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Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

Max laughed softly and nodded before politely declining his cigarette offer "Yeah that would be me. She talks a lot about you guys too." She murmured giving him a small smile.
Carmen headed out to them after a little while and smiled seeing they were a little cosied up, winking at max. “I was gonna go get a drink, you wanna join?” She asked her.
Max looked over at her and gave a small nod "Yeah sounds great. I'll talk with you later yeah?" She said softly to Nick before going inside with Carmen "He seems really nice."
She nodded and smiled. “He is. I know you’d never do long distance but… little rebound while they’re recording near here?” She asked her smiling some.
Max gave a small shrug and laughed lightly "Yeah maybe." She murmured before sipping at her drink. In the long run that night had been a blessing in disguise. The photos she had taken had gotten her seen finally by her boss and now two years later she was running around shows and festivals doing photography for them. Her dating life was still pretty shit, she'd had a small fling with Nick but they'd both agreed that long distance just wouldn't work for them.
Carmen had been at the same festival as her the past couple days, enjoying the summer sun but now she was rushing to get to the photographers tent to get to her before anyone else and soon found her. “Hey! Hey! He’s here. He’s fucking here…. What is he doing here?!” She questioned her, not paying attwntion to the fact she was hardly making sense
Max raised an eyebrow when she saw her friend come rushing in "Huh? Who is here?" She asked her confused while she fiddled with her camera. She stopped though and went wide eyed when she said Will's name "Oh....uh maybe he wanted to come to the festival? I dunno why he would be here."
She shook her head. “No no no not like in the arena. Like he’s with one of the bands.” She told her frowning. “He’s back here somewhere.” She explained, glancing at her phone as it rang. “I gotta go but I needed to warn you before you saw him.” She told her and left again.

Will was still pinching himself that he was getting to play stages like this but his life had been a bit of a whirlwind since he’d last seen max and he was finally settled down on a more set schedule with one job
Max frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh just hoping she didn't run into him. She looked up when another photographer rushed in and asked if she could sub in for their interviewer who'd just passed out from heat stroke "Shit uh yeah, where do I need to go?"
Will was busy talking to Michael on their way to the interview, distracted as usual about something and hadn’t even glanced at the interviewer yet when they arrived let alone the photographer
Max followed to the spot and went wide eyed when she caught site of him infront of her. His curls now a perfect pink shade and he had definitely collected a lot more tattoos. He looked good that was for sure, but she didn't want to see him again, not like this atleast.
He finally looked around and was looking at the interviewer, focusing as much as he could until his mind wandered again, looking around and finally spotting max, his eyes going wide and finding himself staring at her.
Max felt eyes on her as she recorded the interview thankful that it wasn't a super long one. Once they finished up she quickly tried to make it out of there but stopped when she heard him yell her name.
He headed over to her and smiled some. “Hey, what are you doing here? You got to start the photography properly then?” He asked her
Max bit her lip hard and gave a small nod "Yeah I did, working at the same magazine." She said softly rubbing her neck some "You uh....you found a band too?" She asked quietly watching him a bit "I've been hearing a lot of people talk about the vocalist of Lorna Shore, I didn't know it was you."
He nodded and smiled at her "Good, yeah they picked me up for a tour right before covid hit then we did an EP together and it's been working really well... Didn't ever have to move either..... I've missed you y'know." He told her honestly.
Max gave a small nod and sighed heavily "I won't lie, I've missed you too, but our ship sailed..." she murmured before looking in the other direction when she heard her name "Look I gotta go, need to get to the next set." She said quickly before running off not letting him say anything else.
He frowned as he watched her go, sighing heavily and wandering back to go wait it out til their set, his mind racing the whole time, hoping he'd get a chance to see her again at the show.
Max was eventually standing in the photo pit gulping quietly when she saw Will come on the stage. Part of her was happy for him, to see he'd finally made it, but it also broke her heart having to see him again.
He was playing into her as much as he could, wanting to make sure she got the best photos. He'd been so hurt by the breakup but he did understand at the same time. But things were different now and he wanted desperately to see if they could make it work again.
Max got a lot of good shots of him feeling proud of him. His technique had gotten so much better and it was so amazing to see such a huge crowd loosing their minds for them. Once the set was over she found herself making her way back towards the buses while her mind was saying this was a bad idea, her heart was saying something completely different.
He was on a high after that performance and heading back towards their bus with the guys to get cleaned up a little when he heard her voice, turning to face her and smiled some "Hey.... you get some good shots?" He asked, walking over to her,
Max nodded some and smiled a bit "Yeah I got some great ones, you did great out there. That last song's breakdown was insane." She said with genuine happieness in her voice.
He chuckled and nodded "It's a banger for sure... You uh... you wanna come join me? The others are going for food... Empty bus." he told her, nodding in the direction of his.
Max bit her lip and checked the time on her phone "Yeah I got time.." she murmured before she followed him onto the bus. She glanced around a moment when they got inside placing her camera on the little table before she jumped into his arms and pressed her lips to his.

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