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Fantasy Battle Academy



Mariah smiled at the headmaster as he opened the window, unaware of what he was going to do next, "R-Really? Thank you, s-" Suddenly, she felt a pair of cold hands grab her ankles, and the next thing she knew, the office was spinning chaos which made her feel incredibly nauseous, "EEEEE!" she squealed, and then she was suddenly outside with nothing but clouds, and Mariah felt as if she was flying, then she came to her senses and finally realized what's going on as she plummeted into the forest, but it was too late, luckily, a thick and sturdy tree branch got caught on the back of her uniform shirt, good news is, Mariah's okay... Bad news, she's stuck in a tree. Mariah wanted to struggle her way out of the tree, but she realized there was a chance that her shirt would get ripped off in the process, and she would end up wearing nothing but a bra and skirt, and THAT would be the worst case scenario, at least to her. She had no choice but to yell at the top of her lungs for help.

Zamasu Zamasu Raku Raku Uasal Uasal Agent Agent
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Azul Naximus

Azul felt like he was hallucinating when he smelled the faint scent of blood.
Weird... Azul thought. Is that me or someone else who's bleeding? Before he could react, a being appeared with a sword. It revealed to be Ryuga, Azul's mentor. That's one heck of an entrance for a teacher! He had a wounded wrist with blood leaking out and said something along the lines of paying attention. Azul didn't say a word, he was just analyzing the situation.

His mentor shouted "Blood Missle" as he raised his bloody wrist towards his team. Then, blood was shooting jets of blood at Azul and his teammates. Azul didn't react quick enough and got hit by the red fluid. He was knocked down but quickly got up.
The heck was that? He questioned. Okay, time to retaliate with my own talent! With that thought, he motioned his arms and hands to control the river. He immediately launched three jets of water towards the bloody mentor.

"Aqua Beam!" He cried out, something he did to mock the words of his mentor. "Guys, attack him!"

Mentions: thatawesomedude thatawesomedude SachiGrl SachiGrl Zamasu Zamasu


Elias Walker

Elias has batted at their mentor a few times, trying to break his shield. He could undoubtedly inflict some serious damage in this form, so this shield was clearly no joke. As he took a step back to recover. The burning pain in his side wasn't making things easy for him. He needed to hurry this up. Looking at the ground, he could see a small trail of blood that followed him. Great. As he was about to move for another attack, he heard screaming from above. From seemingly nowhere a woman had landed in a tree and was now stuck. Seeing as he was the one with wings, he could fly up there to help her out, but it may harm their chances at succeeding. Oh well, someone was in danger and he needed to help. "Eye, Tyler. Keep him company. I'm going to help her out" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the forest

With that being said, he backed up, jumped a little and took flight. He held altitude just below the woman. The hardest part about this was keeping in one place as hovering wasn't something he was great at doing. He extended his neck and got his head pretty close to her. "Here, climb on" he said.

FunkAddiction FunkAddiction Zamasu Zamasu @RoxxxasNoAnima SachiGrl SachiGrl


Mariah groaned, she could feel her nausea catching up to her, and not to mention, it's quite cold up here...
That's when she noticed a large black dragon with wings standing below her before flying up just below her altitude and extending his neck,
"Here climb on." he said, to which Mariah reluctantly complied, climbing onto his neck and hanging on tight, then she felt something about to come up in her esophagus, oh no, not now.

Raku Raku
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Forest - The Hill


Uasal Uasal
Raku Raku

Nemu watched as she felt the presence of their mentor indeed stirring, she was right to have been cautious. "I told him to be careful and not judge the scene based on appearances alone." She said bluntly, watching as Jax was knocked to the side. Soon after, she heard the sound of tree branches breaking and soon enough, a tree came barreling into their way. Well to say the least, seeing as a tree was throwin from the dark part of the forest meant that another group was close by.

Seeing as even a tree didn't stop their progress meant that sooner or later someone was going to go all out in this fight. As much as she didn't want to see that as an option, they may have to result to that though. Watching yet again as the scene unfolded, the ice cream girl was unfazed from Clair's challenge towards their mentor to his blatant surprise of her status in the military. Of course, the girl was a bit surprised to hear about it but it wasn't unexpected actually.

She had a clue as the way that the white haired girl carried herself was not of normal, she must've had extensive training from wherever she had been. "As much as I would like to see you all fight, I can't really watch this strange but unorganized fighting. Sooner or later either from the debris that you cause or from Clair's bullets, someone is going to get hurt." Nemu informed the others, weighing out their options carefully.

She gave it more thought but then decided to just come up with the most successful thing she could think of. "I would suggest that if you are going to pincer attack him, I would do the switch mechanic type of fighting. You know, once someone engage wait until the other says switch then proceed to attack the same person. It's like the American's version of a tag team battle." Nemu explained the plan to them briefly, still keeping an eye out on their mentor just in case he would try something.

  • "Oh crap!" Torga yelled upon seeing that Jaxson is going up on him. He was about to run, but he got punched anyway, knocking him down onto the ground. However, that wasn't enough to render him unconscious. From his pocket, he pulled out a silver-and-green pistol with a bull head on top. Sparks of electricity can be seen through the nose, and Torga is ready to pull the trigger. However, something happened...

What was that? What just happened? Is this another part of the test? No, this one is rather different. Sires begin to wail, and you begin to have this feeling that something bad is going to happen. Well, it is. "BREACHED! WE'VE BEEN BREACHED!" Someone yelled, probably a student of sorts. Something must have entered the facility without even a notice. Your mentors stopped their plans on doing something and urges all of you to regroup with the rest of the teams.

Sometime later, the five teams have been regrouped, asking each other what is going on. That is when you begin to hear a lot of rustling noises from the grass and bushes. You look around your surroundings, and then you begin to hear a lot of groaning from all directions. That's where these guys make their appearances.


Phantoms! And they have somehow got into the facility!
Truly, this is not a part of the test, it a full-scale invasion! Who could have lead these creatures into the island? That's where you hear someone speak. "Well, well, well, look what we have here? So these must be the new heroes that the president is training. How...rad." Was he being sarcastic? I think he is, and then he appears before you.


Hydrophobia, the Fear of Water
"Sad to say this, but we're going to have get rid of some of you to...make things a lot more equal. You see, your numbers have surpassed us, and we feel like we are at a disadvantage. Sorry, but we need to kill at least one of you." The Phantom says "Oh, and by the way, I am not the only one who is going to kill you." What did he mean by that? He brought in an army of lesser Phantoms that are enough to kill a whole batch of students. Well, there are these two who came out from the shadows.


Achluophobia, the Fear of Darkness

"Hydrophobia, I'm sure you got a reason why you plan on doing this? The boss says to watch over the academy, not to test them. Are you willing to go this far?" The shadowy Phantom asks his aqueous Phantom, to which he nods in approval. He really wants to test all of you. The shadowy Phantom sighs, and then he signals another Phantom to come out and show his appearance.


Traumatophobia, the Fear of Injury

He appears to be a silent type, only making growls and some slurs. It did not take time until Hydrophobia commands his lesser Phantom army to attack all of you all at once. Your mentors says to you in a quick manner to defend yourselves as they begin to attack the army. Looks like the real party has just begun.

Raku Raku Mena Mena Uasal Uasal NextGenRolePlayer NextGenRolePlayer thatawesomedude thatawesomedude SachiGrl SachiGrl Agent Agent Computing Magus Computing Magus @RoxxxasNoAnima AkioTheHero AkioTheHero SinisterFreak SinisterFreak FunkAddiction FunkAddiction

( Raku Raku Whoops! I'll edit my post!)


"...Huh...?" Mariah glanced at Hydrophobia and widened her eyes before putting on her glasses to see him more clearly, once she saw the aquatic phantom clearly, suddenly stricken with fear, she froze in place, only able to stare at Hydrophobia, losing all focus and attention on what's going on around her, the only thing she could manage to quietly stutter out was:

Zamasu Zamasu
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Clair O'Reilly (Cu Chulainn)

Clair stubbornly agreed to follow on behind Torga and back towards the amalgamation of the other groups, it wasn't until then that she came to realise what was now happening was in no way, shape or form a test. This was the real deal, the location had been breached and from the looks of it, this was a full-scale invasion. But by what? these things were like nothing Clair had ever seen before, they were creatures that seemed to have been pulled straight out of a movie. Not only did they all look half dead already but they also smelled terrible, it was as though their bodies were rotting away.

Soon after the one Clair assumed was the leader finished speaking, two more leading types appeared out of nowhere. And after those two finished speaking, or in the big goofy one's case, just grunting. Clair and her classmates were tasked with defending themselves. And well it was made quite evident that Clair was made more than happy with this order when she drew her pistol once again. This time though it was different, the pistol she proceeded to draw was a customised desert eagle and it was made quite evident within the next few seconds that this pistol was not chambering rubber bullets.

You see just as Clair had pulled her weapon one of the phantoms began to scream and well, unfortunately, Clair's attention was then quickly drawn to it. With a smile already wide on her face and her pistol armed and ready Clair quickly took the shot and it was safe to say everyone knew of it. The resonating sound resembled that of a cannon and said sound easily silenced out not only the screaming but also the grunting noises the big goofy looking one was making. The bullet was needless to say rather large in calibre, 50 calibre and for those of you who don't know a bullet of this calibre could easily shoot through steel plating and/or a bullet proof vest.

So, therefore, it was no surprise that when the bullet came into contact with the screaming Phantom's face it not only decapitated the freak but also went on to tear off yet another Phantom's arm before coming to a rest in a third Phantom's chest, knocking it to the ground in a spectacular fashion. With her smile quickly morphing into an even bigger grin Clair proceeded to break into a fit of laughter "Hahaha! His head! Did you see that! It just went 'POP' hahaha! And the other one haha he fell over on his back, like a turtle hahaha!".

Raku Raku Mena Mena Uasal Uasal NextGenRolePlayer NextGenRolePlayer thatawesomedude thatawesomedude SachiGrl SachiGrl Agent Agent Computing Magus Computing Magus @RoxxxasNoAnima AkioTheHero AkioTheHero SinisterFreak SinisterFreak FunkAddiction FunkAddiction Zamasu Zamasu

Theme Song

The party has just begun, and your mentors begin to make their valued efforts in order to thwart off the lesser Phantom army. Torga, with his pistol out, begins to fire off multiple energy shots with high accuracy. Ryuga slashes a few Phantoms down before proceeding to fire a barrage of jets of blood from his wound. If one could look closer, he appears to be going pale. He is going to be at his limit soon.

Chojuna draws a number of guns in midair, all of them being Gatling guns and missile launchers. Once he is done, his drawings begin to spring into life and they begin to rain hell onto the Phantoms. Marina dashes into a bunch of Phantoms at an inhuman rate of speed, slashing through hordes and hordes with her sword. Lastly, with his book in hand, Cane begins to fire multiple arcane missiles at a bunch of these Phantoms.

As the more powerful Phantoms watch the soon-to-be-heroes and their mentors fighting for their lives, one particular person caught the attention of Hydrophobia. "Guys, stay here. I'm gonna need to have a talk with...her." He says to his fellow Phantoms and then he begins to approach the person, who is standing in fear. Once he gets a feet away from the person, he says to her "Excuse me, but have I seen you from somewhere? You looked awfully familiar to me. Were you the girl that saw her mother died from...me?" Does he know her? Does Hydrophobia know....Mariah?

You've grown up so fast, you just ended up in this dump for the reason of killing me, am I right? Why do you look so afraid? Why can't you fight like everyone else? Are you afraid to see bloodshed just like what I did to your mom? You're in a school for upcoming superheroes! And yet, you're just standing there like a bystander waiting for everything that is happening come to an end. Pathetic...you really are pathetic. You're in no excuse to be in this place, and I don't get why these idiots have to pick you out of all of the students. How about you hit me? Go on, I'm open." It seems he wants to test Mariah on what she got, but can she really do it?

Raku Raku Mena Mena Uasal Uasal NextGenRolePlayer NextGenRolePlayer thatawesomedude thatawesomedude SachiGrl SachiGrl Agent Agent Computing Magus Computing Magus @RoxxxasNoAnima AkioTheHero AkioTheHero SinisterFreak SinisterFreak FunkAddiction FunkAddiction

Jaxson Morgan

Jaxson was going to move in for more attacks, but Torga had pulled out some kind of pistol and aimed it at Jaxson. Before he could pull the trigger however, something happened. It sounded like an explosion. They were all regrouped back closer to the buildings, but what they saw was far from expected. Phantoms. They had breached the academy's defenses. Other than a lot of lesser phantoms, there were three clearly more powerful ones. After two of them spoke and the other one grunting, the lesser phantoms moved to attack. Another thing that caught Jaxson's eye was that there was now a dragon fighting for the students. Where the hell did they come from? He couldn't ask that now as they were instructed to defend themselves.

Clair of course seemed to be enjoying herself as she blasted the phantoms with her guns. He too was having some fun, but this was a serious matter. Jaxson was dashing into several groups of phantoms, taking them down in hand to hand combat. As he turned to face Clair after she started laughing hysterically about killing some of the phantoms, he had a phantom in his arms. "You seem to be having fun" he called out to her as he snapped the struggling phantom's neck.

Uasal Uasal

Elias Walker

Elias was glad to help the woman down from the tree. In the process though, their mentor had made a dash to attack him. He was aiming to stab Elias in the eye. Luckily, something unexpected happened. They were escorted back to the buildings area only to find something they didn't expect. Phantoms were now on the island, and were going for the students. Mentors told the students to defend themselves. Elias would have no problem with defending himself, but the bullet would in his side was still there. It still hurt like hell. He started batting groups of phantoms and crushing them as well as sending them flying by hitting them with his tail. With a dragon on their side, the students and mentors surely should win.

Raku Raku Mena Mena Uasal Uasal NextGenRolePlayer NextGenRolePlayer thatawesomedude thatawesomedude SachiGrl SachiGrl Agent Agent Computing Magus Computing Magus @RoxxxasNoAnima AkioTheHero AkioTheHero SinisterFreak SinisterFreak FunkAddiction FunkAddiction


Mariah trembled as she slowly began to back away from Hydrophobia, she could almost hear the horrific memory of her mother screaming in pain as if it were an old VHS tape, then Mariah succumbed to the emotional pain and fear she had to endure, she started sobbing before falling onto her knees, "I'm n-not pathetic! I swear! I-I'm not! ...I'm not..." Mariah pleaded in the midst of her tears, clenching her sliver wand tightly to her left cheek, she wanted to hit him, but this... This was just too overwhelming for her to stand in front of the same monster who murdered... Her.

Zamasu Zamasu
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Rojelio blasted the base of the tree and kicked it as hard as he could. It came falling down and he ran to take cover with Hatate. He noticed Botch doing something, but Cane forced the tree to fly in the other direction causing a wave a some sort of pressure. Botch seemed vulnerable and Rojelio turned to Hatate. "Hatate," he started, "I'll help Botch and then-" A loud explosion was heard from the other side of the forest and someone yelled. Cane had ordered the three to regroup with everyone else. What could be going on? Rojelio thought to himself. He rushed over to Botch to helped him and see if he was all right. "Are you okay?" He asked. Rojelio waited for Botch's response and they caught up with Hatate to head back with everyone else. As they walked, Rojelio looked around and began trying to see what was happening. "Could it be another test?" He whispered to himself. He turned forward and continued to Hatate and Botch saying, "I'm showing a ninety-two percent chance of an invasion, but that can't be possible. Well, unless that's what was being yelled. It was a little too far for me to hear."

The team reached the other groups as everyone stood confused. Just then, an army of Phantoms appeared before them and the Mentors. As Hydrophobia spoke, Rojelio's eyes went wide. It was just as he mentioned to Botch; how there would be no telling of an invasion and it could happen anytime. Botch already seemed like a team player so Rojelio turned to Hatate. To see her expression and hoping, in his mind, that she would be helpful if either of them needed her in defense or offense. The Phantom threatened everyone with death and Rojelio turned back as two more Phantoms emerged from the shadows. There's no time to be shocked, he thought to himself. He already knew it wasn't going to take long before the two sides collided. Forgetting about taking his false skin off, Rojelio ripped off the arms of the suit to reveal his mechanical arms. Without the sleeves, it would be easier for him to use the morphing mechanics within his arms. Not long after, it began as the mentors fought, a girl began firing, and a dragon was fighting too. Rojelio was nervous, but he couldn't be; this is now a war and he's part of it. Quickly, he threw a punch and his arm morphed and extended as it penetrated the head of a Phantom like a retractable whip.((Think Scorpion from Mortal Kombat, but his whole arm is the whip and he isn't yelling "GET OVER HERE!" Haha)) Again, penetrating the chest of a different phantom, pulling it close, picking it up and throwing it at a few others.

Raku Raku Mena Mena Uasal Uasal NextGenRolePlayer NextGenRolePlayer thatawesomedude thatawesomedude SachiGrl SachiGrl Agent Agent Computing Magus Computing Magus @RoxxxasNoAnima AkioTheHero AkioTheHero SinisterFreak SinisterFreak FunkAddiction FunkAddiction Zamasu Zamasu
Not wholly trusting that his mentor would not seize the moment and take advantage of his weakness, even under these circumstances, Botch quickly recalled Flagellation, dropping his mentor's book back into his grasp. He found it in himself to regain his composure fast enough to quickly dispatch a group of Phantoms with a simple extension and semi-circular swing of Flagellation; a group of Phantoms who were none the wiser of Botch's presence, for his "life" was just the same as there's, and his soul reeked of Phantom stench. Botch hadn't bothered to scan his surroundings to find his potentially in-danger teammate, Hatate, nor any of his other peers, for what other people saw as a dangerous invasion of the monsters they were being brought up at this academy to one day destroy, Botch saw as years to add to his life. Their "lives" and his own were one and the same, and he knew dispatching hordes and hordes of Phantoms who would never be the wiser without the knowledge of Rojelio and Hatate would be the easiest way to feast without further questions. "I'm fine, Rojelio." He spat out, quick as a whip.

Safe amidst the horde of his existential brethren, listening to Rojelio blabber on about statistics to no response from Botch, Botch set his gaze upon the trio of whom appeared to be orchestrating this invasion. It was easy to assume, as they spoke in English, that these three were massively more intelligent, and certainly more self-aware, than the shambling, zombie-like Phantoms they commanded. His very emanated the scent of Phantoms to the very Phantoms around here, but he speculated as to whether or not these three would recognize him as human or Phantom, or if he could find an opportunity to silently engage them before they were aware of the presence of a human, for lack of a better word. After a mere moment's consideration of calculation the potential risks and rewards, Botch directed Flagellation to spawn countless other tails and to plant them squarely in the ground, with trajectories that to any outside observer would seem abstract, but truly with him granting each of them only a path that would guarantee the destruction and absorption of more Phantoms than there were tails to strike with. With each tail planted safely in the ground, Botch backed up, granting his whip a temporary physicality that would be reminiscent of rubber, slightly recalling the tails to pull them taut. In doing such, he could launch himself directly at the leaders by releasing his feet from the ground with a force shattering any remaining nearby Phantoms. "This is an invasion, Rojelio." He knew this, for an absolute fact, from the deepest part of his being. "Don't worry about me. I have a plan. Go help Hatate." He was still speaking in his cold, distant manner, yet even then it seemed like Botch was trying to conceal emotions that even in this scenario where out of place; it was desperation laced with longing and depressed nostalgia. "I may very well, die." He muttered to Rojelio quickly. "But if I don't, try to find your way through the hoard with the others. I have the strangest feeling this won't end unless we force the big bosses to retreat first"

As he released himself into the air with Flagellation, to even the most unaware of people, the purple wisps of indiscernible energy, picking up off of the corpses of Phantoms and trailing behind Botch would seem mighty suspect. In truth, these represented years upon years of life for Botch, life that Botch can spend during his years at the academy, years that would yet again be exhausted within days. But years that Botch was comfortable eating nonetheless, for they'd fuel his assault on the large two seemingly-Phantom creatures left after the aquatic devil left them to interrogate... one of them; one he didn't recognize. If his soul's Phantom scent distracted them long enough, he hoped to at the very least damage them enough to create incentive for them to fall back; if not, he was sure he would most likely die, but he decided that being reckless for once would be acceptable, because he would have nobody saying that he didn't earn his place in this school. He was content with this being the end of his second and surely final life, because he earned his place in the world, among heroes-to-be, and he merely wanted the opportunity to take the journey -- the destination meant so very little to Botch. "You damn Phobias!" What the Hell are "Phobias"? "I earned my place here! You won't take any of this away from me without ripping my life out of my cold, dead body!" These cries of anger and desperation were uncharacteristic for Botch, and he had no idea what he was screaming for because he knew that in doing so his plan would fail and now he knew that unless he got exceptionally lucky, he would surely die. With a crack and extension of Flagellation, Botch produced a colossal, labyrinthine mess of whip tails for the sole intent of locking down the movement of the "Phobias", as Botch bizarrely found himself calling him. As he navigated the veritable maze he had crafted, whip-tails parted to allow passage for Botch. Should the Phobias be quick enough, they'd be able to catch him at the last minute, but whether it is that or should they be as slow and bulky as they appear, it does not matter, for while they are focusing all of their attention on Botch's self, the whip tails will collapse inward in an attempt to skewer these "Phobias" from every angle. He will be in grave danger should be caught, but, he hoped, in either case, so will they.

Raku Raku Mena Mena Uasal Uasal NextGenRolePlayer NextGenRolePlayer thatawesomedude thatawesomedude SachiGrl SachiGrl Agent Agent Computing Magus Computing Magus @RoxxxasNoAnima SinisterFreak SinisterFreak FunkAddiction FunkAddiction Zamasu Zamasu
They were coming, and they weren't gonna stop, despite Hydrophobia's claims that they were outnumbered. Lasky saw one approaching him; nearly as intimidating as the big one. "Hey, wait- go away!" He said, panicked. Are you asking from someone who is about to stab you to death? Pathetic, you're just way too soft. Marina's voice echoed within his head. The phantom was a little too close for comfort, so used the best of his abilities: he held both his arms up in a protective manner while keeping his palms facing the phantom, and whispered.
The darkness under the monster's bandages crept out from it's hiding place and suddenly solidified into several small, metallic blades. A small twitch of Lasky's hand was all that was needed for all of the blades to start lacerating his enemy. It's not murder! You're not real... he mentally told himself.

Whatever it was fell, but only one. Lasky looked around, as he didn't want to be taken by surprise. There was one very specific thing that caught his attention. Some girl that he definitely hadn't seen on the voyage was staring at Hydrophobia in horror. It wanted to make her suffer... and Lasky, wanted to see the monster in pain so much more... "HEY!" He yelled, raising his arms in a similar position as earlier. One shot of his attack was causing his arms to sting a little, but it had to be done. He clenched both of his fists, and the dark abyss within the fear sprang out from it as razors, and started cutting it.
Zamasu Zamasu FunkAddiction FunkAddiction

Mademoiselle Mim

Azul initiated the battle between them and their mentor utilizing his water-affiliated power. Her ears perked at the sound of gushing water. In this form, she wasn't too fond of water and she found herself wincing as the water collided with their mentor's 'blood shield'. Her tail whipped about irritably then she heard Azul commanding them to attack. Now that Mim thought about it, she was utterly useless as a tiger. Their mentor was on the other side of the lake and she couldn't hit him even if she wanted to. The only form she could attack him with from a distance was her 'dragon' form. Her furry tiger head looked about, checking if she had enough room to *poof* into a dragon.

Miriam didn't transform often into her dragon form. The purple dragon she becomes is absurdly huge. If she wanted to, she could fly over to her mentor and squish him under her large scaly foot. His height was about the length of her foot. She was still indecisively looking around until some announcement was made, seemingly putting their test at a stand still. Miriam would very much like to opt out of an unknown war, she was still new to the concept of fighting. Instead, she shifted into her human form and decided to act as a medic. She didn't get her degree in medicine for no reason.

From a distance, she saw her mentor, Ryuga, slash a few Phantoms down before proceeding to fire a barrage of jets of blood from his wound. She thought it was strange that he would use his own blood as a weapon. The cat-man grew more and more pale, concern swept into Miriam's expression. She pulled out her necklace which had a small vial as a pendent then proceeded to run after her mentor. She hopped over a few phantom bodies and completely forgot about the comrades she left behind. As she ran, she held her vial tightly within her hand and murmured strange words, "
Replete! Replete! Impleturus quaeram sanguinem et carnem vulnerant." A faint purple glow was visible from her hands as she chanted. Alas, she was close enough to her mentor and she threw the vial at him. The fragile bottle shattered and seeped onto the cat-like man's skin. He would then feel a surge of energy and blood would overflow from his wounds and any bodily orifice. Mim temporarily gave him an excess of blood for him to utilize for battle. Sadly, she did not normally create potions for endless blood replenishment, so she does not know how long her spell will last.

Miriam felt something strange, as if something was playing with her hair. Without much of a warning, something pulled on her hair and made her fall backwardly. A frightful scream escaped her lips as she was being pulled away aggressively by a Phantom. Out of fear, Mim *
poofed* into a chicken and squabbled around bucking wildly. The phantom was possibly looking at her in an odd manner.

Mentioned: thatawesomedude thatawesomedude NextGenRolePlayer NextGenRolePlayer Zamasu Zamasu
OOC: Please don't tag me unless I am mentioned in your post.


Hatate had hidden behind the tree for far too long, she was getting pissed from all their mentor attacks. When Rojelio threw the tree, things didn't actually go as planned....at all. The red haired girl quickly had to move out the path before she would get smashed by the incoming tree. "You almost smashed me. Be careful next time!" She warned, sighing while crossing her arms.The girl, however wasn't looking where she had been stepping and slipped, only to get thrown across the clearing from another fireball.

"Oi! That hurt you stupid bast-" She was interrupted by a scream, seeming to come from the opposite direction. Now what could be so important to interrupt their fight? Hatate thought, an obvious displeased expression on her face. Her question was soon answered as someone from the school alarmed everyone with the word, "phantoms". The red haired girl's tone turned from playful to serious in a heartbeat, putting her game face on as she walked to the group of others.

"Now these phantoms have really pissed me the fuck off!" Hatate rarely used her actual variable chinese language but for this instant, she didn't care. For right now, she sounded like a very ticked off chinese women that was cursing in her native language. She instantly started to chuckle as she surrounded herself in a light hue of green, her once pink eyes replaced with green. She felt the urge to hit something, anything as she was seething with rage.

Upon hearing a scream coming from the other side of the clearing, she saw a young "ice cream" girl getting surrounded by a horde of phantoms. Why was she so separated from the others in the first place? Hatate knocked those thoughts away from her mind, she needed to focus on helping her first. She took a sprinting start towards the girl, sprinting past all the shadows that blocked her way, arriving in a short moment.

Hatate knocking away all the phantoms that surrounded her, her hands glowing more a more vibrantly green. The ice cream girl looked a bit shocked but she was fine nothing less, she quickly composed herself. "Alright, let's hope that we will get back to the others soon." They would have to fight their way out of this crowd now that they were separated from the others, Hatate looked agitated again. The red haired girl cocked her hand back and punched the nearest phantom, sending it flying into a tree.



Ice Cream Girl

Uasal Uasal
Raku Raku
SinisterFreak SinisterFreak
AkioTheHero AkioTheHero




The Forest

Red Haired Girl

Raku Raku
Uasal Uasal
AkioTheHero AkioTheHero
SinisterFreak SinisterFreak

Nemu was stretching out her legs and arms, seeing as her partners were currently fighting their mentor. She was surveillance, meaning that she couldn't fight right now as she would be the group's eyes and ears. Upon hearing a scream and seeing a big commotion, the girl looked in the direction of the sound. The girl tilted her head when she heard the word phantoms, she was surprised at least that they would've showed up so soon.

The ice cream girl looked in the direction of the Phantom leaders, an emotionless expression plastered on her face. Phantoms...are so cruel, they must be stopped. She thought, hearing the thoughts of those....monsters. "I guess I need to report down to you guys before these phantoms notice me. I'll try not to get killed along the way-" Nemu stopped talking and jumped back from her position. A big crater was soon there, the grass had been replaced with several phantoms standing in front of her.

Ah so they were targeting me because of my ability? Well I should give them a run for their money. Nemu thought, pulling out her umbrella against the phantoms. It was smart of them to target her as she was a somewhat viable to the others, however she wouldn't go down easy. The first phantom charged at her, the ice cream girl dodged it's hands and threw all her weight into a kick. The phantom was thrown forward off the hill, followed by 3 more who tried to same attempt as the first.

Nemu was caught off guard as she was punched in the stomach, flying across the hill. She ended up flying off the hill by the force of a simple punch, seeing as the ground was fast approaching she had to act quick. The girl quickly opened her umbrella, landing awkwardly against the base of a tree. The pain shot through her stomach like wildfire, she had to muffle her scream in order not to draw attention to herself.

More of the phantoms chased after her though, the girl had no time to tend to herself as she was backed up against the corner. "So much for not trying to get killed." Nemi said to herself grimly, preparing herself to fight to the death if need be. Feeling a different type of energy coming straight for her, the ice cream girl tensed up and thought the worst. A red haired girl with green eyes appeared next to her just as quickly as most of the phantoms were knocked away.

Seeing as it was another student and not a phantom coming to kill her, Nemu relaxed but still was in her combat state. The red haired girl looked angry to say the least, Nemu couldn't pinpoint why however. Due to her angry, finding thoughts from the person in front of her was proving difficult, even for her. "Alright, let's hope that we will get back to the others soon." She stated, folding up her umbrella to prepare to fight.
As Hydrophobia left to have a small chat with Mariah, Achluophobia heard Botch's angry scream. He turns to the boy, only to get stabbed along with Traumatophobia...or are they? The tip of the whip just only went though his shadowy body, whereas for the other who got stabbed, the deliberate shock did not affect the hulking Phantom. The two powerful Phantoms eventually recognizes the attacker.

"Botch Blythe, you traitorous scum..." Achluophobia says "Boss is not going to be happy with you." He stretch out his hand and fires off a beam of darkness capable of erasing anything on contact heading towards Botch. Would he be able to avoid such powerful attack?

Ryuga is already at his limit. He fell down onto one knee, but he struggles to get back up. Torga notices this, and he says to his fellow mentor "Ryuga, stop. If you keep doing this, then you'll-" He was cut off when the cat-guy says "Its....Its alright...I can still fight!" That is when he felt something flow within him. More blood begins to produce, and he turns around to see Miriam, now in her chicken form facing a Phantom who looks confused. "Watch out!" He yells as he goes up behind the Phantom and stabs it on the back with his sword. After the Phantom dies, Ryuga looks down at the chicken and signed.

As Mariah knelt down in despair, Hydrophobia felt disappointment. "Looks like you've left me no choice. I'm gonna kill you like how I killed your mother." He says, and then he grabs the dark-skinned girl's head and cover it with water. He lifts her up as she struggles to break free from her watery torture. "You still remember? This is how your mom died! Now drown!" Hydrophobia yelled in a rather menacing tone, but that is when Lasky came in. However, as he attacked, Hydrophobia seems unfazed. It left him a bit of a cut on his liquid body, and it disappeared.

He glance over to Lasky, a bit irritated from what he just did to him. He stretch out his hand and blasts the boy with a stream of water, sending him crashing to a tree. This gives off an idea. As the mentors are busy, Hydrophobia yells out "
Heeeeeeey! Look what I got here! Try to save her as you can!"

Achluophobia places his hand on his face as a sign of dismay. "
Are you serious right now?" He thought as he kept watching the scene going on. The mentors are no use in rescuing their fellow student, and it appears that its all up to you know to save her.

Raku Raku Mena Mena Uasal Uasal NextGenRolePlayer NextGenRolePlayer thatawesomedude thatawesomedude SachiGrl SachiGrl Agent Agent Computing Magus Computing Magus @RoxxxasNoAnima AkioTheHero AkioTheHero SinisterFreak SinisterFreak FunkAddiction FunkAddiction
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Mariah kicked and struggled as she was lifted into the air, fighting to hold her breath, as she closed her eyes to separate the water from her eyes, she heard a soothing voice in her head,

"Aw... The stars have peeked in to see you Mariah, say hi to the stars!"

Mariah started to calm down upon hearing her mother's voice, and then she regained her focus, but there was no time to waste, she couldn't hold her breath for much longer, so she needed to think, fast. After a few seconds, she came up with an idea, Mariah started to struggle as much as she can as she filled her mouth with some of the air she had, after that, she went limp, letting the bubbles of air come out of her mouth and rolling her eyes to the back of her head, but leaving the remaining air in her lungs intact, she wanted to see if she could trick the phantom into thinking she drowned, hopefully she fooled him.

Zamasu Zamasu

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He waited....he waited for someone to dare come in and try to save Mariah. Hydrophobia turns to his victim once more, only to find her dead....or is she? He let's out a sigh out of disappointment and releases the girl from his grasps. He looks down on her before he turns to the group.

"That's one down, but I need to get rid at least a few more out of all of you." He says before he proceeds to walk over towards one of them, unbeknownst that his victim is still alive.

FunkAddiction FunkAddiction


Mariah collapsed to the ground and laid there for a moment, still pretending to be dead to regain her breath, then she picked up her wand and got up before aiming it at Hydrophobia, sending a large sphere of cosmic energy towards him, and Mariah couldn't help but giggle a bit, she had to admit, that was a little clever of her.
"Hee hee hee!"

Zamasu Zamasu
Hydrophobia stops for a moment when he heard somewhat of a rustling sound from behind him. He quickly turns around, only to see his victim miraculously alive and her wand firing off a large sphere of cosmic force. "What the-" His words gets cut off when he gets hit by the sphere which results in a decently powerful explosion...or is he?

After some time, the smoke disappears, revealing Traumatophobia has taken the blow to protect Hydrophobia, who is in shock. Also, despite the sphere's awesome power, the muscular giant Phantom appears to be unscathed, no visible damage can be seen. Soon, Achluophobia went up to the watery Phantom and say "
I told that behemoth of a phobia to get in there and defend you. Why do you have to be a total showoff when it comes into these fights?" He seems rather disappointed to his fellow Phantom and his actions.

Hey, I appreciate the save, but this guy right here is reserved to face off a certain someone. You two stay and watch, I'll handle the girl myself." Hydrophobia replied and then he makes a step forward towards Mariah, ready to make an attack. "You're quite different from the last time I've seen you, and therefore, an instant death I shall give you!" He says and then he fires of a large stream of water going towards the dark-skinned girl.

FunkAddiction FunkAddiction

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