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Nation Building BeckonCall's Fantasy Nation-building RPG thread

That's why I'm giving time. If you want, PM him so you're sure he knows to act -- or get what you need from him so that YOU can post tying up the loose end. I'll try to give you guys time to get it sorted (gotta pace myself too)... then I'll progress.
Woo, you seem to have failed to understand my word but not my sentiment.. Apparently barbarians are harder to understand then posh elves... :P I will get a post up and then I am ready for landfall
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]No I mean your guy seemed to not actually understand the words at all

Oooh that! Yeah he doesn't speak much of the language. I did mean to show him understanding some of it but my posts are turning into such walls I wanted to try and keep some parts brief. Also I shouldn't do posts hungover :/
No rush, but I am soooo friggin' ready for the landing! I've been cork-boarding so many ideas... it's crazy.
@General Deth Glitch @Leusis @Icerex @SpiralErrant

Some OOC words about arriving in the new world! :

YOU MADE IT. Congratulations, and good luck leading your faction to survival and hopefully comfort in the new land.

From here on out, keeping track of how many people you have and who does what should become a central focus of the game, as well as discovering, and exploiting resources and other things of value in the wild.

If any faction is willing to INTENTIONALLY BEACH their cargo vessel, it will give a notable advantage getting their people and material ashore with the least possible labor. Carrying all of your gear, cargo, and material up the slope to the top of the cliffs will be a huge undertaking to begin with, to bring all of it ashore with using skiffs will be an additional undertaking. Beaching a cargo vessel will also have an added advantage of giving the colony a place of safety to rest in after landfall, and if desired make it possible to salvage the ship for additional building materials.

The Tyren Sloop has no such concerns, provided they are careful to avoid the worst of the shallows... but in the days since the sea-monster dumped it's frozen ichor onto the deck, despite the best attempts to clean it up and mitigate the damage, is obviously in need of repair. the expansion and contraction of the cold water, freezing blood, and pounding sun have strained not only the front upper deck, but a portion of the outer hull below it. The sloop would seem to be the most practical vessel for travel along the coast, but without skilled repairs it remains in question how the craft will remain seaworthy without craft or magical repairs.

FOOD AND WEALTH: Wealth represents, as you'd expect the amount of funds your faction has (each unit being a large but abstract amount of money) -- and as the colony develops may become part of the dynamic. While you can order your followers to do anything for you at the cost of manpower, resources, and time -- you can apply wealth to a project and have it be completed much faster. (The use of wealth for a project infers investment by your faction, higher wages to workers (and willingness to pay outside of the faction for labor and materials) -- spent wealth becomes part of "The Market", that is to say not in the hands of any player but in the hands of the populace itself. Getting wealth back out of the market is possible by various means (levying a tax on the market as it applies to your factions business, or providing a good/service/event that members of the colony would spend their money to take part of. (ie, a feast or holiday, providing a valuable or novel new commodity or good) -- more subtle means may also exist (manipulation of the market or criminal enterprise, or more) -- but I leave that to the players to invent or discover. While the wages of unskilled workers are so nominal as to not merit much consideration (outside of player agency if desired) -- every so often skilled workers and soldiers expect to be paid. This kind of settling of accounts takes place at the start of Winter.

Needless to say, finding large amounts of treasure or establishing a mine can lead to greater wealth for a character and his faction -- treasure a character acquires can be converted into faction wealth as desired.

Like Wealth is an abstraction that makes large but ambiguous amounts of money easy to move and understand without bogging down the game, Food for now is merely an expression of the reserve supply until new food sources can be found. Presently the diet of settlers is food cargo, and should be running low for factions who have not found ways around the limited given supply. As soon as possible factions will have to find new (and SUSTAINABLE sources of food, and the variety of the diet of your followers may have a pronounced effect on health and happiness. Excess food can be sold at market, enhancing the diet and variety for the entire colony while helping to assure all funds don't wind up permanently in the market. Finding additional streams of income will make for a more dynamic (but still hopefully simple) colony economy.

Food and wealth for the colony so far is as follows:


Corvus - Strained

Exiles - Strained

Tyren - Sufficient

Elives - Plentiful


Corvus: 3 Wealth (1 from military pay-chest, 2 from voyage patrons)

Exiles: 2 Wealth (1 from voyage patrons, 1 from mislabeled cargo - Imperial gold bullion?!)*

Tyren: 2* Wealth (1 from the caravans pooled valuables, 1 in Imperial Scrip)**

Elves: 3 Wealth (2 from carried coffers, 1 from voyage patrons) -- elves have a long time to save for a rainy day!

This does NOT reflect anything the factions might have to sell already (like darkleaf or bull-iron, in whatever amounts they may have brought -- such things may bring additional wealth into the economy, or bring funds spent by other factions into your coffers)

* Obviously, like the wine and the ballista, one of the criminals (yet unidentified) has pulled quite a haul for the exiles. Rumors among the criminals of the Exile faction say that a master thief, known only as "The Wolf" has stowed away or escaped imprisonment on board Maeder's ship...

** Imperial scrip can be used only to purchase goods from old worlders (trade or supply vessels that may or may not arrive) or other factions willing to accept scrip as legal tender. No natives of any kind will recognize the value of Imperial Scrip for obvious reasons. Players wishing to sell goods to old worlders for scrip may get better rates for the exchange, but are subject to the same complexities.

Now that you've arrived, the most critical concerns for the colony are:

SCOUTING THE AREA (any points of interest already stated and in any or all directions once atop the cliffs)




For now I will leave the particulars of how you do this to the player -- but the more manpower, time, and care you put into an endeavor, likely the better the outcome. You can also state how secret or open you are about your scouting, building, and claims -- but keep in mind that the people see, and the people talk, whether you like them to or not.

Thanks to People who liked any of the posts so far! While I wouldn't overtly fish for praise (well, maybe a little) letting me know YOU LIKE AND ARE ENJOYING THE GAME is one of the most satisfying things I can get out of it. Regular social norms seldom compel us to let our comrades know we are having a good time, but I will tell EVERYONE (@General Deth Glitch @Leusis @Icerex @SpiralErrant) that I am having great fun with this, and hope you will be likewise entertained. By liking or otherwise using comment tags on posts, I'll know who is digging on what and hopefully serve everyone better. It will also give me the subtle charge that helps me to keep the game going during any rough patches, I'm sure. Thanks to you for being a part of this! Huzzah!
(@General Deth Glitch @Leusis @Icerex @SpiralErrant)


I have been intentionally vague on the parameters and applications for these magical devices. I will however (re?)elaborate that gems can be expended, or provide sustained effects depending on how they are used. For example, every time a jewel is used for a small (or large) effect, I will make a note of it -- when a sufficient amount of power is expended, a Jewel my be used up. However, a gem placed as part of a building or inlaid in an item will have a sustained effect -- which may or may not consume power from the Jewel over time, and may be more sustainable.

How much power is in a Jewel, you ask? Why can guess? I'll be keeping track, and if you do too you may or may not get an idea of how much you power you can get out of them. It may also be possible, if one is willing to look, to find more in the new world... who knows?!
Oh lordy this games opening up into some in depth tech now. Just going to add my own 2 cents to keep the hype train rolling cus the nautical Oregon Trail was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to navigating the land itself. Gunna be scavanging and hunting and building and it's gunna be like a big camping holiday for the tribe xD (which I guess for nomads is everyday :/ )

Speaking of which this has brought up some stuff I should probably run by you. Also if it's cool I'm going to put the basics of my faction up in the overview tab. That way the info we need to track is in an easy to find place.
I think it's a great idea to post all key faction info in the overview tab... that way little details (like a ballista) don't get forgotten, we can readily track things like wealth/food/population... and if the idea takes I can leave an active list of "points of interest" (Like right now even before scouting inland there are 2 island POIs)

So yeah, I encourage you to put your stuff in the overview tab, and if you do -- Link the other players so that they can follow your example.

As for running anything by me -- go for it! If you or any other people have questions about logistics or anything else, I'd love to field them.

Scavenging, Hunting and Building are all on the table... big time.

Your actions are received, I'm going to give other players a little more time so I might have a chance to address more actions in the same post. super jazzed!
I was hoping at least one faction would... it's the first building in the settlement then!
Woo! Its the settlement prison! Er.. I mean ship.. house thing... Wait... does that mean I have to build a prison? Prison Architect RPN Version
@General Deth Glitch @Leusis @SpiralErrant @Icerex

I will soon be posting the first results of inland scouting... Since Icerex and leusis have not declared their first actions I will try to process them as soon as they come out, or depending on those actions do what I can to maintain continuity. Players will never be discouraged to post... if circumstances require certain things to be waited on, you can always delegate NPCs or settlers to do something. The rolling stone gathers no moss. Likewise, if players have RL complexities or just can't post for a while, we can discuss what their people can (or did) manage in their absence and make up for lost time. <3

PS -- I was thinking of adding 1 or 2 more players to the game, but only after all the factions seem to have settled in, and @Melisandre has started to put her footprint on things. Melisandre, if you like any of the "Points of Interest" I put down and think you have an idea about how to run them, or given sufficient background so it doesn't clash with any plot-points --run them with certain established details in mind... let me know! <3 (So far only the "Castle Dome" and "Strange Tropical Island" are points of interest so far, but the list WILL grow!
Well I mean the list HAS grown now. But sure a couple more people arriving would be nice but I agree we should all get a chance to settle in.. anyone notice how my position would be good should more people arrive? No? Ok then...

Anyway, I go to a carol service and return to find cannibals, giant feet and a gaping chasm of doom.... OK then... Time to manage my settlement... eventually I mean Iz gunn be a LOOOOONG Post.. probably. Also we having an earthen year? or not? I NEEDZ TA KNOW DIS SHIT!
@General Deth Glitch

Yes, Terran year is a good idea because it keeps things simple for passage of time.

Of course I noticed that seizing the BEACH might have potential advantages... I wonder if it has potential disadvantages as well? xD
I sure it might but I feel the advantages will outweigh most things, but only in the long run.. I just need to live that long.. also stop killing MY guys. I have lost 6 so far, I mean I know I can afford to lose more but who else has lost anyone? Also made a LOOOOOOONG Post.
@General Deth Glitch -- it comes with the territory of having criminals as the bulk of your faction... you're making a great start of a peaceful order, but surely you didn't think everyone was going to play nice?

Oh, and I'd LOVE to give you reassurances that you'll stop losing guys, but you have yet to stop the perpetrators. The funeral had a great impact for solidarity likely, but it pretty much let the baddie(s) know you found their little cubby-hole.

And hey -- if a couple of things had gone a different way, the Corvus would have sustained HUGE casualties. I'm glad you grieve for any brother that falls, but there might be a significant price in blood to pay in the new world! :D
This is Dracos' land, designed to test us and give us a platform to spread her teachings and expand her power so that she may one day defeat the darkness. That goal is worth the loss involved and perhaps making them scared will make then make mistakes. Either way I couldnt have two rotting bodies or let them die without a decent burial. Its bad enough those three SKILLED WORKERS, THEY HAD TO BE SKILLED DIDN'T THEY! died without a proper funeral.

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