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Realistic or Modern Bellua Academy

Caira could feel eyes on her and as she turned her eyes connected with Luna's. She tilted her head slightly but her attention shifted when she heard Bull, or Robert, ask a question. "Our stories? Well me, myself, didn't have such a bright past. I was born to a famous couple of thieves that didn't even care for their child. I ran away at a young age and stole some goods myself. Luckily I met another shapeshifter, one who could shift into animals though. She taught me how to survive on instincts rather than stealing. But that is all really to my story. I wish not to bring such negativity to this room when we are trying to escape from another," Caira said as she walked over and decided to sit next to Bull remembering the unease she gave Luna earlier. She placed her arms behind her and leaned back looking at Bull then at Luna. "Anyone else has a story they want to share?" she asked.
Gray watched as the two went back and forth, she put on her leather jacket and then leaned against the wall and watched the two. Once they were done and the boy who had earlier wanted to walk with her held out his hand to her to take. She pushed herself off of the wall and lightly smiled at him, taking his hand.
All Nami could do as she tried to sleep was toss and turn in her bed, everything else weighing down in her mind. She let a sigh pass though her lips as she stared at her ceiling with an empty heart. She could still feel the dull sting of his words in her heart as she looked at the blank space. She remembered everything he had done, and it stung. She closed her eyes and rolled over again, clasping her hands over her ears as she tried to block it all out.
Tatsuya ignored the yelling going in the background and walked with the girl he had asked to go with him "So i never really got to ask you but are you the girl the professor found a few years ago? I remember seeing a girl standing behind him when i showed up here" he said as he looked at her trying to remember his first days at the school after his coma "Im probably wrong but either way im glad we had finally met" he let out as he smiled a little more than he thought he would.
Bull nodded, "I was an orphan. Never knew my parents. Grew up in an orphanage. Apparently I have French heritage. Early on I had to care for the other kids. I found work at 13 in construction. By that time I could carry heavy steel beams in my arms that normal humans can't. I became a beast of burden, working on pipelines and heavy industry. Each day I was given my work, made dinner for the other kids, cleaned up, then passed out. Eventually I saved up enough for here and so here I am. The orphanage won't take me back now that I'm 16. So I'm studying hard to get out of buildings falling on me." Bull shrugged.
Lunabelle listened to the two others, deciding to finally speak at the end. "Well, I guess you could say I lived a pretty normal life." She felt bad, because both Caira and Bull had misfortunes in their lives, and hers was quite decent. She actually felt a little bad continuing. "Umm. Two parents, two brothers. Everything was quite decent, except that there wasn't normally schools for demons, and my family wasn't interested in moving to Japan. So, I wasn't too accepted by my peers, especially the girls."

Lunabelle placed her hands in her lap, not meeting the other individuals' gazes. "My only real best friends were my brothers, and they taught me to be tough both mentally and physically, instead of being as dainty and weak as a flower. They helped me with my Oni abilities, as I was eventually allowed to be homeschooled. I focused more on my demon talents than my studies, so I was recognized for such abilities. And that's why I'm here." Luna finished, intertwining her hands together, eyes trained down at the floor. Her life sounded like luxury compared to Caira and Bull.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

Grey slightly stiffened, she wasn't a big fan of talking about her past, but he seemed like someone she could talk to. "Uh, yeah that was me," she told him, her body soon relaxing. She was only 14 at the time, she was covered in scars and was skinny from lack of food, she had been on the streets a few weeks before the professor had picked her up. She remembers it clearly, she was digging through the trash of an old pizza parlor, it was in the alley so no one saw her. Grey remembered how much the sun hurt her eyes, her parents never let her outside for too long. She was picking through the edible and inedible, when the professor walked down the street his eyes where a bright red, and he was out of breath. At the time she was to naive to what he was, but she wasn't mistaken of the sight of blood running down his face and dripping on to his nice crisp suit. His hungry red eyes locked on her, and she froze. Her heart was pounding so hard it felt like it would just beat right out of her chest and into her hands. The professor imminently fixed him self, wiping the blood off onto his sleeve and stood up straight fixing his suit. His blond hair slicked back to perfection. He slowly came close to her.

"You won't remember any of this," he said coming closer but the stopped, seeing the scars on her bear skin. At that moment she was shaking, but she was too afraid to run. He slowly took off her hoodie, showing her fluffy ears. "You aren't human are you? My god... What did they do to you?"

Grey looked up at Tatsuya, "Yeah he took me in, when I was fourteen."
Tatsuya looked down at her thinking about the first time he saw her "Least you got those last three years stored up in that head of yours right?" He said remembering when he woke up. He remembered it like it was yesterday because compared to when he was little it was his freshest memory. He remembered waking up in a hospital bed as a nurse came to check uo on him "You cant be awake! DOCTOR CONE HES AWAKE!" she said out the door as sje scrambled to get a glass of water. Tatsuya stared at the concerned nurse "I dont need any water, i feel fine my throat isnt dry at all" he said not feeling dry mouthed or scratchy voiced. The doctor came in almost immediately after the nurse had called for him only he had come with a police officer as well "Son we are glad you're awake what do you remember?" He asked looking at him with kind eyes, meanwhile the officer had his note pad out to take any note of amythig Tatsuya said "I remember playing in my room when i heard a crash downstairs and when i went to check it out i dont really remember what happened after i got downstairs" Tatsuya said telling them what he recalled. The doctors and officer just looked at him disappointed "Ok well do you know what day it is?" Said the doctor to Tatsuya as he checked his clipboard "Its october 9th 2009 right?" He said believing his words tonbe true. The doctors said somethings between themselves and then looked back to Tatsuya "We are sprry to say son but you've been asleep for 3 years, you were admitted here for a coma three years ago last week" Tatsuya listened to those words and started to freak out "No that cant be i only woke up in the hospital because i collapsed right? Where are my parents i need to speak to them"he demanded as he started to register his voice sounding different than he remembered. Tatsuya then remembered what happened after they told hime his parents had past away. He has blasted every one ob the floor snd broke every window in his hospital room. At that moment a man with perfect blond hair and a black suit walked in "Woah boy watch that temper you could hurt someone" he said as he walked toward Tatsuya despite the doctors warnings "You'll be alright i promise you can live with me and my family" ge said as he patted Tatsuya on the head. Tatsuya looked back to Gray "I had only just realized i was 16 when i first met you. I had been in a coma for 3 years when i moved in" he said not worried about her responce.
They feet lead them to the beach, it was late out and the moon was their only source of light. It must have been hard, waking up three years later, sleeping through the years and not knowing what happened to your loved ones. Though sometimes Grey wished that she had slept through the last three years before the Professor found her. What her parents did to her no one knew about, except for the Professor , of coarse he knew everything about everyone that came to the school.

Yet Gray felt sorry for him, he probably lived a happy life before the coma. "What was your family like?" She asked. Wait he might not want to talk about it you idiot. "I'm sorry you don't have to answer that."
Tatsuya had already accepted whatbhad happened so he answered Grays question "They were great parents even if they couldnt have their own they still treated me like i was theirs" he said giving Gray her answer "Its okay you dont need to feel bad i onky missed the last three years but in the last year and a half i got the basics of what's going on now" he was still adjusting but he didnt feel scared anymore.
Gray looked up at the boy. "If you ever need any help, or have any question's maybe I can help," she told him as they continued to walk and she looked up. This is one thing she loved, the night sky watching the stars sparkle around the moon.
"I should be telling you that but the gesture is appreciated thank you" Tatsuya said to Gray after she made her response "So what do guys do when they see the tail and ears? I mean i find it hot but what do other guys do? Like have you dated anyone before?" He asked trying to ease into asking the wolf girl put to a date. Tatsuya looked up at the stars and moon and sighed "This would be an amazing sight but its not as amazing as looking at the girl im walking with down the beach right now" he said with sincerity as he turned back toward her "I like you Gray and i want to ask if you will go out with me" he said with a serious face hoping for good news from her answer to his surprise confession.
"Well I've never really had a real boyfriend," she admitted blushing, looking up at the stars, she never really did have a real steady boyfriend and she wasn't really sure what other boys thought of her. She then looked down at him when he started to talk serious. She looked up at him and a smile crept up on her face. "I would love to go out with you Tatsuya."
Tatsuya was speechless to the girls answer "I...." he couldnt think of what to say next in response to Grays answer to his confession "I promise ill make you happier than anyone could ever be! I give you my word that i will love you till the ends of the earth" he knelt as he made his vow to the girl. Tatsuya thought to himself as he got up from his knee "I guess we should have a first date to commemorate the occasion huh?" He said as he smiled holding his hand out to the girl again this time offering her his hand as to hold her. He was determined to keep his word even if it killed him.
Her gold eyes widened as he kneed down and made his vow that he would make her happy, and always love her. She was glad it was dark out because she could feel the flushed color of pink overwhelm her cheeks as he spoke. No one had ever said anything comparable to what Tatsuya said, and she didn't know how to respond. But she smiled, intertwining their hands together. "I promise to love you, and to always be here for you," she said looking up at the boy happily.
Just as Tatsuya heard Grays words he felt a pang of pain in his chest 'Its probably nothing, just heart burn or something' he thought to himself as he resisted the pain. Tatsuya kept smiling until the pain was unbearable "AHAHAH!!!" he screamed in pain as he gripped his chest and dropped to the ground "I need the professor! Ge has my medici....." his sentence was cut short as he blacked out everything from his vision.
"Tatsuya what's wrong?" she asked her voice shaky, when he told her to get the professor she nodded. She didn't want to leave him but she knew that she had no choice. She ran as fast as her feet would allow her too, and soon found herself at the in front of the professors room. "Professor please open up!" she yelled banging on his door, feeling like it was about to break. "Grey? What's wrong?" he asked concerned.

"Tatsuya." That was all she had to say. He graved the pills and they rushed back to the red haired boy laying on the sand.
Tatsuya woke a few moments later on his bed with Grays head leaning on the side of his bed and the Professor Sutton at the edge of the other bed "That was quite the dangerous situation to put yourself in. It should never happen again. This happened before during your training only it was much worse" said the old blonde man toward Tatsuya. Tatsuya remembered what he meant. He looked to the old man "I made a promise and ill keep it for her sake! I promised to stay with her till the end!" He said, no regret in his words and not a sign of regret on his face "I know my powers can take me at any moment but as long as im with her ill continue to fight especially if its against her!" He said again looking down at Grays sleeping form. "My aunt will pay for what happened to my parents and as long as Gray is by my side ill do anything to protect her and my friends. I know she is coming for my blood to make more of me but ill stop her! Its what i trained for!" He said showing his determination. The old man looked at Tatsuya and sighed "Well then i guess intensive training starts tomorrow! You better be ready to test and extend your limits" said the man as he walked out of the room closing he door behind him.
Grey had fallen asleep, her head laying on the side of the bed. She was still unaware of what had happened to Tatsuya. The professor didn't talk to her at all, except for telling her that she should stay away from Tatsuya, for her own protection. Of coarse she disagreed with him like the professor knew she would and he nodded at her telling her to be careful. The sound of the door slamming shut echoed in her ears, sitting up. "Tatsuya?" she said sitting up and rubbing her eyes before looking down at him. "Are you okay?"
Tatsuya had been rubbing his hands through Grays hair stroking her head as she slept until suddenly she awoke "Hey sleepy head im fine i just have sone health issues the Professor helps me manage" he said telling her half of the truth "Trust me im fine. I promised didnt i? I said id be by your side till the end and i mean when we are old and grey holding hands on a porch watching the sunset! I wont let a little heart problem kill me before then" he didnt want to worry her and tell her his powers were killing him but he had to at least tell her about his heart attacks. Tatsuya scanned his new girlfriend with a smile "Im glad i can actually do something with my life and protect those close to me finally" he said with a sigh of relief "Even if i only have a short time i want to spend every moment of it protecting you and all of my new friends" he was determined to live a long life and use his powers. Hiw he wasn't sure yet but he was going to try. "I love you Gray and i always will" he said before putting his hand on her cheek and kissed her.
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Gray kissed him back, she loved the warm feeling of his lips against hers. She pulled back smiling. "I love you too," she told the red haired boy and smiled. I'm so happy he's my boyfriend. She smiled up at him. "I'm glad that your all right. The professor was really worried, so was I."
Tatsuya looked back to the girl still at the edge of his bed "Its fine im ok you and the Professor dont need to worry" he said smiling happily down at the very saddened worried wolf girl "It is getting late though maybe we should get you back to Jackie" he said getting up to walk Gray back to her room.
Grey nodded and stood up from the chair and followed him out the door, and down the hall. "Thank you for today, I really enjoyed it," she said smiling up at the red head. She did enjoy herself. She was happy to get to know Tatsuya on another level, they had been at the same school couple years now but never really talked until today. They soon came up to her door.

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