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Fandom Battle of Beacon [RWBY] -Accepting 1 More Team-

Should we Implement a PvP Fighting System?

  • Yes!! We'll need it!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It seems a bit sketchy...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We won't need it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm drunk, where am I?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Cloud Based Inspiration Facilitator


Beacon has fallen.

It's students, scattered...

Headmaster, missing...

Teams scramble to find missing teammates...

They beg to be let back into the school.

Their teammates...

Their loved ones...

Their only family.

By the time the borders close, they've lost all hope.

The same can be said for those stuck on the inside...


**This roleplay will only accept small groups of people at a time

You can reserve a spot at any point in time, although I will not accept your character until we have enough for a whole group.

**This is going to be a dark roleplay!!

I think that speaks for itself.

**Your teams will be randomly selected.

And some will be missing Teammates!!

Hah, Dark, I know...

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The RP Will be starting in exactly an hour and 13 Minutes ^^

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Qrow took his place at the podium in front of his audience of Ex-Students.
"Hello, Students of Beacon Academy..." He began, his voice shaky. "We understand your urge to re-enter the Academy..." He continued. "I'm sorry if this is difficult for you to understand... This isn't scripted." He said, earning a glare from Goodwitch from the front row. "Beacon is... Quarantined, Until further notice..." He finally said, earning a series of rude jeers, and a few odd sobs. "Now, I know this is going to be hard for all of you... We all lost someone toda-" He was cut off by someone throwing a rock at him. "Hey!" He exclaimed, as he stumbled back. He grimaced a bit and began walking forward. He was about to speak, when another rock came flying in. "You didn't lose anyone! You don't understand!" A voice, presumably the rock thrower, yelled at him. A bunch of rude jeers sprung from the crowd, followed by a barrage of rocks being thrown and Qrow.

Goodwitch put up a barrier between Qrow and the audience so he could continue talking, with a huff. All the rocks stopped as the throwers realized the barrier was stopping them. Qrow's eyes flared a bit, as he eyed the kids.
"Your new dorms are the apartments to your left. Goodnight." He said, as he walked away from the podium he was standing at, disappearing behind a corner, followed by Goodwitch and Ooobleck, who both watched the event transpire.

Most the kids began either sobbing, or rampaging around in the streets of Vale. Some ran around looking for their teammates... Some gave up and found an apartment. Others ran from the city, never to be seen again... But at some point during that day, they all had a similar realization...

That this was real. That it couldn't be reversed...
And that nothing would ever be the same.

@Kiyoko Tomoe





@Cunning Commander




Rouge was missing. He hadn't been seen since him and Luxu found one another inside the Academy, and shared their knowledge of the whereabouts of their team. He ran off to go find Swan, tears in his eyes, and weapons in his hands. After that, no one knows what happened to him. Most people wouldn't care... They all had their own people to worry about, after all... Qrow was right. They had all lost someone... Whether it was a teammate or a friend, everyone was left with a gap in their lives... Aside from the lucky ones. The ones that made it out with their whole team... All their friends... Everyone.

Rouge would kill them in an instant if he met them. They didn't Deserve to be happy... No one did.


((Sorry this is a little early >-< I'm going somewhere, and would rather post it late than early))​
Luxu ran around to find Noir, since it was reasonable to find Noir cause Rouge was looking for Dandelion. 'Of course. The school would do this. I knew that this school was going to crap, but I didn't expect it to go down this far. Why? Why did we have to separated like this? I just wanted live a normal life as a Hunter, and this happens?! I can't believe it! Plus they're people who have already been with their teams.... I will show them how it feels when you get separated. Once I find Noir... I will demolish those disgusting mistakes that are so lucky.' Luxu thought to himself in full rage as he kept looking around to find Noir, or anyone from his team since he was the leader. "Noir?! Rouge?! Dandelion?! Anyone?!" Luxu called out at times as he searched the many streets Vale, hoping to find one person from his team. "Please! Anyone?! I don't want to lose anyone again! Please someone respond!!" Luxu called out as he kept on searching around with sadness and rage mixing together, since he kept thinking about the many teams that we're becoming reunited.

@NekoChanBo @Thetas
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Corvo stood near the back of the crowd, arms crossed, his hat covering most of his face, a small frown hidden by his scarf, and leaning against a nearby wall. Crowds were never really his thing. It wasn't that he didn't like people, he did, but people tended to change when they were gathered like that. His disliking was reaffirmed when his fellow students started throwing rocks at one of the most senior hunters in the kingdom. They were mad, it was understandable, but they were directing their anger at the wrong target. His frown grew slightly, but he didn't say anything.

As the crowd began to disburse, Corvo was lost in his thoughts. The past 24 hours were burned into his mind: leading his team alongside the Atlas troops, the fighting that followed, Razz getting shot. They were memories that hadn't left his mind since it all happened, and he doubted that they would for a long time. More flashbacks as he recalled bringing his fallen teammate to the Safe Zone, Navajo getting pushed... His eyes narrowed. Two more had died because he wasn't good enough, as a leader or as a warrior. He took a deep breath and sighed to calm himself down. He lost friends, close friends, but Matthew lost even more. He looked around the room to see if his teammate had left with the rest of his students.

@Cunning Commander
Lilac stood with the rest of the students and her fellow teammate, Azure, stood nearby but she couldn't tell at this point. Her partner, Violet, was dead and so was their leader, Orchid. She shuddered at the memory of Orchid falling off of the building that everyone except Azure was escaping from and Violet who suffered from a devastating Grimm attack and leaving her there to die from her wounds. Lilac felt tears come down her face and she wiped them with her hand. "Why did this have to happen, all of these innocent people dead and for what, revenge?" She watched as people left to find their teammates but their searches were probably futile, they were either dead or they are badly hurt to the point of death. She watched the other students get mad and she stepped away from the crowd and cried properly for the second time in her entire life. "I'm so sorry Violet and Orchid, I watched both of you die with my eyes and their is nothing I can do about it now, I can only grieve for you two and die like a true huntress like the both of you and all of the other dead."
Shura Minam

"What... happened to our wings...?" Shura mumbled to herself, left hand holding onto her left eye as it still burned in pain despite all the treatment they'd done on it. "Asra and Oriana are dead, Ren isn't waking up... Dammit...! I can barely even see the world around me, yet I know it's horrible...! Why me...!? Why...!? All I wanted to do... was protect everybody alongside the three of them...!" Shura said with a tear falling from her right eye. "I want to go back in there and try to save you two if you're still alive, but... I'm scared... Asra... Oriana... Ren... It's all my fault..." Shura cried silently, clenching her right fist tightly, causing some blood to escape through the bandages. Starting to turn away from Qrow, an look toward the apartments mentioned, Shura's wounds began hurting once more. The burns were horrible, still painful enough to cause her to collapse right then and there. She now knew why she was advised not to move around quite yet, especially considering that the burns had happened just earlier in the day. It was ironic, how burns would be the downfall of somebody who could freeze even the hottest of flames.
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Rouge grunted and fell against the wall of the apartments Qrow mentioned. He put a hand to his forehead and rested his head's weight against it, his eyes wide. His back had 3 Parallel gashes running diagonally along it's surface... He barely made it out alive. But he still insisted on staying in the school... ATLAS Agents had to drag him away. Not because he was so intent on staying... But because he was unconscious.

While he was out looking for
Swan, Rouge ran into an Ursa... He couldn't fight back. In one hit he was on the ground. Before he could find out what happened after the second hit, ATLAS Found him and shot down the Ursa. If it weren't for them, he would be dead... Hell, in his current condition he might die anyways...

Anything was better than losing Swan... A tear fell from his eye.
"S-Swan..." Though his thoughts stayed on his awkward lover, the back of his mind reminded him of Ochre, his brother... His eyes widened; "I-I don't wanna be alone..." He said, as tears started flowing from his eyes. "N-Not again..." He muttered, as he slammed his eyes shut.

Rouge fell forward and landed on his hands. "Goddamn it!" He exclaimed, as he began punching the ground, causing his Aura to show with each impact.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He exclaimed, one cuss for each punch. He fell onto his side and began sobbing, a puddle of tears forming under his head.
Luxu was running around the streets for so long, trying to find his teammates and after so long, his rage came over him so much that it nearly consumed his original self. "I... I'm alone... Why?... Why does so much bad stuff happen to me?... I lost mom... My only love... Probably my father... Now my team... Why?" Luxu said to himself as he slowly began to stop moving, and once he began to stop moving, an Beowulf began to approach Luxu with bad intentions. Luxu's aura began to turn from the color blue to a scarlet red, and it looked like his eyes were turning black but they just felt like it from his strong aura. The Beowulf began to run at Luxu with full power, and Luxu looked at the Beowulf as it nearly hit Luxu. "Dear wolf... Tell me... How death feels..." Luxu says as he sliced through the Beowulf as it ran towards Luxu, and he began to start walking with his strong, raging aura still within him.

"I... Am the Lost Child... I am lost, and forgotten... I am angry.... Enraged... For being so lost..." Luxu said as his anger kept on growing, and his aura kept on showing while his anger was growing.
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Azure stood in the crowd, her last remaining teammate close at her side. Neither of them where taking this well. She looked to the ground, not wanting to bare witness to Qrow being pelted with rocks. She honestly didnt know what to think of all this, it was only recently that her leader, and friend died. A single tear fell from her face when she thought about it. Violet sacrificing her own life for Azure. More tears fell from her face. It was my fault... we shouldn't have left her there. No, I shouldn't have let her take the hit. It should have been me. Where the first thaughts that came to mind, causing her fists to clench in anger. Orchid... the seemingly closest she had actually been to having feelings for someone. She fell from a building in an attempt to escape. I should have been there to save her, I should have done for her what Violet did for me. More tears streamed down her face from regret and sadness of her lost teammates. She raised her hand and placed it on her left eye, covering the eyepatch that covered it. "I deserved this..." she muttered under her breath.

Azure couldn't stand being in the crowd anymore and left the crowd. She hadn't thought of the fact that Lilac could have still been in the crowd. She didn't think about her being one of the last people she could concider a friend. Her mind was set of just finding the apartments to settle down and think of everything that had happened. On her way over she saw a man on the ground, hitting it with every 'fuck' he screamed out. In any other atmosphere she would have had some quirky, funny thing to say to lighten the mood but this wasn't the case. She approached the man and frowned, he looked familiar but the two hadn't really talked much, if at all. She didn't know what to say so she simply lowered herself to sit infront of him, tears still streaming from her only good eye. "I'm sorry..." She said, knowing he had probably lost someone as well. She knew how it felt, and probably would be in the same situation as him if she didn't have her mind set on wanting to escape this nightmare.

Noir slowly walked forward down the many streets around her the sound of stone's and paths being crushed under the weight of her trunk could be heard as she dragged it along behind her. She looked at her one free hand quickly before she tightened it into a fist and swung it at nothing if she just wasn't herself maybe she would have been with someone right now maybe if for once in her life she disobeyed a command then Dandelion would be with her and not missing or worse. Tears began flowing down Noir's eyes as the usually emotionless girl broke down Dandelion was most likely her closest friend as she just pushed and pushed to know more about Noir and Noir ended up sharing more and more each time which is rare since the girl either usually scares people off with her personality or keeps everything to herself maybe is was because they were stuck on the same time or maybe it was because she made the effort Noir wasn't quite sure.

Noir slowly continued down the streets she had no set objective in mind other than trying to regroup with the rest of her team and hopefully, by some magic Dandelion will show up completely fine but the way she was the last time Noir saw her meant that would be ...unlikely. The tears continued down Noir's face as she slowly walked forwards she was staring down hiding her face using her hair to cover her eyes hoping no one would see her in such a state. Noir's body felt like it was going to shut down she had been wondering around got god knows how long pulling along her weapon which while she is used to it was still heavy in times of exhaustion. Noir wasn't quite sure where anyone was so in this case, she would have to break her usual quite and calm demeanor and do thing completely unheard of by her...shout. "Luxu!, Rouge! dand..." Noir began shouting she hesitated as dandelion's name not wanting to get her hopes up. After around three repetitions suddenly her legs gave in she needed a rest but here was unsafe but she didn't have much of a choice and as such Noir began allowing her body to rest in the middle of a street...alone.

(Good morning!)

@TheWhiteScarf @Thetas

Rouge's eyes widened as he heard a voice above him. He looked up at the source, and instantly sat up against the wall he was sitting against previously. He wiped his face off; "Y-You should be with your team..." He said quietly. His eyes widened. "I should be with my team..." He realized, before looking down at his hands. "Luxu... He's still alive!" Rouge exclaimed as he looked up at the mysterious girl. "He has to be!" He exclaimed, as he shot to his feet, his Battle Suit stained with tears. "I-I need to find my leader..." He explained, as he looked down to her. He smiled and tackled her into a hug. "Thank you; Thank you; Thank you; Thank you; Thank you!" He exclaimed, as he hugged her tighter. He let go of her and stood up, brushing his suit off. "Go find your team.. They're probably worried out of their mind!" He exclaimed, as he chuckled a bit. Within an instant, Rouge was off to find his leader, the only person he was sure was still alive.




Rouge's eyes wandered the streets as he ran, looking for any sign of Luxu. By the time he finally decided to look forward, it was too late. The Terrified Young Man tried to stop himself, but it was too late... He tripped over his own foot and slammed into a girl, who seemed to be covered in bruises and burns. He knocked the girl over, and landed to her side, skidding a few feet further than her.

"I-I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed, as he stumbled to his feet. Once he finally got a good look at her, his eyes widened exponentially. "You're..." He started, though he quickly scraped the idea. "I am so, so sorry.." He said, practically in shock.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

@NekoChanBo Morning my ass... xD I HATE TIMEZONES!!))
Only once was Luxu in this type of rage, and it was very hard to cool him down from this rage attitude. He dragged his sword upon the floor, making a piercing sound towards the ears. His aura was still strong enough for people to feel it, and his rage still lingered throughout his mind and body. "I feel like no one cares... Why do I care?... Why do others care for me?... Oh wait... They don't." Luxu said as he sighed, and he kept on walking down the streets with his sword making a loud piercing and his strong aura following. Although, Luxu was fighting his rage on the inside cause he didn't really want to scare his fellow teammates again when he is in this type of mind set.

The calm version of Luxu was trying to fight against the enraged version on him, and he was starting regain his consciousness as he heard Noir's voice in the far distance.
"N-Noir? Noir?! NOIR!" Luxu yells out as his aura calms down, and he begins running towards where he heard the voice of Noir. "Noir! I'm comin!!" Luxu yelled out again as he began running faster and faster, since his inner happiness began to power him up. Luxu saw Noir on the floor resting, and he began to slow down with the biggest smile he had in the most longest time. Luxu was so happy that he picked up Noir up like every stereotypical love scene, and looked at Noir with a smile.

"Noir! I have never been so happy to see you in my entire live!" Luxu said as he put her down, and hugged Noir for the first time.


Azure was to confused and wanted to respond but the man seemed to have alot on his mind because before she it, his blabbering stopped and she was caught in a sudden hug. She was left speechless laying on the ground, not knowing how to react. All she knew was that he mentioned that she should find her team...


But my team is... dead..." She said in a sad tone, curling up on the ground in tears. She couldn't comprehend how she wanted to play all this out until she remembered one vital pice of information. Lilac was still alive! She jumped up quickly, wiping the tears from her face. She ran back twoards where the crowd was and looked around. "Lilac!" She yelled out as she could in hopes she would be near. She felt her eye again, for some reason it stung. She hated the fact it had been taken out. She looks to the ground and grunted a little, shaking her head. "Lilac please if you're out there give me a sign!" She yelled out once more, feeling as if she was going to collaps to the ground.

Lilac couldn't process anything anymore but that meant nothing to her at this point. Innocent people were dead and survivors were probably emotionally dead, just like her right now. Then she heard Azure calling out to her as if nothing else mattered except for finding the only person left in this godforsaken place. She ran towards where she heard the voice of her teammate. "Azure, where are you!" She bumped into other people while trying to get back inside of the crowd but that didn't matter at that point, the only thing that actually was finding Azure. That's when she found the other girl, looking about as bad as Lilac felt, and she ran up to her and gave her a hug, something that had so much meaning. "Azure, why is this happening,so many people are dead including Violet and Orchid, it's like everything is being taken away from these teams." She burst out into tears after that and she held Azure closer, not crying at this point about how she looked in the eyes of the other students.


pushed through the crowds of people who also where trying to get to their loved ones, friends, or teammates. She heard Lilac yell her voice and immediately got a flash of hope. When they finally found eachother she was met with a hug, which as before, caught her by surprise. She didn't care though and despite the tears and everything going on she smiled. She was happy to know that her teammate was okay. Her smile though, quickly faded when she said what she did, causing Azure burst out crying with her, burying her face in Lilacs shoulder. After a moment she pulled back, wiping the tears from her eye. "I don't know lilac... I wish I did but even I don't." She sniffled some and wiped her face again. She looked around at the other students wondering how all of this would turn out in the end.

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The young man wandered the streets of the city, trying to clear his mind of the events that had just taken apart the world as he knew it. The left shoulder of his school blazer was torn, the stuffing from the shoulder pad spilling out. The right sleeve had a hole singed through it where a shot from an Atlas robot had nearly hit him. Matthew Sanguine found it difficult at first to believe that he was alive, after everything, the Grimm, and the soldiers, Razz, Nav, the stark silence of the city backstreets stood out in contrast to the past hours. It was his hope that if he walked enough through the night, the tragedy would slowly fade from his mind, and then when he walked back to school in the morning, everybody would be waiting for him at the breakfast table, and the whole knight will have been like a dream. Deep down he knew that it would never be like it was before, his teammates were dead, all because he hadn't been able to protect them. From across the street Matthew heard glass being shattered. A student had thrown a rock through a store window, and was now reaching through to grab at whatever goods were on display. Matthew charged across the street, grabbing the student by the back of his collar and then lifting him up by the front of his shirt. "Asshole! People are dead and you're out here fucking looting?!" He gave the student a shake, tears began to well up in Matthew's eyes as all the stress and tragedy pent up over the night was released. "People are dead... Do you really think they'd want people to be out looting when there's more important stuff going on?" He tossed the student back into the street, the would-be thief scrambling away. Matthew punched the brick wall, feeling the warm wetness as his knuckles began to bleed. He let out a scream, filled with rage and sorrow and all the other emotions he was feeling. The scream echoed through the streets and alleyways, and Matthew collapsed on a street corner, to wallow in his loss.

It took a few moments but Noir finally managed to calm herself the tears stopped which was good since it meant she was back to her old else. Noir slowly attempted to stand up but her body was still extremely tired and she couldn't quite stand up and her body just collapsed back to the floor her breathing was ragged and out of sync so she decided to rest for awhile longer, she needed to get full or at least mostly rested before she wanted to head out and search the rest of her team after all if she meant them exhausted she would be nothing but a burden and that's the last thing Noir has ever wanted to be to anyone not just her teammates.

It was then that she heard a voice, familiar and at this moment in time it was warm it almost felt like it could fill her up with energy as she fully heard it. It reminded her of Luxu which bright a small smile on her face she half thought that she was imagining it until she heard him say he saw coming. Noir's face grew a huge smile for a second before it went back to the emotionless normal state that it was. She shut her eyes for a second only to instantly stiffen up as she was lifted off the ground she was not used to anything like that not even her parents had lifted her off the ground ever but here was her teammate doing that it made her smile, luckily Luxu wouldn't be able to see it.

It was long until Noir was put down and hugged by Luxu, at first Noir just stood their arms down she was still mostly in shock that her teammate found her after a few moments Noir placed her arms around Luxu returning the hug Noir didn't say a word put instead hugged Luxu tighter before her mouth finally opened. "I think Dand...we need to find Rouge I have something I need to tell the both of you and together it might be easier to get through." Noir said telling them one at a time would be a bad idea right now the best thing they can do is regroup and then Noir will tell them the bad news but until then she will keep it to herself.

Shura Minam

Ran into by someone else, the girl fell to the ground and it was extremely painful. Her arms clung to the rest of her body, trying her best not to writhe in pain. "Nn..." Trying her best not to scream from the pain, it was just too much for the girl to bear, such pain overlapped with the loss of her friends and her own sister's near-death state. Tears kept rolling down from her right eye, with the left unable to do so due to the massive burns it suffered. The patch that had covered her left eye had been knocked off earlier, the bandaging beneath the patch slightly damaged, a few strands hanging down to reveal the area directly outside the eye. This was the proof of Shura's suffering, the proof that everything that had happened in there was real.

"I-it's... all my fault... They had so much ahead of them, but I...!" Shura cried as she used her right hand to cover her tear-drenched eye, despite the fact it was bleeding slightly still from the tight clenching earlier. "I thought we all promised... I though the four of us were going to fly to the ends of the world together, but... I let you all down..." She mumbled to herself, sadness overtaking her. She couldn't believe it, but she knew it was all real. It had all happened. All Shura could do was lay there want weep for her lost teammates, wondering why this had to happen to her teammates, and why she was the one that was left instead of somebody on her team with more of a future than she did.

Matthew was nowhere in sight as the crowd left, leaving only Corvo and a couple of other students in front of the podium. He sighed and quickly left the room in search of his friend. The Vale sky was a mix of airships, smoke, and stars that gave everything a very hectic feeling, fitting the whole situation rather well. Craters lined the streets, at least two dotting every block, while several buildings were completely destroyed from the collateral damage of the battle. The destruction was obvious, and the citizens weren't in much better shape. People were lying on the streets, some were crying and others were looking for loved ones. Crashing glass could be heard in the distance, along with fist fights with fellow survivors. The whole place was just a mess that needed cleaning up. Normally that would be what Corvo would be doing right about now, but his mission tonight was only to find his friend. A loud scream alerted him to a nearby street corner. He rushed to the source of the shriek, hoping that it might be his lost teammate. There, he found a form collapsed on the ground, Beacon uniform still on and red hair unmistakable. It took Corvo a minute to say anything as he looked at his friend. Fist bleeding, obviously full of pain and sorrow. He rarely saw people in as bad a state as this, but considering what had happened, it made sense. His gaze soften slightly as he keeled to the ground beside his friend. It was difficult to think of something to say, and so he simply placed a hand on Matt's shoulder. "Matthew..."

@Cunning Commander
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Never has Luxu been more happy to see a person in his entire life, and for once he was smiling from pure happiness. 'I.. Haven't hugged, smile, or been this happy in four years....' Luxu thought to himself as his excitement grew more, and he kept on hugging Noir and he picked her up a bit so her feet were a bit off the floor. "I'm so happy that I can kiss you Noir- I mean... You didn't hear that okay?" Luxu said as he heard Noir's statement, and said "Wait... What about Dandelion?" Luxu was confused about what Noir said, and he let go of Noir with a concerned attitude. "What happened to Dandelion?" Luxu asked with absolute confusion, and concern for his teammate.



Rouge's eyes widened a bit. "I am so, so, so sorry..." He said quietly. This girl... She had it it worse than any of them. The thought of finding his leader vanished. Right now, this stranger was much, much more important. He put a hand on her shoulder gently, "Do you want to talk? Or I could find your team for you..." He suggested, his eyes still wide. Her wounds were... Insane!! She looked like she was burned on every square inch of her body... And her eye... He shuddered a bit as he waited for an answer.

@Kiyoko Tomoe
Shura Minam

"F-find... my team...?" Shura mumbled, cringing slightly in pain as a hand was lain on her shoulder. "Asra... Oriana... T-they're..." Shura said as she stumbled to her feet. "You... shut up..." Shura stated as she stumbled around, managing reach a solid surface to rest herself against to keep from falling. "My team, they're... and yet, you're here... offering to help me find them...?" She said, holding back her rage toward the man for what she saw as insulting her dead teammates. "Just shut up...!" She screamed, tears flowing down her right eye as she clung her left hand tightly to the surface beside her.

"Asra, Oriana, Ren... They sacrificed their lives for the sake of saving people... People like you, are alive right now because of my teammates, yet you...! Quit screwing with me...! You'll find them!? They're dead because they protected your life! So quit joking around! This is real! My teammates are dead!" Shura screamed in rage, reaching in instinct for a weapon that wasn't presently on her. She had forgotten until now, but her weapon currently resided with Ren's weapon, alongside Ren's near-dead body. "My best friends, they died protecting you...! MY sister, as we speak, lays dying...! So don't you dare say such a thing as you'll find them...!"



Rouge's eyes widened. He was about to apologize... But he wasn't sorry. He was mad. How dare she!! How was he supposed to know?! "They protected my life?!" He exclaimed, his nostrils flaring. "News-Flash, Bitch: They didn't do Jack Shit!" He exclaimed, as he began walking forward. He huffed a bit, and crossed his arms. "And how the hell was I supposed to know?! What the hell gives you the right to flip out at me for trying to Help?!" He exclaimed, as he continued walking closer. One more word and I'm gonna slap this bitch...

((Disclaimer: I have nothing against you, or your characters. You wouldn't think I would have to say this, but you'd be surprised at the things people flip out about on this site
xD ))

@Kiyoko Tomoe

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