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Realistic or Modern BEING HUMAN: CHAPTER II | OOC [On Break!]

Pretty sure she wouldn't die for a stranger, certainly not a human one.

Maybe not

But she's still a dumbass who cares a whole lot!! About pretty much everyone!! Even if she doesn't quite understand those feelings!
or the concept of death
Seven hundred pages of pure awesomeness. Mine is actually 814, including the glossary, so I guess you have a different edition with even smaller print than I've got.

Strap in, 'cause the entire series has 13 other books of similar length. I like really big, long book series because it's a longer time before I have to buy/get invested in another series. I can stay in that world for longer. Working on Dune at the moment, which is like 900 pages or something.
Oooh, I'm excited for you. Part of me wishes I could be reading it again for the first time as well. It's an amazing series. Hope you enjoy the ride.
Not yet, but I'm already six hundred pages in and that's after pausing to read not one, not even two but three other things (One I had started reading in a bookshop and couldn't put down, one a friend bought for me, and one that was just... Close when I was too lazy to go get the Eye of the World from my bag because said bag was downstairs
I was out all day Saturday, busy most of Sunday and yet I'm 637 pages in and that's just not fair.
Ha ha. The nice thing about books is that no matter how fast you read, there are always more of them for you to find if you look hard enough.

Anyway, how are you liking Eye of the World? Think you'll keep going further into the series?
Perrin is such a good boy!!

Ahaha, funny you should phrase it that way.

But yes, I love Perrin. He's my favorite character for sure, in a series with tons of great characters to love (or hate).

The books only get better as you go on, too. It's quite an epic journey.

Also, if you find yourself running out of reading material again in the future, I recommend you also add Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb to your to-read list. It's more high fantasy, the start of a 16 book series set in the same world (of shorter books than WoT, for the most part), but it's also really, really good. And if you think Perrin is a good boy, you'll just love FitzChivalry Farseer.
It's surprisingly difficult to find WoT memes that touch on book I, but don't also have horrible spoilers for later books. Here are a few:









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