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Realistic or Modern Behind the Veil - OOC



Witch in the Ice
The oldtown pub bustled with energy and life, the press of bodies within was hardly cramped, per se, but the heat from them all would have heated the place well past comfort were it midsummer. Fortunately, it was cooler than that, and the warmth was more cozy than anything for most of the boisterous crowd who frequented the place. Most everyone knew one another, the Corner Street Pub wasn't really a place you'd seek out if you didn't already live in the neighbourhood. The crowd was friendly enough, but relatively insular, and didn't make much space for newcomers. Hell, most of them had a favourite seat in the house and if you sat there, well you'd likely be asked to move before too long. All of this was relevant to the moment as the door opened and a woman slipped inside. Most places she'd be nondescript. If she'd picked a bar downtown to haunt, she'd doubtless have gone unnoticed, aside from perhaps the usual flirtatious interest of a few single minded patrons. But here, where the building itself knew everyone who had crossed the mantle, she drew a few stares. It wasn't like she couldn't blend in. Her fashion, hovering in that space around grunge and punk which had grown up just a little fit right in with most people in Old town. But she was knew to the area, especially to the Corner Street, and everyone could smell it on her. The reaction was akin to when you've been talking and begin to realize that everyone around you has quieted and your volume is too loud for the now quiet space.

It wasn't even intentioned, only a few of the patrons really paid the new woman any heed but gradually over the next few minutes the conversation died in the bar, the energy dampened and shifted. To her credit, the woman ignored it, and before too long, the energy picked up again, with her quietly sat at the bar nursing a beer. Though at the very least a few of the patrons turned their attentions to talking over the recent influx of strange characters to the town. The cost of apartments had been hiked in the last few months, more and more folks they'd have passed off as tourists poking around but... This was Canter. Tourists just didn't come to Canter.

This is the start of the Out of Character thread for Behind the Veil, if you're participating we also have a discord available for any who want it.
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