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Fantasy Beasts and a Burned Home

"No problem ma'am, sorry about having to hurt that man but he was probably going to do something. If I didn't, you can put the dagger away to. The younglin isn't trained properly and will hurt himself more then you." Seeing the man with the book and the smoking toothpick he smiled. "Kid, I know something about you is unnatural and I'm just going to do something so we don't make you mad." Walking up the kid he quickly ripped the sword towards his underarm and ripped it out. Grabbing the bladde and placing it to the kids throat. "Please tell us your decision now, your father wouldn't want to find his sun dead in the road. That nice elf girl will devour your body and have a feast after you're dead."
The thugs next to Markus quickly scarper the one leaving behind his dagger. The evening sun finally broke from behind the clouds shining down on the barren spring landscape.

Markus looked around colour draining from his face. His hands trembling. "Y-you can't do this my father wi..."

A kurt Orcish voice cut him off "Is that all you can say boy? Stand up for yourself! If you were my son is drown you." A glob of thick spit hit Markus in the face from a fair distance. In the door way of the tavern is the Orcish tavern owner. She wore thick leather armour over which was a worn woollen apron. In her hands she had a well crafted but brutal looking axe. "You strangers aren't welcome here either, you'll bring the baron's men on us. He may be a little shit but the Baron's men are worse, at least they ain't cowards."
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"I don't eat people though...." Alya looked at him confused, "That's what the tribes far from the main land," She explained- again.
Bryce smiled before letting go of Markus, "Don't worry dear, I wasn't being serious about it. I know that, I've fought the tribes before and they were relentess." Looking back to the orchish woman he laughed and looked at her. "I'd definitely ma'am but I'm actually looking for a friend of mine. He would've more than likely been at this bar."
He kept his head up as the sword was pointed at his thought.He chuckled then did a back flip.During the proccess backflip he kicked his sword into the air then when the backflip ended he kept the palm of his hand opened as he smiled at the man.The sword in the air landed in the palm of his hand and he pointed it at the man throat and said."Rule number one don't call me a kid cause I was alive when your great great great great great great great great great great grandfather was alive so don't mess with me.Devin is the name but people call me Dev."He stuck the sword into the ground and starred at the man with his hand behind his back with a smirk on his face.

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"I don't care what you're looking for. You let the master go and leave. You've caused enough trouble already." She shifts her axe to hold it in two hands.
"Well ma'am can you at least tell me where this little kid's father resides." Dropping the kid into the mud he laughed a little before grabbing his helmet and pulling a pouch out of his bag. In it was about 10lbs of gold coins. "Would a nice payment make you a little nice before I leave."
The Orcish woman's eyebrows raise at 10 gold. Then a deep muffled voice comes from within the tavern. Her eyebrows furrow. "I won't accept charity nor bribes but I will charge you extortionate prices. She gestures to the Elf and the strange human. "Your friends? Can stay too." She steps aside letting you see into the dreary tavern.
Well, at least this isn't sleeping in the rain Alya thought as she looked at the tavern. She was looking forward to going inside because she was starting to feel the effects of of the rain. In other words she was starting to get cold.
Happy ending, for now. He thought to himself after seeing the Orc allow the people access to the tavern.

Arvil once again reached into his cloak, this time fetching out a small book with he promptly cracked open to begin reading. Thumbing through it a few times, he found what he was looking for and began to write something down. If he got anything out of watching the whole show, it was the knowledge of who's who in Laran. Finally, after finishing up his writing he closed the book, placing the items back under the cover of his cloak. "I wonder if anyone else is going to show up."
Bodvar finished hunting. He stood in a large forest with nothing but his axe, shield and armor.

As Bodvar continued travelling, he came across a town. He deserted his clan, because he realized that he could no longer stay due to his lycan abilities so he was now a lone wolf. Bodvar took one glance at the tavern and decided not to go, as tempted as he was for a tankard of mead, he would attract too much attention, and attention was the last thing he needed.

There was a nearby building with a single table, a man sat there. Bodvar sat down on the table, hoping the man would leave, "Want some rabbit meat? I hunted it meself, an 'our 'fore." Bodvar thought the man would leave after a conversation started. He cut the cooked rabbit into even smaller chunks

Bryce walked into the Tavern and could see there weren't many people in it apart from a few peasants and few woman. One man caught the eyes of Bryce as he walked in. The place was quiet as he saw an old face and knew who it was. Scars on the man's face with burn marks on his arms, it was the instructor who has been making him a great man since he was 5. Walking over he took a seat and didn't know what to say.
Arvil adjusted his cloak, rising slightly so that it wouldn't be so bunched up now that the rain had stopped. Just as if he had summoned it from his last few words, he heard footsteps. Turning his head to look at the man who approached, he placed his own hands on the table like before. Nodding in greeting as the man sat down, he thought for a moment about how the place he had chosen to sit must have been popular. Then again, there weren't many open places to rest around Laran from what he could tell.

"That's very generous of you." Arvil offered a small smile under his beard to the man who had offered him the meat. "If you have mouths to feed, then don't mind me."

@Darth Gangsta
The man who Bryce approached was dressed in a thick black leather gambeson. His face was scarred and burned, one eye a milky white the other a cold blue. His hair was black with flexs of grey and cropped short. He put the tankard down as Bryce approached. "You are either the dumbest pupil or the bravest I've ever had." He fixes Bryce with an unflinching icey stare.

The Tavern was rather cramped. The floor was strewn with straw and spilt beer. It's tables swollen and crooked, the meals on them were mostly grey looking grool. The walls were laden with more Orcish weapons only neatly dusted. High in the rafters you swear you can see racks of spikes all with skulls and heads place on them, some looking quite fresh.

In the tavern are a few groups of nondescript peasantry. Along with Bryce's old teacher there are a few other interesting characters. A man dressed in similar garb to Bryce's teacher sits at the bar hunkered over a mug of ale. A strange weapon is slung on his back, a strange arrangement of pipes and wood. Next to him sits a dwarf in a thick grey jerkin and overalls, a backpack containing many strange tools is strung over his back. The last figure of interest is a large Orc in full black steel plate with a large axe next to him, he dozes peacefully.

Markus outside scrables in the dirt finally thinking it safe to get up and retrieve his rapier.
Bodvar chuckled, "Oh no. I don't 'ave any youngins." he said giving some meat to the man, he wasn't sure whether he wanted the meat or not but he didn't want to be rude, even though his actual personality is considered 'rude' by most. "I never got yer name. My name is Ragnar Olæifsson. I 'ail from the Northern mountains, very chilly there." Bodvar couldn't give his real name away to a stranger, he was quite known throughout the lands because he was a raider.

Arvil accepted the rabbit, nodding once again (this time in thanks) and pulling back his cloak off of his arm to better eat. He was, of course, wearing light-colored robes under the blue cloak which contrasted with most of the others who had lived in or had been visiting Laran at the time. "Yes, it's quite cold up there. I can't say that I've visited those lands for a long time." Tearing a small piece of the meat, he chewed and swallowed it before offering his own name. "Arvil Graeme is my name, it's a pleasure." He had-perhaps unwisely-offered his real name to the stranger. "I come from a place a little farther south than that, but sometimes we get the chance to do some traveling. What brings you here?" After speaking, the man took another small bite of the meat.

@Darth Gangsta
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"Erm, me home were raided by bandits. Uh . . . I may seem like an able fighter," he didn't want to sound like someone who has the equipment of a warrior but doesn't know how to use them, because in his clan not being able fight was sign of shame "And I am. There was too many of 'em, couldn't 'andle 'em, so 'ad to flee." he was clearly lying, "Enough 'bout me, yer life been the greatest?"

"Well, you certainly seem like the surviving type." Arvil had already come to the conclusion that this man, Ragnar as he introduced himself, was very probably lying, yet he didn't feel as if there was any sinister intent behind said lies. As much as he himself was forbidden to lie, he wouldn't press on about any sort of accusations he may have drawn up in his mind. "Well, I can't say I've had any more than a normal man's life." Adjusting in his seat and clearing his throat to speak more clearly, he continued. "Years ago, I did some fighting myself. It seems like everyone is confronted with it at one time or another, these days. I don't have many stories of glory and gore to pass around, I'm afraid, for all I am is a simple churchman." With that, he he lightly clasped his hands together in front of himself, resting them on the table.

@Darth Gangsta

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