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Fantasy Beasts and a Burned Home

@Temmeh For future reference if you're going to attempt an action to another play character. Make it an attempt with a possiblibility for failure. Then either discuss it in OOC or if you can't decide I'll step in. Thought that was the norm here but I ain't been on here too long so just saying this now. This goes for everybody you just reminded me Temmeh I ain't having a go. @Harbinger @FireMaiden @Kenjinx

E.g Thrund swings his hammer at Bryce attempting to knock his sword from his hand.
Also when it comes to fighting beasts like the monsters, they're meant to be hard so you know at least make it look like you're trying. Beasts have families to feed man. However do have fun killing them they're gonna be weird so enjoy cutting shark frog snakes in half.
He's sitting at a table under an old wooden structure in front of a building. Basically just across the street from the tavern where the rest of the party is.
I am just waiting for everyone to settle and catch up then I'm gonna have something interesting happen

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