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Fantasy Beasts and a Burned Home


Just your average bearded man
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Name: Bryce Dovansin

Age: 33

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Bio: A current member of the Rose Gild Guard Bryce has lived the virtue of what he pledged in his oath over 20 years ago just when he was starting to read and write at the young age of 5. Having been with the Tsar up until the day he died as his cabinet as the leader of the royal guard he has done things by the way he was taught by the guard. Nothing much is known of him, he has kept things secret from other people but there is one thing prominent about him, the mark of the Rose Gild sits promenitly emblazoned into his clothing and on his armor.

Equipment: Simple short sword and traveling gear for when on trips. Metal plate armor and helmet with Rose Gild Guards symbol on each helmet and right shoulder of armor. A dark black against the bright metal

Powers: N/A

Picture: (Not at this moment)
Name: Thrund Bronzefist

Age: 334

Race: Dwarf

Gender: Male

Bio: Long ago during the Great Orcish War of Stramundus, Thrund was entrusted to guard 7 of his holds most sacred treasures. He ministered to these relics with reverence and all his runecraft. Until the day where a great horde of orcs came to the hold. Laying siege to the dwarves home the orcs Thrund along with the rest of his kin fought hard to save their home. However the orcs were too many and the hold fell. Thrund rushed to save the relics leaving behind many warriors and families his runecraft could have saved. As if to further highlight his mistake, he found that the Orcish leader himself examining the relics. The leader offered Thrund a chance to save his hold of he would show the orc how one of the relics worked and to let him keep it. Yet Thrund refused and attacked the leader. The leader defeated Thrund taking his eye and leaving him amongst his sacked temple. Many years later after peace had been signed between Orcs and Dwarfs Thrund still searches for his lost relics. The orcish leader who had taken them had been long dead and the relics scattered throughout the world. So now Thrund wanders in sombre regret of his actions and his failures, seeking some redemption.

Equipment: Dwarf Mail, A Dwarven Warhammer, His Rune Tomb, Rune Carving Tools and Travelling Supplies.

Magical Powers: He can carve runes into weapons and objects to imbue them with magical powers.


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Weakness:Water and lightning

strengths:The sun gives him a bit more power



power origins:Fire is passion, the bright, burning flame of raw emotion sweeping over everything. Those who follow the School of Fire, known as Pyromancers, are tempestuous, quick to anger, and consumed by whatever drives them at that moment. They tend to walk a fine line. Having great passion and enthusiasm for one’s loves in life is good, but watch out!Passion can burn you up and consume you, leaving nothing but a charred husk of your former self. Pyromancers use Incantations to dominate and convince Fire creatures to do their bidding. Fire Magic traces its origins back to the fierce Fire Dragons, the race of Titans that ruled the land in the Days Before.

Devin bio:Devin parents was in the war during the fight between the dragons,pyromancers, and Titans,Thaumaturge.Before his parents went out to the war his parents handed him the book of pyomancy.A sacred book that been in there family for generations.After the war Devin found that his parents died in the war and became homeless and confused of his powers and didn´t know his full potential.

Extra:Also Devin wears sunglasses everywhere he goes and he also carries his family fire book with him at all times.He don't need the book to cast spells but keeps it with him in case he forgets a spell or wants to learn a new one.The book contain information about different creatures and different spells.The book also has a curse on it so if someone touch the book without his permission it will burn you REALLY REALLY badly no matter what.Devin uses rhymes to cast some spells

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Name: Alya

Age: 117

Race: Elf

Gender: Female

Bio: Wip

Equipment: Hunting bow, elf huntress armor, helping herbs, and a white crystal necklace

Magical Powers: Earth and Water manipulation, Healing light.​



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  • Name:

    Arvil Graeme







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Name: Bodvar Olæifsson

Age: 24

Race: Human, although is said to be a werewolf as well (is that alright with you @Varvarus)

Gender: Male

Bio: TBR

Equipment: Axe, Shield

Magical Powers: Berserker Rage (essentially he's twice as strong, fast and has more stamina and takes less damage from foes. Although this is dangerous for him), Werewolf

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