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Fantasy Banners & Blood - OOC

Woohoo, finally complete with my CS!

Will start prowling for history partners soon-ish :P If anyone wants our characters to have some sort of connection, just let me know ^^
Feel free to use Faythe. I'd like her to have positive experience with at least one member, so she isn't all piss and vinegar when around the group.
Feel free to use Faythe. I'd like her to have positive experience with at least one member, so she isn't all piss and vinegar when around the group.
That would be an interesting dynamic. Seeing as both of them are quite righteous, I can imagine that they would get along, even if one is self-assured and the other submissive. I have an idea, but if you don't think it would work feel free to let me know ^^

Nemeia could be suspected of stealing an item from a store, purely due to her ferocious appearance, when Faythe notices the actual thief and rescues Nemeia from the situation, or something along those lines.
Teh Frixz Teh Frixz Oh, were you referencing your character? My apologies, I thought you were talking about Faythe and got really confused(Like, are cats the opposite of hell?).

I have a feeling there would be some tension in the beginning, but they may assume that the other is more inclined to their race. I think things would get worse once they realize that neither of them are similar to the stereotype of their race.
Tanner is like fantasy Batman.

Elias is going to be steeped in gore at some point, I can tell...
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That would be an interesting dynamic. Seeing as both of them are quite righteous, I can imagine that they would get along, even if one is self-assured and the other submissive. I have an idea, but if you don't think it would work feel free to let me know ^^

Nemeia could be suspected of stealing an item from a store, purely due to her ferocious appearance, when Faythe notices the actual thief and rescues Nemeia from the situation, or something along those lines.

Or Faythe was the actual thief and the blame was pinned on Nemeia, but Faythe confessed to the act later after finding common ground with Nemeia.

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