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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

He grinned and took her straight back to his bunk, spending the next half hour with her in pure bliss
He got up once they were done though and went to get her a towel, helping her clean up while he got re dressed and smiled at her. “Where you off to after this festival?” He asked her.
Max cleaned herself up and started to ger dressed afterwards "Um not sure, guess where the magazine needs me." She murmured biting her lip "Where are you headed?"
He smiled some. “Few more shows than going home…. Shame I won’t see you for a bit.” He told her but frowned when she kinda ignored that. “So this wasn’t a restart?” He asked her.
Max frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh "No....this was just a one time thing...I don't....I think our time has passed Will." She said quietly before grabbing her camera and heading towards the door "I'm sorry.." she told him before leaving the bus and rushing off to loose herself in the sea of people at the festival.
He could only stand and stare stupidly after her, shaking his head a bit. Eventually he managed to pull himself together and get settled into his bunk, not really wanting to talk to anyone now, feeling a little used.
Max found Carmen later in the evening after she'd finished up for the day "I fucked up....I fucked up bad." She said immediately shaking her head some "I ran into Will....and we slept together in his bunk."
She frowned as she was stood with a soda waiting for Noah to bring her a hotdog and shook her head. “I’m sorry run that by me again?” She asked turning to face her. “Oh that boy misses you.” She smiled but paused seeing the look on her face. “Oh max you didn’t…. One time thing?” She asked her frowning.
Max gulped and nodded some "I just.....I'm scared to even open up to that again. I get that he is settled with this band now but what if he is still the same guy? I don't want to take that chance to get hurt again." She explained giving a heavy sigh
She frowned and shook her head. “Did you ask? Did you talk with him? Im not saying he’s not changed. But maybe talk to him? Cause I know you loved him…. Do what you want but don’t come back to me in a year and say you wish you’d talked to him.” She suggested, taking the food from Noah when he got over to them. “Thank you…. Just… when their tour is over. Call him.” She suggested.
Max gave a heavy sigh and nodded softly "Yeah....I'll definitely think about it." She murmured before leaving her to it and went to get herself something to eat and drink. It was another month before she saq him again. He'd tried reaching out to her multiple times but she'd completely ignored him just scared still to open that again. She went wide eyed though when she opened the door to her townhome to see him standing there. "Will...what are....how did you know I was still here?"
He stood on the other side with a bag of food and a bottle of wine. “Because you were ignoring my texts. And you aren’t the type to move unless you have to…. Plus it was worth a shot.” He told her. “Come on. I’ve got your favorite takeout and wine. We need to talk.”
Max gave a heavy sigh and shook her head some "No....no there is nothing we need to talk about..." she said knowing it was a bold face lie. She frowned deeply when she looked up at him to see his puppy dog eyes and gave a heavy sigh "Fine. We'll eat and then you leave."
He nodded and stepped inside, kicking his shoes off and going to get their food set out, finally sitting down to eat with her. “Why won’t you consider giving us one more shot?” He asked her. “Both of us are clearly more settled in life now. It makes sense.”
Max frowned some and gave a heavy sigh "Just because you found a band doesn't mean you've changed as a person." She muttered before sipping her drink.
He frowned and shook his head. “No don’t pretend it was me that you left. It was the situation okay sure I created it but it was the fact I didn’t have time for a relationship that was the problem…. Plus I’ve grown up. For gods sakes it was a long time ago now. Things have changed.”
Max frowned more and shook her head some "I don't....I don't know if I can do it again Will." She said truthfully before looking at him "I'm scared to open up like that again." She admits
He frowned. “You talk like you were the only one hurt by everything…. I loved you and I was trying to make ends meet as well as have you. Obviously you couldn’t handle that which is fine. I get that it was a lot but now I have the time and I think it would do us both good to try again.” He told her
Max gave a heavy sigh "I just wanted you to put our relationship first. I always felt like I was always second best. You were talking about moving away from me and not caring, it killed me to hear you say that. I would have moved with you had you asked. I wanted to move in with you, our pictured our lives together but it just seemed like you wanted to just stay in that zone we were in." She explained wanting all of her feelings out in the open.
He frowned and shook his head. “And you never said any of this until it was too late. You weren’t second best but I couldn’t give you what you wanted at the time. Yeah sure I’m touring more now but I’m still less busy than what I was before.” He pointed out. “One more shot. And if it doesn’t work out I won’t bother you again but please. We don’t know if we don’t try.”
Max took a deep breath and took his hand in hers "And what if something happens with the band? I really hope nothing happens, because I'm beyond happy for you, but what will happen if situations were to go back to how they were?" She asked quietly
He shook his head. “It won’t. I’m not going back to struggling. I got so many people o can network with now and so many more opportunities available now.” He promised. “But this band has got huge potential. It’s been messy as hell up to now but we got it going in the right direction.”
Max took a deep breath before giving a small nod "Alright....one more time." She murmured before she leant in and kissed him gently.
He kissed her back, slowly pulling her over to straddle his lap, frowning quietly. “We’re gonna have to work off this food somehow.” He chuckled, keeping her close.
Max laughed and shook her head some as she held his face "Oh how I have missed your awful jokes." She murmured before kissing him again "You remember where my room is?" She asked and squeaked when he lifted her up going towards the stairs.
He nodded and smiled. “Oh yeah.” He lifted her up attached to his waist and headed up there with hee, dropping her on the bed and started stripping down. “Missed you.” He told her while he was undoing his belt.

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