb ebeebe bebebebeb lebebe bebe ebebe bebe beble bleebebebe blebebebe beebebe bebebeble bebe bebeebebebebebeblebebeb ebeebe bebebebeb lebebe bebe ebebe bebe beble bleebebebe blebebebe beebebe bebebeble bebe bebeebebebebebeblebebeb ebeebe bebebebeb lebebe bebe ebebe bebe beble bleebebebe blebebebe beebebe bebebeble bebe bebeebebebebebeblebebeb ebeebe bebebebeb lebebe bebe ebebe bebe beble bleebebebe blebebebe beebebe bebebeble bebe bebeebebebebebeblebebeb ebeebe bebebebeb lebebe bebe ebebe bebe beble bleebebebe blebebebe beebebe bebebeble bebe

How do you feel about the new students?

How do you feel about Paloma's disappearance?

How do you feel about Archer City?

♡ Ollie is half Chinese (specifically Cantonese) and Korean.

♡ Ollie is a very talented singer who, usually, participates in the school's shows and sings in the choir. {vc: jae of day6}

♡ He is able to play piano as well as guitar and ukulele.

ollie_lauh the cherry blossoms are sooo pretty (tho not as pretty as me)
gin0_din0h @ohocho ollie's being basic again
ollie_lauh :0 rude!!!!
ohochoh @gin0_din0 tru but at least hes cute >> unlike you

ollie_lauh went out for boba with @ohocho i'm the cute one obviously
ohochoh excuuuuuse me but i'm the cute one actually
ollie_lauh aww thats cute andy is in denial
ladylydiah girls, girls you're both pretty
ollie_lauh i thought you were on my side lyd D:<

ollie_lauh tried that new cafe after shopping with @gin0_din0 and @Papmaya i was NOT having a good skin day
ohochoh binch your skin is actually perfect what r u talking abt
gin0_din0h bruh you had a barely-a-zit on your chin its not that deep
ollie_lauh i cant tell if you guys hate me or love me

ollie_lauh @ohocho was being gross at homecoming
ohochoh excuuuuuuse me i am not gros and you blew the kiss first (also cant i love my bff)
gin0_din0h /coughsgaycoughs
ollie_lauh @ohocho aw babeee
ollie_lauh @gin0_din0 looks like someones jealoug do you want a kiss from andy too??
gin0_din0h @ollie_lau 1. *jealous 2. andy is basically my real brother 3. ew no i have a gf

ollie_lauh homecoming pt. 2 with @ohocho wow we're so cute absolutely the cutest in all of archer high
ohochoh agreed. we are such goals
gin0_din0h ugh this again ew @ both of you
ollie_lauh @ohocho awwwww bbbyyyyyy >^<
ollie_lauh @gin0_din0 ugh you again gino god why cant you let us live
gin0_din0h @ollie_lau bc you made me film you clowns this is so cringe
ohochoh someone is jelly fufufu

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Name: Georgia Marie Williams
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Birthday: 4th January
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zodiac: Cappricorn
Role: Friends
FC: Harley Jean found: Here
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 127lbs
Hair Color: platnim Blonde
Eye Color: Light Blue
Build: Petite
Style: x x x
Special Marks: beauty mark above lips on the left side of her face

o Un-trusting
o Stubborn
o Mean
o Passive Agressive/ Sarcastic
o Well-Meaning
o Honest
o Loyal
o Passionate


Georgie is somewhat unapproachable to most people. She has often said that she enjoys talking to her farm animes better than most people. Raised by her Hard-as-nails, stoic father she has learnt to be very self-reliant and strong however her positive social skills and the ability to get along with others her age has suffered due to her childhood. Mimicing her father, she can be quiet cold and mean when you first meet her, especially if she gets bad vibes from you, however, cracking past her walls just takes a little bit of time and a little bit of effort. Underneath her hard exterior, she is a good girl with a good heart and great moral values. She is passionate about whatever it is she has her hear set on, loyal to her friends and families, has a good work-ethic and a good seance of humor (Be it at others expense most of the time).

It took Georgie a long time to make friends, but finally, in the first year of high school a group project came around for science and she was paired with her now best friends forever. Before then, she was a bit of a loner child. Just out of town on the outskirts of Sprinlea and the middle of no-where her father and her lived and worked on a small dairy farm. She spent her childhood looking after animals, feeding, bathing and caring for them. Her father was a bitter old man who had a pretty bad outlook on life. After the divorse of Georgies mother, he decided he was never going to embrace love ever again, which rubbed off on his daughter a little, causing her to distrust relationships, and dislike the concept of marriage.

He did have good times with his daughter of course. For her 14th birthday she got a puppy named rex, he was a bull terrior, and dumb as rocks but she loved him. He would frequently take her camping and teach her how to make campfires, set up shelter and build things without tools. Despite his rough exterior, and issues with mental heealth and drinking, he was a good man who loved his daughter. When disaster struck, their farm was ruined, most of their livestock died. Her father was badly injured and ended up in a wheelchair after breaking his back. No longer able to keep his business running he decided to move with his daughter to the city.

Unfortunately after that he was no the same. She turned to her friends for support as she dealt with her fathers depression at the move and the loss of his legs, whilst dealing with her own issues, and keeping up her GPA. Long ago Georgie decided she wanted to be a vet and heal animals, but she was getting increasingly distracted by current disastrous events

What do you feel about Archer City? -
"I don't like it. I miss the farm. but I have to think of the career opportunities and good collages over here."
What do you feel about Archer High School? -
"I don't know, I'm just glad I have these dorks with me... I can't do the new girl thing alone, especially not in this place."

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Heidi Lim - Heidi Lim - Heidi Lim - Heidi Lim - Heidi Lim - Heidi Lim




Heidi Lim - Heidi Lim - Heidi Lim - Heidi Lim - Heidi Lim - Heidi Lim
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