Based on their icon, what is the person above you like?

Picture is black and white. That makes me speculate that she is into older films or movies or anything old in general. I think that the above poster is a girl, that's just a guess of mine. The girl also tends to see things in black and white, right and wrong, and there is no grey area in between.

The picture is also cute, so she may be into moe-ish characters. The way the girl in the picture puts her right hand to her lips is just adorable... that's it... let's do something extreme... the above poster is into yuri!
A cute asian gril, that's what. XD

Seriously, though, thoughtful? Reflective? I might not be the best at this.

Someone who loves Captain Crunch and memes.  Also someone who probably makes roleplaying interesting.
someone who probably likes the concept of Suicide Squad but acknowledges the failures of the film. However, also someone who was/is aware of said cinematic failures and would watch the movie anyway, taking it with a grain of salt.

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