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Fantasy Beast Souls OOC

Lol, I see.

Oh okay, that's good. But actually, if I were to wake him up and make it the morning... SilverFlight SilverFlight there's still some things that haven't been done, right. Like Ayi telling Bjorn what Luruke said, or maybe some other people still want to do some things at night? Should I wait?
That'll be done. Likely in my next post.
Hey SilverFlight SilverFlight , I've written most of my introductory post and I'll adapt it to whatever happens but I had the intention of posting after the time skip.

I suppose I could also hint why, I don't see Zell's somewhat isolated village knowing about such a sudden attack and her having a reason to show up to the tavern scene. Now, for hearing rumors and snooping into the rumor, that I have a story for.
Nah its good, I just wanted to make sure you're still with us.
It was one of those games where it started out really good and once you were invested just took you for a horrendous ride before dashing your heart to pieces and adding insult to injury by making one of the worst sequels known to man.
It was one of those games where it started out really good and once you were invested just took you for a horrendous ride before dashing your heart to pieces and adding insult to injury by making one of the worst sequels known to man.

AhahAHa yyyyyyyeah I know the feeling
I know. the. feeling.
I also know that they must be laughing, safe and removed from the populace in their offices
"How many more have we broken, I wonder"
(Put a photo up for Riley's animal form in case anyone doesn't know what a raccoon looks like)

Lol jk, Riley must look like this raccoon specifically. Look at the big black eyes : D
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OK guys, if you have any posts you want to make before the time skip, better make'em soon. I'll be moving the thread along.
well, ima start writing, I think you'll have about 30-45 min to finish up. Of course you can still post in the evening of the rp even after I've flipped the scene, and run your own transition from your character's perspective.
well, ima start writing, I think you'll have about 30-45 min to finish up. Of course you can still post in the evening of the rp even after I've flipped the scene, and run your own transition from your character's perspective.

Alright. I'm just waiting for Larke Larke to reply now.

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