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Beautyoftheland x Mobius

(We might need to change their names in our playing posts because your playing Marley's friend and I'm playing Alize's :P .)

Wyatt smiled at her."He'll be fine with my neighbor.Plus,you'll get to see him," he told her as he glanced at the cooking food.

Marley gave him a soft smile when he smiled at her."Ashton,but he's just Ash to everybody," she told him.
((So switch the names on our posts? Or Character forms?))

Alize nodded softly."Alright, good cause I did like it when he was around..."She said softly, looking up at him with a light smile.

Adrian nodded."Alright. I'll make sure my neighbor gets him. You'll get to see him every day too."He said with a soft smile.
(I was thinking our posts?That way we can roleplay with our chosen names :) .)

Wyatt gave her a smile,but he couldn't help thinking that she might like Nick more than him.It was silly,though,and he pushed the thought out of his head."Ready to eat?" He asked with another smile as he took a fork and flipped the chicken so that top could just get a little face time with the pan.

Marley smiled widely."Really?I miss him...we were really close and I hated seeing him that way...not able to help him," she shook her head to get the image out of it.Then she rested her head against him for a minute and said,"Thank you."
((Well we can't edit our posts so Alize's friend is Ashton, and Marley's friend is Nick, right?))

Alize nodded quickly."Yes. I'm definitely ready to eat."She said with a smile as she looked up at him.

Adrian nodded."You're welcome."Be said softly."You ready to eat?"He asked her, turning to the spaghetti with a smile as it was done cooking.
(Yeah :) .And I think there is an edit button...or wait,it might just be for me because I created the thread.Want me to edit your post for you?)

Wyatt smiled and got out two plates."Then it's ready to go," he told her as he took the rice with the vegetables mixed in and piled it in the center of the plates.Then he took a piece of chicken and set it in the center of the rice.He poured the rest of the sauce in the pan over the chicken before setting the pan in the sink.Before he set the plates down,he pulled out a chair for Alize and waited for her to sit down.

Marley smiled widely."Oh,yes.I could eat a cow right now," she told him with a chuckle before she headed over to the table.
((Nevermind lol. Now I see the button :tongue:))

Alize smiled and sat down quickly. She was really quite hungry. Even though she had eaten when she was on the mission, it was not a large quantities and she didn't get much to eat.

Adrian smiled."Good. Because it is ready."He said as he put spaghetti on the plates and poured quite a bit of meat sauce on the pasta. He got two forks and set them on the plates before setting the plates on the table."Now, do you want anything to drink?"
(Haha!It can be hard to spot on mobile.)

Wyatt gave Alize a smile as he went to get the plates.He set hers in front of her before setting his down.Then he got forks,knives,and spoons out along with two napkins.Then he got out to cups and asked,"What would you like to drink?"

Marley smiled and breathed in the smell of the pasta."Could I?" She asked as she glanced at him.
Alize thought for a moment."Do you have sweet tea?"She asked softly, looking up at him with a soft smile.

"Of course. That's what it's there for. Now, what do you want to drink?"He asked softly.
Wyatt looked in the refrigerator and nodded."Yep,is that what you want?" He asked as he brought it out and set it on the counter.

Marley thought for a minute before asking,"Do you have coke?"
Alize nodded."Yes please."She said softly. She couldn't wait to eat. She was so hungry and was happy that she would be getting real food finally.

Adrian nodded."Yeah."He said grabbing a coke."Do you want it iced?"He asked looking at her with soft smile.
Wyatt poured the sweet tea into the glass and got himself a bit of sprite.Then he took her drink and set it by her,doing the same for his drink.He then said a prayer in his thoughts before looking at her,smiling,and saying,"I hope you like it.I was experimenting while you were gone."

Marley looked at him."Please," she told him,feeling her stomach grumbling.
"I'm sure I will."She said softly before beginning to eat, obviously hungry, though she kept her manners while she ate.

Adrian got a glass and put some ice into it, then, he poured the coke into it and set it on the table for her."You don't have to wait for mw to eat Mar."He said softly.
Wyatt smiled as he watched her eat,taking a bite of his in the process."I'm glad to have you home,to know you're safe," he told her before he took a drink.

Normally,Marley would have waited anyways just because he was still her master,but she was too eager to eat to argue.She took a bite of the pasta after saying a quick prayer and sighed afterwards."This is great,thanks," she told him quietly.
Alize nodded."I'm glad to be home too.....it's so much better to be here...."She said softly as she looked up at him.

Adrian smiled softly as he watched her."You're welcome Mar."Be said softly taking a bite of the pasta himself.
Wyatt smiled at her before he continued to eat.It had came out better than he thought it would and he hoped that she liked it.

Marley smiled and finished eating quicker than she normally would.It was good to finally have a nice meal,rather than whatever they could manage when they were working for the king.
Alize had practically finished her food before she spoke."It tastes really good Wyatt...."She said softly as she looked at him.

Adrian smiled as he watched her."So it tastes okay?"He asked with a soft chuckle as he looked at her.
Wyatt gave her a smile."Good,I was hoping you'd like it," he said as he finished up.

Marley chuckled and gave a nod,"Yeah,but I could probably have eaten cow manure and thought it tasted good.I was starving."
"Yeah. Though I was already really hungry so probably anything I eat would taste good." She said softly as she looked over at him with a soft smile.

Adrian chuckled softly."Well, you won't be starving anymore. Not while you're with me." He said with a soft, gentle smile. His eyes shone with love in them as he looked at Marley.

((Posting the image for my character now, and a picture for Adrian. :) ))
(Great!I have to post my other character I just can't decide on a name xD .)

Wyatt chuckled a bit."Well,a compliment is still a compliment," he said with a warm smile."You won't have to worry about missing a meal anymore," he added after a moment.

Marley smiled and felt her cheeks getting a bit warm as she noticed the emotion in his eyes."Thank you..." She told him quietly as she looked down at the table.
Alize smiled softly."Yeah......and I'm really glad about that..."She said with a happy smile as she looked at him.

Adrian nodded, seeing as how she looked away from him. He cleared his throat quietly before standing up to take his plate to the sink.
Wyatt smiled and stood up with his plate in hand.He took it to the sink and rinsed it off quick before giving her his attention."There's some rice left if you would want it," he told her.

Marley stood up when he did and took her plate and glass to the sink."Doing dishes is much better than knocking people off," she told him with a chuckle.
Alize shook her head."I'm good."She said softly as she stood up. She took her plate to the sink and rinsed it as well before turning to look at Wyatt. She hated killing so much but did it because she had too.

Adrian chuckled softly as he looked at her."Yeah."He said softly. He turned to face her and gently turned her to face him. He gently lifted her chin with his finger and kissed her softly with meaning. He had missed her.
Wyatt smiled and gently rapped his arms around her."I missed you so much..." He told her as he looked lovingly into her eyes.He had never worried so much before and he was just glad she was safe.

Marley looked into his eyes in a loving way before he kissed her.When he did,she shut her eyes and kissed him back,all of her fear and heartache from the mission gone.
Alize quickly wrapped her arms around him with a soft sigh."I missed you too..."She said looking at him with a soft smile. She was quite tired but did not want to show it.

Adrian pulled her close as they kissed, before breaking the kiss and looking down at her. One rested on her hair and the other on the small of her back. 
((I meant to but hand before rested 
((Yay! You're online xD , sorry. I'm anxious cause I'm going to my first ever concert, a Christian concert :) ))
(Woohoo!!What band is it?)

Wyatt smiled and gently rested his forehead against hers."Are you tired?" He asked her quietly as he shut his eyes for a moment,enjoying the closeness between them.

Marley smiled felt her cheeks getting hotter.At that,she looked down,but a warm smile was on her face."I don't know how you can love me...nobody else has.My parents really never cared,why should you?You're my master,it's not exactly the fairy tale story," she said softly.

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