Anime & Manga Bad Otome/Dating Sims? (TW: Nightmare Fuel In General)


HSS Fandom Rep/Pun Bun/A Friendly Face
So, today I went looking for more dating sims so I can get ideas for a...thing. And, um, I've discovered that there a lot of dating sims on the market that are just...complete nightmare fuel. I'll give two examples:

1) Build A Boyfriend, which is both disturbing to look at and so weird if you have the sound on. "Oh, boii-oiii." Why

2) My Horse Prince, a game I discovered today that is...*shudders* (I am never going to get that image out of my head. I was ALREADY terrified of horses. That was not something I needed.)

Please tell me I'm not the only one who has been scarred playing really bad otome. What are some other cringey, scary, and awful otome? What was your experience?

Pictures of My Horse Prince


@God why


No you're not you have a human face and you talk


I am not convinced this isn't a demon



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girlish love revolution.

most of the boys hate you and you crash diet to win their affections.

they recoil from your disgusting physique... of 220 pounds. and you can date your brother.

it's all even worse than you'd expect. there's a fun let's play of it here.




^ the art is... also, usually, Proportional Hell.
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Look up Saccharine and Reverie

They warn you that they're weird and misleading, but all the same ;-;

Saccharine scarred me for life, man. AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I know this doesn't really count as a 'dating' sim, but it does have love as one of the major contributors to the plot...

and you guys probably already know this game... but hey.


I poisoned the purple-hair girl...

i'm very disturbed by the poison option.

It's not your normal poison apparently. (I'm not sure if this happens with all poisons, I've never been poisoned before)

It chokes her to death.

Also, who ever agreed to a horse with a human face?
OH MY LAWD. That horse dating sim I know what you are talking about. I read the comments and couldn't understand if they were serious or not
I never played any dating simulator (besides Huniepop... For the puzzles, yeah, the puzzles), but I bet there are some weird ones out there.

Also, who thought that a horse with an animu guy face was a good idea?
Bad ones, huh? I never played it but I know there is a pigeon dating sims out there, and.... lots. If you think that a horse with a face is bad.

My favourite otome has got to be Starry Sky though, if only the english translation is proper and more people know about it. The anime version ruined it.

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