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Futuristic Beowulf - Notes

I have created a fail safe to keep things moving if someone goes missing. Check the overview to see this fail safe.
@Beowulf How far into the future is this taking place? That is, what kind of technological advancements have been made in various fields (weaponry, optics, first aid, etc.) that out characters can utilize?
Optics have not changed that much. There is basically a god sniper rifle in the other pod, adjusting for the rotation of the planet and it's magnetic field, but again that's in the other pod. Most other things are now ion weapons, firing magnetically accelerated rounds further and faster then ever before. Side arms are usually still using black powder to fire their rounds. In short, most of the good stuff is in the other pod.

So, to answer your question in a short way, the technology advanced, but not that much in all reality.
We have exo-suits but we're still using conventional optics like spotting scopes and binoculars? I would have expected stuff like HUDs on the suits themselves, seeing as that's already starting to become a thing now.

Not trying to start an argument, just trying to see what I have to work with.
And there has been exo-suits in current time. Your point? The most advanced things are the cryo-stasis pods and some things in the other pod.
Beowulf said:
And you can personalize your mech's looks.
I want to make my character a heavy weapons expert, but i want her suit to transform into different things. And is flight possible for an exo-suits?
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No transformation, and no flight. You can have it so it can handle the weight of carrying a heavy weapon, but that is it.

And, Cavil, I'm going to be honest. The more I think about it, the less I can come up with for a character. I can't think of a motivation, personality, background, anything.
Beowulf said:
No transformation, and no flight. You can have it so it can handle the weight of carrying a heavy weapon, but that is it.
And, Cavil, I'm going to be honest. The more I think about it, the less I can come up with for a character. I can't think of a motivation, personality, background, anything.
Do the suits have to be fitting, or can they be bulky and way larger than the person?
I imagine the suits are more like exoskeletons, simply there to ease the burden of carrying a lot of weight and make some performance enhancements, primarily strength-based. Correct me if I'm wrong!
AnkleSnark said:
I imagine the suits are more like exoskeletons, simply there to ease the burden of carrying a lot of weight and make some performance enhancements, primarily strength-based. Correct me if I'm wrong!
I imagine it looking that way as well

But i was wondering if they can just... Be somewhat different for different roles
I don't like the premise of the android character, especially with the clause that it will kill any sentient being other than its creators. As a scientific expedition, taking a robot that seeks to exterminate living things seems entirely counterproductive and I fear it will derail the RP quickly.
Its a Robot, and I based it on HK 51 from the Knights of the old republic games. Look him up and you'll see what I meant for this character to be.
It's a robot built with the human image in mind, that moves like a human and performs tasks that would otherwise be performed by a human. It may not look exactly like a human, but it's close enough.

Regardless of what you call it, I don't think it'd be a good addition to the RP. Nothing against you, and of course @Beowulf knows more about the direction of this than I do, but it sounds like he agrees.
Nope. First thing I saw was assassin. I'm not having something based off of an assassin in this rp. The mission was originally meant for science, not to blow shit up. Change it, rework it. Make it human.
Also, sorry to burst a bubble, but he is equipped with an LMG, a grenade launcher, an anti tank rocket launcher, and a Barrette 50 cal. I under stand he is a heavy weapons droid, but that's a 4 gun load out with two explosive weapons, as well as why the 50 cal? do heavy weapons experts really carry an all purpose arsenal?

Sorry if this appears a little rash.
I'm willing to rework the character and I will admit that I did go a very far in the ways of his character and arsenal. But what I don't understand is the retaliation to the addition of a android character. Its seems odd that you made an RP about intergalactic travel and alien life, then to have Androids be the threshold.

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