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Beaten (JaidenMasx)

Katt looked you. Her eyes going wide. "B..but your friend...a..aren't you still mad about that...?" She asked. Still shakily, she didn't know weather you were just tricking her, or actually being sincere.

Without pain...we cannot love
Jaidyn shook her head. "No, not really. Kimmie's gotten... " Jaidyn sighed and closed her eyes. "Kimmie's gone, she was heavily suicidal." She smiled softly then looked t the necklace on your neck. "Is that.. onyx?"
Katt clasped her hand over her necklace. "yes..it is"

Without pain...we cannot love
"My mom left.." She spoke softly. Lowering her hand once again

Without pain...we cannot love
Katt's eyes widened "W..what are you doing..?!"

Without pain...we cannot love
Jaidyn pulls back. "I.. I'm sorry! I just thought-" Jaidyn sighs and gets her stuff, and begins walking away.
"N..no...I meant what were you doing...? Y..you didn't have to stop..." She looked down sadly. She's basically forgotten what a positive touch is..

Without pain...we cannot love
Katt looked at the ground. Shaking her head no

Without pain...we cannot love
"You know what? Let's go to my house. I have a free paass home, and I can take you." Jaidyn smiled, and took Katt's hand. "Whaddya say?"
Katt shrugged. "I..I guess..I can come..as long as I'm home by 4 I'll be fine.."

Without pain...we cannot love
Jaidyn nods and walks out of the school, holding your hand. "My house is right down the road, we'll be there soon, Katt."
"Don't worry...my house is worse.." She chuckled slightly. But she wasn't kidding

Without pain...we cannot love
Katt stood there. Your room didn't have lock and chains all over it. No rope, or bars on the window. "Its better than mine.."

Without pain...we cannot love
"Really? I doubt it, you must be spoiled." I sit on my bed and sit you down with me. "May I.. try something? An experiment? You'd look amazing if you said yes, Katt."
Katt took a deep breath. "I'm definitely not spoiled...um...go ahead.."

Without pain...we cannot love
Jaidyn nods and puts your hair in a ponytail, and gets her makeup case out. "Ready?" She said, then began on your makeup.

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