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Be mine or Die

Nixon Valent

Spooky Scary Skeletons

She kept up her social reputation though she wasn't a social butterfly she knew mostly everyone. Mostly everyone knew she was. She didn't gossip and spread rumors like some other students did when they knew everyone. She never got too close to anyone though.

She seemed nice enough, she kept her grades up too. Though she never did talk to him, mentally she couldn't handle it. Though for the time being she stalked him trying to get in the same classes as him and get close to him as she could without actually talking to him.

Until that plan back fired and in their english class they were assigned as partners until new ones were given meaning they sat together and had to actually interact. It was the 4th period in the day since it was A B day schedule it was th last period too.

She didn't look at him, she couldn't without wanting to spazz out. It was a bit odd but she was probably just quite person though that didn't match up with her social life. They listened to the teacher go over the disclosure she had passed out, giving the rules and grade policies till she finished. There was about 15 to 20 minutes left of class telling the kids to introduce themselves to one another.
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Alfred wasn't really someone you'd call a social butterfly. He isn't quite antisocial either, but he did lean more toward the timid end of the spectrum. However, he did have a few friends, and they tend to think of him rather fondly. Alfred was nice, had good grades, and didn't really talk crap about anyone. Overall, he had a pretty good reputation amongst the students and the teachers.

Today was the first day of school, and Alfred had just gotten through three classes. Now, he was heading toward his last class for today; English. He was pretty happy to be almost done with school, but that didn't necessarily help the boring lecture the teacher was giving. The speech was pretty much stuff about grade policies, class rules, behavior, etc. It was probably one of the very few times that Alfred came close to falling asleep, but he managed to stay awake through the whole thing.

The students were also assigned partners in this class, which he was assigned to be partners with the girl sitting next to him. She had brown-ish hair, and was slightly shorter than him. Her name was Hadley, and while he hadn't really talked to her at all, she seemed to be an okay person. Overall, he was completely fine with her being his partner. After the teacher's lecture was done, there were still roughly 15 minutes of class left. Seeing as he didn't want to come off as super awkward, Alfred decided to go ahead and create conversation between them. "So, it looks like we're partners." He said before introducing himself, "I'm Alfred, it's nice to meet you."
"E-ehe.. Hadley." She didn't look at him while he spoke, she couldn't. She tried too but something in her wouldn't let her she'd talk to the teacher and ask to change parents? Yeah that might work.

No it wouldn't he would think she didn't like him.

She was stuck with this and she didn't know how to handle it.
Alfred raised his eyebrows slightly, confused to why Hadley was acting like this. Quickly, he realized that she was probably much shyer than he anticipated. He wasn't angered by this in the slightest since he could easily relate to her. When he was younger, Alfred was very, very shy. Granted, his shyness isn't too bad nowadays, but it still lingers, and can be quite noticeable. A slight bit of awkward silence passes as he began thinking of what to say or talk about.

"So..." He began saying before asking a question, "How were your other classes?" He couldn't really think of many good questions to ask, as he isn't exactly the best with conversations.
"They were alright.." She said quietly fiddling with her thumbs. "Y-Yours..?" She glanced at him from the corner from her eye wanting to take him home and leave him there living alone with him forever but she knew that couldn't happen at least not yet.
"Uh, mine were pretty okay, I guess." He answered back somewhat calmly. However, it was kind of hard to hide the small hint of shyness in his voice. "This class in particular felt pretty long, but that was probably because the teacher's lecture was so boring." He noticed her acting a little shy again, but didn't call her out on it in fear of looking mean.
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"Mhm.. A lot of my classes were the same way.." She trailed off quietly taking a deep breathe before smiling at him, she was pretty cute and innocent looking. She probably couldn't hurt a fly. Wrong. "What are you doin-" She cut herself off, what she was about to say just flew out her mouth thinking. "Sorry nevermind."
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"Hey, don't worry about it." Alfred replied with a small smile on his face. Hadley's look seemed to change from shy to somewhat cheery as he saw her smiling. Admittedly, he thought she was kind of cute looking that way. However, he was quick to not go onto that thought train at this time. "Um, anything fun happen today?" Alfred asked, trying to avoid the awkward silence for now.
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She shook her head "No not really. I just talked to some old friends. Most exciting thing for today. You?" She asked, her shyness fading away farely quickly. This is my chance make him actually like me. She took the disclosure paper that the teacher had passed out to everyone and stuffed in a folder before putting said folding into her bag, meaning for their parents to sign it.
Alfred simply shrugged. "Nothing too big on my end either. I did see a fight break out after first period though. Other than that, nothing too out of the ordinary happened." As he noticed Hadley get her disclosure paper, he remembered that he should probably put it away so he doesn't forget about it. After all, his parents needed to sign it. Quickly, he put the paper inside one of binders in his bag so that he wouldn't forget later.
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"Oh well that's fun. First days are always interesting." She watched his every mood closely as he put his paper away. She never wanted to leave his side, she didn't want him to leave side. She knew this would happen if she got closer to him than stalking.
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"Yeah, I guess you have a point." After he put away his binder, he turned his attention back over to Hadley. She actually seemed like a nice person to be around. In fact, he was thinking that the two could possibly become friends as long as he doesn't mess anything up in the near future.
"Would you like to hang out after school? I have nothing better to be doing." She said looking at her phone to see the time, they had only about 5 minutes left till it was time for the kids to run out of the classroom in an almost violent manner, no one wanting to be there.
Alfred smiled slightly from the suggestion. "Sure, that sounds like a good idea." He answered with a hint of happiness in his voice. It seemed as if he made a new friend. "That reminds me of something," Alfred went in a bit closer, and talked in a more quiet voice. "You think we can find a way to get out a little earlier? After all, I don't think either of us want to be here during the stampede."
She looked back at the teacher who wasn't paying attention to anyone she stood up and grabbed his arm, a rush of energy going through her as she grabbed both his and her stuff running out of the classroom. A few kids noticing chattering amongst themselves that they were skippers. "Did it." She said handing his stuff to him, forcing herself to act normal at these point.
Alfred was kind of hoping for a more stealthy method of getting out, but what Hadley did worked quite well. Yeah, some people in the class might think of the two as skippers, but he knew that most likely nobody would care. "Thanks Hadley." He said, taking his stuff back from her.
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She nodded and slung her bag over her shoulder, staring at him as she did so. "Do you need to go your locker?"
(Crap, sorry for taking so long to reply! I've been pretty busy last week in general, so I didn't have much time to actually rp. Again, sorry >.<)

"No, I don't think I need my locker right now." Alfred said in a somewhat pleased tone, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "So, you were saying something earlier about hanging out?"
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"Mhm.. Are you wanting to do that now or meet up later?" She asked, smiling at the taller man innocently. "We just go wherever you want too now or possibly go get dinner, or I can cook for you." Her fingers were fiddling around slightly not in nervouses but excitment her offers were a bit much for someone she just met but they could easily be taken as someone who was friendly and easy going.

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