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Realistic or Modern Bellua Academy

Bull shrugged his large shoulders " 'Into each and every life, some rain has gotta fall, but too much of that stuff has fallen in mine. And into each heart some tears have gotta fall, but some day that sun will shine.' " he quoted looking up, "Doesn't matter what's happened before. We all got some troubles one way or another. Such is life." He lay back on the empty bed, "Hey Moon, is it cool if I crash here for a night?" He said looking at Luna.
Tatsuya walked up to the door with Gray and knocked on the door "Jackie you there?" He said waiting outside with Gray "You havr your keys right? He said to the wolf girl as he tried knocking again. He was sure sonething could be done for the people he wanted to be able to call friends but to do that he had to get them talking again "Hey Gray we should go for a picnic with everyone to stop he fighting" he said raising his finger with the idea "If we spread laughter and happiness instead of irritation and frustration we might bring everyone back together again" he was sure he was on to sonething but he couldnt be to sure until he talked to Bull to make sure.
"Yeah okay," she said happily as she pulled out her key. "I'll ask Jackie if she wants to come," she told him and searched her pocket for her key then pulled a key she had covered with a matalic blue nail polish, she put into the key hole and unlocked it opening the door. "Goodnight Tatsuya, we will plan the picnic tomorrow," she said excited.
Tatsuya smiled as hos new girlfriend walked into her room "Good night i hope to see your smiling happy face" he said as he waved to her "Well i guess i better go to bed" he walked toward the boys dorms until he saw the nutty professor he had suspicions of before walking toward the forest. Tatsuya followed for awhile until he saw the teacher talking with a stranger "What could you be doinf science teacher" he said as he tuned his power to listen to the conversation. "Dont worry the students are nit a problem. If im correct we will have samples of their blood for your army by the end of the month" said the strange teacher to the stranger "As long as you get me those samples i dont care what happens" said the stranger only the voice was more feminine. Tatsuya also recognized the voice and he wasn't happy. He made his way toward the dorms again until he was intercepted by an individual with red eyes brighter and more crimson than blood.

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